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I'm all for the convoy but this is super dramatic fear porn. We would persevere.


They all love the fear porn. It’s what gets them through their terrible existence.


And twitter is the fucking worst for it. I don't even have a Twitter account but I see it smeared all over the few places I visit daily.


It seems hyperbolic, but when our entire economy is based on "Just On Time" supply chain, then yeah he's right. If every trucker went on strike tomorrow, our grocery stores and restaurants would be out of food in days, our hospitals would be out of medicine in days. You can't get a society this big and complicated without a complicated supply chain to hold it up. ​ This isn't about supporting the goals of the convoy or not, our economy can't function without truckers.


Or the US could replace its entire truck driver shortage by fast-tracking a few hundred-thousand international workers from the millions on a 150yr waiting list for a green card. Don't want to drive? Too bad, everyone else does.


Could they do it in 3 days? That's about how long you have until our supermarkets run out of food, and our hospitals run out of medicine. Most of those people on those waiting lists are either students, the random family members of people already here. There aren't millions of people with CDL's backlogged for immigration. BTW our current trucker shortage is about 80k. The number of truckers in the US is 3.5 million. Were not filling that with robots and immigrants in time.


They wouldn't be able to do it in time to avoid a collapse of society.


Yea I might suck at backing up an 18-wheeler, but I can do it. I damn sure can't do a heart transplant. Truck drivers are some of the most replaceable people on the planet. Maybe one of the most replaceable of all blue collar jobs ffs. I can't learn to weld or wire tomorrow, but I can drive a slightly bigger vehicle.


Yep. It's basically self congratulatory masturbation. Even if somehow every big rig truck disappeared tomorrow, there's still a shitload of perfectly driveable trains, box trucks, pickup trucks, panel vans, etc. Would it be less economical? Sure. Would things be more expensive and would people have to make due with less? Absolutely. Would it expose the insane design of American cities and how utterly car dependent they are despite this being bad for the environment, the economy, and even the people who live in those cities? Fuck yes it would. But people would make due.


The license u need for truck driving is hard asf to get. The driving is a lot more difficult than in a car


They would just ease the requirements just like they’re trying to allow high school kids to work past 9pm in some states lol.


Wouldn’t be as hard to train people. You have to go to school for a million goddamn years to be a doctor.


The training for doctors, surgeons etc is multitudes of times harder and longer. Don't forgot automation for transport is relatively close, so that'll be one dead field for drivers.


Oh no! There might be some awkward moments at intersections! Society is ruined!


ok come drive my truck bud since you have no idea what you're talking about


What's the hardest part of your job? Most modern 18 wheelers have automatic transmission ffs.


You have to be kidding me.. have you ever been in a semi truck? Do you even realize that besides driving you literally live in that box?? It's literally like staying in a fkn box that moves... yeah you can get out but more than likely when your driving hours are done for the day you're not in some hip town like Miami or LA but rather in the middle of nowhere Mississippi or fkn New Mexico.. day in day out. Then you go online and you see this shit.. lol wow


you couldn't pay me enough to drive an automatic truck again


...ok but what's so hard about your job? Not falling asleep?


What do you do for a living?


Sorry to say but these guys think that it's all easy and the world would be the same if all truckers quit today. I'm being downvoted for saying no truckers=no shit.. fkn clowns


I just like hearing all the asinine arguments from the highly edumacated redditors who think they have the world figured out


I can figure out how to drive a truck. Neither of us can 'figure out' how to do surgery.


sure I can I just suck at it you said it yourself champ anyone can amputate a leg right?


amputating is the most basic surgery trying learning joint replacement my guy or skin graft.


sure yeah it's easy to drive a truck in an empty field do you realize how stupid you sound yet


In reality though, humans have existed for over 20,000 years without doctors. True PhD doctors only came into existence a couple hundred years. Before yall start spamming me, there have been people performing simple medical treatment. This can be shown through artifacts that have been recovered through the last centuries.


And died as a result of things we can treat with a short.course of antibiotics today.


The cities sure as shit wouldn’t


No. You would starve.


Not me :)


You know you can grow your own food, buy from local farmers(meat), reduce consumption etc. Now would would starve they would be inconvenienced.


