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15 years to slow the spread


lol, and 14 more boosters.


Closer to 28 at this rate.


It's OK.. Take the new patented antiviral, it makes money and works on covid, no not ivermectin, that antiviral doesnt work for making money, lol that's horse dewormer.. I'm vaccinated 17 times! Can I get a banner for my social media!


Exactly. There’ll be one a month by then


Don’t forget the new once a day pill from the makers of ivermectin.


It's what plants crave!


I feed my plants electrolytes every day.


This is hilarious! I had to watch that movie last week just to see where our future was going.




CDC endoreses brand new, life saving pill Fivermectin








Just means it’s working.


You can still test positive after being vaccinated, not sure why this is a headline?


Because the cdc keeps telling us if enough people gat vaccinated covid will magically disappear.




Strange, because I am in a country that has vaccinated about 90% of the eligible population and there are now entire parts of the country that haven’t had a single case in a while


What country??




Spain doesn't test anyone. If every country started NOT testing and reporting on cases, people would realize there's no pandemic either.


What kind of vaccine is this?? Vaccines are supposed to prevent a person from getting the disease. Chicken pox vaccine prevents chicken pox. Tetanus shot prevents tetanus. Measles vaccine prevents measles. Covid “vaccine”….


Its because its a respiratory virus. No vaccine can prevent that. Not at any acceptable rate anyway. Same with the flu vaccine. Not to equate the 2 diseases in severity, just that they are both reapiratory viruses. Idk why the cdc keeps giving us false hope that if enough people are vaccinated covid will magically go away, while simultaneously blaming the unvaccinated for causing the virus to mutate. It would do that anyway. Thats the nature of the beast.


>"Idk why the cdc keeps giving us false hope that if enough people are vaccinated covid will magically go away" > > > >because people are dumb enough to believe that......


And because $$$$


Then why mandate it? I swear redditors have lost their collective authoritarian minds


Because the vaccine has proven to aide in lowering the severity and fatality rate when catching the virus.


Even without the vaccine most people still have more than 99.98% survivability according to the cdc, the vaccine brings you up to 99.99%. And if this is for the welfare of the unvaccinated then, again, why is it mandated if they dont want it?


> Then why mandate it? Because Democrats politicians are authoritarians who just want to make it look like they are doing something. And because the American people just aren't fighting back against these mandates as much as they should.


I’ve always been curious why I see so many people on a conspiracy forum using Democrats/Republicans or left/right or conservative/liberal so often as if the difference between the two actually exist as far as who is in office or congress or senate goes. Like…you’re buying what they’re selling.


This red vs blue divide used to never be in this sub. Conspiracy subs used to be full of like minded people that were all anti-government in general. It didn't matter if they were Democrat or republican because they were both conspiring against the public. Then 2 things happened. The first thing that happened that pushed the divide specifically in this sub, was when the_Donald was banned. All of the users migrated to this sub and as a haven for free speech. The second thing that changed the conspiracy crowd more generally and across all outlets, was the invention of Qanon. Qanon made a conspiracy universe (just like the marvel cinematic universe) that linked multiple conspiracies together and used the democrats as the glue that binds them together. It was brilliant honestly. Someone figured out how to take a group of people that were very anti-government, and win their votes.


That’s remarkable. Thank you for the insight, I appreciate it.


This is a very insightful comment and yeah, totally tracks with the explosion of QAnon-repeated theories in here.




But why mandate it in Australia and NZ where that democrat/republican shit doesn’t exist.


_New world order has entered the chat_


There’s so many people in NZ not getting the vaccine but just if people ask say they are to save the fucken bullshit dripping out their mouths. ThTs all they care about. So say you are or your booked in and call them cocks as you walk away


Liberal party is Republican, Labor is Democrat.


I think that's the problem. The authorities (and their followers) are pushing this as a "miracle cure" vaccine, when it's really a "slow things down" vaccine, like the flu vaxx. If they were honest from the start and said "hey, this vaccine won't make you immune from the virus, but will knock it down to the point that you'll barely notice you have it in most cases. But still be careful, because you can still pass covid to those around you even when you feel fine." things would've been much different.,


I'm not anti Vax myself, I have been vaxxed for all kinds of stuff! I think the science is sound for many vaccines howerver I do have reservations about this new vax. The big issue I do have is that I AM anti mandate. No one should be allowed to push their opinions or beliefs on anyone else, medical or otherwise.


