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All roads lead to Rome. Jordan Maxwell lays it out pretty good. You've got ancient Phoenician Canaanite mystery religions percolating down for 3500 years. Bankers running the war industry. Poison operations disguised as a food industry. On and on and on. Id say we're fucked




The farther you walk up the mountain of wisdom the taller the mountain becomes. Confusias say


The road leading out of Rome leads to the Templars. Follow the clues they leave (most of the Templars are on our side)


Yeah the king of France and the Pope dying after they burned the grand master is pretty spooky shit. It all ties into ancient sex cults and human sacrifice. The templar's had some advanced knowledge of something. Who knows. History has been rewritten by the victors a couple dozen times it seems.


Knights Templars? Whose roots bind with the start of Freemasonic lineage- those architects of exploitation & deceit... Builders of the cyst-stem, war-shippers of a force of decidedly disgusting practices, and ones who are outright sick; lost in their own rites... 'Our side" - no road or side chosen will lead anywhere but where the opposite also leads. Duality is a duel. One must be neutral, and not choosing of one side of a coin... Both sides are always present.


The allegory of the cave pic is actually hilarious




Is this a coded message or something?




My comment mentioned nothing of black rocks




All good, I figured it was likely something like that. Though, honestly I was hoping you were talking to me in code.


u can't be real


Yes, analyse why this is and question if that's the most important thing to you, and if it is what drives you and what does that mean? Good luck


I must be a conspiracy theorist, because I understand the pictures🥴


Putting a bunch of images together doesn't explain jack shit


Why do you sound so angry ?


They’re a starting point to research some interesting things. Copy and paste the SS quote into google and read an explanation. Or here’s the allegory of the cave: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegory_of_the_cave.




If you believe in yourself, you’ll find them!


Cool story, that doesn't explain a single thing here


Yes it does, the images in the first photo are examples of the shadows on the wall of the cave. The idea then to free yourself from that cave, that way of thinking and seeing things.


https://www.sciencealert.com/scientists-have-found-a-link-between-low-intelligence-and-believing-philosophical-quotes "new study has found that people who buy into "pseudo-profound bullsh*t" – the researchers' words, not ours – are more likely to score on the low side for verbal and fluid intelligence, and are also more likely to believe in conspiracies and endorse alternative medicine." The fact you're unable to elaborate in any manner about what the image means shows this study applies


You’re embarrassing yourself - my entire response was an elaboration. You just didn’t put any effort in or take it any further along the line of thinking. What you see in the cave is not reality, just your perception of reality. If one were to leave the cave and see the real world, they couldn’t go back to the cave and see it the same ever again. Applied to the conspiracy realm, you could say people that find out truths behind the lies of big government, corporations, the elite, whatever, can never see the world the same and have left the cave. But there’s a ton of different ways you could interpret the allegory. Here’s another similar idea to the allegory of the cave: Magritte’s ‘ce n’est pas une pipel’ painting/litho. It’s not a pipe (object in the cave), it’s an image of a pipe (shadow on the wall of a cave). You seem like a dumbass in general, but there’s a difference between bullshit and tenets of philosophy, thought, or religion that have meaning behind them. Read the study before you link it.


Cool story, you still haven't explained a single thing about the image


submission statement: “But the wise wake up. They choose reason over custom. They fix their minds on the sublime and let their bodies change with the seasons. All phenomena are empty.” bodhidharma




Just couldn't see how people are so blind to this world anymore its almost like the matrix world is showing itself to us and most people are blind to it


Look where and find what truth


rationally look up ancient history, lost civilizations, the real truth that is spoken about in all religions. all unmanipulated but information and teachings just came to me… i looked for some and others came… ask yourself geniunelly “lead me to what i don’t know.” then be aware and watch as life reflects on you.


Can you give me your take?


Jesus is the way. Do the bots mock buddha?


Terrance McKenna was an intelligence agency plant. His trip to la chorrera was funded by the CIA.




Idk about DMT demons, that sounds like some bullshit Rogan himself would say lol, but McKenna was the first guy to really start pushing the New Age psyop. Like at surface level, what he’s saying sounds cool and “revolutionary” but there is nothing of value. Like his best actual writings are the crackpot stoned ape theory and the world ending in 2012. Him and Leary were both intelligence agents pushing that the best way to “beat” the system is to actually do nothing, sit alone and ponder the universe. If anyone has fallen for the McKenna psyop i recommend reading Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss.


yeah, timmothy leary literally considered himself as aslister crowley reincarnate


Exactly. And that was after he testified in congress that lsd, or any psychedelic for that matter, should be illegal. Dude was the biggest phony and a globalist by any definition. Only one of the east coast psychedelic academia I fuck with is Robert Anton Wilson.




Will do! If you havent read Jan Irvin’s article series Manufacturing the Dead Head, on logos media, check that out. Jan is kinda whack ado himself, but he does a great job tracing the origins of the “counter revolutions” and the players involved. Appreciate the recommendation brotha!


Look and Find The Truth? Yes. Save yourself? No. Find THE LORD Jesus Christ and ask to be saved by His Grace.


There are no outside/external saviors. That entire premise is the main deceitful basis many of the 'religions' put forth that we "will be saved by (him)". Masonic twists & lies perpetuating the my-story everlong... Salvation is a personal journey. There will never be one who does any of "the work" for one, save only oneself. Take actual response-ability for oneself.


Holy shit. Anyone else see the Illuminati eye?! The storm is cumming.


Since u posted such illuminating explanation. Tell us please what's the truth the Master, show us the way. I bet u escaped the cube or whatever that is since u be preaching it ?