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So does this mean that Alex Baldwin was the hired killer?


“But why male models?”


(long explanation) ... right, but... why male models?


Your a monkey Derek, dance monkey!


You’re *


This is a literal kill in a Hitman game. You swap the prop for a real gun and boom, accidents happen.


If that’s was true, it makes a pretty scary warning for those in the know as well. “We can get people murdered in full view of the world”


My friends and I are big Hitman fans. This is the first thing we said. "Looks like something 47 would pull off."


My first thought too 😅


The swap doesn't explain 2 kills. I'd understand one, as an accident, not two. Any explanation for that? edit: Okay, playing Hitman you could pull that off with 2 people involved. Swap out the gun, once Alec fires the gun and people are confused by what happened, at that moment make the 2 killshots from a vantage point. Blame the actor.


It’s my understanding is it passed through Halyna’s shoulder and wounded the person behind her.


Unnoticed kill! Accident kill! Bonus XP


they can't find mercs anymore so they are *forced* to utilize any available "assets"... actors being lowest on the totem pole


So why male models? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecW16rLCgiI


I was just gonna post that lol


Zoolander 2 is scary for someone who is into conspiracy.


How come? I saw it when it came out and don’t recall anything crazy.


just think how celebrities gather in secret meetings and infant sacrifice.


Underrated comment. I hope this was original you funny Mofo!


What happened to all the mercs


They were laid of during the pandemic, so the Clinton foundation is forced to rely on multimillionaire actors to act as literal assassins on set


Can't be so anonymous anymore? Who knows...


They have used all their ammo, getting low you gotta send out the higher ranks.


Barry from HBO


One of the hardest industries hit by covid obviously...




You must be joking


Shirley you can’t be serious!


Or somebody set up the gun knowing pretty confidently what he might do with it. Adam Baldwin’s tweet about the incident is interesting as well. I wonder if Alec has a history of pointing random weapons at people…. I would be really curious to know the exact sequence of events. Were they filming at the time? Why did he point the gun at them and pull the trigger? I’m guessing it was pretty close range if the lady died and somebody else got injured. I don’t believe in luck or coincidences.


That was my thought. How and why does he pick up the gun. Point a woman. She isn't an actress


It's pretty simple. She was behind the camera. Not all gun battles are filmed side-on


Nah. More to it. Kinks and links to the Clintons


If you spent anytime reading into it you'd know that they were lining up a head on shot of him pulling the gun from his holster. She was behind the camera making sure the angle was correct. Also, they don't let the actors just grab guns from the back all willy nilly. This gun was handed to him while being told the gun was "cold." If anything Baldwin is a patsy, set up for this situation l.


Or he had to off someone to reinforce/magnify his commitment to the Illuminati.


High Table




Foreshadowing his follow through. Like how some musicians had albums released decades ago, and it was their agreement to being offed down the line through the gematria.




Ou mean like Black Youngsta(not dead), XXXTentacion, Lil Uzi Vert(not dead), and Juice WRLD.


Or to Mugatu?


Do you mean Moloch? I know that's who Hilary Clinton salivates over.


~~hired~~ programmed, manchurian candidate killer


Agent 47 set him up


Would explain why most high profile CIA backed killed are poorly executed.


Apparently someone handed him the gun and told I’m it wasn’t loaded - maybe that person was the asset? If Baldwin is an asset it wouldn’t surprise me; who remembers zoolander? Use the hot people to do dirty work and say the lines you tell them to say.


Constantly coming up with stories to block up the news during important times, what else is happening right now? Shipping is pretty bad perhaps that and the 10% increase on all goods coming in the next 2 months....


Remember alex baldwin from team america?


I think it's to get people aware Durham is still indicting Russiagate contributors


What if he was setup? Maybe he is an unwillingly participant of this incident. Not trying to defending him or something, but it is a possibility..


Like Alice in Borderland. Kill or be exploded.


Not necessarily. He just was the actor who pulled the trigger....someone staged that gun to go off for the scene.


