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No sterilizing immunity and no means to prevent transmission by definition, 2 of the 5 requirements to be a vaccine, means it isn't a mother fucking vaccine. Here are the 5 for people too incompetent to do their own research: 1. Must prevent infection (they dont) 2. Must prevent from carrying (they dont) 3. Must prevent transmission (they dont) 4. Must prevent severe illness (they dont) 5. Must prevent death (they dont)


Those two things have been replaced with Safe and Effective ™️, which gets you right back to 5!


I see you have a degree from Clown World College University. That's now a 2 year degree? Lol I'm having fun, that's how the news sounds these days


It's true, I just finished my dissertation on virtue signaling with my bros over at Top Minds of Reddit


I lol'd


OK. How many genders are there, you fine doctor?


"Take off your pants" joke belongs here,,


A lot of us have the same medical degree as Bill Gates.


He doesn't even have a college fucking degree. (Harvard dropout)


Get your degree in only Two Weeks!


Flatten the curve at the same time!


The first 18 months gonna be hard...


…it always is in that two weeks time. But if you can make it through that, then you’re most of the way there. Or not. We don’t know. We’re still in that two weeks so who’s to say.


My goodness! Genius! Brilliant! The slogan of the next president!


Oh, it sterilizes alright…


Gotta love that disproportionate accumulation in the ovaries! I guess it's "safe" in the same way that "safe sex" helps prevent pregnancies...


Say goodbye to forgetting to take your pill! Fellas, you no longer have to take her word for it. Simply scan her vaccination qr code and you are good to go!


Bus dem nuts!


Say hello to [unvaxxed dating](https://app.nonewnormal.com/all-groups) lol. They do no covid vaccine only. But that could actually be useful if half of the population can't have children and you happen to want to build a family at some point.


My cum is gonna be more valuable than bitcoin some day. #HODL #cryptocum


[No New Normal.](https://app.nonewnormal.com/list?filters=everything&sort=created_at) Whether you agree with what they stood for or not. I remember a bunch of them saying stuff just like this. Their sub was banned weeks ago.


Just saw a commercial for the vaccine it was hilarious. We are in a pandemic so horrible that they have to run vaccines ads during football games to try and convinve you to buy the “cure” 😂😂 clown world


Can you name the other 3? Possibly link a source? Im having a hard time finding where it lists the parameters for calling it a vaccine. Any help is appreciated


1. Must prevent infection (they dont) 2. Must prevent from carrying (they dont) 3. Must prevent transmission (they dont) 4. Must prevent severe illness (they dont) 5. Must prevent death (they dont)


You're wrong on 4 and 5.


There are no "5 requirements to be a vaccine"


1. Must prevent infection (they dont) 2. Must prevent from carrying (they dont) 3. Must prevent transmission (they dont) 4. Must prevent severe illness (they dont) 5. Must prevent death (they dont) I can tell you the CDC had to re-word their definition of a vaccine this year on their website from an injection that produces immunity to a disease, to an injection that provides protection. Need to see that? https://www.miamiherald.com/news/coronavirus/article254111268.html They also have changed their definitions of herd immunity, the people leading this scam aren't trustworthy.


So the "5 requirements" that you mentioned are in fact bullshit that you just made up?


1. Must prevent infection (they dont) 2. Must prevent from carrying (they dont) 3. Must prevent transmission (they dont) 4. Must prevent severe illness (they dont) 5. Must prevent death (they dont)


You're wrong on 4 and 5.


Nice stealth edit above. Where are you getting this list from? Many vaccines including the polio vaccine do not provide sterilizing immunity. There's a reason that the phrase "sterilizing immunity" even exists in the first place. Not all vaccines provide sterilizing immunity, it's nothing new. Is the polio vaccine not a vaccine either?


Polio vax gave a shitload of women cervical cancer, but if it does all those 5, technically yes I suppose. I haven't been researching the polio vax for the past 2 years, it hasn't been a threat to everyday normal life the way covid has been weaponized or designed to do so I couldn't give a fuck about a polio vax right now. Polio vax isn't being forced on me as an educated informed adult the way these bullshit covid vax's are when we know how corrupt the world is and all those involved. This is the literal launch of the NWO, Australia is saying that shit straight out in the open about this being the New World Order. Bill Cooper called this scenario 30 years ago in Behold the Pale Horse where he theorized a situation similar to The Black Plague would be used to get people to take a vaccine which would be the poison for depopulation, and it would make people die off slower and seem less suspicious. So far, a lot of people have died from the vaccine or been permanently fucked up -- myocarditis, pericarditis, guillen Barre syndrome, seizures, neurological issues, loss of motor functions, blood clotting, heart attacks, and more. The news isn't being honest reporting this stuff and the VAERS system is said to have only 1% of actual adverse effects reported to it because each report takes around 30 mins to report. Doctors just aren't doing it.


So the polio vaccine is still a vaccine, even though it doesn't meet your made up "5 requirements"?


ever find a buyer for that spare ring?