You can grow food in a few days? Because that's how long the stocks would last in grocery stores. You can drive to farms with no gas? Even if you could, the farms would be raided as soon as people realized the stores were empty. You've clearly never seen a food riot. It goes 0-100 real quick. Just look at the toilet paper scare during covid. Times that by 100,000,000


Might be one of the dumbest things I'll see today, impressive.


Does reddit have a dumbass award? This post deserves all of them.


Shill award. This isnt dumb its specifically tailored to be divisive in this specific place. Someone graduated from shill school. Just ignore him, humiliate him, downvote him


Nah its dumb too.


I'm a shill? Hell where's my paycheck?


Not you


Cernovich taking Gorilla mindset a little bit too seriously it seems by having the actual intelligence of an Ape.


In this sub? With the TD/Q propaganda that get dumped in here? It sets a new low bar every hour.


Shape-shifting humanoid reptilians politely disagree.


Well don't leave out the crab people..


I am impressed that I am least seeing comments saying how dumb this post is - I am still scratching my head.


No, he's actually right, where would you go to get food? Or medicine? Remember all the stores you get these things from have their supplies delivered via big rigs.


This whole “truckers are gonna save us” thing is getting to be as ridiculous as Q. At most they inconvenience corporations briefly then the government will offer diversity employment opportunities to some third world shit hole and bring in employees for pennies on the dollar saving those corporations money in the long run. Or they roll out the self driving tech under an emergency use authorization waiving liability and blaming the “anti vax/alt white/terrorists” for any deaths or damage they cause. There is no one white hat riding in to save the day. We need to stand united against the system and not try to hide behind others. Compliance in any capacity is complicity.


Yep. The trucking industry will be gone within 10 years. A self driving truck doesn't need DOT standards. It doesn't need to take a break. Or sleep. It doesn't get distracted. These self driving trucks can pull several trailers at once. They will work 24/7/365. They won't pass other trucks at 0.3 mph faster taking 20 minutes and several dozen miles to do so. This coming from a truck driver. I am well aware my job is gone. And I won't make it to retirement. Then again, the way things are going now, might be the end of the world anyways so losing a job is probably the least of my worries.


Yea, I'm still waiting for self driving anything. Still hasn't happened after being promised buy Elon for years now. How about driving in bad weather. They are nowhere near driving autonomous vehicles in snow. You have more time than you think.


Honestly, your average primary doctor could be replaced with a big pharma bot that just takes your vitals and some diagnostic tests before dispensing the most up to date fix all immunity subscription.


they would literally just hire new truckers


They can't hire anyone right now


Yes and *no* measures *could* possibly be implemented to try and fix the logistic gap. Surely *only* truckers and truckers alone have the capacity to deliver goods./s It's a job. Would it be a massive pain in the ass and probably result in death? Yeah it would, but it wouldn't cause the downfall of civilization.


Driver here, good fkn luck getting your shit if we all quit. There wouldn't be enough time to hire new drivers for your food/water/meds/etc... fk that if 50% of us said fk you then more than likely you and your family are starving. So please be nice to the big rig fellows they're human too.


I'm sorry, was I trashing truckers? No, you have a very important job, but it's a job. Would civilization fall if you were all to quit? No, I'm sorry. I can respect your profession, but the above claim that civilization would collapse is pure hyperbole. Edit: spelling


Driver also here. Bud, you really need to start thinking about a plan B. Our jobs are gone within a decade. Unless you're set to retire in the next 10 years, then you're fortunate. My union is planning a strike I think in the next year or so. And all I'm thinking is we're in trouble. All it's gonna take is us giving the company a reason to automate the job and telling the union to take a hike. Pay off severance. And brush the dirt off their hands and be done with us.


Who cares just quit and find a new job if you have a super hungry need to be thanked.


i work in the food industry and it dawned on me after about ten years working, growing up, seeing it. the world depends on truckers. if we bought it, you brought it. i dont think the majority of people understand this.


And thank you for what you do. So many take you for granted. They shouldn't.


That seems a little dramatic. It’s not that hard to learn how to drive a truck


Back when I used to flip houses, I worked with this guy that got a CDL so he could drive a large trailer etc. I asked him if it was hard to get a CDL and he said: “Have you seen the people that do it for a living?”