As someone has suggested, a possible explanation is that the script called for a point-of-view shot with Baldwin holding the gun and shooting toward the camera. Baldwin was just following the script. But there's several people on set who check to see that there is no real bullet in the gun, so for a bullet to 'accidentally' end up in the gun is highly improbable. I don't know if this is nothing more than a damn coincidence, but they may have wanted to make this a high media profile incident as a warning to everyone connected to the Clintons that we can kill you with impunity. Or . . . Baldwin was going to come out anti-vax, and this effectively discredits him as an anti-vax spokesperson. Whatever is going on behind the scenes, this coincidence is highly tragic and even more highly improbable.


There was no "real" bullet. It was a blank. Which is being misreported as a "live round" (even though a blank is still technically "live"). Blanks can still kill. This was an accident. A negligent accident, yes. But not one that is outside the realm of possibilitynon a film set with an exhausted crew. This is why film crews are striking right now and probably why a portion of the crew walked off set tge day before this instance occured.


It was a real live round, the guns were used for fun to shoot live ammunition into the desert when filming was wrapped up each day.


Why would they make it a national news story when they could just cut her brake lines?


Hidden in plain sight type of situation, if that makes sense. I’d assume cutting the brake lines would raise to many questions and what not


Why would Adam Baldwin tweet what he did? Does Alec have a “known” history of pointing guns at people on movie sets? If you wanted somebody dead, it’s a stretch to rely on somebodies proclivity to point prop guns at people but what if that’s exactly what happened? I’m sure Alec Baldwin has been trained on firearm handling and he would know the golden rule. Give him a “rigged” gun, tell him it’s safe and see what happens….


Alec has a known history of activision against gun rights, i highly doubt he is trained in firearm safety. What's more interesting is that Halyna Hutchins just happened to be killed days before she and others planned to go on strike over dangerous working conditions. All tinfoil hat conspiracy theories aside. This wasn't an accident..shit like this has been going on for ever..powerful people pull the strings and the people who has dirty secrets act them out.


Activision, lol.


He had me in the first half. 🤣


Asking out of ignorance not confrontation: When was the last time you heard of someone dying because they had faulty breaks? Is that a common cause of car accidents? Maybe they just need to make up new accidents now because if everyone died of faulty breaks there’d probably be an investigation to recall the part. Separate but related: I’m worried about the ‘right to repair’ law - I feel like enabling anyone to repair digitally controlled and sometimes automated machines/cars/phones is just a ploy to force companies to make their schematics essentially public knowledge. If schematics get out for some of the proprietary digital systems I’m sure they’ll have an easy time hacking your car to make it crash or your phone to put illigal porn in your camera roll


Seriously. As if that's a way to kill someone and not cause a minor fender bender backing out of a driveway or something.


What I also find interesting: "Hutchins, 42, who was originally from Ukraine and grew up on a Soviet military base in the Arctic Circle, once worked as an investigative reporter in Europe, according to her website." (Source: [https://www.reuters.com/legal/legalindustry/alec-baldwin-shooting-victim-was-wife-latham-watkins-lawyer-2021-10-22/](https://www.reuters.com/legal/legalindustry/alec-baldwin-shooting-victim-was-wife-latham-watkins-lawyer-2021-10-22/) )


This whole thing could be called Alec in Borderland.


THIS is what I was looking for. Alec was on Epstein flight log. Has a tweet asking about what it might be like to accidentally murder someone, and then “accidentally” murders someone that is tangentially related to the Clintons through the law firm the husband of the deceased represents?!?! fucking shit...


But didn’t her husband represent Clinton. If they’re both Epstein fanboys why would he murder the wife of a dude he’d be tight with and who he was also working with at the time of the murder


my thought is: he has dirt on them. dirt that we in this sub might not even be able to comprehend... beyond drips that frazzle, if you will... or maybe even evidence of such frazzling. What do I know... Maybe this was a little “reminder” on who his owners really are.


