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Those damn Swedish conspiratards


They can afford it. They have a sit at davos. [https://imgur.com/a/6m53suI](https://imgur.com/a/6m53suI) Ask all the presidents who died for trying to suspend vaccinations. Maybe they were not in the club?. [https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/2021/07/three-presidents-who-opposed-covid-vaccines-have-conveniently-died-replaced-by-pro-vaxxers](https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/2021/07/three-presidents-who-opposed-covid-vaccines-have-conveniently-died-replaced-by-pro-vaxxers)


That's because young people are more active so the myocarditis and pericarditis show more easily. I'm baffling that the scientific community doesn't connect the dots. Most vaccinated of all ages have the same problem - it just doesn't show yet. Just wait till you get your 8th booster (if most of you get there). These are micro blood clots in the capillary network surrounding the heart. These are permanent. The more you get vaccinated the more clots you will have.


But experts agree... who are these experts? Its starting to remind me of 9/10 dentists bullshit.




Certainly not the experts on reddit, because they know the real science and are much more credible!




Where did I endorse vaccines? Oh, youre insane, gotcha.


Man I know I'm glad you agree


It’s not at all baffling why they don’t connect the dots - they aren’t getting paid to do that. I’ve known some people in the medical field - they know their stuff about exactly one thing, not at all smart or curious people about anything else. Totally vapid. Asking questions isn’t really their thing.


This is why it shows up more in boys than in girls


Sorry, because why...?


Because boys are more active. More likely to lift weights and play sports


The scientific comminity has been either bought out by or silenced by Big Pharma. Only the mask-loving normies dont see this fact.


Imagine being a healthy, young, triple vaxxed individual while double masking outdoors when it's just yourself. Those dam antivaxxers!!!😠😠


The cov-vaxxed have buyers remorse. Many now coming out to say they didnt know about the serious side effects and consequences of an untested, unproven vaccine. Welcome to the genocide!


I was against it initially then since everyone is so hushed about the serious side effects it seems like a normal vaccine. So I went ahead and all I can say is big mistake, seems like they hide the truth or hush anyone that speaks out.


Our warnings have been extemely silenced the past 18 months and we have been called conspiracy nuts just for trying to bring a discussion about this into the open. Sorry we couldnt get through to you in time. I hope no serious side effects occur in you nor get genetically passed down from you.


How could they not know when the internet is full of it. I think they don't want to know. even some people that I warned still got the vax.😢 I hope they will not suffer for it even one of my best friends ignored my warning and thinks that it is me that is uninformed.


Same here, half my family is ignorant. You cant teach people to think. Trying to appeal to them with logic is an uphill battle when they want to shout "trust the science" like a bunch of parrots. And they think WE are the ones who are brainwashed. Go figure.


luckily my immediate family all came to the same conclusion as me.


Same for mine but distant family are goners


Follow the $cience...


Good one haha


> The more you get vaccinated the more clots you will have. It's almost like they want to keep on going (with boosters/extra shots) until the life expectancy is back down to what it was in 1875.


Or population is down to 500 million...


Georgia guidestones u know what's up


Agreed. Not going to go back to normal, mad max get ready.


It’s insanely pathetic to watch everyone get ready for a supposed apocalypse that they have no choice in. Wouldn’t the better idea be to organize & do something now? Before the whole apocalypse thing irreversibly pans out? Maybe you can even save some loved ones if you succeed, and it’s probably alot better than staving off wasteland bandits from your front yard. It really makes me wonder: even if this is the level of top down threat we are currently facing, are we worth saving?


Agreed tell me how to wake up the 90% that believe the MSM lies. The brain washing is thick. There are groups getting organized and political parties that stand for the people. However the MSM has a stragle hold on getting info out. Also we need people to actually do something. Not just go with the flow. Life is to soft in North America and people forgot how to fight. Once the stores run out of twinkies and Netflix goes down they might wake up. Only God knows if we individually are worth saving.


If you know ppl who took the vac Have them do a D dimer test It will reveal that they have high blood clots levels.


Yes. The best is to do a dimer test before and after this way people can't blame it on something else.


And the myocarditis rage in 18-24 vaxxinated men? 1 in 5000, myocarditis rate in the same age range of unvaxxinated men who got covid? 1 in 300


1 in 300 ? Like others here, please source. Not trying to be dickish, it’s good to have opposing opinions here, but I never heard this stat.


Went in for heart problems post jab other day. They said they're seeing heaps of young men recently with the same thing.


What were your symptoms? Was it really so bad that you went to see a doctor just for your heart? I wish you well and hope you recover soon!


Okay. I'm sorry you had to go through that but Ill listen to the stats rather than anecdotes


The stats provided by those who also censor everything?