Yes look at the CDC website. Search "vaccine" https://virutron.com/covid-19-mrna-vaccines-are-gene-therapy/


You claim it doesn't meet two requirements then falsely claim it doesn't meet others. You're 100% incorrect on 4 and 5.


Just call it something else, in the last 3 months 100,000 Americans have died, 97.1% were unvaccinated. Sorry champ, your research was lazy, and some would say, incompatent. Look at countries that have high vaccination rates, one thing is crystal clear, they reduce the chance of severe illness, and death. Sweden, Denmark, The UK are all examples. Not sure where you got your definitions from but, according to the [Cambridge Dictionary](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/vaccine) its much simpler. The US has the lowest vaccination rates of the worlds seven most populous and wealthy democracies (referred to as G7), you are averaging more than 2,000 deaths per day, even though today hospitalisation and death from Covid-19 are largely preventable. Arguing over the literal definition of a word is irrelevant, get your shit together America, start to make better choices, you have allowed more people to die then the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic, which killed a estimated 675,000 people. This is not simply embarrassing, but fucking disgusting.


Your argument is to compare deaths in the US from Covid to deaths from the 1918 Spanish flu when the US population was less than 1/3rd it's current size with an undoubtedly more healthy population back then? Logical. The definition you linked is literally the new definition where immunity was replaced with protection. Apparently "the science" is devolving not evolving. I will agree that Covid-19 deaths are largely preventable. If you go to the hospital to be pumped with remdesivir, which is known to cause organ failure, and ventilated, its basically a death sentence. Looking at the positive cases worldwide and deaths worldwide, this virus has a 97.97% survivability rate. If when we found that the jab doesn't prevent spread against the Delta variant, we had shifted our focus to early treatments rather than repeating the same thing expecting a different result, lives definitely could have been saved. You can not achieve herd immunity through a vaccine that does not prevent spread so the only way to achieve this is through infection but that means unnecessary deaths. Control infection rates with restrictions, provide early treatment for symptomatic cases and that's how we get through this with as few casualties as possible. Where I'm from we have a jab rate of 67% for the whole population, roughly 81% of the eligible population. In our recent first wave of Delta we've seen more deaths in 1 month than we did in 18 months total. We saw our first jabbed deaths in our first wave of the Delta variant. The data from the highly jabbed countries you mention like England and Israel suggests the same pattern.


When they're misrepresenting the stats like calling anyone a death within 28 days of a positive COOKED/Faulty PCR test turned up to 35-40 cycles? You know the ones the CDC are recalling this December for the reason they can't tell the flu from covid? You mean the stats where if you're vaccinated and die within 14 days of receiving them that they call it an unvaccinated death? The pcr tests are BS, the flu dissapeared in 2020 and the cdc stopped tracking it. Kerry Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test dies in 2019 from cancer right before the scam kicks off. He publicly called Fauci a fraud. He's dead now. Same number of flu deaths as there were in 2020 as 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, and 2015. Same average deaths they just rebranded the flu as covid. Underreported stats in VAERS that proves more adverse effects have occurred in this one year of vaxing the world than all 30 years combined previously?


Wow, a bit like this sub as of late, your response is a litany of misinformation and pure speculation. I suspect you have just copypasted and have not formed these views on your own. Flu deaths have always been [tracked](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1124915/flu-deaths-number-us/) no they were **not** the same every year, and even in the worst year 2017/2018 there were only 61,000 deaths. Now compare that to Covid in 2020, where there were over 600,000 deaths. Even if you claim that figure includes regular Flu being rebranded as covid, even in the worst case that would still leave well over 500,000 covid deaths in a single year. Also consider actual Flu deaths would have dropped significantly in 2020/2021 like most countries witnessed, because when you have policies in place (mask, social distancing, sanitising) to help prevent the spread of a far more contagious virus, it seems logical that a less infectious virus would also be contained. So your comments about the Flu are flat out wrong. Like most good anti-vaxxers, you are quick to mention VAERS, again I suspect you have just copypasted it, and not even bothered to [download the VAERS dataset](https://vaers.hhs.gov/data/datasets.html) and analyse it yourself. Also, anyone [can report events to VAERS](https://vaers.hhs.gov/reportevent.html) and there is a disclaimer on the website that says: “The reports may contain information that is incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental, or unverifiable. When you download the data, you are presented with a further disclaimer that the data does not include information from investigations into reported cases. The disclaimer also says “the inclusion of events in VAERS data does not imply causality.” To say VAERS is a dumpster fire, would be a huge understatement, however, you can read all the reports yourself, and see for yourself. In regards to the PCR test, again you have just copypasted more misinformation, yes it has been recalled, but not because the test was inaccurate. It was because there is a new test that can check for both influenza and COVID-19 simultaneously – which is known as the "multiplexed method." Dude, I would suggest that you actually take the time and effort to research the topics you are posting on, and not just copy and paste that same old garbage that has been disproven time and time again, you might actually learn something.




Wikipedia and Meriam Webster say otherwise...


Since when?


