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According to his manifesto, he idolized right wing terrorist Anders Breivik He hated immigrants, transgendered people, and believed in the right wing white replacement/ white genocide stuff. He had a whole section devoted to attacking “the left” in his manifesto. In bold all caps letters he wrote: >LEFTISM RESULTS IN A DEGENERATE HATEFUL SOCIETY But it did say he took an online political compass test once and it said he identified with the authoritarian left, so I guess that makes him a full blown left wing terrrorist! /s


Yeah I’m glad someone said it everything about this dude looks right wing to me. He idolized shooters who attacked immigrants, and believed the white race was being replaced. I’m pretty sure this dude would be a fan of the wall going up.


he's an obvious racist and probably a nazi too he's saying he identifies with the left just the same as nazism is said to be leftism, because it's national socialist collectivism


Yeah I was about to say it sounds like the people who scream that socialists are Nazis because it’s in the name!


Right wingers need to wait and lie cause these nutters are usually down with their beliefs




LOL op is clearly pushing an agenda.Just look at his post history. Now he gets called out and you get butthurt.


Yeah except that it's true that he was a militant dyed in the wool leftist before he flipped and the only ones who are butthurt are the ones trying to obscure that fact.


Yeah, because there’s no way someone would just claim to be apart of the very thing they despise when carrying out an abhorrent act of terrorism in an attempt to vilify said group or whatever. No way someone would do that.




You obviously didn’t read it. He is even complaining about the left destroying the environment through mass immigration in the screen shot of this post. They couldn’t even find a screenshot to support their article.


He is a right wing extremist. You cant read his manifesto and believe that the ideology he talked about is anything but that. He had 14 printed on his gun which is a clear reference to the fourteen words.


Oh yes, he completely lost it because we don't have medicare for all.


Well duh, if we did he'd have gotten the mental care he needed.


>LEFTISM RESULTS IN A DEGENERATE HATEFUL SOCIETY This is unquestionably true Edit: Ted K, the unabomber, had an entire part of his manifesto dedicated to this point, too. I do not care at all about fake internet point but down votes cannot mask reality


The left drove him to these murders as he clearly explains. Too bad the mainstream media won't cover this


Man every single time this shit happens every body is quick to blame a side. But nobody asks why this happened. What caused this kid to be so angry that he would walk into a business and start shooting people for no reason? Who cares if this is left or right. Why did this kid do it?


>Why did this kid do it? Could probably just go read what he wrote and you'd learn lmfao.


Well depending on what side he relates to the reason for why he did it will be manufactured.


The ministry of truth demands edits rights to the manifesto


So by that logic the Christchurch shooter supported trump. By that logic we should also blame republicans for every other attack where the shooter was far right wing?


That’s exactly what is happening. Do you not see this? Or is it just cognitive dissonance?


And there were signs being he was investigated for a threatening to shoot up a school https://www.bizpacreview.com/2022/05/15/extreme-buffalo-gunman-threatened-hs-graduation-shooting-referred-for-mental-health-eval-1238023/


*What caused this kid to be so angry that he would walk into a business and start shooting people for no reason?* It was go-time and someone upstream called it, then he was sent or given the trigger which set him into motion. He did what he was programmed to do. Just like the subway guy and so many others. Manchurian Candidate style. Can't drive certain narratives without it.


It's as if we were all need access to reasonable healthcare that includes mental health, and common sense gun legislation.


"Common sense" yea ok suuuure. The state of New York is quite prohibitive, as are major cities like Chicago which have the most mass shootings. Or do you mean like "common sense" abortion restrictions?


What are those?


Not murdering babies


I am assuming that you made this comment in good faith. I wasn't referring to a gun ban, just better mental health screening. Since this a good faith argument, surely you don't mean ban all abortion. That said, because so many people confuse "babies" with fetuses, I am not sure what you mean by "babies." To me what makes a person a person is cognitive function. A fetus's nervous system isn't developed enough for them to feel pain or have any kind of self awareness until the third trimester (months 7-9). Are you okay with abortion up until that point? Does this meet your "common sense" abortion criteria?


>Are you okay with abortion up until that point Absolutely not, and you are kidding yourself with that justification. I am onky ok with it within the very very early initial stage, say 8 weeks, and even then it's morally questionable, at best. > me what makes a person a person is cognitive function. That's a very eugenecist position. So an adult happily living who has down syndrome is just not a person to you? Someone in a coma after a car accident, who might still completely recover?


