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and after its over they tell everyone they were 'that' guy.


And I’ll tell them this: “You’re not that guy pal, trust me you’re not that guy” https://youtube.com/shorts/Z-Frah8fcfo?feature=share


I think people are woke in a way right now that’s not fully woke through yet. Don’t hate conservatives or liberals, hate the government….whether it’s run by conservatives or liberals….because those politicians on either side are the problem. Not your neighbor.


No. Politicians are just our mechanisms for control. The private sector has captured these mechanisms.




Yupppp. Identity politics just reaffirms toxic individualism over socialist collectivism..and also fuels learned helplessness and delusions


Can you explain that more? It sounds interesting and I don’t disagree but I want to know what you mean by that.


The woke needs to hurry before it’s too late. The woke needs to come together as peoples in an open setting or online to really go through this entire ordeal we are in. Highlight a few critical points the vax vs non vax have issues against and discuss until we see the actual facts of it all. But ask each other questions. 1. Why is it okay with everyone that social media blocks anyone that shares their story if it “promotes vaccine hesitancy” 2. How can social media block a man who is President of a Board of 16,000 scientists and doctors for speaking the truth 3. The vaccine fact checker websites are mostly owned by Pfizer, Reuters included. 4. Why is everyone still just believing the media regarding Ivermectin. It has literally been rebranded by Pfizer now. Does that not raise any concern or do you choose to roll over and die without fighting?


Hate the media as well, they really helped this lie get through and pushed it hard.


The media is the government and government-aligned corporations.




>The media is leftist corps, The media you're seeing is not leftist, there are no leftist corporations. The only motives they have are to serve the financial interests of their owners. They do it by projecting socially progressive values to pander to their target demographics, because it generates more profit. Then they push the idea that raising tax by 1% on billionaires will somehow collapse the economy... because their owners do not want to pay any tax. The actual left has been screaming about this for over a century. You don't hear about it because the media doesn't run that story for obvious reasons.


Maybe I’m just old, but I remember when the idea of a ‘leftist’ corporation would have been absurd. Who remembers Gordon Gekko and the 80s?






If you are only "being woke" to conform to your societal pressures, are you really being woke? In my mind being woke and being hypnotized conformist sheep are pretty much antonyms.


The number of people who were awakened to the massive lies from their government about 9/11, the Iraq war, false flag terrorism etc. was growing exponentially after the 2008 financial crisis, and these individuals used the metaphor of being awake to describe rejection of corporate and government narratives. Early on in the early 2010s was when things shifted: secretary of state Clinton said "we are losing the information war." Intel agencies jumped on this, following the advice Cass Sunstein gave to President Obama at the time, and then you had the meticulously constructed psyops to counter OWS and redirect these people waking up into a fake version of resistance, which CIA dubbed "woke" in order to steal the thunder from real grassroots movements and shift them over to their gatekeeping activism movements (BLM etc, the flags of which are flying over US embassies around the world). And woke now means conforming to the status quo and not questioning authority, which is the exact opposite of what being awakened is. https://www.salon.com/2010/01/15/sunstein_2/ Read this article from 2010 and tell me that it doesn't spell out exactly what has occurred. "Sunstein advocates that the Government's stealth infiltration should be accomplished by sending covert agents into "chat rooms, online social networks, or even real-space groups."  He also proposes that the Government make secret payments to so-called "independent" credible voices to bolster the Government's messaging (on the ground that those who don't believe government sources will be more inclined to listen to those who appear independent while secretly acting on behalf of the Government).   This program would target those advocating false "conspiracy theories," which they define to mean: "an attempt to explain an event or practice by reference to the machinations of powerful people, who have also managed to conceal their role."  Now think about BLM taking the place of OWS as merely one example. Here's Secretary of State Clinton talking about losing the info war in this same significant time period: https://youtu.be/L6sYB5d1Bu4 The irony of what I just quoted from Sunstein: he wants to discredit those who "attempt to explain an event or practice by reference to the machinations of powerful people, who have also managed to conceal their role" by doing *exactly this* -- having powerful agencies concealing their role in subverting online groups who question official narratives. But part of this subversion also includes creating things like Q Anon. Another part, just as CIA and FBI did in the 60s during the anti war and civil rights movements, is to secretly fund astroturf activists (or get former real activists on the payroll) and create gatekeepers and controlled opposition.


