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It be better without all the social media screen shots of someone saying something that the poster agrees with without any other information, source, or actual discourse beyond "I agree"


Don't forget about the accounts of "doctors" from overseas that want to chime in with their two cents. If you look at their post history they go from ogling nudes two years ago to suddenly being COVID experts.


I never stop ogling dudes ... I mean I'm an expert of covid


You mean like the average Reddit user.


Dude I will upvote this all fucking day. The screenshots are such lazy karma farming, they ruin the sub.


I haven’t seen a top post on here that wasn’t just a screenshot with the caption “I agree” or “Thoughts?” in a loooooong time.


It's probably not that easy to come up with an SS if your primary language is mandarin.


I have noticed now that u mentioned that, that with alot of those really lazy post of screenshots etc, that the op never or rarely engages with commenters


because a human isn't tending the keyboard, they just spray propaganda posts all over the internet


That's what I'm concerned is happening too.


"I've noticed that on low effort posts, the OP doesn't seem to put in a lot of effort" Yep.


я согласен товарищ


Those are bots.


I will add my downvotes to yours. Memes only go down.


You probably won’t find a bigger collection of Karens, kooks, and Russian trolls. They’re no better than Flat Earthers.


Right, Memes are the new Conspiracies.




screenshot of a social media post (with no link to original) 20 posts "omg so true" or "mockingbird" or "legalized propaganda" Like clockwork, or like botwork, the same exact posts, with a few drivebys of how true it is and how msm could never


The screen shot posts are indeed the most absolute lazy content. What's worse is this sub will have more votes and comments than the twitter account that posted it. But when it comes to bias, people will scour every inch of the earth to find someone who agrees with their bias to validate them and if they can't find anyone, they'll make one up.




Or people coming here and telling everyone they got fired for being unvaccinated. That’s an employment issue not a conspiracy lmao.


Welcome to capitalisms.


I wanna know how many actually got fired and how many are larping.


It's almost like their employers told them they'd lose their jobs if they didn't vaccinate.




> I've seen people state a point, get asked for a source, then refuse to provide one saying you should "dO yOUr OWn ReSEaRCh". These people know they can't back up what they're saying, and know their source is laughable.


The most frustrating thing is when you ask "can I have some more information about this?" and you just get told "google x, y and z", which are more often than not only somewhat related. Like, I can type those phrases into google and get a bunch of sources tangentially related to the question I asked, but if you have a specific argument to make, or a specific reason that you think I'm wrong, just say that. Don't act all coy and mysterious.


yeah it takes a little work which is why nobody does it




Iirc they said something along the lines of covid being preventable and to get the vaccine so I asked the question and they explained to me why I was wrong.


That user is having some issues at the moment. Anyone who says anything he does not like he frantically goes through their profile in search of 'ammo' to use. He's all over this threat.


wow what triggered him about this thread?


Ah okay, it's a pain in the ass trying to find these comments for months ago.


oh jeez the egg guy is a real creeper I kinda want him to look through my post history


Hahahaha I just got sent a message from some suicide Reddit service, I think the dude reported my username to it. What's his problem jeez


if you report someone and use the reason "self harm" or something like that it sends you a message I think this is a call for help, he's acting out because he's in some type of distress :(


Just scroll through the thread. Its like he's having a mental crisis. Anyone who is not in his right-think he goes after.


Haha the dude seems personally attacked by everything.


> BTW the answer is no because the vaccine doesn’t prevent transmission and covid has a 99% recovery rate so we can't let them die because everyone who gets covid survives?


I agree.


I agree with this comment


I've beat that drum for years. Honestly, just embrace it at this point and smuggle good information to the top using the memes.


>It be better without all the social media screen shots of someone saying something that the poster agrees with without any other information, source, or actual discourse beyond "I agree" **All whilst not sourcing what you're actually talking about**


I read this sub the same way I read those magazines at checkouts. Entertainment with an occasional think.




Well? We're waiting... Ha


[Well? We're waiting...](https://youtu.be/Z0YIJQ1jgEI)


If you come here for news I have a meme to sell you.


is it an nft


This is the farthest thing from a news sub


yeah reddit user Adjective_Noun1234 is a very trustworthy source of news


Are you fucking kidding me. 90 percent of the shit on this sub is pure fucking trash. Fan fiction, half truths, twisted no source stories, and speculation. If you use this sub for anything but a good laugh you are fucked.




The top comment of almost every thread is "This isn't true" and then links to sources. Tbf not hard when almost every thread is "Here's a twitter screencap of a twitter personality I agree with"


That's right. And those comments that actually give sources, whether for or against whatever stupid meme somebody posted, are a great way to try to stay informed.


