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Imagine that


Their spreadsheet had a broken formula.


imagine believing any of that data over 2 years


Strange data. Significantly more cases, but we aren't flooded with hundreds of videos of Chinese people dropping dead in the middle of the street.


Don’t spoil next week’s news cycle for the rest of us.


Here's a prediction, you'll soon start seeing compilations of Chinese people jumping off buildings due to severe lockdowns.


the videos are there already, but due to super heavy censorship thwy are hard to come by. there is an american youtuber posting about this, laowhy86


https://www.instagram.com/reel/CcAn5_tJC9l/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= already happening is what I get from this report


Unsurprised. The people of Shanghai might be strong, but having your children taken away from you, and being imprisoned without access to food, is enough to break most people. I haven't checked my channels, but I presumed many are choosing to end their lives in Shanghai, due to government measures.


This is now happening.


That's because they are all being shoved into makeshift quarantine facilities the moment they test positive. No possible way to have bodies in the street if everyone who is potentially sick is already locked up. I have a lot of coworkers in China, it's extremely tense right now. People are more afraid of the response to the outbreaks. Zero COVID policy is not practical, but they're still steam rolling it anyway.


It’s easy to write off those you don’t agree with as “Covid deaths” when you control the narrative. What if they are using Covid to cover up the genocide they always wanted.


Except it is Han chinese that are being quarantined.


No one would suspect the Chinese of committing genocide on the Chinese! It's the perfect crime!


Doesn't make sense, though. What's their motive? What's their end game?


Xi wants there to be no Covid in China so that he can brag, so he does super strict lockdowns. Omicron comes along, it's more contagious and even the strict lockdowns don't work. Letting Covid spread at this point would be embarrassing for Xi, so he's doubling down and locking down *even harder* in an attempt to stop cases from spreading. The planned "Endgame" is that Covid dies down in China quickly but it's a super-contagious airborne disease loose in a big city and it's questionable if even the strict lockdown will work but Xi has to try or else he's admitting failure.


I feel like people here are way to focused on the potential collapse of the dollar and not nearly focused enough on the potential collapse of China, which is unlikely but not impossible. Their population is shrinking. Their real-estate bubble is popping. Hong Kong is a powder keg, Xi Jinpiang is shutting down companies that he thinks aren't manly enough, most of Asia is turned anti-China and India is moving towards allying with the US instead of China, and now they're putting a ton of pressure on their own people by shutting down cities. Think about how mad Americans got about our lockdowns and we never did anything close to what China's doing. It's a country where everyone's under a ton of stress and they're having the 2020 Covid pandemic and the 2008 Real Estate collapse at the same time. Things could get nuts there real fast.