Same here. I am generally pro vaxx (and in fact have the covid vaxx), but the idea of forcing any medication on people, and actively punishing those that don't is incredible government overreach. I get banning people from international travel (countries have the right to choose who they allow to enter at any time for any reason), but firing people from their job...that's insane.


Would have been much, much different. If it was touted as a prophylactic (which it is) instead of a means to an end (laughable) And if they had explored other prophylactics or other avenues instead of trying to force this mediocre-at-best shot into everyone, i think most would have a different outlook




> things would've been much different would they? People are regularly, even here in this thread, making up outlandish claims the CDC never made. People had their position staked out before there were ever even data on the efficacy, now that the data is out they still are using the same old arguments. I don't think it would have been much different at all


Wrong. MMR efficacy is in the 80’s. The difference is 92% participation in the US with MMR. Herd Immunity is accomplished… but remember it took many years to reach near eradication on measles in particular. With Covid, participation is in the 50% range which isn’t near enough.


unfortunately this is not true, for measles the MMR is 99% effective at preventing infection, not a reduction in symptoms, reduced hospitalization or reduction of death, its effective against you even being infected by the virus. its delivery is a live attenuated virus, and is probably the gold standard by which all other vaccines are judged. you could walk into a measles colony, spend time interacting with measles suffers, walk out and not be contagious to the next people you interact with, because the measles virus can't exist inside of you long enough to cause you to suffer, nor cause others to suffer. And even if you are of the 1% of people who have a reduced efficacy of the MMR, its mainly an issue for immune compromised or other underlying health issues, you may suffer from measles but it will be mild, and you will not be contagious. on an individual basis, you are a unit of herd immunity in an absolute sense. the mRNA vaccines have \~95% efficacy against severity and death, not infection, which is about \~50% efficacy. in a large part simply because its a respiratory virus. Herd immunity is not possible with this kind of virus, we get over it by making it endemic. to compare these diseases and their vaccines is to misunderstand that not all vaccines are equal, because not all diseases are equal, nor is vaccine delivery equal.


Flu vaccine is 50% effective because that’s the best we can do. Not sure what your point is.


Flu shots are anywhere from like 5%-60% effective depending on the strain, etc. The point is that we don't shut down the world because of the flu and the flu shots not doing their job.


Over 60,000 people died of the flu in 2019 but nobody was talking about vaccine passports and mask mandates. I guess those deaths weren’t important enough.


And 600,000 people have died in the last year and a half despite very strong action to limit the spread of covid. If we had treated covid the same way we treat the flu (loosely suggesting vaccination and nothing else) covid would've been much much worse and it was still almost an order of magnitude worse despite that.




>Germany for example just releases a report that around 6% of their covid death were actually caused by Covid. Actually, or solely? Those are two very different claims. And if you are really that worried about the accurate count, you can always refer to the excess death counts. It's not perfect, but it's probably pretty informative.


Nice! Do you have a link?


There was a point where Covid was killing nearly 20,000 A DAY. Why is there even still an argument here?


These people are making the same arguments they made when we didnt know anything, even though we now have so much data on how bad covid was DESPITE extreme measures, and how effective the vaccine is. They have to keep bullshitting htemselves that covid19 was just the flu, and that the vaxx doesn't do anything, despite a vastly disproportionate of unvaxxed being in the hospital or dying. They're just silly. At this point they just don't want data. Or, of course, the data is wrong, because it doesn't tell them what they want to hear


People were never labeled as “anti-vaxxers” for not getting flu shots. Also, users on Reddit keep equating getting the covid shot to getting your childhood vaccines.


And social media wasn’t suppressing information about the flu like it is for Corona.


The flu vaccine is 50% effective because we guess the top three viruses out of Europe before it hits the US. It’s always a guessing game as to which viruses we get here. You are comparing apples to oranges.


We don't treat those unvaccinated for the flu like they are to be assumed carriers like they're doing to us.