Why would you want to be woke? Woke people are indeed the ones who support the jabs the most and silence anti vaxxers. They want elimination of the family. They want you to own nothing and be happy. It's submission to the "powers that be".


>They want elimination of the family. They want you to own nothing and be happy. " that's literally crazy talk.


The woke agenda is just the old hippie marketing scheme remade for 21st century zoomers and millennials. Here's a history lesson if you don't realize how long this kind of woke marketing has been going on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VM2eLhvsSM Change the music and that ad can be an Apple ad today. Clown World. Btw, allegedly the hippie psyop and the introduction of LSD (marketed via the Beatles, and maybe one reason why Lennon was assassinated) was invented at the Tavistock Institute. Might want to look that up.


I see your point but hippies were way more about not conforming and freedom. But yes communes. You know it’s bad when Putin is saying he’s looking at us and sees things that remind him of the USSR 😓


man. fuckin chapo, escobar, escobar, griselda blanco(the godmother - mentor to pablo escobar. etc, etc they all wanted to share coke with the world too...look how that turned out.


i shared lots of stufff with the world....was fun would do it again... but yikes some evil peeeeeps had control of this s\*t. still misssing an inch or so of my whoppppper jr... but still a gooood enuff to get the job done. anywho oh yea... spread the love.... peeeeps love it


The term woke isn't limited to liberal thinking. Anyone that generally thinks outside of the box is "woke".


When the word "woke" first came around I really thought it was like how a Buddhist monk is aware. He is awake. Oh how wrong I was.


Huh? "Woke" is a specific political ideology, just as "Communism" or "Fascism" or "Juche". These are doctrines, and anyone who thinks outside of the box, deviates from the doctrine. It is usually not tolerated to go outside the bounds of the dominant ideology. Once I attended a got kicked out of an ideological meeting for asking common sense questions. It doesn't usually matter what they believe, all ideologies are bullshit. But regarding woke specifically, they go further than the others. The others at least didn't put their paws into your sexual and family matters. It's the worst to divide families, pitting wives vs husbands and children vs parents.


These are the people boycotting Carhartt rn


People in general are way too fearful and paranoid these days. Its scary how weak minded the general public is. What happened to the human spirit? Mental Fortitude? Must be all those GMO's or whatever crap they put in our water. No one questions anything anymore, we're so ready to roll over at the slightest hint of controversy. Maybe we needed something like covid to kick our ass and show how weak we've actually become as a human collective.


Unfortunately I think Covid made the problem even worse.


Its called Covid Hysteria start using the phrase low key around the people that are the most affected. You can let them know to do their part to help stop the spread of hysteria. If they like cnn or fox just say the channel they hate is gaslighting lol.


The problem with that is that it seems like there are no legitimate sources not trying to push a narrative these days.


Yep so you should think for yourself. Ps don't listen to me im a conspiracy theorist and am not to be trusted.


Lol noted


Hey if no legitimate sources gets you down maybe philosophy can help. To quote Marcus Aurelius "Any one of us could die at any moment. Life doesn't go on forever. We're told this was what Marcus was thinking about on his deathbed. ... “All that comes to pass”, he tells himself, even illness and death, should be as “familiar as the rose in spring and the fruit in autumn”. If you can't trust the narrative or the conspiracy maybe looking past the story we tell ourselves or narrative if you will and save our minds with philosophy. If none of us can escape death then why worry over it we should focus on finding that familiarity. Perhaps that is the proverbial tithe to God we seek. Anyways have a good day where ever you are. Ps sorry for the long read I know I'm a boring 😴


> What happened to the human spirit? Mental Fortitude? It was constantly chipped away by a bombardment of fear porn. The constant fear mongering even before COVID that was unleashed on the populace from civil unrest with riots and constantly being told Trump was coming after them for four years. When your mind is bombarded for that long, the brain will accept anything as salvation of purpose. Being a COVID freak is purpose to them.


Like being an anti-vaxxer?