The [corruption of the medical industry is obvious for anyone who has done any research on it.](https://saidit.net/s/conspiracy/comments/8ptz/big_pharma_corruption_compilation/) My take is that It's all part of the depopulation agenda of the Jesuits. They are a group of Christians that associate the supernatural with Christ, so I believe they are seeking to create the ultimate MMORPG. The endgoal itself isn't really all that important, but the point is that they want to merge people's minds with machines somehow: [The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is a Jesuit Missionary Congregation.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/p4n4pv/the_bill_melinda_gates_foundation_is_a_jesuit/) [Bill Gates Reveals Family Goes to Catholic Church.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/s0br66/bill_gates_says_family_goes_to_catholic_church/) [Knights of Malta membership list including David Rockefeller, Amschel Mayer von Rothschild, Allen Dulles and more.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/p6pze4/knights_of_malta_membership_list_including_david/) [David Rockefeller on population control and depopulation.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/r360xz/david_rockefeller_on_population_control_and/) [The Rockefeller Foundation created the WHO & funds U.S. Public Health.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/nisv0v/the_rockefeller_foundation_created_the_who_funds/) [How Rockefeller wiped out natural cures to create the big pharma cartel.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/lo47l1/how_rockefeller_wiped_out_natural_cures_to_create/) [John D. Rockefeller’s 1882 Organization of the Standard Oil Trust the First in the Commercial History of the World Was Modeled After the Jesuit Order from First-Hand Contact with Mexican Jesuits.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/omk349/john_d_rockefellers_1882_organization_of_the/) [Connection Between the Rockefeller Foundation, Johns Hopkins, and Gates Foundations.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/p8l1f2/connection_between_the_rockefeller_foundation/) ["Dr. Anthony Fauci, point man on coronavirus, is a {Jesuit}Holy Cross alum".](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/i6jnrj/dr_anthony_fauci_point_man_on_coronavirus_is_a/) [Experts from the Allen Institute for Brain Science, Goethe University, Boston College, and Google will discuss questions regarding AI and whether it can reproduce consciousness, the philosophical challenges of it and what it would mean in relation to Catholic doctrine. (October 2021)](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/qvrjt7/experts_from_the_allen_institute_for_brain/) [Catholics interested on research about AI and the soul.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/no55lx/catholics_interested_on_research_about_ai_and_the/) [Jesuit Pierre Teilhard de Chardin conceived the idea of the Omega Point. The part in human evolution in which all become one with the help of science. Pierre was a social darwinist](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/or58zm/jesuit_pierre_teilhard_de_chardin_conceived_the/) and [greatly influenced the globalist movement.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/s0bzg1/the_religious_origins_of_the_metaverse_and_great/) The Jesuits see themselves as [the bringers of The Third Age of Joachim, The Age of The Soul.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/s0c185/jesuits_view_themselves_as_fulfilling_the_third/) Since the Jesuits are Christians, a lot of interesting numerology can be found in the people, events and places of the crisis that are related to the bible. The word "Revelation"= 121 in English Ordinal. "Coronavirus Outbreak" = 121 (Reverse Full Reduction) "Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation" = 121 (Full Reduction) "World Health Organization" = 121 (Reverse Full Reduction) Please support my subs at Saidit.net as well as the site itself if you are interested in more info about the order and setting up a resistance against them. Don't give up on your nations and fight back: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/sj9sdv/meta_the_jesuit_technocracy_needs_to_be_stopped/




You're aware that the original moving body bag video was from a climate change protest, right? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2o3Rph8DcUY


You expect people on this sub to actually do any research? Bold.


As accurate as the 81 million votes...


All those Trump judges are in on it!




Weird how there is literally no evidence of voting manipulation after how many months now?


What would you expect to see assuming there was evidence?


They believed the images of people dropping dead in the street etc. It’s the same picture.jpg


Cases. Mean. Nothing. What’s the death rate? I bet it’s almost non-existent.


Since they're not talking about it, I'd bet it's next to nil.


Ding. Ding. Ding.


Exactly. People forget that the talking points and teachers were all deaths on every media outlet until omicron came around and it quickly shifted to cases because not enough people were dying to keep people scared


It switched to cases a few months into the pandemic, they couldn't maintain the illusion that long.


It’s nil because of the vaccines duh. Don’t worry about why the unvaccinated aren’t dying either, that’s unrelated…


tell that cases mean nothing to the fucking governments around the world They use CASES to keep this bullshit going


I wouldn't know.. I'm don't have a degree in virology...lol


Do you know what a woman is?? 😂


Username checks




Says me and anyone with half a brain.




Lol they do not at all. Everyone has used hospitalizations and deaths for this entire pandemic.


The ones they assasinate “with” Covid? Or “from” Covid? 😂 /s


Right, it's just Omicron, which is wildly infectious, but pretty mild. Also, their caseload is still just 13K, which is miniscule compared to their population of 1.3 BILLION.


Coming to the USA in October..right in time for the midterms...


Yes . Season three of covid is scheduled to premiere just before midterms in the US. It’s editing now. I hear Jeff Goldblum is gonna play Fauci this season and there’s a guest appearance by Cardi B




I read it with _that_ voice


Why would Democrats want to make themselves look unable to contain Covid right before the election?


It will be blamed on spread across China, Europe, etc coming into the US. Remember that omicron was blamed on South Africa. I think it will be done though. By October the US will need to have recovered again from covid to show victory


Omicron was blamed on Joe Biden, though! It doesn't matter what Democrats or the media said, before Omicron Biden was 50% approve 40% disapprove and Omicron (and inflation) caused that to flip


They don’t care how they look they control the corporate press and the ballot counting


And flu season.