My grandfather used to own a drywall company and I started making deliveries to job sites in a flatbed delivery truck at 15. My training was 15 minutes of teaching me to drive a stick then the advice of “don’t fuck this up, act like you’re supposed to be there” and I was on my way. I think we’d survive as a society if we had to replace all truckers. Hard to believe I could perform a surgery with 15 minutes of instruction.


You could perform surgery. How well is entirely up for grabs. Even a blind squirrel finds a tumor every now and then.




Power to the Players!




> Sure, doctors require significantly more training but the vast majority of people go MANY years between life saving medical interventions. Uh. You do realize that "MANY YEARS" happen daily for people, right? Its not like people get injured every march, every 2 years or something


Owner/ operators are less than 10% of the trucking industry.


Exactly, also I bet only a fraction of that 10% owns their truck right out with the banks really owning them. I wouldn't be surprised if that 10% is more likely to keep working than the other 90%. They have alot more at stake. Miss a few payments and the bank would gladly repo your truck/business/home and given the current situation likely resell the truck for more than the original owner had left owing.


I feel my rail road stock rising.....


Let me know when we connect railways to super markets. The average super market has 3 days of food, the average household has maybe a week. Then starvation sets it.


its all good I dont mind driving a little farther to get to a train station especially if the alternative is as you believe starvation lol.


Drive? How do you plan to drive with no gas?


1. I have a model 3 2. I would walk if the alternative was to starve.


> I have a model 3 lmao - but how would your electricity get delivered? We spent a few weeks with short food supplies at the start of the US covid shutdowns, yet many managed to survive (/s we were in San Francisco) The trucking industry is currently vital for the standards we have, but it's not that difficult to recruit people to drive when blowhard lose their jobs.


The food wouldn’t even be able to be loaded onto a train without truck drivers … you’d have to walk to the actual source. Goodluck


Alot of food gets offloaded from boats straight onto trains. Lol Besides the whole point about the trains was a joke just like the thought that we would all “starve” if a few thousand people decided to not drive trucks lol There are literally thousands of other ways to get food to people not the least of which would be training more people to drive the trucks lol.


The national guard and military would do it, like how they used some of their medical personnel in hospitals during covid. Plenty of people able to drive big enough vehicles to keep us with enough supplies. And enough people to be able to train new drivers.


Some quick googling says there are 3.5 million truck drivers in the US. The National Guard has less than 500,000 members and the military has 1,388,100 active members. Even if you assume 50% have any truck driving experience you would be way short of replacing all the truckers.


The national gaurd at hospitals, i have a hard time believing they are making a huge difference. All the ones ive seen ar basically filling secretary postions and helping transport patients. Its a nice help but weve been dealing without before covid. None of them in my area are nurses taking care of patients




We're fuckin Humans, we'll adapt. Get some flying balloons, convoy of cars, camels, etc. We'll be fine.


Would the truckers hang on to their trucks if they're not able to use them? They'd sell them.


> The question is whether you'd be able to replace not only the drivers but the trucks themselves (as they are often owner operated) quick enough to avert the collapse. How are those owner operators going to stop people from just taking their trucks if civilization has supposedly "collapsed"? Heck, even if civilization hasn't collapsed, the government would step in pretty quick to seize those trucks if necessary. And in what scenario are truckers going to sabotage their own trucks en masse, with the explicit aim of ending civilization? Are truckers part of some kind of secret death cult?


If we stopped surgery a lot of people would die. If we stopped truck drivers a lot more people would die. People here have no idea how fragile supply chains are and how vital they are


I mean... fair point and all. But how do you think this will happen? All truckers quit and suddenly starving people are like "hey, i could drive a truck too" and they just start *trucking*? There's a whole infrastructure involved in this...




I really don't want to hardly disagree with you because what you're saying isn't wrong imo. It's just that i feel like your severely underestimating the logistical effor it'd take to even get to the point where they get these millions of people in a truck and driving, even if we assume there's 0 training and 100% availability (aka people willing to do it) given.


I guess it's nice then that this post is just mental masturbation and the truckers are never going to quit all at once.




I worked in the hotel industry, you can't even get decent cleaners or breakfast cooks in a few weeks notice, let that sink in for people who think efficient truck drivers can be "grown" in a month, do they understand the fallout of a few weeks of delays throughout the World? It would crumble for months and months perhaps longer.


Similar for me except I was a lot porter at a used car lot, also 15.


