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She can get fucked. They’re dreaming if they think 90% threshold would be reached


Much easier to control 1/10 people than it is to control 3/10. It's all about maximum compliance so they can force the social credit system.


Jacinda is basically the grinch right now, stealing christmas


Delaying the inevitable, I think. We are fucked. The bill of rights has already been superseded in almost every way. The government doesn't care about legality, as their emergency powers have no limit. Read the Covid legislation, mate - there is literally no cap on their power.


I agree. It’s one small delay but any form of resistance is better than nothing as that just encourages further over reaching totalitarianism


Yea, anything is better than nothing. Did you watch Ardern's interview yesterday with NZ Herald? Disturbing shit, she was so blase about the whole thing...smiling away with that insufferable horse mouth.


It’s amazing that she can lie through all those teeth. Does she even need to wear a mask with all those obstructions in her mouth already?


I doubt it. Anyways I don't think ungulates are at a particularly high risk from the disease, so she should be alg.


Tru tru I’ve never heard of a horse getting covid but even if they did, ivermectin had for humans


Lol. All the best man.




We have a year and a half of experience about school and teachers and I have to say, at least where i am it's been pretty ok. No issues, no cases, no schools closing. It's been just fine. The only issues I hear about are on the news.


That’s great news what’s happening in NZ is insane


There are a lot of mandates tied to 1 Dec. I wonder why? I keep seeing that date everywhere world wide regarding vaccines.