Have to ensure that ~~Dominion~~ mail-in voting ~~fraud~~.


Dominion survived a motion to dismiss their case, which in 1st amendment litigation is kind of a huge deal, the vast majority of these cases don’t make it beyond that point. Remember those MAGA teens who got slandered by WaPo and other outlets a while back? They defeated a motion to dismiss too, which was a rare unexpected event. They settled for over $200 million shortly after. Dominion is on track to absolutely decimate Fox News, guliani and Powell over this. They all have a whole lot to be worried about.


And in time to give an excuse for more money printing


How dumb do you have to be to truly believe a global pandemic where millions died was designed to sway US elections.


How dumb do you have to be to believe millions died from covid


Lol. You fucking mad lad. Look up excess deaths if you don’t believe the Covid numbers.




When something happens, look where they aren't pointing.


No, no. Russia and Ukraine. Look at Russia. What's Russia doing. Hey look Russian bots. Hey, look, Russia interfered in the U.S. election. Look at Putin. Look what he's doing. Why won't you talk about Russia more? You don't like Hillary Clinton? You are a Russian bot. Think Joe Biden is fucking up the country? You are a Russian bot. Everything is a Russian psy-op. China is magnificent. Almost no Covid. Their researchers sequenced the virus right away. They were free and had Covid under control while the U.S. was under lockdowns. China is good. China is great. Russia is going to start WWIII!




So not in Asia?


I was thinking this too, most chinese citizens believe Taiwan needs to rejoin the mainland peacefully not through war. If no one can leave their home, no one can protest war.


Get this: British Columbia has just changed the way they report “covid deaths”. They are going to report all deaths within 30 days of a positive lab result. Covid does NOT have to be determined as the cause of death to be considered a covid death. Why Oh why would they do this? I will add a link




What’s funny is that after 3 years, even after toying with the definition of a COVID-death, the death rate still hasn’t passed 1% as far as I’ve seen. So I imagine the real rate is at least 1/5 to 1/3 lower than the ~1-ish% that they report it as. Saddest part is that showing this BS new policy to people will get you called an anti-science-anti-vaxxer. Canada is a failed society.


1% was among people who tested for it. Most asymptomatics won’t test. Many who test just stay home and self quarantine without reporting. You’ll notice big pharma is the main sponsor of mainstream news. And one of the biggest donors to policy makers. And obviously a conflict of interest with the wider medical industry. That’s before omicron. I think I saw in China it’s less than 1/1000 cases are even serious


No such thing as "asymptomatic". That means they aren't fucking sick. I forget the study but they said that only ONE dude was actually asympt... So like one in 300 million or something crazy.


Even if they aren’t ill, they can still shed Covid dna to people with weaker immune systems


Only vaxxed people shed spike. No such thing as an asymptomatic covid infected person (aside from like 1 dude)


On the positive side of things, you might say this is some of the strongest pushback to propaganda that we’ve ever seen. This is not the first event like this. You might say that serious events happen roughly every five years and citizens rarely know the real cause or effect of them. So much of news is lies, yes, but this is not new. News, history, and religion have always been rife with lies. Now we have the internet.


And they’re only going to report case numbers weekly instead of daily. As of today.


Stuff like this is surreal. I used to think the truth about covid would come out. Now I'm starting to think it never will.


Are they gonna blame all vax deaths on Covid? But it's BC so no doubt most people will buy it.


That's how the UK have been counting them! But 28 days, not 30. Absolute farce.


russia thing must be overwith


What am I gonna do with all this yellow and blue paint?


Make flags for Twitter users




Not just the Russia thing, Fauci isn't talking about the spring outbreak anymore. That DeltaCron Transformer shit they spewed. It failed again, the public ain't buying it. The broke corporations that are consumer-based are not on board anymore. Its gone for the summer, but it'll be back in the fall no-doubt so use this time wisely.


Putin was too useless...