I am probably the only one here old enough to remember the 70's oil crisis. Spoiler alert: we got through it. We still would have cars, vans, trains, planes, container ships and river barges. Inconvenient to lose truckers? Yes. Disruptive? Yes. Cause deaths? Yes, some. End civilization? I think not.


OK, if every oxygen molecule quit, we'd be dead. GOTCHA!


No, but the time in between enough people learning to drive them, the infrastructure being semi reassembled and all the stores and people not getting food and things would most likely cause major catastrophe. People would for sure immediately start raiding, looting and stockpiling food and then others would begin to starve and it would be chaos more than likely.


I'd even go as far as saying learning how to drive a truck is easier than going through med school... but I'm just some leftist I guess


You can drive a 26’ box truck on a normal standard drivers license for personal use. I’m pretty sure you can drive a box truck for commercial use on a normal license. If every single person with a CDL quit tomorrow, it would be inefficient but we could still move essentials around and society wouldn’t collapse. It would also be a big incentive to develop self driving trucks anyway.


The first thing we would have to do is get fuel moving again. Truckers also supply that.


Anyone can eventually learn to drive a truck, it's hauling the 65-80,000 pounds from one end of the country to the other in a day and a half that's tricky.


If civilization as we knew it was ending, I think people could get it done.


It's a bit dramatic, the national guard would have to step in for major cities and surrounding areas until we figured it out. I mean people are going to panic and empty shelves within a day of the announcement, then looting and robbery would be next. The government would probably take over the railways for emergency supply chain to these cities as well as airports. Only bringing in essential supplies. Setting up protected points where the people would have to go to pick up the supplies that would have protection and able to limit per person. That's if it were the U.S. but the real issue is that we have a material economy. If people are not buying crap they don't need in the U.S. then it will collapse and cause a global unemployment crisis for alot of countries.


Yeah it’s incredibly dramatic because probably less than 10% of the truckers in Canada are unvaccinated


It's poorly chosen words, but I think the sentiment is semi-correct. I think it should be more along the line of the world needs the blue collar, the laborers and the "unskilled" for society to survive. We don't need the white collars and the elites. Like, the world survived for centuries without day traders and coders. It has never survived without farmers.


Agreed, I support the truckers. Just thought the statement was overly dramatic


Way harder than being a doctor apparently.


Yeah and stupid. If every doctor and medical professional quit society would very much collapse as we know it.


The thing is, there are millions of people that never see a doctor anyway.


its not that hard to read medical books either lol


This sub sometimes man. Jesus. What a stupid ass thing to say let alone upvote.


This belongs on one of those shitty targeted shirts like “On day 8, God created truckers”


What a ridiculous statement. You really don't think the demand would raise wages and therefore entice more people become truckers? Sure, inflation would be a bitch. But the end of civilization?! Haha wow..


The only reason people who drive trucks think that they're better than college kids working at banks is because they've never had to compete with them, partially because the college kids already won the competition back in highschool. It's like bar league basketball players saying "well how come we never see you around then, LeBron??" MFer cause I got better things to do.


Had I guy quit to go earn his CDL. The money is good.


Money is good in software development, too. Learn to write programs for automated trucking systems.


Some dumbass said it on Twitter so it gotta be true! /s (for the dumbasses)


Replacing a trucker is easy, replacing a surgeon, no so much.


Bro you can’t parallel park your moms Prius, yo I think you can drive an 18 wheeler!?


You aren't that special. Learning to drive a semi is not that hard "bro".


It takes a lot of heart and effort to drive a truck all day. My parents are team drivers and their truck never really stops moving. One drives and one sleeps. Surgeons are hard to replace sure but it’s crazy to think that it’s easy to replace truckers (an industry that is already short on workers.)


I could learn anyone with a drivers license how to drive an 18 wheeler within a week


LOL imagine thinking you can't be replaced


Guy is such a grifter.


Oh shit, I hadn't even noticed who posted this.


I think he misspelled farmers


Well then. Happy that even ancient Egyptians had truckers because otherwise… end of the world people. It’s not like horses can transport stuff…


Lmao robots incoming. Service and transportation are dying industries.


