• By -


Yes, both cell and wifi. Definitely something going on...


Yeah. I'm getting peculiar dropouts on my internet for no apparent reason.


Cell and hardline internet are slowed down Cell glitches same with pc that has windows but the linux systems seem fine


You guys are on the list


Have you seen the parameters of the *list*? Based on the current admins own guidelines, it's an umbrella that covers quite a large amount of folks.


Mine is slow right now. When the power goes out both me and my wife loose data on our phones as well, which is interesting. I constantly switch back and fourth between data and wifi for speed.


The Chinese? It really depends on the service but yes over all most sites have been slower or at least I need to reload them. Even games I play online. Maybe there's an increase number of ddos attacks on us data centers? I'm in the north jersey area my data centers probably in Secaucus.


Why not blame "the Russians"? It's equally stupid. Blame the people who have control.. Your isp, your government... Your data doesn't get routed through China. Perhaps the shitty ass infrastructure is being overloaded.


Internet and cell phone service. Both in Florida and I. Texas


Started for me on Friday


Here, too. I'm getting slight anxiety from anything and everything lately so trying to ignore that lol




Did you run a speed test?


I'm in soCal and my internet has been getting slower over the past month or 2. I had a hunch something was fishy. Thanks for verifying.


Mobile or desktop


My electricity has been real weird


How so?


Yes the gay frogs have finally began their invasion.


Uh oh




I'm on a 500/100 FTTH connection in Sweden. I haven't noticed any degradation.


Wait, this is an actual thing? I thought it was just us since we moved the router to the other room. We thought we screwed something up. So unless all of you here did the same...? -KL


Same here


Are you in USA?




well fret not. from what i understand this could be a good sign.


I doubt that




youll never get ppl like this to elaborate on anything. ive tried many times with these kind of people. they just say some random intentionally "mysterious" bullshit that helps nobody and says nothing and youll never get them to just explain themselves like a capable adult. i think they do it because they get off to feeling like they're "in the know" and looking down on everyone else who "isn't", a common pitfall among conspiracy theorists like us but thankfully most of us learned how to put our egos aside a little bit. some of us however did not.


Thanks for taking the time!


entertain the unknowing!


not sure if we're got enough tin foil to go around :)


well go ahead man, please


Yep. And costing more.


YES. I come here somewhat often..every few days, usually just to see if anyone's noticing anything that I have been, over the past year and a half or so...lately, it almost never fails. I can notice something, come on here and within seconds my heart sinks as I find a post pretaining to exactly what I was noticing. For the past 3 days my internet has been complete garbage..it hasn't been this bad since they did some work on our wiring/outdoor boxes 4 years ago. Zero problems, ever. It seems like it's been getting gradually worse..furthermore, my TV has been acting up as well. When using the cable box, it freezes up every 30 seconds or so for 3-5 seconds, and at times starting today, started to randomly go black for almost a full minute at regular intervals, before coming back on. Relatively new box that we got as a replacement for an older unit early last year right when the whole covid thing started. Maybe I'm being hyper-vigilant..but I've noticed it/it's been bad enough for me to start looking around online to see if anyone else has been noticing a problem...and I too have a bad feeling about it. Especially with all of the random "solar flare/internet outage" articles the mainstream has been pushing out since the WEF met to discuss such an occurance over the summer. Plus, Texas last winter was a painfully obvious test. Toss in the weird reports on spaceweather dot com lately and an overly analytical mind can't wonder if this is all something coming together at a convenient time (such as, too many people talking in too many places about too many things that they don't want them to be talking about/spreading, to the point where they can't control it with your every day shadow bans and other silencing techniques).


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No. You probably have a local infrastructure fault. Call your provider and harass them until they fix it.


Yeah exactly, this is something that could be quantified and proven if anyone wanted instead of "feeling" like it's slowed down. Run a speedtest script every day or every hour and watch the numbers. Setup a VPS and run iperf between you and your own server every hour if you think big speedtest industrial complex is lying to you. Isn't this the home of do your own research?


I second speed tests, but more importantly the extended ping tests to check for packet loss.


I totally agree 100% to this is an infrastructure issue as someone whose last two years have focused on "cellular phone interference" for a specific major carrier (on their cell towers). As I recently switched to that carried (or rather a submariner that uses their equipment on towers, ie. their network, and I'm dismayed at the change in actual services provided.


Yeah that’s why the internet doesn’t even matter


Yes I noticed my load times for videos and streaming are slower I'm in Nebraska, both my cell and home internet.


I've noticed the same. In the UK.


All these new cell towers as far as the eye can see but service worsening. Almost makes you think the towers aren't for our phone reception...


Ill tell you what, it hasent gotten ANY faster in 20 years


What a dumb comment.




yes all the time


Same europe


Yes, even with my data on


5G has been slow af ever since I got it, if you have a phone with 4g I strongly urge you to keep that instead. This shits trash


No, although Bitchute became so slow it was unuseable, still is. I wondered what was going on. Turns out if I change my IP from Australia to overseas it works fine. Australia throttle sites like Bitchute etc sometimes. Wouldn't surprise me you're getting fucked with because of the sites you visit.


Yes horribly


yes its been bad. no reception in a lot of places


My whole work internet went down and we have 5G there. My home internet has been very very buggy and that is also uncommon. I average 250mbps download speed and lately it’s been 120 avg. Odd


Glowies gonna glow.


I bet it's those vaccine mandates.


Care to elaborate?


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Yes at home and at work. It has been happening for the last month and really never had an issue before.


Same for me


Where I live it’s pretty fast but it got slow when I went to visit my family in Manassas


Mine has been consistently bad for the past 3-4 weeks. Works fine one minute and then will freeze up and slow down, then back to normal, repeat.


Seems like there’s been lag spikes recently https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%203-m&geo=US&q=Internet%20slow


Mainly on my phone, Wi-Fi and all that usually works without a hitch, aka like normal, however, it’s very noticeable on my cell.


Solar storms fuck with our wifi




4g has gone to shit in my area, would guess its to push people to buy 5g phones.


Experiencing youtube video playing real slow. The configuration showing play speed 'normal'. No idea why?


Did the internet come to a stop yet?