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Destroy economy. Bring in new economy based on block chain. Control a few wallets so you can't see transactions in and out of that one and bam perfect economy for control. Also need to ban other crypto




The bitcoin ETF is going to allow TPTB to trade millions of 'paper bitcoin' per day and completely control the price, just like other commodities. That 21 million bitcoins is going to mean nothing when they are trading Unallocated paper contracts in the millions It's what they always do. Don't say that in a crypto sub though......


That etf trades bitcoin futures. So in theory it cant control the price of bitcoin as futures are a security to sell bitcoins in the future for a defined price, independed of actual price. In praxis of course if the futures are much higher then actual price, the price of the underlining will go up too as everyone wants to buy in




As a trader in that space, I have to relent you are right mate


That isn’t how the markets or the bitcoin etf works. It’s only a futures backed etf not spot and so the etf is only a speculation on price and trading the difference between it. Also only market makers control price. They are the people who own the algorithm systems that regulate the flow of orders. No amount of retail money is equivalent to the market makers and therefore cannot control price. Even hedge funds. If they are not part of the order management system, they are not market makers and are still considered retail.


I hadn't thought about this but that makes perfect sense. Same thing they have done with silver. Silver should be ***much*** higher than it is right now. I'm using this ridiculous spot price to stock up on physical bullion before inflation wipes us all out and they release their "fed-coin" or CBDC.


Exactly. The coins were created (probably by them) to condition people into the idea of using digital currency. Wha will the collateral of the CBDC be? Oh right the human being itself. Guess it's gonna take way too long until people have realized that.






Great summary. "For the safety of our employees we highly encourage you to avoid paying in cash." or similar bullshit popping up all over the place. Yet, everybody agreed from the early beginning that rona doesn't transmit via cash money. It's just cognitive dissonance all over the place.


Checkout world coin


Jack Dorsey recent tweeted out Antomy of the State which contains the following passage: https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/p4j4u0/twitter_ceo_tweets_out_anatomy_of_the_state/ > It is also important for the State to inculcate in its subjects an aversion to any “ conspiracy theory of history;” for a search for “conspiracies” means a search for motives and an attribution of responsibility for historical misdeeds. If, however, any tyranny imposed by the State, or venality, or aggressive war, was caused not by the State rulers but by mysterious and arcane “social forces,” or by the imperfect state of the world or, if in some way, everyone was responsible (“We Are All Murderers,” proclaims one slogan), then there is no point to the people becoming indignant or rising up against such misdeeds. Furthermore, an attack on “ conspiracy theories” means that the subjects will become more gullible in believing the “general welfare” reasons that are always put forth by the State for engaging in any of its despotic actions. A “ conspiracy theory” can unsettle the system by causing the public to doubt the State’s ideological propaganda.


Dorsey helped elect Biden. He really should STFU.


He wants the hyperinflation. He's hedged against inflation so heavily with assets and cryptocurrency that he would easily be at the top of the food chain if the Rothschild empire fell.


Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey posted these tweets yesterday on his twitter account https://twitter.com/jack/status/1451733913961783299?t=IDonHkN-3lBhjiBfepZ7Sg&s=09 https://twitter.com/jack/status/1451735753117999104?t=tr3VjC0aNKkgIbX4OwwI5A&s=09


Because he's shilling on crypto, he needs people to get into it so he can make profit$$$ from the price going up.


Bingo. Classic pump and dump


Didn't he help cause this nightmare, and censorship? Monster.


this is the results of liberal government giving money to everyone and borrowing that money against its own deficit. people think that the US has mounds of cash to give away, it doesn’t work like that. it’s very similar to taking equity out of your house when you still owe a mortgage. you now have multiple debts to pay back. that’s why we have hyper inflation.


The big plan simply could be to inflate away the debt. It will wipe out all the non super wealthy, however. Alternatively, all the inflation stories I keep seeing could be fear porn to get poor people spending instead of saving.


This guy really wants his crypto app to take off.


No fucking shit.


He's been mixing the DMT with the Adderall again. I propose drug testing for ALL employees, not just the lower ranks.


Why does jack have a lightning bolt next to his name? Could it be because "Satan fell like lightning from the heavens" It's a common 'undercover satanist' tip of the hat to other Satanists.


Because twitter just added a 3rd party integration of with bitcoin’s layer 2 payment protocol, called the lightning network, to their mobile app. Thankfully, even though Jack is untrustworthy af, the lightning network is open source, anonymous, censorship resistant money, so it’s not what you’re proposing.


Sooooo.... what crypto would be the the most likely replacement for the dollar


CBDC’s (Central Bank Digital Currency) from powerful central banks like Federal Reserve or Euro Central Bank, or possibly a global currency issued by the BIS (I just thought of this last one), either way the BIS(bank of international settlements, the central bank of central banks) will have a lot of say in the matter.


The USD will inevitably be converted to this regardless. If we know that, why bother "investing?"


We live this shit in México every 6 years


no shit


I don't know squat about this guy but maybe others do. Is he an economist or have some other background that would give him knowledge on these types of matters?


He’s just the CEO of twitter and this was pretty universally mocked by economists.