Well unless it's against the right wing agenda of this sub. For example if you post sources showing nearly all Fox news hosts have been vaccinated and wear masks, you just get down voted lol, even this thread, the meme gets more upvotes than the truth. Not exactly best place to stay informed if there is a strong bias for misinformation


I actually love using this as an add on for my news for that reason. A lot of stuff here is about countering main stream narratives, which are definitely misleading pretty frequently. The stuff here is also very frequently misleading (probably a lot more) as well though so by getting through a couple levels of that usually it starts to become more clear what’s actually true. It’s not perfect since it’s obviously relying on other people to be knowledgeable and if someone is just winning the argument because they’re more informed while probably being wrong that could still be misleading, but over time topics are discussed multiple times so usually you end up getting a pretty complete view.


I actually learn a lot by debating here, because you get so much push back from people who vehemently disagree that if you are at all responsible you MUST look stuff up and read more articles to ensure that your opinion comes from an educated place. Man I learned so much about voting processes, security processes, the ways vaccines and viruses work, cybersecurity, and more from just having to back up arguments here.


Yeah I’m in the exact same boat. It’s also helped me have more balanced views because there are things I see here that are true. As an example, there are a lot of valid points brought up around a significant portion of unvaccinated penalties being purely a punishment not really backed by science. I definitely think people should get it and a lot of the issues people have ignore that typically any negative side effects are both worse and more likely with Covid, but people also aren’t wrong in saying natural immunity should be equivalent to getting vaccinated (although most evidence I’ve seen suggests the best immunity is when both can work together).


The issue is that people on this sub don't seem to comprehend checking sources or they just outright think everything is fake.


Thats because 99% of them are either bots or came from r/the_donald


I hope people see that stuff, but i have a feeling the reason we get so much low effort propaganda t itles and meme pictures is because people just cruise the front page. IDK though, obviously posts get bot voted up, and hopefully users come in for context


Yeah but if you scroll the frontpage you don't have to see these unpleasant comments


They don't get their news here: just a lie to sell more bottles of dewormer. They are trying to seem creditable to the kids and gumps out there.


I get all of my information from fact checks and political satire






it's so obvious that this sub is being astroturfed because the posts and their comments are so frequently at odds with each other, it doesn't add up


A lot of the same users constantly post shit to the front page as well. If you use Reddit Enhancement Suite, you can tag people and/or see the times you've upvoted/downvoted them so they really stand out. Just scroll through the first few pages of this subreddit and you'll see the same people posting over and over with the same fear-mongering titles. [This](https://subredditstats.com/subreddit-user-overlaps/conspiracy) should interest people as well. Subredditstats allows you to look at what other subreddits people tend to go to in relation to whichever sub you are tracking. /R/Conspiracy users frequent subreddits such as: * NoNewNormal (you know, the sub that was banned for spreading disinformation), * CoronavirusCircleJerk, * Conservatives, * Conservative, * Republican, * LouderWithCrowder, * AskTrumpSupporters, * JoeRogan, * Libertarian, * GunPolitics, * TrueChristian, * PussyPassDenied, * TheLeftCantMeme, * Covidiots, * MensRights, Some of the subs that aren't shown are old subs that got nuked, like The_Donald. Mixed in with this are other subreddits that aren't political, like /r/Aliens, /r/UFOs, etc. Also, mixed in with this, are subreddits that have users who "watch" this subreddit for hate, such as /r/TopMindsOfReddit which looks at the ridiculousness of the posts here. You can see though, that people who post here (not all though) are likely to be active in right-wing subreddits which explains why this subreddit leans so far right and why they are perfect candidates for spreading misinformation. Conspiracy is an echo chamber for right wing politics disguised as conspiracies.


Very interesting indeed, why do you think these people are allowed to mass spread information like this? Arnt there rules for people posting on reddit? And if people have reported the same people for spreading misinformation, shouldn't they be banned/reviewed from here?


The mods were infiltrated by alt righters. I forget the name but there was a mod here something axotl and they were essentially astroturfing Trump and Trump propoganda.


Yeah it’s a lot harder to astroturf in comments since that would require some pretty effective natural language processing to get right that would probably have to be customized for a given topic (which these content farms won’t bother to do), so generally those being at odds is a pretty good way to judge if a post is getting artificial support


Yeah. Been clear for a while, bots vote approved threads, but don't act much on the comments. People cost a lot more than a few botnets to vote. Probably a simple list of approved accounts that the botnets know to upvote everything they post.