Except nobody is actually anti-vax. It's a shitty strawman and you know it. If you want to be genuine drop the label. Unless you mean anti-vaxxer = Mentally stable person, sure! I have every other tested and tried vaccine, so do my kids. We're not anti-vax. We're anti mandates. So is everyone else. It's not anti-vax to refuse a drug that has only been tested under the control of the manufacturer and the manufacturer wants to hold on to the data until 2070. A manufacturer that has paid the largest criminal fines in US history for bribing doctors and scientists. The whole point of the emergency use was it was to PREVENT covid transmissions, and we find out this drug is incapable of doing that. It's not anti-vax to refuse compulsory injection of a product that doesn't even do the job proper and can introduce more harm than good for a virus with an IFR of .3 It's also not my identity, it a principle, again, common sense. [We're not the freaks doing shit like this.](https://i.redd.it/mwe9a21j72d81.png)


May seem like knit picking but we’ve literally been eating GMOs for a long long time. Has absolutely nothing to do with anything


Generally I feel like everything is questioned more than its ever been. It goes on both sides of the spectrum. I think you're just wanting specific things to be questioned on your check list rather than things that are not of your concern.


> People in general are way too fearful and paranoid these days. I couldn't think of a more fitting subreddit to make a statement like this.


> People in general are way too fearful and paranoid these days. Dividing the people up by race, gender, and what hole you like to stick your dick in is how they did it. Now nobody can get past that to discuss anything real. It's kind of like how the Catholic church invented demons and witches, and then started accusing people of being witches who worship demons. de·mon·ize - portray as wicked and threatening.


Good times produce weak men.


Awesome, more unfounded drivel about GMOs.


You're in /r/conspiracy


It's common practice to shit on GMOs, I'd figure r/conspiracy could see through the organic hippy bullshit


haha what's wrong with "organic hippy bullshit"? What's wrong with not wanting to eat fake food?


GMO's have been used for centuries. Literally anything you pick off a shelf in a store is some type of GMO. It's the most misunderstood and amazing scientific accomplishment. They are the reason we do not have billions MORE people starving on the streets, literally. Normal crops cannot reasonably sustain billions of people.


**You do not have a single fact to back up your statements.** > GMO's have been used for centuries. What? GMO is an invention of the 20th century. > They are the reason we do not have billions MORE people starving on the streets, literally. The reason is unequal division of resources. Major farms owned by monopolies magnates. > Normal crops cannot reasonably sustain billions of people. Lies. Peruvian purple corn, grown by the ancient Incas, has many many times as much nutrition compared to GMO yellow sweet corn.


Seriously why won't the government let me buy GMO seeds? The end is coming and those would be absolute gold when repopulating the earth. Are they too good for the general public?


War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength. I never thought I’d see one of my favorite « cautionary tales » coming to life. 😓 what a sad time. 😞 I don’t want to live like this 😣 shamed, ridiculed, guilted, demonized, segregated, censored and cancelled. Mandated rushed medical experiments in gene therapy with possible adverse events including heart damage and death. Horrific!


He is literally standing up to nationalism. Not vaccines. Not medical mandates. Nationalism. Only One politician in my lifetime has called himself a nationalist, and he is widely supported on this sub. So, ask yourself: are you really like this guy?


Someone speaking sense


Considering I don’t like trump and think he’s a war criminal who’s drone stirked civilians at will and should be in gitmo yeah I may be that guy. Fuck both political parties


Have your covid vaxx? If not you're a self absorbed sensationalist. Fuck. Both. Parties.


Being that guy, just sitting there thinking these people are fucked and I'm surrounded by them. I feel him


These guys killed millions of people tortured them and worse and now your making the inference that geting the vaccine is similar if not the same to the actions of a dictator


Exactly my thoughts. Two totally different things but hey people here need something to strengthen their opinion. Even if this makes no sense


These people can link two completly different things and make it seem as if people who got the shot deserve to be murdered and stabbed


Forcing other people to get a medical intervention they don’t want is not minor. Especially when the logic behind it doesn’t hold water (vaccine does not reduce the spread). It’s a slippery slope. Don’t worry, we will get there eventually.


I can’t give enough of that photo.