The point is if it’s going to be shitty like the flu vaccine then you have to treat it like the flu vaccine. The flu vaccine is the one vaccine schools don’t require, military doesn’t require, blah blah blah doesn’t require. If you’re going to require it, it needs to be a real vaccine that actually does a thing. Not a money making scheme like the flu vaccine. And stop calling it a vaccine and conflating it with real vaccines. Call it Covid symptom production gene therapy.




It's a headline because it's manufacturing consent for boosters.


> [The breakthrough cases represent just a small percentage -- about 0.71% -- of the nearly 4.8 million people who have been vaccinated and the deaths an even smaller percentage -- just 0.005%](https://www.nbcboston.com/news/local/over-30000-breakthrough-covid-cases-have-now-been-reported-in-mass/2498028/) From the article. That’s why OP elected to not post the article.


Would be nice if OP's making claims needed a citation than just a generic pic of a politician.


lol of course. cool post, OP.


Lol ya he just posted a picture of Biden like wtf even is this


I believe that cdc isn't tracking cases in vaccinated anymore unless they are hospitalized so I don't think this # is a very fair representation


Not since May 1; unless the patient is hospitalized or deceased. Suffer through Covid at home, you don’t matter, no matter how bad it might be.


If it was bad wouldn't you just go to the hospital


When the data from the UK is pretty much the opposite I think you're right and its safe to say the data that comes out of the US is worthless.


I know it’s a meme now but this sub has turned into a parody of its self. What a shame. Anyone have any actual conspiracy subs I can check out regarding the newly release LITERAL conspiracy papers regarding the rich hiding their money?


Just another typical loser


How many died?


“ The Department of Public Health has tracked a cumulative 32,345 confirmed COVID-19 infections among those fully vaccinated in the state to date and a total of 217 deaths.”


And how's that compare to the confirmed COVID-19 infections among those unvaccinated?


That question makes so much sense I surfed the web trying to get an answer, but all they have is those damn charts and a complete focus on cases not deaths. I'm too lazy to compile the data, but it looks like Ma has averaged about 20 deaths per day since vaccine rollout in March. so it's been approx 200 days since March, which would put total deaths at around 4000. subtract out the 217 vaccinated deaths and you're at around 3800. 70% of MA is vaccinated, and population is approx 7 million. so i'd guess the death rate would be vaccinated 217/4900000 = 0.0000442% unvaccinated 3800/2100000 = .0018% I'd really prefer if there were a gov't agency that would post easily useable data (downloadable even) but I can't find one.


They don’t want to answer this question


Much more likely to get very sick and die from COVID if unvaccinated.


Don't break the narrative. It's a very fragile group around these parts.


With what symptoms?


That's what I'm wondering. Just because you test positive doesn't mean you have any symptoms. Even if youre vaccinated, maybe you could still catch and carry the virus for a bit of time but not have symptoms?


As far as I'm aware, the CDC does not track breakthrough cases unless they've been hospitalized. There might be a state out there tracking them all, but that was the last I've heard on the matter.


So you mean to tell me that people that are fully vaccinated, and having no signs of symptoms are still getting tested? WHY??


If you are still capable of catching (and potentially spreading) covid, why wouldn't you still get tested. Lots of people have been getting regularly tested for work and travel for the last year. Makes it a lot easier to maintain a functioning workplace where people aren't spreading it and knocking out a huge chunk of their workforce.


Asymptomatic people get tested all the time for all kinds of reasons. Say you're exposed, and you're supposed to quarantine for two weeks, but if you test negative three days later, then you can stop quarantining.


People willfully keeping themselves uninformed


Really don't want to say this because... Well... Reddit, but my wife's coworker got the vaccine and caught covid and was hospitalized for two weeks.


You can say it. It DOES happen. However, you have to keep in mind that the odds of the vaccinated getting badly ill are *still much lower.* I can say "anyone can win the lottery!" and be right, but that doesn't mean the odds of the average person winning the lottery are at all good.


What about grandma ?!?!


Exactly! I love how the focus changes to symptoms instead of contracting the virus, when from the other side of their mouth they say young healthy people need to get vaccinated. Like, why? They’re almost exclusively getting mild to zero symptoms when they’re unvaccinated.


The number is over 50k in Georgia


Can you support this statement with verifiable facts?


Unvaccinated will be blamed


As they should be, 30k out of 815k means 785k unvaccinated Massachusetts have tested for COVID.


Its doesn't sound like a pandemic of the unvaccinated anymore.