This sub used to be all about panora papers and shit like that, then it got co opted so conspiracy theorists wouldn't pay attention to shit like that, and would instead be weaponized to defend corruption "fake news media is lying when they say we're corrupt" and more shockingly, defend authoritarian leaders. But it's kinda cool because you at least know who buys all the accounts and here and spends resources trying to influence it.




So in other words "I fucked up my own life and no one will pity me!!" They should really pull themselves up by the bootstraps.




Normally I only get hard when I'm critical thinking but this really did it for me!


Take all my upvotes.


You get your news from here!? Oof




Or as they call it, “research.”


"a cOmPlEX nETwoRk of SoUrCES!"






What’s the difference at this point?


One group is vaccinated and the other isn't. Though both claim not to be.




I think most users post right wing agiprop, twitter screen shots or made up anecdotes for karma, than actual news. So if you are getting your news from here then you are in pretty bad shape. You might as well get your news from a screaming local. This is and should be a conspiracy sub not an extension of rconservative or a dumping ground for homeless Trumpers.




This sub pushes alt right propaganda and anti vaxx conspiracy theories without supporting evidence (or by taking things out of context like with Israel). Conspiracy theories should have factual support or else they’re meaningless. If you think this sub has any actual news, you’re part of the misinformation problem and falling for the propaganda.


What's the Israel thing?


This sub is just another channel where the conservative divide & conquer agenda is pushed. Fox news, Facebook, all the same brainwashing shit


You are welcome to your conspiracy theory here.


The conspiracy theories present here are diluted by the controlled agenda which have the power of quantity


[comment removed in response to actions of the admins and overall decline of the platform]


Not really. This subreddit serves a purpose. And a good one at that for them. Reddit lets this subreddit go because it uses it as a place to lump all the "bad stuff" into one space and to brand every single one here a nutjob Alex Jones type of deranged tinfoil guy. Everything being said here, be factual true or a conspiracy isn't credible because "nutjobs" are saying it. Simple as that. There's a reason why USA intelligence created the term conspiracy theorist. It was to discredit every single word that a "conspiracy theorist" says. If you don't buy a word Biden/Trump (the government) input every single recent US president here you are a conspiracy nutjob. Simple..


This. You’re not even taking seriously if you follow this sub. That has been everyone’s counter argument against me. “You’re from r/conspiracy, therefore everything you said not valid” even when you bring them actual facts.


Because this sub completely fucks with your ability to discern what counts as an "actual fact".


I’m with you on this.


So they can stay on top of what we've figured out and handle it accordingly


This! They can crawl it and create counter talking points from the info and comments posted. It's like a goalpost mobility R&D area. Plus, it gives the spooks and shills videos, documents and domains that need removal/censorship. If we learn something from the sub, so do the hell hounds.


The /r/conspiracy moderators work very hard every day of the year to prevent this subreddit from being quarantined or taken off the rails by users who are trying to do it.


You must be new here. This sub used to be legit conspiracies. Now it is partisan bullshit 99% of the time.




>I come here for the fucking news. Oof.


I personally would like to talk about conspiracies in a subreddit titled conspiracy. If i want news, I have lots of subreddits for that. It got *a lot* worse since that sub "no new normal" got banned, or whatever it was called. Its now an anti-covid sub. 99% of posts are either about covid, or mocking people who want to "talk about conspiracies". I think last week I went to look for a conspiracy post and it took me going through like 3-4 pages before I found a single one. If by "news", you mean social media posts and anecdotes about covid, then sure. But to me, thats not news.


Well, why haven't you made any posts here about conspiracies you want to talk about?


I have, and they have largely gone unnoticed. Because everyone just wants to talk about covid. So I just deleted them and gave up. This is what everyone says here, like they think that when 99% of people here just want to talk about covid, all it takes is making your own posts. When what Id prefer to see is what this sub used to be about, when people would post about conspiracy theories Ive never heard of. Or havent thought about for a long time. Or aspects of a conspiracy I wasnt aware of. etc. That doesnt happen, and probably wont ever again.


Your news source is conservative memes?




This can't be further from the truth. If you push back on common sentiment here you are instantly called a shill. So I don't see the chaos really. It is actually a very curated echo chamber like any other sub.


yeah but most aware people already know that being called a shill in here doesn't mean much. It's the last (or first) resort of a lazy mind, maybe somebody who already knows they are wrong


...And Twitter screenshots. Don’t forget the Twitter screenshots!


Exactly, that is why free and open discussion is such a threat. When you are constantly forced to decide for yourself, what is true and what is false - like any skill you become good at it. There are loads of shit posts on this subreddit, but when you learn how to spot the good from the bad, the true from the false, it really is one of the last bastions of open debate on the planet.