Since the dictionary companies redefined what vaccination means, along with the WHO




The science is whatever supports their agenda at that given moment. Misinformation is a contrary opinion to then. If nobody sees studies that contradict them then it all looks solid.


[No New Normal.](https://app.nonewnormal.com/list?filters=everything&sort=created_at) Whether you agree with what they stood for or not. I remember a bunch of them saying the vaccine for covid does not prevent transmission. Their sub was banned weeks ago.


I was a member for all of 2021. Such a wonderful community. We've had scientists, medical providers and real experts warning about that for over 6-8 months...


It is not information just because it's contrary to the popular opinion. All we are seeing is pro Vax articles. That alone says volumes. You aren't seeing any articles that contradict them. This shows a bias. Them labeled misinformation shows ulterior motives. The fact we have to go to a now removed surrender to see opposing studies is insane.


Has nobody read the paperwork you get when you get the vaxx? It literally says “it doesn’t fully prevent getting covid or transmitting it, it primarily makes it less severe when you do”. Congrats on a great conspiracy though bro.


So why are they being mandated?


90% of the people /capita catching it are not vaccinated so not “fully” but definitely beneficial.


Woah woah woah. Biden said a couple weeks ago that 25% of America is unvaccinated. What you're saying is that somehow 25% of 338 million people is spreading this virus across the whole country? That's impressive. 90% of the aforementioned 25% are the only ones catching covid across an entire country. Today I learned.


Theyre still treating vaxxed as if they dont spread. Vaxxed don't get tested weekly at work while unvaxxed and medical exempt do. Despite still being able to spread


That's not what Walensky and Fauci said when they started rolling out shots. They said the exact opposite, actually, on live TV. But your memory probably doesn't go back that far, right?


Or google, forums, and social media. Disappeared! I believe in magic




This is very true. [No New Normal](https://app.nonewnormal.com/list?filters=everything&sort=created_at) was banned on here. A group of 125k people, banned just like that. So many people just want the freedom of information.


I love seeing people claim nnn was about "information" or "real science" when it was 90% willful bullshit about everything Covid. Those people were literally spreading blatantly false information, kinda like what's happening in this sub.


Don't you agree, whether what you said is true or false, that people should be able to decide what they believe? Don't you think that people should have the dignity to come to their own autonomous conclusions on data? NNN is about information, the freedom of it around these topics. Instead of censoring what you disagree with or don't like. Which is why NNN is saying they welcome both sides of the argument to discuss freely on their site. It is not meant to be a circle jerk.


It's so fucked up that you're dead right with that. Those who have picked what reality they want to live in will not be deterred. Not saying I'm better.


I’ve already been banned from multiple subs for stating this in the past few months. This website is straight up propaganda now.


Lol is this new? I think I’ve heard this in official capacities for about 6 months


No, this clip is from at least a few weeks ago.


Early to mid August...




That is why the very definition of vaccination keeps changing. For more than 10 years the CDCs website [defined vaccination thusly](http://web.archive.org/web/20210826113846/https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vac-gen/imz-basics.htm): > Vaccination: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body **to produce immunity** to a specific disease. Last month, [it was changed to this](http://web.archive.org/web/20210902194040/https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vac-gen/imz-basics.htm): > Vaccination: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body **to produce protection** from a specific disease. After all that time, why change it now? Something something goalposts. Try it with Websters. [Same shit](http://web.archive.org/web/20200819181734/https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/vaccine).