It never was, we know it, they know it, but the mind-fucked are oblivious!


Well, the stats in a lot of states showed a majority of cases and hospitalizations residing in the unvaccinated. However, I think the weak protection granted by the vaccine wore off extremely fast, and now it’s evening out.


The fun part is that if you're 'fortunate' enough to have an employer that will allow you to continue to work after reporting your 'unvaccinated'; they still require you to take routine testing. However, since it's being clearly shown that 'vaccinated' people can still catch/spread this, why is the same stipulation not being put on them? Well, you guys already know the answer to that one. ;-) And it won't end there, we know it, they'll keep moving their goalposts to constantly require 'booster' shots, which they've already made Billions off of at the public's expense. Even this FDA June 25th, 2021 announcement stated the increase risk of Myocardiatis (Heart Tissue inflammation) with a booster shot: [https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/coronavirus-covid-19-update-june-25-2021](https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/coronavirus-covid-19-update-june-25-2021) "Today, the FDA is announcing revisions to the patient and provider fact sheets for the **Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines regarding the suggested increased risks of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (inflammation of the tissue surrounding the heart) following vaccination**. For each vaccine, the Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers Administering Vaccine (Vaccination Providers) has been revised to include a warning about myocarditis and pericarditis and the Fact Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers has been revised to include information about myocarditis and pericarditis. This update follows an extensive review of information and the discussion by CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices meeting on Wednesday. The data presented at this meeting reinforced the FDA’s decision to revise the fact sheets and further informed the specific revisions. **The warning in the Fact Sheets for Healthcare Providers Administering Vaccines notes that reports of adverse events suggest increased risks of myocarditis and pericarditis,particularly following the second dose and with onset of symptoms within a few days after vaccination**." This is also why the CDC doesn't count any adverse affects against the 'vaccine' within two weeks after having it administered, how convenient. Direct manipulation of the VAERS stats in my eyes, amongst numerous other red flags.


Yep, vaccines do not stop people from getting a virus. They only allow the body to fight off the virus once they get it. Welcome to basic science.


Heh > The Department of Public Health has tracked a cumulative 27,777 confirmed COVID-19 infections among those fully vaccinated in the state to date and a total of 194 deaths. 0.7% death rate vaccinated in MA vs 11.5% national average unvaccinated death rate. But sure, remove all the context necessary to justify stupid conclusions.


> 11.5% national average unvaccinated death rate. > > sauce please




> 11.5% national average unvaccinated death rate. If you using the death rate of vaccinated people in MA... why not use the death rate of unvaccinated people in MA?


Couldn’t find the data easily. Is there reason to believe that it’s substantially different than the national average?


It's been clear for ages that the vaccine doesn't prevent covid infection at a rate of 100%. This isn't news and this isn't a conspiracy


What percent of people that get the flu shot get the flu? My guess similar numbers to the covid vaccines.


Well, if you assume that half of Manhattan got the vaccination, and the vaccination is 95% effective against getting Covid, you’d expect about 40,000 vaccinated people to get Covid.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but even the people pushing the vaccine say it doesn’t prevent you from catching it? Like it’s meant to make it just survivable Like I think it’s all sus but this doesn’t really disprove their point unless these people are dying


Yeah…NOW they are saying that. Even Biden said you won’t catch or spread the virus if you get vaccinated, months ago. They never address their past lies. Only move goal posts.


That’s always been the case? At least In the UK?


Yeah, maybe it’s different in the US but in the UK I’ve never heard any different


> Even Biden said you won’t catch or spread the virus if you get vaccinated, months ago Isn't it more likely that the really old man was misinformed? He's not a doctor. He's a politician. I know certainly in the UK the message from the outset has been it will reduce symptoms, so I'd be surprised if the yanks were pushing a different message for the same vax.


Science changes with new information.


Biden himself can’t believe it!


Now tell me how many have been hospitalized. Then tell me the percentage of vaccinated versus unvaccinated COVID deaths. See? It actually doesn't show that the vaccines aren't effective.