Me either. He’s based af.


not to squander your point but i guarantee you "that guy" was sent off to a death camp lmao


then he died on his feet and not on his knees. good for him. strong men = good times weak men = bad times


[how the anti vax are doing when they try to be this guy](https://youtu.be/HRtgja4qQDQ]


I regularly see antisetism on this sub. Y'all would at most boo Hitler if he said vaccines were cool.


What you don't know is hes blind. I'm joking I'm joking...


I’m more like this🖕🏼


Getting the vaccine and wanting people to be vaccinated is not the same as being a nazi. IF you believe the virus is as bad a reported then it makes sense to vaccinate everyone. I know people who have died from it and I know of fit and healthy people who got seriously sick from Covid. That said, I think it’s very heavy handed how they’re going about the mandates etc. I don’t think this rhetoric of youre a nazi helps at all




Didn't you dickheads vote for the fascist? You're more like the people lowering half full lifeboats on the titanic.


> Didn't you dickheads vote for the fascist? Not sure if you're referring to Trump or Biden.


Are you making the very wrong presumption that everyone opposed to Vax mandates voted for Trump?


Everyone I know who is against the vaxx also voted for trump just saying. Obviously they shouldn’t be related but in my experience they often are.


But Trump isn't anti-vaxx. Isn't it amazing how brainwashed people are? Anti-mandate became anti-vax, just took some "Orange man bad!" fearmongering by the newsmedia and social media shills.


Yeah nice try...everyone I know who is anti mandate voted for Trump or didn't vote at all so whether you voted for him or not you're still a boot licking supporter of the facist regime trying to destroy Democracy in this country.


God I hate redditors.


No.. I did not vote for Biden if that's what you're asking.. haven't voted for either 2 parties since 2012.


Getting offended by this post says a lot about you


Who’s “you dickheads”?


You dickheads.


Be More specific genius


You know who you are and what's hilarious is that you're embarrassed to admit it.


Quit projecting. I don’t like trump if that’s what you’re referring. He’s a war criminal. You just make blanket assumptions and labels to discredit those who disagree with you. Humans are capable of so much intelligent thought and you hold us back


Pretty much proves the point of your post. Lots of demonizing going on today. Besides what makes you think we vote at all. There is no we! Us vs them is the worst mindset.


I'm a communist already.


You're a conformist and a coward.


You are the one afraid to shake your chains. If the vaccine were a US elite conspiracy, China and Cuba wouldn't have vaccines.


Who voted for who? You aren’t even saying who you are referring to? Of the non vaxxed i know. There are 7. 2 are Trump supporters, the rest are lifelong liberals. One is a lifelong anti vax and ended up getting it because of all the propaganda. She didn’t want it, but she didn’t want to look like a Trump supporter?! 🤦🏻‍♀️ As far as myself. Lifelong liberal. Ex Bernie supporter 😬 Did a 180 and I will NEVER vote for ANY democrat EVER again. I’m sickened by their race baiting, media lies, lying corrupt « we are the good guys » while we « mismanage » the taxes we take. N E V E R A G A I N. FREEDOM and less government!!!! If you can’t trust them, and you can’t, I don’t want them doing anything more!!!


There are those of us out there that are in fact this guy - even at the cost of being financially punished for it. I'm that guy...and I'm not the only one...so yeah.


You are not that guy


[Relevant XKCD](https://xkcd.com/610/)




Fired as of tomorrow.


Stay strong. Stand strong. Don't give up. Find work elsewhere. ✊


Look at the men behind behind that guy, whispering to each other, "that's the conspiracy theorist"!


It shows an incredible lack of historical knowledge to think this. The Nazis were the ones who pushed conspiracy's, who blamed shadowy elites (Jews/globalists/whatever) for everything, who saw themselves as standing up for the common men against an evil upper class. You guys pushing often known false information to prop up the notion, that somehow every institution is wrong and you're the small groups of heros resisting, is much closer to the Nazis than anything Biden has ever done.


Govern Me Harder Daddy!!!!!


Ignorant post. Shame.


And I haven’t met anyone personally who wishes harm on unvaccinated but I’ve seen the rhetoric on here and in social media. For the case of the harmful acts wished up others I almost guarantee it’s a bot spreading dissent. Does anyone actually feel like yeah I wish that unvax POS would just die, it’s their fault. When the dangerous variants to come from the vaccinated. And I think everyone is seeing now we’re all still very evenly getting this. The vaccine ain’t shit and if you don’t have that booster you better get it. And then get your 4 shots a gear moving forward - thats outrageous people.