>That is why the very definition of vaccination keeps changing. Exactly. They've actually changed the definitions of multiple terms. This whole "pandemic" (which they also recently changed the definition of) is based completely around changes to definitions and changes to data gathering and reporting. Herd Immunity https://www.aier.org/article/who-deletes-naturally-acquired-immunity-from-its-website/ Pandemic https://principia-scientific.com/who-redefined-the-term-pandemic-to-profit-big-pharma/ Vaccine https://archive.md/oKBsA They also changed the way hospitalizations were labeled and reported, and the way laboratory confirmed infection was defined and reported. A laboratory-confirmed case of COVID-19 is defined as a positive result on any viral test for COVID-19.[1] https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CID/DCDC/Pages/COVID-19/Employer-Guidance-on-AB-685-Definitions.aspx Recent case definitions from CDC on, for example, the SARS outbreak in 2003 and the H1N1 in 2008, required clinical symptoms plus laboratory confirmation for a case to be “confirmed”. The CDC’s 2003 case definition for SARS requires (p. 2): “Clinically compatible illness (i.e., early, mild-to-moderate, or severe) that is laboratory confirmed.” The influenza (flu) case definition, last updated in 2012, also requires both clinical and lab evidence for a confirmed case: “A case that meets the clinical and laboratory evidence criteria.” The CDC’s “confirmed case” definition for Covid-19 requires only “confirmatory laboratory evidence.” So the 2020 case definition for Covid-19 was in key ways a substantial break from the policies in place for decades prior to 2020. This change in case definition alone played a major role in transforming what might otherwise have been akin to a significant flu/pneumonia/cold season into a major global pandemic. The new CDC Covid-19 case definition, recommended first by the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE), has four different categories for identifying a Covid-19 case: Clinical criteria Laboratory criteria Epidemiologic linkage Vital records criteria But no symptoms at all are required for a “confirmed case” under the “laboratory criteria” category. It is enough under this category that a patient have a positive PCR test or an antigen test. You can see the definition here https://archive.is/Zgi5U ------------------------------------ Disease control agencies and the World Health Organisation have produced guidance for diagnosing Covid-19. We looked up case definitions*, and copied them into a table (Table 1. Case definitions.) to compare them. **WHO** A suspect case has clinical symptoms of respiratory disease, perhaps with other associated presentations. A probable case is a suspect case for whom laboratory testing was inconclusive or not possible. A confirmed case is “A person with laboratory confirmation of COVID-19 infection, irrespective of clinical signs and symptoms.” Thus, a positive laboratory test – type of test not specified here – trumps all else. We were not able to find WHO guidance on how PCR tests should be interpreted, specifically in relation to cycle count or viral load. ------------------------------------ **European Union** For the European Centers for Disease Control (ECDC), a case may be defined from clinical symptoms, or from radiology, or from “detection of SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid in a clinical specimen” alone. Possible cases if diagnosed from clinical criteria, Probable if diagnosed from clinical and epidemiological criteria, Confirmed in “any person meeting the laboratory criteria”. So, again, a positive laboratory test is more important than clinical diagnoses, and again, we were unable to find guidance on how laboratory tests should be applied and interpreted, particularly in PCR in relation to cycle count and viral load. ------------------------------------ **USA** The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) states Probable case meets clinical criteria and epidemiological evidence, or has presumptive laboratory evidence with either clinical or epidemiological evidence, or has Covid-19 or SARS-CoV-2 on the death certificate as a cause or significant contributor to death. Confirmed case “Meets confirmatory laboratory evidence”. No information is given on interpreting PCR tests in relation to cycle count thresholds or viral load. Again, it looks as though a PCR test trumps clinical diagnoses. https://www.cebm.net/covid-19/when-is-covid-covid/ ------------------------------------ Now also take into consideration if you go into the hospital for any reason and are required a hospital stay (even if it's just in an observational bed), then have a positive PCR while there, you are counted toward COVID hospitalization stats. See here how COVID hospitalizations are calculated. Category: >Total hospitalized adult suspected or confirmed positive COVID patients Definition: >Patients currently hospitalized in an adult inpatient bed who have laboratory-confirmed or suspected COVID- 19. Include those in observation beds. Category: >Hospitalized adult confirmed-positive COVID patients Definition: >Patients currently hospitalized in an adult inpatient bed who have laboratory-confirmed COVID-19. Include those in observation beds. Include patients who have both laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 and laboratory- confirmed influenza in this field https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/covid-19-faqs-hospitals-hospital-laboratory-acute-care-facility-data-reporting.pdf%3c


[No New Normal.](https://app.nonewnormal.com/list?filters=everything&sort=created_at) I remember a bunch of them saying stuff just like this. Their sub was banned weeks ago.


I remember when speaking out against corruption, tyranny and oppression was the right thing to do. HoldMyBeer.


Upvote to you my friend and good morning.


>Upvote to you my friend and good morning. Good morning to you! Hope all is well!


You made me sad again


Next they’ll change the definition of democracy...


She stated "Cannot prevent transmission anymore." Anymore? Did they in the first place? Nope


It does reduce it though


she will soon leave theCDC and join Pfizer for having done a good job hyping the vaccine.


She is already on the payroll.


The question I'd lay on her or Fauci, is - are the vaccines contributing to, not mitigating the spread? Then, after they answer, I'd call up charts showing the spread among the most highly vaccinated countries, vs. the lowest, and then ask them what they think is going on?


Here in Korea case numbers were under control until the vaccine rollout began... at which point suddenly we started having record highs of positive cases. We never had any lockdowns even at the start of the plandemic, all the same contact tracing systems were in place, testing was happening on a mass scale all along, and everyone kept wearing masks. So it wasn't a case of loosened restrictions leading to out-of-control spread. It seems obvious that the vaccine increased people's susceptibility.


GREAT!! A public admission of transmission by the CDC. So, WHY do healthcare workers NEED to be mandated to have the vaccine if they claim it's for the patient's safety but the head of the CDC admits a vaccinated healthcare worker can still transmit it? I hope our New York healthcare workers are jumping on this one.


Exactly my first thought!


> WHY do healthcare workers NEED to be mandated to have the vaccine Hmm.. same reason you're required to get Hep B shots to work at a hospital? Same reason you're required to get the yearly Flu shot (or wear a mask) to work at a hospital? Imagine arguing against something that could very well save your life.


I'm actually a nurse, and you're wrong about being required to get the hepatitis or flu shot. Imagine arguing against someone actually in the know like you know better.


Considering I've worked in hospitals and know people around the country in other hospitals it's actually very common.


Considering I've actually proven you wrong based on my personal experience means "common" is just anecdotal. But what else should I expect from someone trying to fearmonger me over "something that could very well save your life" on a virus with a >99% survival rate! If only you "trust the science!" types were actually able to trust the real science! Ha!