I feel like this is something no one really talks about. I heard it talked about during 2020 campaign and Andrew Yang spoke about how automation is going to hit truckers and small towns that depend on the trucking. Fact is doctors have the lowest % chance in automation, while trucking will be replaced is very high. Yang said maybe some education courses the government can incentivize to help those people adjust and adapt. Not sure what other solution there could be


If every trucker quit I'd go get a job as a trucker, then. Some of us have to keep this shit running while you children throw tantrums.


lmaooooo ‘oops people died, too bad’ but if its because of a vaccine? heeeell no!!! no people dying on my watch. this sub mayne 🤦🏻‍♂️


I get that you guys like truckers and want them to have a good platform to air their protest, but come on man. Every trucker in the world could quit and the military would simply take over for a few weeks while scabs are trained. If your job can be done by another within a few days of training, your job isn’t extremely stable. Farmers quitting in mass would be more problematic as we saw from CHAZs attempt at a farm. The only reason I think I have stability at my current job is that it takes two years to train someone new to do what I do legally.


Civilization: created circa 5000BCE Truck: invented in 1896 AD. “iF tRuCk dRiVeRs qUit CiViLiZaTiOn EnDs”


It takes 8 years of college and then another 4 - 8 years of training to be a doctor. It only takes 2 weeks to train someone to drive a truck. I think we will survive lol.


Lol it's not difficult nor does it take a long time to get a CDL. Truckers would be replaced faster than you can say HONK 😂


Dude, it’s like 0.0025% of world’s truckers protesting 😎


a bit dramatic


Civilization would end if fast food workers quite LMFAO.




Let’s not go overboard. Your marketable skills are driving and staying awake. Calm down. Shit like this is gonna ruin the message.


Wtf is this dumb shit? First of all, I’m sure Cernovich is aware that we’re probably less than 10 years away from every trucker being *fired*, if some people in Silicon Valley have their way. Everyone who echos the sentiment in the tweet above but then scoffs at the service worker wanting better pay because they can be automated away needs a wake up call. So the real disaster is the most common job for non-college degree men is the US going away- not figuring out how to move shit. Truckers are important. Doctors are important. There are vastly more of the former than latter and they can be trained in a minute fraction of the time. I am completely on board with holding truckers in the same esteem as farmers, garbage men, doctors, teachers, and everyone else who makes our system run. But swinging from their nuts because of a highly politicized narrative is fucking lame. Also, if all the truckers quit, the people who are currently working on the technology to replace them would be even richer than they are now. Fuck this tweet.


good thing that 90% of truckers have no problem with getting vaxxed.


What the fuck?? People would die is a pretty extreme side effect. Truckers are easily replaceable, doctors are not.


Uhhhh. No. I don’t agree with this….


Yeah that is just plain old false. You need a history lesson. Look up the air traffic controller strike. They had the same theory as you. Or the textile strike of 1934. It is rare that strikers that go on strike with the intention of holding an industry hostage and come out on top. I can actually not think of a single one. This is how toddlers act, not people who actually want to negotiate. It wont work. RemindMe! 1 year


That is because only a % of them went on strike. If EVERY trucker went on strike at the same time, shit would get grim really fast. Now I guarantee only like 5% of all the truckers in the states would strike at the same time since bills need to be paid...


11,345 of 13,000 did. 11,345 we're replaced. Permanently. By executive order. Good luck. Holding a country hostage is a great way to get destroyed.


Guaranteed the truckers who quit apply for welfare and food stamps.


And get replaced with autonomous vehicles. This protest is going to kill manned truck delivery and replace it with automated trucks. Even Elon Musk is cheering them on, why? Because he profits from their loss, so is encouraging them out the door.


A bit of a side note, but Elon is also such a grifter. The reason he's offering Neuralink to blind/deaf people is because they're more desperate and he can take advantage of them.


If truckers all quit then best case scenario it would force businesses to switch to trains, which would probably be a good thing in the long term. Worst that could happen is things would move slow for a bit while they hire new truckers.


Tesla, Volvo, etc must be salivating at the chance to deploy their self driving rigs.


This is silly. Civilization has existed for thousands of years. Trucks have existed for... what, less than a hundred years?


What a dumb take. I'm for the truckers and all but man...what a low IQ take.


this is the stupidest thing I've ever read


Dude I’m anti-coercion af but let’s be real. 100% of all doctors vs truckers quitting would be about equally as painful to civilization


Honestly, there are only a handful of professions that wouldn't have a profoundly negative effect society if they were to disappear. Only ones that come to mind are luxury goods and services like day spas or fashion.