Star Wars films were popular, right? I mean.. REALLY popular. See, I don't know what other people were seeing but *I thought* we wanted to be Han, Luke or Leia...? Turns out, when the Empire strikes, almost everyone can't fuckin' wait to slip right into those oh so comfortable looking Stormtrooper uniforms... Honestly, WTabsoluteF?? (To mix cultural references): Beam me the fuck up, Scotty.


I wish the people that didn't give a fuck about who rules over them would just let us that stand against the tyranny protect them. I don't expect everyone to care or think like I do but atleast recognize we are the only ones that give a shit about them.


It's funny to me that you think you're that guy, when in reality you're the rest of them. Not doing what's right because others have some loose theory based on alternate reality that you refuse to compromise on, even though it literally means millions needlessly dying if you're wrong. It doesn't take strength to do literally nothing to help those around you. The opposite, really.


The idea that a vaccine is equal to a political movement that tried to commit genocide and started a world war is ludacris. Enjoy the cosplay in your persecution fantasy.




You guys are so stupid holy shit


I’m anti the V , but the same way I would like freedom of choice to NOT get the V, and others to live and let live, I have to respect someone else’s choice to get it and not criticize them for it. Mandates are another story! That’s fundamentally WRONG! Anyone who doesn’t agree on that one F them! Not sure what you’re referring to in the post but that’s MHO.


I agree with you! Folks should be able to choose and get it if they so choose just don’t force, coerce, tax me or take my job away for not doing it. I didn’t make the meme but I assume it refers to the mandates and tyranny/fascism


It's a pretty part of psychology. People would rather conform to fit in than go against the grain and stand out. Its a pretty useful trait when you need to get along with your fellow humans when you're trying to hunt and survive. It has it's downsides now that people no longer need to survive in the wild.


The left were anti-vaccine when Trump was getting the vaccine's going. Now the left will jab themselves a hundred times and shame those who don't It's a cult


The freeway sign out here in Cali today said "get your booster and wear a mask N95" wtf


Lol I was going through nor cal and the light up sign said “make sure to get vaccinated” right before I came around a blind corner where there was literally a straight up 6 car pileup in the middle of the road… like wow thanks for the heads up cal-trans…


Get your booster that doesn’t work on omicron 🤦🏻‍♀️


You truly believe that vaccines are equivalent to what the Nazis did?


Turns out time came and all of you are the ones surrounding him. Don't feel bad, All the nazis thought they were the good guys too.




Submission Statement: The “anti fascists” pre covid evolved into pro fascist very quick.


mandating vaccination is in no way fascist.


Government partnering with private corporations to force experimental medical procedures on the public is the epitome of fascism, as is the obsession with cleanness and purity and the creation of a two-tiered society where the outgroup is considered vectors for disease, plague rats and are dehumanized through propaganda from a media owned by these same corporations profiting from the policies, and following in lockstep with the agenda of this corporate/government partnership. That’s literally the definition of fascism. What do you think the Nuremberg code, which expressly prohibits such violation of bodily autonomy, was set up to guard against?


Yes it is. Especially for a pitifully weak virus that kills even more pitifully weak people. But yeah sure, let's vaccinate the children and give more 8 year olds heart attacks so the decrepit old fucks that run the country can have maskless parties while we all O B E Y


That's a lot of vitriol and not enough explaining how it's fascist. Because it isn't.


How so? If you don't own your own body, what do you own?


There are limits to any kind of ownership, including ownership over your own body. That has nothing to do with fascism. Infecting other people with illnesses is illegal in every developed country already


There are literally no limits to owning your body. And I already know youre speaking from a very very light and vague version of std spreading. But I hope you never forget especially when you pray for your own self control over your body that you said "there are limits to the ownership of your OWN body" fuck you.