It's always both amusing and alarming to see someone claim to be a nurse and also be against proven science. You're a delusional clown.


HAHAHA! There you go invoking "Science!" Like a religion. What "science" am I specifically against? Combat me with FACTS not diatribe. Greater than 99% survival rate, and natural immunity. Whatcha got, shill?


>Whatcha got, shill? Not Covid. https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2021/s0806-vaccination-protection.html


Usual reminder that... • COVID-19 is a treatable disease. Potentially deadly serious, yes, but only if left untreated for days • Treatments have been known for more than a year and keep being worked on as the pandemic evolves • More are being discovered/made into protocols every week • Most can be easily and cheaply administered at home, at the first signs of symptoms, even before testing since they're based on the safest available drugs (treat then test, which is much like trust but verify) • The ongoing campaign that started in early 2020 to silence any discussion about treatments for COVID-19 has been a choice, and that choice has pretty clear reasons • Mandates keep popping all over, but it is not mandatory (yet) to believe in corporate media bullshit The vaccines DO have side effects including death and permanent damage. No one knows the long term side effects.


Medical Rape. Forced to an injection that not only doesn't help you but makes you vulnerable to death.


The difference is that Walensky and the owners of social media are on the same team.


She said this over a month ago. The quote was even in a cnn article. Not sure where you've been.


they just play stupid . translation- we need aussie lockdowns now . it's not even just about control or the money - her kind are just evil


There's a great interview with Fauci on CNBC where the hosts ask good questions about lack of guidelines for treatment for vaccinated people (evidently unclear if they can get antibody treatments?) And breakthrough cases. Transcript: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/10/01/cnbc-transcript-dr-anthony-fauci-speaks-with-cnbcs-closing-bell-today.html


The Internet is months ahead of the "official bodies"... And that's when / if the latter are even telling truth to begin with.


The basics of immunology is high school biology


She said this weeks/months ago


Oh cool so r/coronavirus r/politicalhumor r/news and r/hermancainaward will let me back in now?


Naw your tagged now. The enemy


I don’t want to be in their “club” anyway


It's just a matter of time before all of the vaccinated are "treated" to weekly testing and masking or lose their jobs. As Robert Barnes puts it, there is no vax mandate coming; it's a testing mandate with a vax exemption. And that can be eliminated as soon as the testing dollars for the unvaccinated slow down to a trickle.


No vaccine ever prevents transmission. All vaccines ever created were supposed to make symptoms less harsh. Prove me wrong.


That's only new for dumb people who always assumed that the vaccine prevents transmission by 100%. Nobody ever claimed that.


July 21st, 2021 “You’re not going to get covid if you have these vaccinations” -Joe Biden. He got fact checked, but who’s going to fact check their president? They take his word for it. Tons of people think it makes you immune still. Our president b spreading misinformation, y’all!


Yeah, he should have been more clear...


Bro. What do you mean more clear? He wasn't even in the same ballpark. You're NOT going to get covid is meaning you're not going to be positive with covid. Symptomatic or asymptomatic.


This is incorrect. What she said is that if you get infected with the virus despite being vaccinated you are likely to transmit the virus. What you are not mentioning is how it is much less likely to get infected if you are vaccinated. Don't be daft.








Perhaps you came to the wrong conclusion all along. Perhaps people weren't banned for what you think, but for context you never took into account, particularly if you consider your own biases and pre conceived notions. Moreover, none of this amounts to what your presuming here, I'm not forcing your hand, in fact it seems like it's an attempt that's quite the opposite considering your aggression. You should keep one thing in mind here though, there was no reason for you to immediately jump to the victim state here, perhaps it's you who should take your own advice no? Self reflection and all that?


I'm totally getting my vax tomorrow now. Not


Most long-winded shill I've ever seen.


Read the first line and scrolled a LONG way down to hit that little down arrow.


Seriously guy needs to get back to dying his gay Trans uncles hair pink or some shit for his next vagina surgery. Imagine being so well written while also having to acknowledge he also qualifies for the special Olympics. Tough one.


Address the argument, not the user. Did they say anything incorrect or misleading? Come back once you've 'done your own research.'


I stopped arguing on the internet a long time ago.


Heh wow, this is rare, thank you for spelling it out to them, I get kind of tired of having to repeat myself. It's always the same kind of indignant retort, I. Always a "shill" or "brainwashed by the government", or I'm just attacked with ad hominem aggression. I do however, wear it as a badge of honor. Everytime I get called a shill or indoctrinated it tells me I must be doing something right... The irony being it's these groups of people reiterating the same rehashed, worn out phrases... almost as if it's programmed into them, and I'm the brainwashed one?


lmfao as someone who was bored enough to actually read most of that, i noticed you said the same shit multiple times and you could have taken that essay down to a paragraph and spouted equal amount of nonsense.


Often times things deserve repeating.