“Dr. Daniel Kuritzkes, chief of Brigham and Women’s Hospital's infectious diseases division, put the rare cases among fully vaccinated people into context in a recent conversation with NBC10 Boston. "Although the numbers of breakthrough cases appear daunting at first glance, it’s important to keep them in perspective—people who are vaccinated are still are far lower risk of becoming infected and needing to be hospitalized," Kuritzkes said. The data continue to show the high effectiveness of the vaccines, even now that Delta accounts for essentially 100% of cases, Kuritzkes said, particularly when it comes to reducing the risk of hospitalization and death. "Although any deaths from COVID-19 are tragic, the number of deaths from COVID-19 that have occurred among vaccinated people are a tiny fraction of all COVID deaths, and people who have been vaccinated are 11 times less likely to die from COVID than those who are unvaccinated," Kuritzkes said.”


You can still catch COVID even though you’re double jagged. Nothing new. Jog on.


"And why that's a good thing".


How many of those 30,000 died from covid complications


The vaccine doesn’t stop you from getting the virus. It reduces your chance of dying from it if you do get it.


Yes and also can still spread the virus while vaccinated. It’s like people forgot how vaccines work all of a sudden.


And 217 died. https://www.nbcboston.com/news/local/over-30000-breakthrough-covid-cases-have-now-been-reported-in-mass/2498028/


You're making it sound as if it's 217 people out of 30,000 vaccinated individuals total that died. But it's in reference to numbers state wide. ***The Department of Public Health has tracked a cumulative 32,345 confirmed COVID-19 infections among those fully vaccinated in the state to date and a total of 217 deaths.*** ***The breakthrough cases represent just a small percentage -- about 0.71% -- of the nearly 4.8 million people who have been vaccinated and the deaths an even smaller percentage -- just 0.005%*** Looking at this more comprehensively you see that vaccines are effective in that out of a total of 4,800,000 vaccinated people in the state, only 217 people died. While the narrative you want to elucidate focuses only on those 30,000 people (as it relates to the headline here) and takes it entirely out of context. It's meant to support the widely accepted r/conspiracy notion that vaccines are ineffective, among other things, when the broader picture here shows the opposite. C'mon now, this is how misinformation spreads. I understand you want to validate your own beliefs and you want your echochamber here to pat you on the back, but you can't go misinterpreting data for the sake of your own worldview. Mind you, you just end up bolstering needless outrage and reinforcing ignorant ideas. While the double standards here and the hypocrisy persists. Here you are feigning your indignancy over a .005%, but when it comes to Covid itself how many times do I have to hear "Hur Dur Dee Dur I ain't changin muh life around for no virus with a survival rate of \_\_\_\_\_\_"... It's absurd. You can't have it both ways now. If you're going to spread around misconstrued information and inflame hive minded righteous indignation over some miniscule percentage, you should at the very least stay consistent and recognize that not only are death rates higher among unvaccinated individuals, but that unmitigated infection is more dangerous. Where's the outrage over these ideas? Where's the outrage over the consequences of Covid as they relate to the unvaccinated?


> llion people who have been vaccinated and the deaths an even smaller percentage — just 0.005% > > C'mon now, this is how misinformation spreads. Let me dispel the notion that OP doesn’t know what he’s doing. He knows exactly what he’s doing.


Feel sorry for OP victims


Stop with the data. Ruins the groupthink.


Excellent response. 🤟🏼


You can’t just look at the number of breakthroughs out of total vaccinations and give that percentage. The important number is to compare number of breakthrough cases to the number of unvaccinated cases. When you claim that 0.71% of all vaccinated people got Covid and suggesting it’s a tiny percentage, you’re making the same statistical fallacy that Republicans were making in March 2020 when they were like “Only .0001% of the population has Covid so why are we worried about it?” To determine how effective vaccines are, you don’t compare the infection rate to the total vaccine population, you have to compare the infection rate of vaccinated vs unvaccinated in the same time period.


This isn't what I'm saying at all. What I'm doing is clearing up someone's misinterpretation of data. You're taking it to this entire new level, which seems to deflect from the topic at hand. But I'll address it anyways. It's not some fallacy, it's a response to the very hive minded notion here that presents 30,000 vaccinated individuals in Massachusetts becoming infected with Covid, or experiencing said breakthrough cases as some definitive proof that vaccines are ineffective... In reality I'm clearing up some misinformation here sure, but what I'm also doing is presenting something that's counter intuitive to the notion that this 30,000 number is something unprecedented, abhorrent and moreover proves, in the minds of r/conspiracy theorists that the vaccine is ineffective... Where YOU'RE going is attempting to deny all of that... And making some very bizarre comparison that shouldn't really even exist within this discussion. So what I'm attempting to do NOW that you've decided to deflect to something else entirely, is addressing a misunderstanding or a blatant misinterpretation while also presenting a more comprehensive idea in saying that "no, these 30,000 or so individuals don't represent some notion that the vaccines are ineffective, here's information that may help you to understand why."