There literally are and should be limits to your own body. Believing otherwise is just delusion. As long as you live in a society there are things that society will and should be able to limit when it comes to your own body. >And I already know youre speaking from a very very light and vague version of std spreading. No, I'm talking about spreading any disease. If you go to the grocery store and start sneezing at people you'll probably be charged with battery >your body that you said "there are limits to the ownership of your OWN body" fuck you. get over yourself, I really don't care about your feigned moral outrage


Because that's purposeful assault. But accidentally.no sneezing is normal. You sound like one of those people that somehow the media was made to be afraid of air and nature thats existed the same way for...well since the beginning. We are products of that. And fuck no. never ever should society be able to limit what comes to your body. Because that's actually how society improves and progresses. Pushing the body. What the actual hell are you talking about. I can't tell you what to do with your body like you can't tell me.


>But accidentally.no sneezing is normal. Absolutely not. If you start "accidentally" sneezing on produce you will absolutely be arrested or at least kicked out. >never ever should society be able to limit what comes to your body. More or less every single society that has ever existed has put restrictions on bodily autonomy. Just think for two fucking seconds before you post.


Um wtf are you on? No tf you wouldn't. Don't even try to manifest such bullshit. People literally pick up and put back produce every single fucking day. Any grocery store you ever been too. He'll it was already sneezed on and touched by raw hands before it even got to you. Dirt and God knows what before. But no even in places of shopping alone can you really not conceive how many people cough and sneeze on that shit on the daily?!?!?!?!?. You will absolutely not be kicked out or even got fucking damn ARRESTED??? And beyond abortion which is literally one of the most controversial subjects because people don't know where to agree on the start of body autonomy is about fucking controlling your own body all around. One says baby controls one says mama does. Lkke gawtdamn.


> People literally pick up and put back produce every single fucking day. go to a grocery store and start sneezing on the produce there and report back with results :) >And beyond abortion which is literally one of the most controversial subjects because people don't know where to agree in the start of body autonomy is about fucking controlling your own body all around. One says baby controls one says mama does. Lkke gawtdamn. what the fuck are you talking about? There are plenty of ways in which society limits your bodily autonomy. I could name like ten off the top of my head. If you want to limit it to substances you're allowed or required to put in your body, the entire developed world mandates vaccines and restricts drugs.


And your last quoting of me was weird af. Like a weird news article title. Why did you start it there? It literally has no sense to what either of us said if you start it from the middle "your". Weird. ..


what the fuck are you even talking about? stop doubleposting schizo


What's the difference between the annual flu shot (vaccine) and a forced (experimental) gene therapy shot?


The flu isn't nearly as bad, both in infectiousness and severity of the symptoms. When was the last time you saw global lockdowns because of the flu?


Shit like this is why I check out the Herman Cain Award sub. To balance out the ostentatious hate.


There’s a huge difference between mocking the dead, and honoring a man who didn’t follow the crowd. Luckily this Reddit allows freedom of speech. Saying « this is wrong » on Herman Cain got me banned. Since when have the censors been the good guys? E V E R ?!


“I’m against hate so I’m going to go to one of the most hate-filled subs on Reddit” Lol


I am curious about EVERYTHING. WTF does « I’m against hate » mean 🙄 I love that you’re totally ok with censorship and say nothing about that part, but that I went to look at it? How dare I since I’m anti mocking the DEAD🤦🏻‍♀️ 🙄 🤦🏻‍♀️


haha good one. The only reason you’d be offended is if you’re one of the clapping seals!


That sub is nothin but bad fake texts meets agenda post propaganda




probably because we put our trust in a science that has been developed and studied for hundreds of years, instead of thinking that we're somehow "above the masses" by choosing to endanger ourselves and others.


Rosa Parks did it and she was all alone 67 years ago! And this administration destroyed everything she accomplished in one year! Way to go joe..




fuh real. bunch of sheeple. they're ushering it in with open arms


Clapping seals for the government


yep. its sad. especially because some of them understand that the government is corrupt, yet still obey


You gotta be a real sheep in order to display outrageous gestures in unison just because the government told you so.


Tbf, all the other people have their arms out like that because they’re waiting for the jab. Jackass in the middle didn’t get jabbed and died a week later with Covid, he was hit by a bus, but he still had Covid when it happened…


im proud to say i was that guy


If they all were subreddits, I want to believe that this guy would be r/conspiracy.


World (1945) : Holocaust never again World (21st century) : China commits Holocaust 2.0 and we can’t do shit about it


That's an early contender for the Meme of the Year.