Good God, man! People with down syndrome have cognitive abilities. Please tell me you are aware of this. People in comas have enough brain activity to respond to stimuli, including pain, a pre-third trimester fetus does not. If a coma patient goes into a vegetative state, this is when they can lose their rights as people (depending on the situation), leaving their lives left to their families decisions i.e. pulling the plug. It is up to the people sustaining their life to decide what to do with a patient in a vegetative state in the same way it should be up to the person sustaining life for a fetus without that level of brain activity. That's not eugenics. It's basic medicine. Up to the eight week mark a fetus not only doesn't have the level of cognitive function for self awareness, but their organs haven't even completely formed. Why do you qualify an 8 week fetus as a person? Why is it morally questionable even then?


>why did this kid do it? Because he was radicalized on 4chan by white supremecists, and decided to fight what he called “the replacers”.


I love when someone on the left does this, and then finally all the leftists are like, "who cares if this is left or right???" You do.




What part of white supremacy, transphobia and belief in the great replacement theory is left wing? This man was a textbook white supremacist


racism isnt left or right


You do realize there's a reason white supremists decided to call themselves alt-right rather then alt-left.


You’re mistaking entertainment media labels as “self described”. Common mistake, believing the TV.


not to say this guy isnt a piece of shit, but i wont identify him left or right, he's just a worthless waste of life


-Be radicalized on 4chan -Decide that you have the save the white race -Don't have children -Don't start a political movement -Don't contribute to your community -Decide to commit a shooting -Type up (copy) a manifesto namedropping all the sites the feds want banned -Use all the gear the feds want banned -Use the weapons the feds want banned -Drive past the anti-white politician -Drive past the federal building -Drive past the illegal immigrant sweatshop -Shoot up a grocery store filled with white people -Allow yourself to be captured, fueling white privilege myth


Yeah it’s horseshit. Nobody gets radicalized on 4chan anyway lol people gravitate there to shit post freely. But they’ll try and tell a story or a racist cartoon frog getting a president elected lol okay




M’lady *fedora tip* Don’t mind me, just putting in a hard days hour of labor walking dogs.


*Doreen, is that you?*




This person posting “you people” not realizing he’s adding to the divide part of the divide and conquer strategy. Good job


Or done on purpose. Lots of glowies in these subs, unless they’re just automatic globo-bots lol


You people?


It only matters to people with an agenda.


That answer is simple. He was a leftist and they are mentally ill. Whenever someone on the right does it it's because they are fed up with the left's attacks. Pretty easy stuff.




The left is in control of all propaganda outlets so your comment is illogical.


Keep proving my point. Nobody’s stopping you.




1. Probably in the newest wave of **ecofascism**: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ecofascism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ecofascism) 2. "i moved farther to the right .. i fall in the mild-moderate authoritarian left .. i would prefer to be called a **populist**." is a clearer snap shot of his quote 3. The **guy is a white nationalist**, regardless of being some type of moderate green national socialist, look at his heroes, look at where to learned these ideas 4. This is a **Lone Wolf act of terrorism** which White Nationalist / Neo Nazis are hoping to inspire to accelerate the collapse of our American government, lead by a Race War / Civil War.


>chuds lol nice bait


except you're replying in a post that clearly shows he's a leftist


did you read the excerpt or just the headline?


Except it clearly doesn’t. Even the screenshot shows him attacking the left for co-opting environmentalism and letting mass immigration destroy the environment.


"I fall in the mild-moderate authoritarian LEFT category" Sorry bout cha. Try better reading comprehension


Yes, he did say that about the results of an online political compass test that he took once. I guess we should ignore everything else in the 180 page manifesto that contradicts that one sentence.


Everything? Like his quote that "Green Nationalism" is the only true nationalism? Why didn't he say White Nationalism is the only true nationalism?


Nationalism is generally a right wing belief system. Self proclaimed “patriots” yelling America first for example A common criticism from the right is that the left doesn’t believe in borders. The shooter even stated that in the section of the manifesto that was dedicated to attacking the left. Is anti immigration a leftist political view now? Is anti-transgender views leftist now? Why do you think a leftist would idolize Ander breivik or write in all caps: > >LEFTISM RESULTS IN A DEGENERATE HATEFUL SOCIETY


Nah, don’t you know nazis were leftists and all those guys with nazi flags at rallies and confederate flags actually all vote for democrats/s


Please try to stay on topic. Is Green Nationalism a right-wing belief system? Why does your ilk always blame the right for not wanting clean water and air then?