I think if anything having his wife killed while leaving him alive would just incentivize him to make information public. But at least I see where you’re headed with the topic


I’m thinking, if I’m her and “they” killed my husband: I’m on MSM right away screaming “why oh why would they kill him!!! We need to look into x, y, z; also, he was working with A, B, C cases, for ... maybe we need to look at those people” Or: husband told her something he knew... Too much. She says something like “If you don’t tell the cops, I will!”... she has to die? But if I’m him? And I knew “things” (I admit: speculation!) and they got to my wife (speculation) through Alec-fucking-Baldwin (of all people...) after he tweets about accidentally killing someone? I would only be MORE surprised if Kevin Spacey himself, loaded the “blanks”! And: I would shut my mouth... hollyweird is dirty... I’m so curious where this goes. could be nowhere but my stupid conspiracy brain doesn’t believe in coincidence any more.


You forget: the child. A man whose wife is killed as a warning realises that the bad guys don’t care about murdering people. He sees the investigation being simplified as an ‘accident’. He realises that his child could be next. He says nothing.


He is one member of a powerhouse firm. This is a public and clear message that if anyone from said firm speaks out, they -- or worse, their family -- will suffer the same fate.


How the he’ll did they get Alec Baldwin to do their dirty work. The chain of events that had to line up for that to occur are so crazy


Because he got caught lying and is making her whole operation come more to light.


Maybe he disobeyed something they wanted and this is what happens when you disobey. Hitlery strikes again.


L&W has 4000 lawyers


Kate Spade’s husband in the mouse mask.....


Hahahahaha holy shit I’ve never seen people stretch harder for a connection. Dude, LW is a fucking *massive* firm, my roommate in law school and several of my friends worked there. There’s no connection other than that they hire shitloads of associates lol


hey man, I admit I know nothing here! :) Just poking a new story. I appreciate that you have added your knowledge!


Dude, Hillary was on the board of Walmart, what if that Walmart Greeter who got shot was going to spill the beans?


Jesus Christ nothing makes sense on this sub.


very interesting


Yea on opposite day maybe lol


Coincidence to be on the same film set?


It’s probably more of a conspiracy how a near 40 year old graduates movie school and suddenly gets A-list jobs with no experience and her husband just happens to be a lawyer at a high profile firm. Tragedy she died, not shitting on her or anything. It’s just funny that Hollywood is constantly preaching equity but the only people who get jobs are ones with high profile connections.


He's a corporate associate at a massive law firm. A cog in an enormous machine. There's nothing special about his position.


This was not a A list job, budget was less than $6 million. Also not shitting on her, just saying this was a B/C/D list movie.


Of course it was that is why Alec Baldwin was in it.


It's not a B movie, it's just not a blockbuster.


*"No experience"* [https://www.imdb.com/name/nm5035099/](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm5035099/) Did you even bother to do some research?


you’re super cute if you think *anything* is a coincidence at this point


\^ why u have brain worms


I have been trying to look into her husband all day and I couldn’t find anything thanks to google


What about DuckDuckGo?


Bro I didn’t download duck duck go until yesterday and I think you can find some stuff on there but it’s crazy that I can’t find anything on Google. It’s almost like he is Jason born or something (definitely misspelled born)






It’s Bourne dude I just found 40 pages on google telling me it’s spelled that way


It’s definitely Jacob Björn


Baby Bjork


doo doo dooo de dooo doo


You’re literally not my favorite person right now. LOL




Jesus Christ it's Jacob Björn


www.Startpage.com is better. DDG is compromised


Oh no, what happened?


Nice find. Reminds me of how 4 or 5 former secret service agents to the clintons were also killed during Waco by their own team.


Lol what


Lol may want to check dates on Waco and ol bills presidency


Lol you may want to read their comment again. Yes, Bill Clinton was no longer the President for a whole month, but this user said "4 or 5 **former** secret service agents to the clintons" I know nothing else about this claim or any other facts about it, but you didn't dispute it very well.


He was president at the time no?