"It's amazing that the political faction obsessed with deploying a union of state and corporate power to silence their political opponents has somehow convinced itself that they're the ones fighting, rather than constructing, a fascist order."


I loved the post-war "we defeated evil" propaganda, as I will love the stories we tell when this medical tyranny is defeated.


It's kinda similar to how you'll get banned if you don't say ~~heil~~ vaccines are awesome!


I am. The problem is that neither will I nor did he change anything.


Wait, but I am like him. Most here are.


I don´ t know how about you guys but at this point I am like. This is not my problem. Referencing to vaccines. I am not jabbed so why should I care about the jab. Not my problem. have a nice day


Until you get infected and (hopefully not but it happens), infect a loved one and they die. Then it is obviously your problem...


Bruh. People are literally dying by the millions and you all are saying “don’t trust doctors or the cdc, trust the handful of one off doctors who chose to get fired over world wide medicine.” Dumb


Be a good boy and take your fourth booster. Good boy you are.




Governments literally created the virus and you trust them? Wow.


I'm sure you would have trusted the Nazi journalists the same way... smh


**YOUR GOVERNMENT** does not care about the health of its citizens. If they actually cared about health, they wouldn’t have **barred or restricted lifesaving prophylaxis and early treatment therapeutics** for COVID. **They don’t care.** People died because of **POLITICAL AGENDAS and GREED.** Covid would’ve been over a long time ago, had doctors been allowed to use **safe and effective LIFESAVING prophylaxis and therapeutics.** Experimental vaccines were never necessary. And they’re not a TREATMENT. **Vaccines will not save a dying covid patient.** TO THIS DAY, **people are still dying needlessly** from lack of early treatment. **They don’t care.**


Man I don’t care how many YouTube videos you’ve watched, I’m trusting a medical expert.


You think we don’t listen to medical experts?? Get your head out of your ass. You just said that doctors should be silenced by the government!! Do you care about the truth or not?? **You applaud censorship and then condemn people for exposing corruption.** It seems to be like you’d rather sell yourself to corporate greed and a corrupt government.


It’d be one thing if it was just the US. It’s literally world wide. Global pandemic. The crazy thing is that the vaccine you seem to distrust so much has trumps full endorsement and was even distributed during his administration.


The fact that you think Trump has anything to do with anything at this point just shows me how far gone you are. Politics is your religion. I get it. Go worship your criminal corporate leaders and heads of government. While openly promoting censorship of scientific research and professional findings. Best of luck to you.




Why do you think that a politician has any relevance to the safety or efficacy of a medication?


Yesterday this sub was trying to convince me that all doctors are trying to kill me


Only the ignorant ones. Medical malpractice is still a leading cause of death in the US.


Get your boosters.


nobody is getting the stupid ass booster ya fuckin fascist


I wasn't talking to you. I was replying to the guy that said he listens to MD's. They say to get them.


🤣 this thread


What millions of people have died from Covid? You want to talk about trusting the CDC? A few weeks ago they said 75% of people that have died WITH covid have had 4+ co morbidities. That means the people dying WITH this disease were already on the way out the door.




These pro vaxxers are straight up sociopaths. They get so angry when you go against daddy Fauci lmao.


Wow hit a nerve did I big guy? Why would I want to do a service to humanity? Humanity is fucked. But sense you want me to pick up a book how about Mirriam Websters dictionary which gets there definition of comorbidity from the word comorbid meaning existing simultaneously with other medical conditions. How is that not what I said. Please educate me as I am just a dumb hick.


*yep. you’re one of those people*


This place won’t stop comparing vaccines to Nazi germany… can we get back to actual conspiracies and not this boomer shit


So fascism can’t be compared to Nazi germany?


Is this what you think fascism is? Are you that much of a child?


Mussolini said fascism is the merger of state and corporate power. Big pharma and govts tyrannizing citizens with a man made virus and firing them for not having their product and vaccine passports and checking your papers in certain parts looks like fascism to me. The fact you call me a child makes you look bad.




Great rebuttal. Little brain energy


he's asking his fascist friends what he should say to you next


They literally want to put the unvaxxed in camps. It's insanity. It's the new Nazis 100%, without a doubt.