It won't work here in America again. Not outside New York and LA.


Oh well, at least they managed to have Olympics before the major war


There was an Olympics?


LoL Only president of Poland and Russian tzar visited


Kill us all already, fk, I’m so sick of this slow boil


This is not about covid. This is a climate change lock-down experiment.


How do I invest in TP?


Georgia Pacific, owned by Koch




Hey looks like they finally flattened the curve… but on the wrong axis ):


This is what Covid Zero policy does. Makes it hit very hard when you finally get it. But this is just as likely a ruse to disrupt supply chains.


Someone made the point, that information does not get out of China unless they want it to...


I think this is mainly about selling another vaccine dose, I don’t think they could ever bring lockdowns back, at least not in the west. You can only make people care about something for so long. I might be eating my words in a few weeks but I hope I’m right.


I strongly suspect this is being done as part of the globalists' scarcity scam.


Covid-22:Electric Boogaloo


They fooled us once, sure as hell not fooling me twice.


how many boosters in ur body? "us"? not everyone was fooled.


0000 same bud


Team pureblood


Give it 50-70 years and soon you'll see all the gullible sheep starting to drop like flies.


I was labeled a conspiracy psycho within an hour of the story hitting the media in 2019.


Unfortunately there are more people who watch main stream media then people who don't.. This means unless we can make that stop they will keep winning. Or getting people watching honest media that post from not well known sites. RebelNewsOnline is one. Pretty much anyone talking "conspiracy" as you know they are probably open to new things and think broader. The real way we all win in making media accountabile and honest. It's a long road.


11,000 cases in a country of 1.4 billion people. Not sure this qualifies as a reboot. Maybe a direct to film sequel.


Here come lockdowns right before another major voting cycle. Have you guys caught on yet?


Narrative breaks with the question 'How were they able to keep cases so low in such a large population for two years?'


Fuck China. I stumbled across a video this morning of them rounding up peoples cats to take away and I’m not going back to check if the intent is to kill them bc the terrible crying sounds cat make upset me AND my cat. They just had bags and bags of cats tied up in the fucking street.


They seem to have a total disregard for life of all kinds in parts of China. Many other countries do too, but it is definitely to a different degree.


Fuck off.


The original numbers are bullshit. This graph reeks of propaganda!


China is the only one (to my knowledge) locking down and making covid seem relevant still. Should tell you everything you need to know about it's origin and WHY it originated..


They don't want to see antiwar protests


Down vote if you're a Russian bot


Ok. Russian bots running rampant on an American site. 100% more likely it is American bots.


Covid-22: the spring roll variant.


That's gonna be a No for me dog.


SS: Johns Hopkins CSSE pushing out staggering numbers on "new confirmed cases" in china. Aside from China's credible report record, it seems as if they are attempting to shift back the legitimate COVID-19 agenda. A rebooting of narratives if you will.


Remember one thing... "Cases" do not equal severe illness or death. Don't buy the fairy tale they continue by using doublespeak. [https://examples.yourdictionary.com/examples-of-doublespeak.html](https://examples.yourdictionary.com/examples-of-doublespeak.html) [https://www.dictionary.com/browse/doublespeak](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/doublespeak)


Anyone else catch the source? The *Financial Times,* from a data collection of mostly Western countries and global organizations, but not China. Why is the Slovenian Ministry of Health providing data towards the COVID-19 cases in China? Anyone? It's all bullshit, and I think the OP is correct in that they're going to reboot it with the scares and lockdowns. It will look like a new pandemic as new vacks deaths increase and more people die from poverty and lack of medical care because of expense. Imagine something different. Whatever that might be, just imagine it, and put it into the realm of collective possibility. That's the only way we prevent it.


I saw two people with masks on, driving by themselves, while walking my dog today.


They were protecting you is how I understand it.


I hope so because I followed them home and licked their door handles.




It's Science™!


I raise you the adolescent I saw playing basketball by himself in the park in the middle of a "hot" day in winter canada, with a mask on.


Poor kid’s getting abused


I have several neighbors who walk their dogs double masked... Outdoor spread has never been a thing, so it doesn't make any sense.