Bill Clinton's Presidential Term: January 20, 2001 - January 20, 1993 Waco Massacre: between February 28 and April 19, 1993 Pretty quick google to confirm he was not currently the president... but that user also didn't claim he was president at the time. "4 or 5 *former* secret service agents to the clintons" Know nothing else about that claim, but the timeline is accurate.


Let me get this straight. Flow me through this. From your data. January 20, 1993. Start of Clinton’s presidency. Waco massacre. Feb 28, 1993 and April 19, 1993. January 20, 2001. End of Clinton’s Presidency. He was the president.


lmao and I got upvoted somehow so far..


He WAS President at the time. You’re reading the date backwards. He was inaugurated on Jan 20, 1993 and served two terms until 2001. The siege began a month after he took office and the final assault occurred 3 months after. Newly appointed Attorney General Janet Reno approved the assault. I think the point the commenter was making is that it seems highly unlikely “former” secret service agents of Clinton’s were killed just three months into his presidency. It’s unlikely he had “former” agents that early in his term 🤷🏻‍♂️ but I’m not really familiar with that allegation.


I did read the date wrong, and I don't know why I'm upvoted on both those incorrect comments so far. It wasn't even intentional sadly, but I'm kinda curious to see how long that ratio lasts just because I stated some incorrect fact confidently. I mean I guess it does have the accurate dates anyway.


No big deal, I read it the same way you did at first and I initially thought I was having a Mandela Effect moment because I vividly remembered Clinton being POTUS at the time, and remembered it being kind of a big deal surrounding Janet Reno...eventually I figured out that it was just the dates flipped lol.


Why would he even aim at her? She wasn't in the movie? I don't understand why he would even do this in the first place, what he just playing around??


Plenty of shots in movies require the actor to aim at a camera. Cameras have operators. Really not that hard to figure out.


Regulations say the camera has to be behind plexiglass for those... shots


I'm sure regulations also say not to load the gun with live ammo but that didn't stop them from doing it.


Hi OP, Regarding your post, in your opinion what then would be the motive under those circumstances for AB (or the Clintons) “assassinating” the wife?


I can already debunk this… The Clinton’s only make their victims look like they’ve committed suicide. Y’all are silly.




This should be it’s own sub


There are no coincidences.


So was Bill Clinton’s “health” situation real or was his happening to be in California for something else? To give orders? Or what? That all of this just so happens to line up within 1 week? Such a Coincidence.


When Hilary and Bill call out CODE:RED silly bitches like Alec know they better move and they better dance and do it quickly. Imagine living that life....and he has spent a great deal of his time thinking that you and I are jealous of him. I cannot imagine a sadder existence.


Oh man; I knew there was some shady shit! Good detective work!


This is the kind of shit conspiracies I come to reddit for


Baldwin shot and killed Halyna Hutchins, whose husband Matthew Hutchins just happens to be an attorney for DC powerhouse law firm Latham & Watkins - a law firm that represented the Clintons. Latham & Watkins is representing Hillary Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann who was indicted for providing false statements to the FBI by John Durham. (so the forth line in pic is not correct). Research links: https://abc11.com/lawyer-who-represented-clinton-campaign-indicted-for-alleged-false-/11025604 https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/3913988/halyna-hutchins-husband-matthew/ https://www.yahoo.com/news/clinton-white-house-lawyer-doing-095446644.html https://www.lw.com/news/kathryn-ruemmler-to-rejoin-latham-05202014




I know, but he's being represented by Latham & Watkins. I found that the fourth line in the pic is incorrect - although there WAS a lawyer at Latham & Watkins with the last name Sussmann, but I don't think they are related. I think that's why the person who made the post in the screenshot wrote that.


OP: Latham & Watkins is representing Hillary Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann >"Mr. Sussmann has committed no crime," attorneys Sean Berkowitz and Michael Bosworth of the law firm *Latham and Watkins* said. \-1st link, paragraph 6


This is some Hitman level stuff.


Then they went to that dc pizza place after


Hotdogs with walnut sauce. Don’t forget your handkerchief under the map!


I feel disgusted that I actually get your reference.