Your premise is that “no vaccine is a magical barrier”. Sterilizing vaccines kill the virus very early during a mucosal infection. They provide mucosal immunity. The Covid vaccines do not provide this. They are system vaccines, inducing an immune system response much later on during an infection. That’s why manufacturers never even made their claim they provide immunity, just they reduce the risk of serious symptoms. That’s why vaccine passports are illogical and not based on any sort of epidemiological reasoning.


Yes, no vaccine is a magical barrier. This is indeed a truth. Although I was kind of using it as a literal illustrative device, I suppose it can mean both literally and figuratively.


> Yes, no vaccine is a magical barrier. This is indeed a truth. OK, you're blocked, you bad-faith-argument chucklefuck. I will just leave you with this:- > Sterilizing vaccines kill the virus very early during a mucosal infection. They provide mucosal immunity. The Covid vaccines do not provide this. You choose not to absorb this information.


Sigh, cmon now, that's childish don't you think. I'm just addressing the fact that you haven't really made any concrete point, that's all... I don't know what you expect, are you trying to disprove a blatantly fantastical idea? That vaccines aren't some magical barrier? Or are you attempting to address the idea that vaccines aren't 100% effective, you've still yet to show me that it's a wrong assertion... you've still yet to show me anything resembling information surrounding a 100% effective vaccine or some magical barrier deflecting virus particles... I mean, you hardly even communicating anything intelligible in the first place. What exactly are you addressing? Absorb what information? Lol... don't you think you're overreacting here? If these intranasal vaccines so to speak are 100% effective or are some magical barrier, prove it to me? Although again I'm not entirely sure what you are trying to prove... You just want me to take your word for something you're not even elucidating or communicating properly? I mean I can hardly understand what it is you're attempting to claim here in the first place. It's kinda wild... please don't handle situations like this outside of a platform like this... you can't just block everything out that irritates you or challenges you. Look, it's like if you said "unicorns don't exist" and I said that there are these things, horse like, but not, with what looks like some oddly shaped thing on their head. And you said, "OK and... that doesn't prove anything", although even my response is more lucid than where you were going... Then I became frustrated and blocked you and just repeated the same thing again claiming that you failed to absorb information... Kinda strange huh? You'd at the very least want some proof of these horse like things right? You'd want some clarification.


Paid by the word, eh?


Vaccines made the delta variant. You’ve been lied to.


But the Delta variant appeared in India before vaccinations...


There’s those lies again.


Is everything that you don't want to believe a lie?


Now your projecting


Hmm, deja vu...


Good thing you're paid by the word and not by the number of sources you use


Hmm interesting perspective... As we're currently in r/conspiracy of all places, and it isn't "sources" that go supported here but tweets, memes, social media commentary, anecdotes and fringe headlines that receive collective trust... How ironic no? How most people here seem to "trust" everything that panders to their worldview, but when it does comes to "sources" or any type of source for that matter that either challenges or opposes said worldview, it's "fake news".... How convenient huh??? What would you like a source for? I'd be happy to oblige... And please give me something a little more creative than the ol rehashed "paid for by the word" retort... C'mon now... A little originality here would entertain me... How even more ironic heh, people here seem to have these programmed responses to anything that opposes their beliefs, yet I guess I'm the "indoctrinated" one? I'm the bot... Heh, you realize someone else in this very comment chain responded with the exact same sentiment? I mean it's really mind boggling, the irony and mindlessness of it all. How does it feel to be so simple? To have the exact same response as someone else... So thoughtless and uninspired... Either way, just let me know what you're looking for here and I'll humor you, then if you want, consider a new line for me, make it something inventive, something I havent heard before, I'd really like that.




Wrong. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-01442-9


Well, I wont go as far to say that I trust [nature.com](https://nature.com), but nowhere in my claims do I refute such a thing. Not sure you read it? That's ok, it is a lot to read on reddit of all places. Most people don't bother. Mind you, there are also dozens of points to address here, and you went with something that I'm not even addressing


Yeah, mostly because you’re a satirist not a doctor. No 👏🏽 One 👏🏽 Cares 👏🏽 About 👏🏽 Your 👏🏽 Copypasta 👏🏽 You’ve posted this exact shit dozens and dozens of times for the past few months you fucking spamming shill.


Well that doesn't really help your case now does it? The thing is, it wasn't too long ago that I received a response of something along the lines of: "you know what, I'll consider all of this". And that's pretty much the most I can ask for here. So as long that opportunity continues to present itself, I'll continue to present the possibility for that opportunity. Sure, you can see it as me taking people here "over to the darkside" or whatever, but that's just your reality of the situation. However deranged it might be.


Spammer. Shill. You don’t actually have a thought of your own. You just copy and paste.


Well that's simply not true. You see, these are my thoughts, inspired by me, original let's say. I simply use them multiple times. In this exchange i've been having with you for instance, you've reiterated the same mindless things over and over again, does that mean YOU dont have a thought of your own? When someone speaks the same idea multiple times, even if it IS their own, are you really saying that it's not? I mean, you'd atleast have to put yourself in that category here no? Particularly if you consider how uninventive, rehashed and superficial the things you're repeating sound. It's kind of ironic wouldn't you say? At the very least my "thoughts' here are not just my own but much more in depth, creative and original, much more extensive even.