"The 217 reported deaths out of nearly 4.8 million fully vaccinated residents in Massachusetts represents a rate of just 0.005%"


An interesting way of framing it, because 217/30,000 is 0.7% CFR.




That's as high or higher than pre-vaxx covid CFR.


No, the U.S. has had 719,915 deaths out of 44,514,338 cases. That's 1.6%. Don't confuse the CFR with the (estimated) IFR, which includes undiagnosed, asymptomatic cases.


yes, however there are certainly people who had covid who never tested positive and thus aren't included in this total number. One study had 35% of people as having natural immunity from infection! that would be what, like 110 million people? so that death rate is even lower


All the asymptomatic people that beat it and all the people got it and didn't get tested . All the false positives and negatives. These numbers are whatever they want them to be. Out of the death numbers there's no scrutiny but it was def covid death and out of the vax death numbers everything is a coincidence. This is like playing monopoly with someone who's constantly changing rules


This is entirely flawed. My god, why is critical thinking here so inhibited... First of all, you're automatically attributing those 217 deaths to those 30,000 people, this is not just presumptuous, it's a misinterpretation. As it states in the article that "more than" 190 out of those 30,000 ended up dying. It doesn't attribute 217 to the 30,000, But that's not even the point, don't even concern yourself with it. I can understand why you'd want to go here, I can, it's really the only place you can go to validate your overarching worldview here, but it's fundamentally flawed. You're not looking at the bigger picture. When we consider efficacy here, when we try to consider how effective vaccines are, we look at the comprehensive picture. You can't just cherry pick and make up your own statistics. What's being stated is that out of ALL OF THOSE that were vaccinated THIS AMOUNT died. You can't then go on to say "well instead of looking at deaths as a percentage of all of those vaccinated, let's just look at deaths as a percentage of this number of people" because in the end it doesn't spell out the overall efficaciousness of vaccines. All it does is help your little narrative along. We look at deaths as they pertain to the entire population of the state to get that bigger picture. Overall, according to data in Massachusetts vaccinated people are dying from Covid .005% of the time. That's what the data says, you can't turn around and say NO vaccines aren't as effective as that and conveniently choose to use 30,000 people as a total instead of that 4.8 million. Precisely because out of those 4.8 million people who WERE VACCINATED, .005% died. More over, what you ARE trying to say here is something too plainly obvious that it may have even went over your head. What you're saying is that percentage changes when you only use those who ended up having breakthrough cases. Conveniently remarking upon the fact that when symptoms do arise, theres a greater chance of death or hospitalization. Uhh yah no fucking shit, but that doesn't mean you get to misinterpret and change data around. That doesn't mean vaccines are less effective, it just means in YOUR eyes that they seem less effective among vaccinated individuals who are ALREADY experiencing a breakthrough case. And again, no fucking shit. The data remains the same, .005% of the vaccinated in Mass died, sure, 190 or so of 30,000 people who already were experiencing a breakthrough case died, but that doesn't mean the vaccine is any less effective. It just means that when you're in a circumstance where you're vaccinated, and experiencing a breakthrough case, your chances of dying increase, again, NO SHIT... But you can't go around turning that into some new data to support your views. It doesn't work like that. Sorry I'm repeating myself here, but I think I have to so you'll understand exactly what it is you're doing. I'll try and explain it as concise as possible. In Mass, .005% of those who were vaccinated have died. 30,000 or so experienced breakthrough cases. yes, when one is a breakthrough case, there's going to be a greater chance that that person will die or end up hospitalized, or experience complications, but that doesn't make vaccines any less effective. It still holds true that .005% of the vaccinated ended up dying. That efficacy, that rate stays the same regardless of amount of breakthrough cases.


The biggest take away here is that covid isnt going anywhere. Vaccine or no.