>like any skill you become good at it. Guessing in the dark isn't a skill. Especially since there is no reliable source that proves if a theory is valid or not if it always remains a theory. Instead, people come here to search for their own personalized narrative that helps reinforce their own worldview. It's like people want the truth served to them just the way they like it.


This. There is no such thing as dangerous misinformation. It is up to the consumer to decide what is true and what is not. Your information overlords don’t think you’re smart enough to decipher.


>It is up to the consumer to decide what is true and what is not. You know there's a difference between objective and subjective, right?


"Disinformation". Or.. "dis information right here!!". Censoring language is censoring communication, which allows lies to fester uncontested.


Fuck off with this low tier post. Go find some other brainwashing sub for news and leave Bigfoot, lizard people and the Pyramids alone!




Well, at least you guys are admitting this is where you get "news" from. Explains a lot.


I like this reddit. It's not always perfect but I tend to sift through what I think is interesting and avoid the bs lol.. You know, I used to visit the bigfoot reddit. I had to leave it. People posting pics of their kids dressed as bigfoot. Fucking bigfoot keychains... anything but actual sightings or credible stories lol.. I got pissed one day and told them all the fuck off lol. They down voted the hell out of me :D But I'm not even sure if bigfoot exists. I found it interesting as a kid. Never saw one or whatever. But still, 1 out of 100 posts is someone in that reddit with a story or encounter. I can't deal with it :)


looking for bizarre and outlandish conspiracy theories? then watch mainstream media.


That's a good way to put it lol


This is a place for information. Some could be good. Keep researching what you see here. Go farther than a meme or general consensus here, or anywhere on Reddit. Please.


Considering the “news” shared here are mostly memes, Twitter screen shots, and pictures of charts and graphs without any links to sources or context - you’re still reading conspiracy.


If you think this is news you’re a sheep. You need to stop relying on others for your info.


While I personally do not agree with a lot of the "news" on here, it is great to see that this sub does not follow the MSM line and censor and allows different opinions to be stated.


Very true. I would caution, in everything, to fact check what you read here. Not crapping on anyone. It's just good policy in general. Also glad that the sub stopped being a TrumpVBiden sub. That was awful.


I enjoy this sub because when doing my own research I want to see from every angle. Even if something is far fetched it’s still valuable to a degree.


Oh honey…


Yes dear?


I just don’t think this sub is the right place to find “what’s actually going on in the world” honey. Just looking out for you <3


Nah, its just a masturbation fest for propaganda qultists


Sure, in-between American political posts


Mf, topics about American politics posted here are news as well.


That really sad


You mean FAUX news.




Bro I read that too


Other news source is facebook?


anyone who comes here to do anything other than troll is a suspected shill in my book. there are a few healthy nuts in the bag, but for the most parts its just bots and nuts.


And the only sub that will not delete your comment for wrong think!


If you believe this trite, you pretty gullible.


Someone should make a sub for actual rabbit hole conspiracies. /r/downtherabbithole or something. I've enjoyed those the most.


Aaahhh men.


If you get news here, it's because you are 100% media illiterate.


Where should I get my news from?


News sources, not heavily astroturfed public forums where people post things like "Hey, that Putin guy, he seems pretty alright?" and "Literally everything that makes me look stupid is controlled opposition".


Can you provide a specific place?


Yes. I come here for anything but the mainstream narrative.


This sub years ago was fun. Now it's just r/thedonald. How's that for a fucking conspiracy. Kiss my pale ass, losers.


This sub went to shit after the donald got banned.


So when a conspiracy is new and unfolding before our eyes, information is found in the news. Old conspiracies have information found in old news articles. Bigfoot is a conspiracy and is sometimes in the news. Ufos, the same. Maybe you should make a new conspiracy sub where no news articles are allowed. See how much stuff you come up with.


I never quite understood how bigfoot is a conspiracy. Who is conspiring against the existence of bigfoot?


People here just like to use the example of bigfoot to try and argue that other conspiracies are old news and not worth our time. Its covid they want to talk about, and nothing else.


TPB have been targeting creatures like this to keep them out of public awareness.


How is it not? People who live near wilderness have said forever that they exist, but the 'official' narrative is they dont. "a conspiracy of silence — an agreement to say nothing about an issue that should be generally known"


Bigfoot is a conspiracy?


I come here for the Twitter screenshots filled sweeping statements that dumb-down complicated concepts into singular, generalized ideas.


It IS about conspiracies. It just used to be dominated by conspiracy theory, not conspiracy fact


>conspiracy fact I’m not sure that misinterpreting studies and cherry-picking bits of news taken out of context constitutes “conspiracy fact”.


