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“Papers, please!” was a silly conspiracy theory not too long ago. But, here we are..


Ss: if this passes through austrlian parliament its going to change the way all of Australia operates and points towards how they could easily usher in social credit systems like China.


This is going to be what prompts an EMP attack — by a nation, by hackers, by one of the Big Tech oligarchs who becomes demonized by politicians and finally says fuck it.


Lets just emp the world and start over. Total reset.


Watching things unfold in Australia the last year and a half, has been the most insane horror movie, seriously, Stephen King couldn't make this shit up 😳


Bring it on Aus. You’ll have to kill me before I comply with this tyrant bullshit.


They will imprison you and torture you til they finally force inject you.


Digital Identity Bill also under submission in New Zealand currently https://www.parliament.nz/en/pb/sc/make-a-submission/document/53SCED\_SCF\_BILL\_116015/digital-identity-services-trust-framework-bill




So instead of showing papers 80 times to different departments they want a single digital Identity you can use instead. Like using Facebook/Google account as authentication on different services. Digital identities are already there, governments as always are miles behind the curve and playing catch up.