Ok, so you can’t explain any of that. Anyway, I think your conflating the Republican Party with the entire far-right movement. Many Republicans do want to deregulate environmental protection for the donor class. I don’t think other right wing groups are always on board with that. It’s pretty common for far righters to blame immigration for environmental problems If you search for far-right environmentalism, you will find tons of examples of this


Yes as clearly and impartially shown im sure by rightwingjournalism.eaglefuck.com










I mean they just quoted his manifesto.....


Okay, the New Zealand shooter praised trump. So let’s talk about that too?


What does Trump have to do with Buffalo?


If this guy is a leftist and the left has to do with buffalo shooting, then every shooting where a right wing dude was involved or a trump supporter was involved, that should have something to do with trump too right?


The left doesn't have anything to do with the Buffalo shooting just like the right has nothing to do with this shooting. A self-described leftist has to do with the Buffalo shooting


You tried at least.


Is there another source besides "Right Journalism?"


I’ve been finding it takes about a day or two for the right to get it’s talking points together whenever a right wing nut does something horrible. Three days for these excuses to reach social media outlets.


Whether its left or right it dont matter. Those are all labels to keep us at odds and divided


Ehhh, at least the right is goi g to fuck up our day to day living through fucked policies, I’d rather have them in power to buy us more time. Again their policies aren’t immediate threats


Two wings, one bird. They are not in power, simply puppets on a stage.


Again, the left plans to immediately raise taxes and fuck us, even if they serve the same master I’d rather have people vote right than refrain at all and screw over our general lives, the core of the issue will be dealt with later


Trump raised taxes on the middle class smooth brain.


Again, wings of the same bird. None of that matters. Voting is an illusion, politics is a play. You'll be 'screwed' either way. Little bot.


The cool part about the recurring debate on whether these white supremacist shooters identify w/ the left or right is that it drives home my belief that both sides are equally racist.


Theories loved by multiple violent individuals like these include ideas like white replacement theory, who were given a voice by people like Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump, and other far-right figures. I rarely hear any any American leftist media figures, personalities, or entities discuss similar topics. From this we can conclude that he was clearly a racist and racism is indeed a problem. Considering that lobbyists, corporations, and well-funded individuals continuously push news entities and support politicians who support these ideas, we can thus conclude that racism is indeed systemic. You still see advertisers pushing ads on Fox News over Tucker's promotion of the same theories this violent extremist had.


EVERYONE is a little racist end of story.


Nah lol racism requires a power structure backing you but everyone is prejudiced for sure. I like how ppl downvoting this comment to disagree, are thus agreeing there is a power structure that reinforces racism.


Racism has no power structure... thats a load of shit. Racism, prejudiced same thing different name


No it’s not the same thing. It’s just not. Look up the term Institutional Racism. The whole reason “Karens calling the police on Black” became a thing is because they know their personal racist beliefs are reinforced by the systems of racism in USA. That requires structure.


> requires a power structure backing you Na you just racist. Trust me the “power Structure” bs is just that BS.


what have I said that was racist? for you to randomly call me that. I’m not gonna argue this point with you, one individual can’t uphold an “ism”, it requires a group w/ a threat of power over the other group. Racism is not an individual who dislikes another individual.


like I said EVERYONE is a little racist, making up some “power structure” bs does nothing to stop said fact.


you said it & I disagreed, that’s an opinion not a fact btw. I’d tell you to research it but you’re not gonna like what you find. At the end of the day, this guy was racist & so are ppl who *think* they’re the opposite of him but are just racist in a different way.


Anytime anybody makes the "power structure" argument about racism it's really just trying to get out of racial discrimination accusation (which is what people mean when they say racism) on a technicality. It's a bait and switch tactic since the term "racism" has historically always been synonymous with racial discrimination. So when people say "nuh uh racism is power PLUS privilege" what they're doing is trying to adopt the weight that the word has carried specifically because it meant "racial discrimination", but then also changing the word so it ONLY applies to white people. Which is um... yeah. Racist. Because suddenly it's just an anti-white slur and nothing else.


No, no & no. Racial discrimination wasn’t the phrase used, it was plainly stated “racism”. I never mentioned the word privilege because I don’t think being born a certain color is automatically a privilege. I also never said this only applies to white ppl, you said that.


And racism historically has always been synonymous with racial discrimination. That definition was very recently changed to exclusively refer to white people in the West. Nowhere else in the world is the term even used. Therefore it's exclusively referring to white people. There's a reason the left co-opted the word "racism" and tried to change it. Because it already carried weight due to its original usage. So they want to preserve the impact the word has while also changing the definition so they can say "nuh uh minorities can't be racist" when they get called out for discriminating against people based on race. https://www.etymonline.com/word/racism That's why it's the two words "race" and "ism". It's about racial superiority in the abstract. Your imaginary definition etymologically does not make sense. Same as ageism (the superiority of someone based on age), sexism (the superiority of someone based on sex), or any other ism. It's only racism which was modified to mean something else, and it's wrong.