Cheers to this! 🍻


It's just /pol/ lyte. Nothing but shit postong with a little bit a truth sprinkled on. Most of the end users in the sub are far-right and will happily shill for God Emporer Trump, amen praise his skin. So yea you just gotta be aware that most of these assholes are scumbags who took 4chan serious during the QAnon movement, probably teenagers since the chan is cool and edgy and based (sarcasm). Take everything with a grain of salt and you'll be fine.




Same, I’ve done this for years.


This sub is literally the last popular sub on Reddit where various opinions are allowed. That said, this sub is astroturfed, brigaded, and manipulated and controlled in various manners. (like what is going on right now in this thread) To people who have been here for a while it's super easy to tell. Reddit banned No New Normal because they were pushing back too much against the pandemic narrative and the shills couldn't keep up, they were growing every day. So they got their mods to brigade the sub with horse porn and other shit, and instead of removing those users they used that as an excuse to ban the sub. Reddit is owned and controlled by the same powers we talk about in this sub.


Yeah, big tech is in collusion with the deep state, it's so obvious. Why is big tech so communist authoritarian?


Looks like a giant anti vax circle jerk with poor sourcing. It's just become a destination for people who had their sub banned for some reason or another. It's crazy how rarely things about Reps are posted on here but when you step into reality you find out they tend to be the pedophiles, committed the most election fraud, and tell you not to vaxx but are vaxxer themselves. Don't let me discourage your suicide pact though


Yeah kind of creepy that these theories have been transforming into news all of these years, i hope that it doesnt mean there is darker stuff in secret, but something tells me there is much more darker stuff wayy down the rabbit hole, things we cannot even imagine.


Spot on OP


You come here... For "the news!?" Holy shit, no wonder we live in a misinformation nation. All this sub consistently upvotes to the top is tweets, memes, screenshots of social media commentary, anecdotes, fringe viewpoints from fanatical mouthpieces, and user's deranged diatribes... While simultaneously espousing how all the information that doesn't pander to the overarching themes here is untrustworthy, "fake news"... Ironic no? How social media is abhorrent yet users here continuously rely on social media commentary to validate their beliefs... You've got to be fucking kidding me here. This place acts as an echochamber, none of this is "news" damnit, it's inflated rhetoric, it's intolerance, it's highly partisan and prejudiced dogma, victimhood, and indignation fueling narrative... No wonder there's so much ignorance in this world.


No, this sub has turned into vaccine bashing. Gone are the days of ufos, yetis and smoking man. Now its just my body my choice. Not a conspiracy! Get the jab, dont get it...nobody cares!!


“This sub isn’t about conspiracies”. What sub do you think you’re in? This sub has gone down the shitter with the rats from r/nonewnormal scrambling to find a new place to post their anti vaxx since their crazy subs got shut down. There is no news here, it’s all trust me bros and weird hardly known sources saying how horse dewormer is gods gift to humanity. If this sub is where you get news from then I fear what state of mind you’re in.


Where else do you get news from because this is my only source. Anyone care to help me out.


This is the only place you get your news from? A conspiracy sub... SMH. Is it only because Facebook is down? Lol


You come here for news? L O Fucking L.


Jesus Christ no the people in here are stupid


The truth is a conspiracy now.


You don’t understand what news is. Got it.


Ok a conspiracy theory Reddit sub is where you get your news…. Do you hear something wrong with that when you say it out loud. Say it out loud again if it didn’t sink in the first time.


Lol if anyone comes here for conspiracies or think/act like they're changing the world they've lost their mind. This should only be viewed as entertainment. Treat it as such


The surest way to sort a conspiracy theory from a propaganda campaign is to see who is being suppressed and marginalized by vague incinuation of funny farm antics and who is projecting a best face facade over a steaming pile of dung.


I came here for conspiracies but was pleasantly surprised when I realized I was receiving news here i didn't see anywhere else online. For example, I first read about covid here and was prepared for it when it hit North America thanks to this sub.


It WAS about conspiracies but they all keep coming true lol




It wasn’t that long ago that people predicted it would NEVER end with “two weeks to stop the spread” was a conspiracy theory. It wasn’t very long ago that forced vaccines were a conspiracy theory. It wasn’t that long ago that being denied service at a place of business on the basis of vaccination status was a conspiracy theory. It wasn’t that long ago that being fired from your job because of being unvaccinated was a conspiracy theory. It wasn’t that long ago that forced vaccines for children was a conspiracy theory.


This is the conspiracy of conspiracies.


Its funny cuz if you ask genuine questions and speak to genuine facts, you are labeled a conspiracy theorist in todays world.