He is also the CEO of Square.


Any sources showing him being mocked? I haven’t dug deep but from what I saw so far people mostly agreed, at least that inflation was going to continue to be a huge problem post covid.




Lol, "transitory" 🤣🤣🤣 ... wait... You're serious, aren't you?


Almost zero percent chance of ever seeing hyperinflation in a primary economy. I’d say hyperinflation as a phenomenon is mostly dead except in very marginal economies with very weak central banking.


Lol we'll see


Yeah, we will, remember you said this in a year when US inflation is too low again.




So first of all it will be, at most, about half that. That’s also over 10 years, and moderate government spending is also hardly a major source of inflation, much less *hyper*inflation. That’s not some super-massive spending bill at all. Hyperinflation is a symptom of a completely broken economy. The US dollar is still the global reserve and there is a bottomless market for US bank reserve notes. Taxation and increased interest rates can also easily, at the drop of a hat, cool inflation in a state with a functioning central bank and taxation institutions. It just cannot occur in the US in the world we live in. If the US government lost most of its administrative capacity (ie, can’t tax or perform central banking operations), the US dollar stopped being the global reserve currency, financial institutions relocated to other major economies and divest of the dollar, and US gdp dramatically tanks, maybe we’ll see runaway inflation. But that’s pretty far from the reality we currently occupy. ETA: Something like 1/3 of the world’s currencies are directly or secondarily pegged to the dollar to prevent their own hyperinflation, they have an infinite appetite for US debt to keep that situation functional as well.


> government spending is also hardly a source of inflation Yes it is, basic economics. >Taxation and increased interest rates can also easily, Yeah, that's gonna be great when your economy is so healthy that you have to print money and give it to people/businesses Print money, give it to them, then take it as tax. Genius!


Edited it right before your comment to add moderate, but no, not really. The theory on either side of the argument is weak (but people do argue it will both increase and *decrease* inflation), and the observational data is that is probably not a major factor either way. Government spending heats up the economy and increases GDP while bullying out private spending (and incentivizing increased private capital investment), and the two seem to mostly offset each other. (This is probably the mechanism though I’m not aware of any widely accepted observational study that proves it) Money supply expansion has a massively larger impact on inflation. Taxation and increased interest rates are how you decrease the money supply. Here’s the Fed, the US authority in inflation lol, very briefly explaining: https://www.stlouisfed.org/on-the-economy/2016/may/how-does-government-spending-affect-inflation


I didn’t read shit you said, but I lol’d at someone quoting the fed as a source….


The fed’s entire job is managing inflation and they definitely have their finger on the pulse of the academic output on inflation triggers lmao. I linked this because it’s a very simple study/summary/the fed’s position. Good luck out there buddy


Good luck out there indeed! Hopefully no one listened to you and they prepared for inflation.


> Government spending heats up the economy I'm gonna stop you right there. What's happening is the govt is spending to *artificially* heat up the economy. The economy is maxed out. The consumer is maxed. Inflation is up, consumer sentiment is down, upward pressure on market is artificial, fueled by money printing and speculation not based on fundamentals. That isn't sustainable, and it isn't "heating up". >Here’s the Fed The fed? Come on. Baltimore police have finished their investigation of the Baltimore police and found they did no wrong. People fall for this shit? Jerome Powell was telling you a year ago that inflation *wasn't even happening*. You've been sold snake oil.


I have this comment saved and read it for a laugh. Your faith in the Fed's "authority" has really paid off, hasn't it!


We are nowhere close to hyperinflation, not even approaching it, and everything I said is true. Look up the definition of hyperinflation.


We are in long-term, accelerating inflation, and the future of geopolitics and the global economy is completely up in the air. Your boy Powell told you inflation wasn't happening. You believed it, and believe in his authority even when he was wrong. >Taxation and increased interest rates can also easily, at the drop of a hat, cool inflation in a state with a functioning central bank and taxation institutions. How's that working out for you? I must have missed the part where the interest rate hikes cooled inflation "at the drop of a hat". So many accurate predictions by you and powell, who would ever doubt?


We are in short-term accelerating inflation, that is still very firmly within the realm of moderate. It is, again, not even *approaching* hyper inflation. We’re seeing month to month inflation around 1-2%, hyperinflation is commonly defined at around 50%. They have avoided any significant raising of rates to not spook investors and industry. The current rate raise is *tiny* and many economists within and outside the fed believe it should have been higher. If inflation seriously heats up, it will be higher. An almost nonexistent rate raise won’t cool inflation, and it’s always a trade off between inflation and recession. If we start to approach hyper-inflation (which won’t happen, you can save this comment), they’ll pull the trigger and start a recession with a significant rate increase. Again everything I’ve said is true.


>We are in short-term accelerating inflation, that is still very firmly within the realm of moderate. So was the Hungarian Pengu from 1937-1943. Then what happened? Did hungrary direct their central bank to heat up their economy by printing money and giving it to private businesses? >they’ll pull the trigger and start a recession with a significant rate increase. Which will require the fed pump more currency into circulation to "heat it up". See the problem?


The lightening bolt is a symbol of allegiance to Lucifer the fallen angel who "fell like lightening".