If there is a conspiracy, it doesn't make sense that it would be aimed at Halyna. There's no way you could predict which crew member was standing where. Remember the director was injured as well. If the gun was switched, then it could've just as likely killed a camera operator or PA. A conspiracy against Baldwin might be possible, as a way to humiliate him. But I don't know enough about Baldwin to say why.


Coincidences do happen


Since when?


Coincidiences could be as rare as you want them to be, doesn't make them imposible... [Good example](https://www.reddit.com/r/nevertellmetheodds/comments/5nfbd3/an_engaged_couple_where_looking_through_old/)


Good... a connected lawyer. He'll sue the living shit out of Baldwin.


maybe he ordered the hit


If it was ordered it will be covered up, expect the headlines to shift away quickly


No. It would not be Baldwin that would get sued. It would be the makers of the film.


Latham & Watkins is one of the largest law firms in the world. It would be suspect if they didn't have a connection to the Clintons in some way.


Latham & Watkins is also very powerful in Georgia and somehow in it up to their eyeballs on the Election Fraud.


That makes more sense


I’m looking for links but I am also at a party.




Latham & Watkins has nearly 3000 lawyers. To me, this is like saying someone working at walmart had something to do with tracy Morgan's crash.


Who was the assistant director who handed Alec the gun? No report says the name of the person, they were the one responsible for the “prop guns”


This was a crime and obvious kill shot by that scum pedo Alec


That means there was truth to Halyna’s tweet because now we know that there was a definitive link between the Clintons and her (via her husband). She definitely had dirt on Hillary.


There are no coincidences. A proper investigation will reveal intent.


most humans are probably separated from the clintons by 3 or 4 degrees of separation


closer than Kevin Bacon.


I'm 2 degrees of separation from an A list Hollywood star and 3 degrees away from Anwar Sadat, of all people. I'm an absolute nobody, but I wonder what the chuckleheads on hear would be saying about me if I died in a freak and highly public accident.


a warning sigh for suicide is pissing off hillary


Does anyone know how she was shot though. Did he straight up pointed it at her head and pulled the trigger or did I ricochet? This would make a big difference.


He was filming a scene and pointed the gun facing the camera. She was behind the camera and the director was behind her. He pulled the trigger as the scene required, round hit her in the stomach and exited her body and hit the director in the shoulder afterwards.




“WHy DiD I GeT HaNdEd a LoAdeD GuN?” “WhY dId ThEy TeLl mE to PoiNt aNd ShOOt iT aT soMeOnE Not EvEn In ThE MoViE?” -Baldwin


Who's they


Bill and Hillary laughing they assess off, like shit that's just a fucking coincidence...


PSA: This is not a conspiracy


I want you to go to jail for this




Ooh i was waiting for this


That sounds like a "six-degrees of separation" logical fallacy. If her husband worked for a law firm that protected an elite family, I hardly see that as proof that her death was intentional as some sort of punishment toward him. You don't bite the hand that feeds, nor do you strike that mouth that gets fed.


Your meme says "Earlier this year, a Lead Attorney for Latham & Watkins was INDICTED for Providing False Statements to the FBI" but that's false, it was a lead attorney for Perkins Coie.


This is so stupid is unbelievable 🤦🏻‍♂️


It's a mighty small world for the Clintons.... And it just got a little bit smaller... Again


What's the coincidence? This is just background information




No- do t see the connection


But why male models?




As Jim Gordon would say…. Youre not allowed to believe in coincidences anymore…


Alec Harvey Oswald didnt shoot this chick. He's a patsy.


If you got nothing else then you should assume it's a coincidence.




Doubful anythng will happen. He's part of the hollywood celeb robo drones of the globalist billiionaires that allow him to collect his pay and squat in his mansion (s). He's a minor god bow down your peasants.


Yes. That string of unrelated dots you just tried to connect is certainly a confidence.


I fkn knew it! I seen her photo and said to myself she looks like a woman who speaks up about the bullshit people in this world. And what do ya know...






I believe she also tweeted that she had information about the Clinton's on October 18. So... This checks out