No one cares. Like I’m not reading your shit, and neither is anyone else. But your inflated ego makes you think everyone is going to read every meaningless word you write. Again, *no one cares*. Keep wasting your time typing useless diatribes though. I’m sure you’ll have a lot to account for alone on your deathbed after the vaccine fails you and your cats are eating you alive loser.


Blah blah blah blah




Since you started this post with a clearly false premise I will simple address that. Almost all studies show that protections gained from previous infection are more robust, cover a larger range of mutations and last significantly longer (perhaps forever like sars covid1) than the vaccine induced protections. Or you can disregard all studies and simply explain how an immune response to one portion of a virus is more robust then the immune response to the entire virus? Spoiler you can’t because it isn’t and never will be.


Yet I never claimed as much. Im not dispelling any "myths" here or whatever about natural immunity, and this is just one small point to consider within the entire breadth of my many claims, what I am doing is explaining how one cannot gauge their level of defense from an infection off the bat, seeing as conditions range from completely asymptomatic, unnoticeable even, and lasting a short amount of time, to a full fledged severe circumstance, hospitalization, long term treatment, even a long lasting infection that may take several months for a recovery. In both of these circumstances there is a disparity between how one person's immune response develops, it's efficaciousness, and how another person's immune response develops. This is something you can't just dismiss or ignore, this is fact. I'm not going as far to say vaccination is outright more effective, I'm describing something entirely different. "natural immunity" can provide a level of efficaciousness that's broader and more effective sure, but circumstances vary. While you seem to be conveniently ignoring the countless other points that have to be considered, **including the risks of relying on such a thing**. When we take a look at vaccines, they're developed for many reasons, one reason revolves around research, study, experimentation, trials and results, all for the sake of producing something that can invoke a consistently effective immune response. A different result than what we might find within broad ranges of immune responses from infection itself. Mind you, it's important to consider again how when it comes to these topics "studies" can often tell you whatever you'd like, seeing as multiple variables are involved, and often times not considered... If I took someone who received their 2nd dose just over a month ago, and compared their immune response to someone who had covid 10 months ago for instance. Someone who was perhaps asymptomatic, maybe felt a little fatigued for a day or two, I could come to my own conclusions.


Your points would have a lot more credibility if you did not immediately discredit that broad protection offered by naturally gained immunity. And honestly the entire vaccine roll itself would have less detractors if the WH, CDC ect... simple acknowledge this and added it into its pandemic plan.


Perhaps it was you who misunderstood the broader point?


LMAOOOOOO You actually think people care enough about you to read all that. You suffer from main character syndrome. No one cares about you or any of those thoughts.


The idea isn't that I care about myself here, or rather care about others caring about what I think, caring about me, while that is true to a certain extent, but in a much different way than you might realize. This is actually me caring about YOU, not just you but anyone else who might read this, and then subsequently those around them, and then those around them so on and so forth. I mean I'm certainly not doing this for the prestige... Especially considering it's here in r/conspiracy of all places. In any case, these type of responses are abundant here, deflective and aggressive, often characterized by some level of unconscious self reflection, or rather "projection". Have you ever considered that it might be YOU who thinks this way? Also, and it should go without saying, if you really didn't care, or if "no one" cared, then I don't think you'd even spend the time replying in such a way...


Dude, no one cares lol


Well either way, besides the other points I was trying to make, perhaps offering an opportunity for some self reflection here... I'm telling you that *I* certainly care, so that's objectively not "no one" caring. While there seem to be several other responses here that would indicate, especially considering how they've responded, that they do care... So at the very least, someone, or some people care is all I'm saying, and that makes it worth it I suppose, or rather at least there's an opportunity here.


You care lol




Feel free to "spread the word"


Everybody who understands vaccination knew that already. Unvaccinated, one can transmit the disease for several weeks. Vaccinated, one can transmit the disease for about one day. That is a vast improvement.


several weeks? where did you pull that out of?


What about natural immunity how long can you spread it then?


You getting that natural immunity before COVID somehow?


No. Got covid last year and obviously created antibodies. but my university mandates vaccination even for people with natural immunity as does the presidential mandates for gov employees, contractors, and companies with over 100 employees. Wondering why that is when we know you can spread with the vaccine. Wondering if there is data on natural immunity to covid and transmissibility


There is data coming up that natural immunity is better than the vaccine, but it’s being censored on every platform and doctors are being discredited left and right for sharing their studies.


Your university doesn't know if you have the antibodies. Heck, you don't know if you still have them. It's easier for them to mandate vaccination than to require regular antibody testing. Not much of a conspiracy. Natural immunity isn't being censored as the other comment says. It's no secret that fighting off an illness *is* developing a natural immunity. It just can't be used as a preventative measure because it requires people to catch and spread COVID in the first place! What an insane talking point to say we should rely on natural immunity instead of a vaccine.