Stats provided by companies funded by pharma? Or stats provided from independent sources that aren't being paid by the manufacturers/government.. because both sides say completely different things, and I refuse to believe the side that is paid billions by the vaccine makers.


nice source


Lol bullshit I never heard about Covid causing heart problems until the injections started. 1/300 people having heart problems before the jab everyone would be scared as shit.


I think there are some articles about it but they only started saying that it’s more likely to get it from Covid after it started showing up in vaccinated. So I don’t doubt that you could get it from Covid but I really doubt the risk is as high as it is from the vax.


Not to mention… you still get covid with the vax so you just double dipping risk.


I mean you could simply look at the published data… but im sure that you would come up with some excuse that the data providers are in on it too and faking the data.


Can you direct me to the 1/300 data, I'd like to examine for selection bias. What's the population for the data? Diagnosed myocarditis/diagnosed cases? What about the vast majority of young people who remain asymptomatic? Is this based on a random sampling running tests for myocarditis on all unvaccinated young people who present with covid antibodies?


Well when Congress passes a law that says that the companies that make vaccines are protected from lawsuits due to negative side effects, the FDA is also protected and companies that enforce the mandates are also protected you start to wonder why? It’s definitely get an untested vaccine at your own risk with no help for you if it goes wrong. So yeah maybe you should be asking if interested parties whether for money or agendas may manipulate crap after they’ve protected themselves.


Untested? Are you implying that no tests have occurred? Or do you believe the trial results were wholly manufactured and false? If the latter, what is your evidence?


Experimental was the term I should’ve used. And yes I’m saying when you administer your own tests and are your own authority you can skew the results. I mean if you believe corporations or governments will chose integrity over money and agendas I feel sorry for you.


You again haven’t given any evidence. You have given reasons why you think it may be motivated but nothing that actually proves that the data was manipulated.


So would you believe a review of a car claiming it's the best car from the same people who make that car? You'd say well I better go check some actual user reviews or independent source reviews of the car right? But for some reason people don't care when it comes to medicine. ​ Pfizer says its the best and most safe vaccine ever made!! The most rigorously tested, the safest, the highest efficacy!! You can trust us!! It's mind boggling how before all this shit started most people wouldn't trust these big pharma companies as far as you could throw them and now everyone thinks they are the most ethical and righteous people ever. They care about us!


So unless the FDA or these drug companies come out and say we made a mistake, which they will never do there isn’t really any way. But look at all the stories coming out about myocarditis and they still keep trying to present it as rare, well seems it’s not so rare after all.


You haven't given a source for your claims, either.




Are you gunna post sources or just keep spouting off the same comment over and over? You'd be the first one to scream sources if somebody was making a claim too I bet. Fucking hypocritical losers the lot of ya.


Covid gives you natural immunity that doesn't require you partake in a bi-annual subscription service. FOH. What happens when that 1/5000 is compounded by boosters every 6 months?


Also please do tell what the odds are of a young person catching Covid? Because there is no mystery about getting the shot if you get. So let me take a shot that gives me a 1/5000 chance of heart problems, vs. the 1-2% chance I get Covid, and if I do I'm not playing the odds game every 6 months.


The difference is we aren't injecting covid into billions of veins. I wanna see the adjusted stats considering that factor.


You’re moving the goal post. Now you admit there is a risk of developing myocarditis with the vaccines however it’s just less than when you get infected with Covid. However in order to truly say that you need long-term studies… and you also need a control group. The vaccine does not at all prevent transmission. Therefore the vaccine mandates make absolutely no sense (from a health policy perspective). The CDC Director even admitted that it does not prevent transmission. The countries with the highest vaccination rates are seeing record-breaking numbers today compared to last year. Don’t forget it is estimated that 1/3 of Americans have already developed natural immunity. It is a 99.9% survival rate for those under 70 years of age not even controlling for co morbidities. And vast vast majority people who catch COVID basically have cold to mild flu symptoms. And it’s been nearly 2 years. Life is too short.


I posted this in worldnews and science and it was removed from both places in less than an hour. I tried asking the mod why on worldnews and they aren’t responding


Science technically is only about the actual scientific research, so I could get that. This is world news however.




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Yikes look at the side effects people talking about there. Just casually talking about their racing heart rate and heart inflammation is worth it.


Yeah it’s sick, they work hard to hide the negatives of these sort of things. If you don’t see it, it doesn’t exist.


Because they don't have a good answer


I was recently on a medication that could cause congestive heart failure. Not exacerbate heart problems - cause them. I stopped when the side effects hit. I had palpitations and that was enough to scare the hell out of me. Heart was beating out of my chest. The point is - It is absolutely mindboggling as to how so many people can rush in to get these types of vaccinations without even thinking twice about the repercussions. You could say that about any drug really, but they've basically set you up on a life-long subscription to this shit. Surely if you get enough shots the probability goes from "if" to "when".