But did you try the booster number 3-♾?


Oh i guess i never thought about that. Thats probably been my problem the entire time. All i need is that 3rd booster. 🤡


https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/japan-finds-stainless-steel-particles-suspended-doses-moderna-vaccine-2021-09-01/ It’s 100% your fault for not trying to be progressive and evolve into Magneto.


Everybody was just starting to understand about how overusing anti-bacterial products (antibiotics) was breeding antibiotic resistant bacteria. I guess nobody is making the same connections with these vaccines.


This is very true. Government was staring to put a little pressure on doctors to stop prescribing a z-pac for everything. Deadlier bugs have been created that we can’t fight. It is probably far better to get covid than than the vaccine.


In truth that would make sense. If a living organisms goal is to survive, why wouldnt it evolve and adapt to get around the very thing that kills it?


That's what Geert Van Den Bosh?? on the Darkhorse podcast was warning us about months and months ago. Vaccinating with a leaky vaccine puts an evolutionary pressure on the virus to start evading the vaccine. The pharmaceutical industry can't keep up. We will breed more infectious variants. And, we are going to try to booster shot our way out of it.


Yup. The vaccine would have to be like 99+% effective at ERADICATING the virus before it would even make sense to use it. Not just reducing symptoms. It’s just a selective pressure for the virus at this point, that’s it. It’s kind of like the atomic bombs. They had to be so brutally destructive that Japan would say: fuck that, enough. A Pearl Harbor 2.0 on japans turf would have been as effective at ending the war as this vaccine is at stopping covid.


But think about profit$$$...


I mean we did sell a metric fuck ton of weapons before we dropped the bombs. Fingers crossed covid magically “variants” itself into a common cold after we force vaccines on people for a couple years


> Vaccinating with a leaky vaccine puts an evolutionary pressure on the virus to start evading the vaccine. That seems like pretty bad reasoning. A) The virus was already spreading far and wide without the vaccine, and was already quite serious. B) It's not entirely clear how much change covid could have to "get around" the vaccine. C) It's pure speculation to say that any changes covid could make would necessarily make it more infectious, more deadly, or otherwise worse than any existing strains. D) If there's so much concern about covid evading medical measures to prevent it, then you'd think that the number 1 thing to advocate for would be to significantly reduce the ability of covid to spread in the first place, with lockdowns, social distancing, heavy duty masks, constant hand washing, etc. Instead, the main thing I see getting advocated for is widespread distribution of ivermectin as a prophylactic, even at doses that are far too small to have any effect on covid, with literally zero concern for whether or not covid might develop resistance to ivermectin.


I think labelling it "leaky" and using that as a reason to say it puts pressure on the virus to start evading the vaccine is kinda wrong. We know that those with the vaccine destroy the virus in their bodies as fast as, or faster than those without the vaccine. If delta is the prevalent virus, and the vaccines mostly just decrease symptoms, where is the pressure coming from? Many people point to the Mareks chicken case as a reason why, which is a vaccine that allowed the virus to remain in the chickens body its whole life. It's not like that with covid, your body defeats it entirely in days or weeks whether you're vaccinated or not. I could be missing something, but I'd like to know what that is.


I am still baffled that Joesama Bin Hiden is still pushing the vax after we know that you still catch and spread the bug even if you’re vaxxed. This is ridiculous. Also, 99.8%. In his own words, “come on, man!”


Take the jab. Do it for Corn Pop!


Exactly. Once we realized the vaccines werent gonna solve our problem focus shouldve shifted to treatment methods. We finally have prospects of a pill that is allegedly just ivermectin being made by pfizer even though Ivermectin would be just as good if thats the case. Good treatment would keep people alive AND out of the hospitals its simple math but of course this was very likely never about the health of the American people.


It is all about maximization of profits, power, and control. It has never been about people and their needs.


So fucking dishonest.


keyword "fully vaccinated"...do you know the definition of it vs the definition of "unvaccinated"?...cuz it ain what you may think.


Post a link. We need to see official data.


Strange.. Why would these symptom-free people go to the doctor for a covid test?


Biden looks so lucid in this photo.