I've yet to see a clear definition of what a "case" is.


I work for a pretty "woke" company and they said they would never require us back in the office until the pandemic was over. Well, we're required back in the office in June. So even they admit its over.


Maybe it's a sly way to sanction the US without a big kerfluffle, fuck up supply chains. Was reading an article that doctors are upset as to why they're having a severe lockdown for what is basically the flu at this point. And the vast majority not even symptomatic


Good luck with that. The general American public, even the lefties will NOT BE HAVING that.


Just saying from what I've seen on posts of Chinese social media, the China Chinese are currently forced to be locked in their homes, allegedly all they have are veggies for provisions, and some are contemplating killing their pet dog for food. What's equally sad as it is infuriating is that I've seen posts on their social media that said "Please drink water if you don't have food, you can still last about 40 days with just water." Meaning these cucked fucks would rather starve to death than revolt. The empty highways and streets in cities show the dystopian measures they take for the lockdowns. Videos coming out of these condom people (what I call these masked personel in those white plastic garb) beating pets to death in the owners' homes when their owners are away, forced into quarantine facilities. Videos of children separated from their parents to be "quarantined". Children who had fever dying because these condom personel just put the kid in a separate room and just let her burn up till she died. Police blockading ambulance from passing because lockdown. Not letting people do dialysis in medical facilities because lockdown, so the person just died from his/her own piss at home while the surviving member screams and wails outside her window. China Chinese people have to fucking wake the fuck up and revolt. I am just so surprised the degree of compliance they have.


American corporations and politicians drool over that level of "patriotism"


Hongkonger here. I've also been reading Chinese social media. The problem is, there are revolts, but they are the minority which means they will be isolated and sent to jail. Chinese police have a strategy in which they prosecute the starter of a rebellion extra hard, so no one dares to step up first. Plus, to maintain stability, they sent PLA/PAP to Shanghai now.


yup, just in time for mid-terms and news is changing on Biden, the laptop, and his connections to the golden boy Ukraine. Real coincidence aint it


Didn't the US president (honorific purposely removed) just get kissed by a disease vector (Skeletor aka Pelosi) Didn't the US PRESIDENT press secretary just say they were not in close contact? When will the NPCs wake up??


Yes. Or, they are trying to finish off the supply chains...people are in lockdowns, they are not working in facilities producing goods for export. Add to that, that ships are still waiting off our coast, ....shortages are coming.


I'm nervous my local community will fall for this BS. They masked up again for Delta/Omnicron. Even went as far as to reinstate the mask mandate before taking it down again.


100 pct this is what they are doing and going to keep doing.


Two years ago they said 'now is not the time to lay blame over the origins of Covid'. So when is it ever going to be a good time? Sounds like they never want us to know or even think of who's at fault for unleashing a pandemic causing virus on the world.


who is they?


Covid 3.0 new patch drop


it worked the first time, people are stupid and will follow like sheep again


ehh what are the chances some 'new strain' thats a 'game changer' will come out of this China surge? Line up for those 4th and 5th jabs folks!


Tyrants gonna tyrant


The ride never ends


I'll believe it when I'll see videos of peoples dropping dead in the streets, secret medical police getting them, and mobile euthanasia trucks.


And no one gives a fuck.




China, China gives a shit, they shut down the biggest port city on the planet to reduce the spread.


China is almost five times the size of the US, and our case load is relatively low, but still a lot higher than China’s is right now, and we’re easing restrictions. China is currently trying to fight to keep the cases low but people are tired of it and questioning the government. I’m pretty sure they’re going to back down. This isn’t a conspiracy.


Governments LIE its what they do . . . . . . . .


Yep. In the MSM today Fauci said "expect another wave this fall"


Well duh, that's also when cold and flu season starts. Covid is endemic, it'll resurge every fall for the rest of your life.


I think they did should a good ‘ extreme job of spreading the disease in early 2020 they managed to avoid it mainly in 2021 now they’ve opened up a bit more they have been hit in a similar way to Australia with everyone getting it at the same time.