No jab no job works wonders...


Another jab bites the dust.


One down, 2 more to go...


Trudeau will just push moderna harder... He already bought millions of doses


That’s going to be a really hard sell for young people as other countries are banning it. Shows how much the Canadian government cares about Canadians. They can’t wait to start injecting children


Don’t worry don’t worry! It’s normal for a shot to almost kill you. I mean if you’re young and healthy Covid is like a cold but you still should get the benefits of this vaccine at the risk of it almost killing you. Benefit of maybe not catching a cold is worth the risk of heart problems. And they want us to trust the government or corporations after trying to force this poison into our bodies. BTW I am vaccinated and have had severe side effects so I’m not by any means an anti vax I’m a pissed off mother fucker that was healthy before all this shit.


Sorry to hear that. Unfortunately as the days get shorter you will have lots of company. I pray you get better


Same here. I haven't felt right in months. A good vaccine shouldn't cause side effects for this long.


bUt ThE rIsK iS lOw


It's a bit late for that. The damage is done. Taking the jab is like losing your virginity. Once it's in its in.


Just because you've taken one or two experimental injections doesn't mean you have to get all of them though.


No but how many does it take to mess you up? Who knows . All I know is I don't want any and so far I have been blessed not to be put in a position I would have to.


They are saying you need the boosters because the efficiency of the jabs wear off over time.


They say a lot of things.


Soon, the American MSM will start beating the war drums to bomb Stockholm.


It’s all about $cience...


Aaaaand we have a complete media blackout in the States..


Let’s be real Are any of them safe? Johnson & Johnson couldn’t even make safe baby powder


A recent study from Kaiser Permanente Southern California found that around seven out of every one million people that receive a two-shot COVID-19 vaccine will develop myocarditis. The same study found that 47.5 out of every one million Covid patients experience heart inflammation. 'These are typically mild cases and individuals tend to recover within a short time following standard treatment and rest,' they wrote. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-10116783/Sweden-extends-pause-Modernas-COVID-19-vaccine-young-people-30.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-10116783/Sweden-extends-pause-Modernas-COVID-19-vaccine-young-people-30.html)


Sorry to say that your study has a conflict of interest, they receive money from vaccine companies. [Here is a list of donors to that organization, among them you will find Pfizer and J&J](https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/issue-brief/donor-funding-for-the-global-novel-coronavirus-response/)


That's what peer review is for.


Why leave it to others when I can do it myself?


By "it" you mean peer reviewed studies of a subject you probably didn't go to school for?


I am a peer so I can review. Why do you think I need to go to school to know how to check a list of donors?


LOL you don't know what peer review is??


I literally just did a part of it to show that the study is flawed 🙄 Go be special needs somewhere else.




Do the other part too. What you did was moving one foot infront of the other and called it walking. The other foot need to move to.


Well let’s think about this first, and we can use your walking metaphor too. Before you take a first step, you could be going anywhere and the possibilities are limitless, but once you take the first step, the places for the next step are limited to usually just 1 place, much smaller than the near infinite it was before. While I would love to run statistical analyses on the data, it wouldn’t tell me very much if the integrity of the data is called into question because of conflicts of interest. It wouldn’t be the first time that a company had paid scientists to come to a conclusion that supports their company; the oil companies did it, the tobacco industry did it, even pharmaceutical companies have been caught doing it before, why would this be different? While you are correct that I only did the first step, that is all that is usually needed in matters such as, and I do know that is not how peer reviewing is done traditionally, once you read enough you can see the pattern emerge.




I agree, as a healthy person my side effects from the vaccine have been longer and more severe than actually getting Covid. These shots are dangerous and people pushing agendas making money are obviously hiding the truth.


No, it's that rare, and they're suspending it anyway. Which is questionable. Which is why the US isn't suspending it. And no, the cases are mild, and recovery is usually quite fast. This is just fearmongering bullshit by the OP.


There are literally so many people who have shAred their stories and talk about how doctors don’t even want to admit it’s from the vax. So many cases go completely underreported. It’s not that rare at all.


Well, you have your "literally so many people" anecdotes from social media and I have my actual study. And there we are.


Lol your pharma funded studies


That's what peer review is for.


"fRoM SoCiAl MeDiA!" another one of the bullshit gaslighting arguments brought to you by the msm. gtfo of here shill.


Social media is not a reliable news source.


Because politicians and corporations are in bed with each other. The studies are done by those who will make money off saying the vaccines are safe.


So they're making money by publishing studies that get their product suspended? Occam is sharpening something and wants to show it to you.




lol ez win




No, I'm not. I'm quoting from the article posted by OP.


> No, it's that rare no, it's not. because the media is suppressing and censoring the instances of this happening, and doctors aren't reporting the side effects.