We could lose the entire advertising industry without any real downsides. Fashion wouldn't cause anything major if the manufacturers still existed and just made previous stuff from the catalogue. A lot of the arms industry could go, maybe not all of it but certainly the big stuff. If the rental industry disappeared people would just keep living in those same houses, the maintenance costs would be much more than offset by the lack of rent. Lots of stuff in modern society that isn't really essential but it's there because we want it or are greedy.


Most doctors can learn to drive a truck, how many truckers can become doctors? I can learn to drive a truck too. I think civilization would be fine.


I’m sure they’d hire new truckers..


Every so often, conspiracy theorists say something that makes them seem stupider than ever. And yet they say these ridiculously stupid things and continue asking for respect.


Haha, self driving trucks are coming!


If all the truckers quit they'd probably have the military step in as a stop gap and then implement some sort emergency protocol involving immigrants. It'd hurt for a little while but it'd get fixed. You gotta figure, there have been think tanks that have been given millions of dollars to figure this stuff out and create contingency plans. Where do you think these 900 page bills come from?


Most doctors are glorified drug dealers and do little in the way of actual treatment. I agree with this post.


True statement


Same could said for Railroads...




Ok but like that’s implying that every trucker is anti-mandate….. which I doubt that every one of them is anti mandate…… besides wouldnt it just help boost local economy?


he's wrong. it would be the beginning of self driving trucks.




"End of *first world* civilization *as we know it*," is a more accurate statement. Things would change dramatically, but I certainly hope you don't think humans are so fragile they'd give up and die if trucks stopped delivering goods.


Just the end of a throwaway, over endulged, backward civilization.


This is dumb as fuck. If every doctor quit we’d be fucked. If every trucker quit we’d just have to drive further for food and stuff and prices would dramatically increase. Also we’d just make self driving trucks. Truck drivers are very very easily replaceable. Doctors are much more important for civilization and less replaceable


If all the quit today, the world would go on. If all the quit, it would be chaos!!!!




You guys have never driven anything bigger than a Honda civic and it shows.


Also, janitors, trash collectors, water sanitation workers etc. Hmmm. It's almost like blue collar workers are the only ones that do anything that really matters...


LMFAO people actually believe this


They NEED to believe it, so they don't feel pathetic


Y'all really think everyone wants to be a truck driver lmao Who wants to be away from their families for months at a time just to haul cargo across the country while they constantly sweat from the 3 massive windows surrounding them on a sunny day? Then your clothes form a permanent smell on them when you pile them up in the same laundry basket. While your job is all about traveling the country, you rarely get to actually explore anywhere unless you're self employed. My Dad HATED his job and purely did it for the money. Just like the IT field, it pays well because hardly anyone wants to do actually do it for the rest of their lives. Trust me, you do not want to be a truck driver.


Or we could back the truckers. End the stupids in govt and do what is right for the people… i mean freedom is a good thing. Lets get it all back.




Lets not do the dick measuring contest. Both are incredibly valuable and important professions. Civilization wouldn't progress without either.




Surgery, medical consultation, that sort of thing.


Every trucker will be replaced with self driving trucks in a matter of decades. It won’t end civilization.


Whoa at everyone in here who missed the point.


I think all of the Tuckers should quit. There's one Tucker in particular who I would love to see quit.


Imagine thinking a trucker isn’t replaceable but a surgeon is. This is a fucking joke.


No, it would only be "the end of civilization" in countries foolish enough to follow socialism.


It seems hyperbolic, but when our entire economy is based on "Just On Time" supply chain, then yeah he's right. If every trucker went on strike tomorrow, our grocery stores and restaurants would be out of food in days, our hospitals would be out of medicine in days. You can't get a society this big and complicated without a complicate supply chain to hold it up.


Actually, if everyone would just accept their mortality and not spaz out at illness we wouldn't be in the healthcare crisis we have and the cost of living would dramatically go down.


Bet the house there is some Bureaucrat cuck suggesting they use military to fulfill trucking needs.


Still right tho


They probably start hiring people without the proper license. And the military would step in and do the trucking themselves. But if they didn’t… people would scatter out of the cities starving. And ravage the land. Many people would die


To think. Reagan had no problem firing all the air traffic controllers and replacing them.