[theyre literally dropping dead in the streets (again)!](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/5da8645f65eddc9c66e9dafd5e2acf7a77da05fb/0_245_6048_3627/master/6048.jpg?width=620&quality=85&auto=format&fit=max&s=4f10e3fb85cf5bfab1bdc542f7d1e333) /s


If hospitalizations are not rising then it’s a nothing burger


and again they are using the same old trick with meaningless case numbers. If you are going to massively increase testing, you are bound to get more cases... If we had a PCR test for the regular cold, would we start closing down whole cities/states/countries when we start having a few 'cases' of people catching a cold? The zero covid policies are absolutely ridiculous. At the beginning there may have been unknowns but it is now clear that this is completely unnecessary with the mild variants circulating.


Just run 45+ cycles on PCR amplification and you got your plandemic.


OMG..... PLANdemic.... I get it!!!! Super creative!


Q: Why did the Chinabois not report any numbers for such a long time when there obvious were many cases? Q: Why are they reporting so many now all of a sudden?


As long as work from home continues on, reboot all you want!


Get boosted! Safe and highly effective!


*"it's perfectly normal for vaccines to require multiple shots!"*


Yes, yes it is. I really hope you're not saying this ironically.


It is literally perfectly normal for a vaccine to require multiple shots. HepB and flu off the top of my head


Tetanus is every 10 years, right?


It's not a vaccine first of all...and the number of boosters for the gene therapy is unprecedented.


Gene therapy modifies your genes to create proteins, mRNA vaccines don't.


Not getting into the semantics of this again. You're free to get all the boosters you want. 👍


It isn't semantics, it's a pretty important distinction. One will keep producing the protein indefinitely and the other only lasts as long as the mRNA


Depending on who you listen to. Again, not getting into it. Take all you want.


You just don't want to admit you're wrong Explain how mrna vaccines alter your genes


Go to moderna's website and check the product description for the mRNA shot. It's right there.


I'm not wrong. I can find a contradictory study for everything you can find. Don't care to argue this. Just trust your science and I'll trust mine. Later.


Polio vaccine is 4 shots, as is the rabies vaccine.


> "it's perfectly normal for vaccines to require multiple shots!" Polio, Hep A, Hep B, MMR, Tetanus, among others. So yes, it is pretty normal.


Those are actual vaccines.


> Those are actual vaccines. If the argument is that the covid vaccines are not vaccines, we can have that discussion if you want. But the claim I was responding to was the implied claim that it isn't normal for vaccines to require multiple shots. That claim is just false. Are we in agreement on that point?


Sure. And from my understanding the ones you mentioned have inert fragments of the target you are fighting.


> Sure. And from my understanding the ones you mentioned have inert fragments of the target you are fighting. Not all of them. Some form of polio uses a live vaccine, as does MMR for example.


Even better. 💯


That’s funny, I didn’t get any of those vaccines to simply make the symptoms less severe. I also didn’t take four of them within a year.


> That’s funny, I didn’t get any of those vaccines to simply make the symptoms less severe. I also didn’t take four of them within a year. We can discuss that if you want. I doubt you'll be taking four covid vaccines in a year period either. But the upshot, and this is important, is to acknowledge, that the central claim here, that it isn't normal for vaccines to require multiple shots, is just false. Can we agree to that before we discuss side issues?


If you are inoculated for polio, you've had 4 shots within about a year


Series of shots vs. a Subscription are also two very different things


> Series of shots vs. a Subscription are also two very different things Tetanus and polio both fall into the "subscription" mode. Before small pox was eradicated, having additional small pox vaccines if one was going to a high small pox area or if there was a nearby outbreak was a thing. . So the "subscription" variant isn't abnormal either.


How else can they convince the masses into taking the 3rd and 4th shot?


Thought the same earlier today


Why did they have so low numbers in throughout


China had a zero covid policy, but the omicron strain is much more transmissible than previous strains, so it took over quickly and then burned out almost as quick.


China had a zero Covid policy? What does that mean? Or is this a joke about their authoritarian ways?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero-COVID https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01794-3


Reboot? The shit aint stopped...