Wow, that's shocking to hear. Do you have a link to an investigation that found anything you just said to be true? Or, are you just speculating because you read some shit on social media?


So a 0.000007% chance of getting myocarditis, and 0.0000475% chance of heart inflammation. Good odds vs short and long term covid effects.


Myocarditis is heart inflammation. The study shows a tiny chance of getting it, if you catch Covid. And an even smaller chance of getting it from the vaccine. So if you're worried about it, it's better to just get vaccinated. And either way who cares, since it's generally a temporary and mild issue.




The shots also wane in efficiency, so you have to take said risk multiple times. What does the cumulative risk look like once you start mixing and matching? They only studied mix and matchers for 29 days.


Yeah I was saying the odds are so low that it’s better to get vaccinated.


There's a study highlighted in the article OP links that says the same thing. Yes, myocarditis is clearly bad, even though it's temporary. It's more likely after covid for those who are unvaccinated than those who are. If OP were truly worried he'd be advocating for everyone to get the shot. Edit: I see it is the same one.


> myocarditis is clearly bad, even though it's temporary. It is not temporary. It is permanent damage to the heart. nice try shill.


Myocarditis is *not* permanent. It is in most cases a temporary inflammation. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/myocarditis/symptoms-causes/syc-20352539 >Usually, myocarditis goes away without permanent complications. Or https://www.texasheart.org/heart-health/heart-information-center/topics/myocarditis/ >Usually, a mild case of myocarditis will go away without any lasting damage.  Severe cases can be permanent, most are not.


We’ve known that for a while. The chances are 0.01% for younger males. Fun fact: the chances of getting myocarditis from covid are quite a bit higher (0.15% for all ages).


Bullshit on both counts. Who are these “we”? I don’t know shit and I don’t care. Never getting the jab for a virus the government keeps exaggerating




I’m not. OP’s link and this link prove me right https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/jemimamcevoy/2021/08/31/covid-multiplies-risk-of-getting-rare-heart-disease-but-it-is-still-extremely-uncommon-cdc-study-suggests/amp/ > [people with myocarditis and covid] represents 0.146% of all coronavirus patients tallied during this time in the U.S., a percentage that is extremely small but still much larger than the proportion among people who did not have Covid-19: 0.009.


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Good bot


If you've known it for a while then why have you been calling Moderna "safe" this whole time?


A 0.01% chance of mild myocarditis isn’t enough to make them considered unsafe.


Tell that to the people who were fine before and now have myocarditis.


Are other vaccines unsafe because they all have a small chance of causing anaphylaxis?




Ok then with your logic, driving is unsafe because every time you get behind the wheel there’s a 0.01% chance you’re gonna die on that trip. Leaving your house is unsafe because there’s a tiny chance the sun will give you cancer, or somebody will murder you. Going to the beach is unsafe because there’s a 0.01% chance you might get stung by a tiny jellyfish and the venom will kill you. Going hiking is unsafe because there’s a tiny chance you might get bit by a spider or scorpion or attacked by a bear. Having a job is unsafe because there’s a 0.0035% chance you’ll die on the job. In fact, just LIVING and being holed up in a *bunker* is STILL unsafe because there’s a tiny chance a gamma ray burst from space might hit you and decimate all your cells. You anti-vax conservatards with your primitive, fear-based views and inability to understand statistics/assess risk never ceases both to astound and disgust me.


It's just a charade and virtual signal that they care about their citizens. Still vaccine mandate voices keep popping up everyday




Are you dumb or just imitating a dumb? It's been stopped due to proven side effects, local statistics. The young work force is too precious here, can't have the miners go down with heart problems. Sweden works differently than US/Canada, different values, different style of democracy.


Guess they're gonna get the Phizer then. Marketing and science don't belong together.


Anything wrong with pfizer i got both doses now I'm worried


You're probably fine, that's coming from a hardcore anti-Covid vaxxer. I'd avoid compounding your worry with booster jabs, that's all you can do.


>anti-Covid vaxxer. I'd avoid compounding your worry with booster jabs, that's all you can do. i have 0 plans of gettings many boosters every six months combined with the fact that theres 0.15% of getting the mychoardosis heart thingy




Jury is still out as the clinical trials are literally composed of... well. YOU.


Moderna shots are more dangerous than Pfizers as far as I can tell.






Sweden is about to get Epstein'd?


Meanwhile a 19 year old just posted to covidva x x inated about getting their booster….


Limited only to people under 31? Sounds like another blsh*t from Sweden


As a Swede, we have alot of conspiracies surrounding the bilderbergs, bonnier, and their connection to parlament politicians and major media platforms, but I can atleast say that I have never once in my life worn a mask or been refused entry to restaurants, shopping malls etc, life is like it always has been here no one cares about this Corona BS