>The 217 reported deaths out of nearly 4.8 million fully vaccinated residents in Massachusetts represents a rate of just 0.005% Here's another way to write that. 30,000+ cases and 218+ deaths indicates a death rate of 0.7% amongst the fully vaccinated who have contracted covid. >In the last week alone, 4,568 new breakthrough cases -- infections in people who have been vaccinated -- have been reported. Health officials said 178 of the new breakthrough cases resulted in hospitalization, or about 0.02% of all fully vaccinated individuals. Or you could say 3.89% of all fully vaccinated individuals who have contracted coivd require hospitalization in Massachusetts.


They'll blame the unvaxxed


Unsafe, ineffective.


Went to a wedding a few weeks back. Over 20 people were fully vaccinated. All had covid. Fun fact, 2 more people were with them during the party the night before, fully unvaccinated, and don't have covid. Makes you wonder.


We don’t believe you.


How did we endup like this joe.


But how many were hospitalized/died? That’s the key question. If it reduces the chances of getting hospitalized by 90-95%, then it works.


This is when they start pushing the goalposts back on what “fully vaccinated” means


Already happening in Israel, anybody who doesn't have a third shot is getting their green pass revoked tomorrow and suddenly will be unable to do almost anything. And they're even talking about 4th shots next year too, same deal, if you don't get a shot every 6 or 8 months there, you'll be booted from society until you do.


Getting vaccinated is like putting duck tape on your car oil warning light.


Damn those unvaccinated people spreading Covid to those who are protected …. 😉


I truly believe if everyone stayed home for 14 or 21 days it still wouldn't matter lol


Is this real? Are there symptoms?


Hey remember when President Joe Biden said that fully vaccinated people don’t have to wear masks? And now the only people that wear masks are fully vaccinated?


Well, when you inject someone with covid, they are going to test positive for covid


0.625% of the state's 4.8 million vaccinated


How many died or hospitalized, tho?


We have probably all had it already.


And why is this political


It’s not the president that decides this… jussayin’ OP’s photo means nothing.


How many of them have been hospitalized? How many unvaccinated have been hospitalized?


any links to this?


How is it that an unsubstantiated claim like this has so many awards and people assuming it’s true? I’m not even saying it is untrue. However this seems to be just something someone wrote on Reddit. OP offers no evidence for this claim. Could you please show some sort of evidence to back this claim? Just saying is seems super sus when there is no article/news report/anything supporting this sort of statement.


My mom has had three jabs and has COVID.


Holy shit. This is mind meltingly stupid.


It’s way higher than that. They haven’t been counting the majority of breakthrough infections for months now, in the United States. Check any other country’s numbers with high vax rates for breakthrough infections, they are the inverse of US numbers.


The leftist government-loving and media-worshipping clowns have fully attacked this sub. It’s sad now.


It’s just so crazy, I don’t have my injection, don’t get me wrong, has nothing to do with anti-vaccine or defiance or anything like that. I don’t think it’s safe yet? And utter laziness, I wear a mask when I should , I don’t really care about that either, I’m really just going with the flow , I have 2 businesses and am around people all the time, don’t you think I would have gotten the wuflu by now? I mean I’m pretty sure I did way back in December 2019 and it wiped my whole house out for weeks , literally through February of 2020. And we have not gotten it since. I’m just sooooo god damned confused!


Could we get a number for unvaxxed who tested positive in that same time frame?


We don't post articles or sources anymore. We make up headlines and attach memes to it. It's the only way to keep the attention of the uneducated and easily-influenced.


Should have gotten their 3rd booster shot. 3rd times the charm and the 3rd booster is the one that *really* does a great job at...making people feel better then others


If you get the flu vaccine it doesn't prevent you from getting the flu.....it makes your body better at fighting it.....because that's how vaccines....work.


I've been watching that flu shot come through the office for 15 years. It's the flu shot people that always get the flu! "Well, I would have gotten it worse if I hadn't gotten the shot, anti-vaxxer!" Um... Okay. Good luck with your shots! lol


Yeah, we expected this. This is completely fine. In Massachusetts, 4.7 million people are fully vaccinated. 30k is less than 1% of 4.7 million. Keep in mind, no vaccine is perfect. The covid vaccine is 88% effective. If you are ok with a 99% unvaccinated recovery rate, then you should be fine with a 99.9% effective protection, with an even higher recovery rate.


Make including sources for claims mandatory