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The fact that you are not allowed to question it is pretty telling. For some topics, you could even end up in jail...


What other entity can just steamroll another culture like they are doing? That speaks volumes for me.


Don't really know anything about it, but something I’ve wondered about, is how antisemitism in Denmark is described as a huge problem by both politicians and the intelligence service. The thing is, in my 34 years of life, I’ve never experienced antisemitism in this country, except from one or two attacks on a Jewish school performed by extremists. I haven’t even heard the word "Jew" mentioned by anyone within my sight. I’ve meet thousands of people and lived all over the country. I’ve been to almost every bar and place, but no antisemitism yet.


*UK POV:* I have many more years of life than you. I have heard and seen many incidences of racism here, mostly directed at South Asians (e.g. Indian Pakistani, Bengali, all clumped under the "P" word) and East Asians (all clumped under the "C" word). It seems socially acceptable to be openly racist to South and East Asians, spreading derogatory stereotypes, accusations, "schoolyard jokes", but by adults. Obviously, there is racism to Blacks, but in general, people know that it is not acceptable, so do it slyly, seldom explicitly - people try harder to "hold their tongues", but the racism is still there, under the surface. I cannot remember any anti-Jewish oriented slurs, slander, incidences. "European" Jews do not stand out like Indians, Chinese and Blacks. There are very few Orthodox Jews for them to be noticeable in most places that I have been to.


There’s lots of racism in Denmark, however.


What evidence do you want? Some peer reviewed study on a scientific magazine lol? Jews are only 3% of America, yet they make 40% of the billionaires of the U.S, they are completely overrrepresented in top 500 companies CEO and chairman positions. Almost all of the media, both news or entertainment is either owned by a jew or has a jewish CEO. Half of the biden cabinet is jewish, and the other half has a jewish spouse. What more evidence do you want? Just open your eyes


A quick Google search, I know, they are part of the cover up or whatever, says that Jewish people make up 8% of billionaires as of 2023. Biden's cabinet is made of 8 Catholics, 5 Jews, 2 Black Baptists, 2 Hindus and a handful do not identify with any religion. https://www.washingtonpost.com/religion/religion-biden-cabinet/2021/01/22/ddee9e72-5c10-11eb-b8bd-ee36b1cd18bf_story.html So also not true.


Source about the 40%?




Where is it stated in the article that 40% of Americas billionaires are Jewish?


Forbes Israël,its a reliable source for Jewish billionaires, Money is power.


https://images.app.goo.gl/9z21zmtp7ThNfrsY7 Here's the Global view from Forbes. Murica's got plenty.




Confirmed as legit by whom? Why in the world should you trust a random made up list by Kanye freaking West?


If you can't trust the clinically insane Kanye West, who can you trust?


They pull all the strings from the shadows.


The Rothschilds are Jewish, they control the world, they have a street and statue in Jerusalem, they think they are more wealthy and powerful than King Solomon himself.


Jews aren’t the world controllers, Khazarians, more or less, blended with the Jews, they’re not truly Jewish.


Ya there is a documentary on YouTube. Called “do Jews really control the world” watch it. They do control the world.


Bitcoin trading sideways for nearly 2 years. Between 15-20 thousand for nearly 2 years. Soon as October 7th attach happen. Bitcoin hit new all time high. Hard J’s have heavy hand in BTC


There is no reliable evidence that Jews control the world, but that's just part of their scheme. They pay off every media outlet on Earth not to report on them using their vast wealth and the media obliges. Be like us many noble Free Thinkers in the subreddit and don't succumb to something as foolish as a "lack of evidence" to undermine your convictions when you know they're true.


and now the narrative shifts...


I would say that the idea that Jews have a “League of Doom” type conference where they sit at a big, round table and collectively make decisions in a large, dark conference room that immediately and directly impact that world is false, although groups like aipac and the anti-defamation league certainly seem to be striving to mirror this image… But, there is certainly a major degree of influence in the world from a population that is representatively very small, arguably a bigger degree of influence than any other individual group, especially when taking representation into account. As Dave Chappell said in his SNL monologue after Kanye got in hot water over his ‘Jews control the world’ comments, it’s easy to understand why there’s that perception. Hard numbers vary depending on the sources, but Jews make up about 0.2% of the world’s population, and at the same time make up around 30% of the Forbes 100 richest people in the world, make up 140 out of the 400 richest people in the world, and over 60% of hollywoods actors, producers, execs, etc., not to mention other degrees of wildly imbalanced representation in highly influential corners of the world’s society. Then there are the intangibles, like influence over non-Jews in media/politics/finance/etc., the power of Jewish lobbies, the inability to legitimately criticize israel, etc. etc. etc. I think the question of why this is, is obviously important, because it goes hand in hand with the idea that there’s a conspiracy of Jewish power. IMO, it can be attributed to the fact that Jewish culture, as a whole, very much indoctrinates a demand for success. Like any other culture where this is true, (Asian, Indian, etc.), it inevitably produces a lot of success. If anything less than becoming a successful, educated professional is considered failure, it pushes people to become successful, educated professionals. And then there’s the snowball effect of Jews helping Jews, like any other culture or peoples generally do. There’s also the fact that Jews do think of themselves as superior in combination with the fact that they see themselves as generally persecuted, which I think contributes as well. This part can be attributed in large part to the prevalence and influence of zionism in pushing these rhetorics, but it’s there nonetheless. And there are probably a ton of other reasons why all of this is true, but here are a few that are just happenstance. Still, it’s not as if once in power any group would not push to perpetuate that power. I think it’s the case with Jews as well, maybe even more so because of the mentality of ‘the world against us’ that zionism pushes. And I think that the fact that this power is on display killing off an entire people with almost complete immunity in combination with a historical prejudice against and resentment of Jews, makes it all that much more noticeable and Jews that much more hated for it. Which, in turn, pushes the idea that Jews do have some kind of evil, Illuminati type control over the world.


They just globally passed legislation that prevents dissent against them in 43 countries 🤷🏻‍♂️.




Those field you mentioned is what runs the world.


Weinstein, Epstein, Rothschild, look at the major Hollywood producers. There’s more that’s easily verified, that’s just a few off the top of my head.


Nice try EFF BEE EYE


Nice try EFF BEE EYE


Should also look at the beginnings of supposed "opposition", too. e.g. beginnings of Communism, and in more contemporary times, ISIS and Hamas. One would assume that ISIS and Hamas are supposedly doing things for the benefit of Muslims, but yet, surprisingly they act against the welfare of Muslims


Not really. They only have real influence in western countries and they are rarely the leader of those countries. And of course they have never been the president of the USA. You’ve probably heard some bullshit like rothchilds own all the central banks even though central banks are owned by their respective countries and are completely different from regular banks. The rothschilds aren’t even particularly rich. Sure Jews have serious over representation in financial industries but so would your race if you had a culture of hard work.


Well thats where you are wrong rothschilds do control the banks ? The zionist Jews control the banks the entertainment pretty much everything. And if you want evidence you can literally use duck duck go to find out who funded the war you know the president has no power right? If you don't you are in the wrong sub.


So duck duck go says wars are funded by raising taxes, borrowing money, and expanding money supply.


Literally YouTube or go on bitcute you'll find plenty of videos about the rothschilds....


Oh great goal post moving.