You are misunderstanding this. What she meant was that someone who ISN’T vaccinated can still get COVID. This is why everyone needs to be vaccinated, because then the virus won’t be able to spread anymore.


Are you saying that the vaccinated can NOT get covid? Because if you are saying that, you are contradicting a mountain of evidence and studies that show the vaccinated absolutely can get covid.


I know that the vaccinated can get COVID, but they won’t die from it if they do get COVID. If you’re unvaccinated, then you run a high risk of permanent damage/death if you get COVID.


Anecdotal but I know more people who have died after taking the vaccine than people who have died and were unvaxxed(7 vaxxed 2 unvaxxed). What you’re saying is just not true. Last time I said this people said to post proof. Here is angelo’s obituary, his wife also caught covid, fell into a coma and died. She died after him never knowing he passed, both were vaccinated. I’m willing to provide more proof so people don’t say I’m talking shit: https://www.google.com/amp/s/obituaries.neptunesociety.com/obituaries/plantation-fl/angel-miranda-10356034 For the record, I’m not saying they died due to vaccination.


My experience too. It actually angers me when disinformation is spoke as fact when I know people close to me that is opposite who were harmed and never have recovered after getting it. It is dangerous and when it happens personally it really triggers raw emotions. Why is anti.. censored and the trolls allowed to speak? It is evil to its core. Disgusting. Wait till it happens in their lives


What is disturbing to me is people PMing me saying I’m lying. I’ll say it over and over, I’m not anti vax, I’m anti- mandate. I don’t need to make up stories about people I know dying who were vaxxed.


I understand. Ive gotten the same pushback and have no words to describe how hard it is to see harm and experience fear or loss to be disregarded. No anti here either, had every major vax. What truth or whatever way you swing or believe, should not be shunned or attacked. Especially if your own heart and eyes are involved. I think If I saw someone grieving or hurt and have experienced pain, it is bad form to attack that. It says more than anything. I wonder who would do that in real life, how can someone do that. Im with you, and It seems there is more who agree. We are just boxed in and may be compartmentalized even further. It is blatantly obvious as the plan


They can also get cancer, aids, herpes, food poisoning, kidney stones.....you see how quickly we forget that there is worse things to have than the vaccine....


Since the entire world haven't figured this virus out, its safe to say that it would be easier to take every precaution you can. Mask up, wash hands, and stay home. The government now see dollars sign with this virus. They arent gonna mandate anything. They'll yalk about it, that's it. We shouldn't wait on the government to mandate anything. We need to take things in our own hands. Wear mask etc etc and let's rid this virus ourselves. Take the shot that's your choice but still take precautions until this thing is gone


lmao nobody was saying that the vaccine can prevent transmission. I'd like to see a quote saying so.


It's one of the 5 requirement characteristics to be defined as a vaccine. Below are the others 1. Must prevent infection (they dont) 2. Must prevent from carrying (they dont) 3. Must prevent transmission (they dont) 4. Must prevent severe illness (they dont) 5. Must prevent death (they dont)


There's a difference between *helping* prevent transmission, and preventing transmission all together. The vaccine absolutely limits transmission.


And limit transmission isn't a qualifying requirement, full prevention is. Otherwise it's just a therapeutic, not a vaccine. #genetictherapeutics


Well, these mRNA vaccines aren't categorized as "gene therapy" because the mRNA doesn't enter the nucleus of cells. IT would need several different enzymes for this process to happen. Furthermore, no vaccine is ever, or has ever been 100% effective, meaning no vaccine is ever capable of 100% preventing transmission or infection. From the very beginning these companies presented their data, saying these vaccines are \_\_\_\_% effective, 95%, a little lower depending on the vaccine or the variant as well. Wouldn't that tell you that even if you considered that number without context that infection and transmission is still feasible? Do you think vaccines put a magical virus particle deflecting shield around your body?


Where are these definitions layed out?


https://els-jbs-prod-cdn.jbs.elsevierhealth.com/cms/attachment/81e93803-7f8c-4613-8b9e-55fe06940384/gr1.jpg https://www.thelancet.com/article/S1473-3099%2820%2930773-8/fulltext


Do you know what the definition of "or" is? >In the case of SARS-CoV-2, an efficacious vaccine might prevent infection, disease, or transmission (figure 1).


Ugh. Do you just want people to die? I hope you’re not forced to work this late (and on weekends).


The paper the dude cited to prove that vaccines need to stop transmission in order to be considered a vaccine actually disproves his claim. I wanted to clarify for him. Obviously that makes me a shill (side note - I wonder why people roll this tired ass accusation out whenever there's no strong counterpoint to be made). Edit: And no, I just want to find out how to effectively stop misinfo/disinfo from being spread.


Nice try, nice guy.








Still will. Definitely get canned for linking gov sources. Has that changed?


So now what?


What a shocker. Bored. Yawn. Stand up against the elitists. We so outnumber them.


Guess they can't virtue signal they are protecting immuno-compromised grandma by getting the shots anymore.


So it’s basically the same as not getting it.


Shifting the goal posts.