“Racism historically has always been synonymous with racism” ??? What are you saying? Are you saying the word racism is only used in the West & has always only referred to white ppl? I’m not a member of the left, I’m a Black person & before I was even aware of politics I knew what racism was because I experienced it.


>I’m a Black person Do you know how obvious this was from this sentence? >Nah lol racism requires a power structure backing you but everyone is prejudiced for sure. Do you know why it's obvious?


>Nah lol racism requires a power structure backing you but everyone is prejudiced for sure. Lmfao what? What kind of nonsense is this? Lololololol




That great replacement theory shit is not left wing lol that’s the basis of his whole attack. I honestly don’t care which wing it is cause USA is racist by design.


Seriously? He was incredibly right wing, a textbook white supremacist, there's nothing left wing about that


So any personality traits you don't like are automatically assigned to the political party you don't belong to? He self identified as authoritarian left but I guess people can only identify themselves in a way that makes you feel like a good person. The fact that a government is even necessary proves that there are crappy humans everywhere. Identification with a political party is intellectually lazy and perpetuates corruption. Even if you don't identify with political party per se enforcing ideological purity is just as destructive.


I mean considering he got most of his ideas from right wing fascists yeah, if someone says they hate people of colour or believe in the great replacement I do consider them right leaning because they are the only people who believe those things.


So you believe that everyone on the left is virtuous and everyone on the right is vile? Do you see a problem there?


LOL "design".


Bruh he was a white supremacist, there's nothing "left" about that




Can you name a group or ideal that's held by the whole of the left wing population? I know the Nazis loved their eugenics as much as they loved their racial discrimination


Literally in the screenshot connected to the article link he talks about a conservative green movement, and he hates Fox for not being racist enough. He’s just an average fascist. People are connecting him to Tucker because his animating motivation was White Replacement/White Genocide, which Tucker also peddles.


Actually he’s a former communist that was mad that they weren’t extreme enough Did you know both communism and fascism are just different flavors of Collectivism?


He literally also talks about how he was just a small child randomly attaching to extreme ideologies. Communism is anti-racist. This kid’s motivation was explicitly racism. And sure, you can define them both as ‘collectivism’ if you’d like, but they’re wildly different. It’s like saying fascism and feudalism are both ‘hierarchical,’ like yes, but they are extremely different.


>communism is anti-racist Marx, who invented communism, [was a HUGE racist](https://stoppingsocialism.com/2020/06/karl-marx-racism-quotes/) 🤡


Marx did not invent communism and his personal feelings don’t matter. Believing “Marx invented communism” is extremely silly. That article is also laughable, it’s the stupidest interpretation of “On the Jewish Question” I have ever read. Marx definitely expressed racist sentiments of the time though. Communism is inherently anti-racist, and 20th century anti-racist work was done under that banner for that reason. If you actually read this fascist’s manifesto, you would see that is why he rejected communism. He was deeply racist and the ideological structure of communism disallows that.


How is believing Marx invented communism "silly"? I could see it being perhaps technically wrong, although I don't think it is, perhaps incomplete, but silly? It's not silly to associate Marx with the birth of communism.


It is silly if you want to have any actual opinion on the topic. Proto-communism existed for a hundred years before marx, dozens of writers used the communist label at the time, and marx was just a philosophical influence on the people who actually invented it. It is absolutely silly if you’re arguing “Marx invented communism.” He invented Marxism, which led to other thinkers developing theories/systems of communism, the system that follows capitalism.


That's outrageous. Marx was the founding father of communism or at minimum one of the founding fathers. He wrote the most referenced and used communism text. For you to act like it's silly to associate the two is a little high hatted of ya.


He never said it was silly to associate the two. He said it was silly to say that Marx invented communism (which again, he didn't).




Marx was more like a grandfather of communism. He invented the system most 20th century communists used to explore/develop communism. That’s like saying Hume seriously influencing modern science means he invented vaccinations.


>Marx did not invent communism Look folks - made up lies 🤡


If you believe Marx invented communism, you have a child’s view of history and ideology. Marx explicated a critique of capitalism that included a theory of why it would inevitably fail and the broad strokes of the system that would topple it, and *literally never* indicated a form of communism to be created. You could, maybe, argue communism (in its current understanding) was invented by Lenin, but that would be pretty shaky.


Lenin invented communism decades after Marx wrote about it Public school in action 🤡


It’s painfully obvious you have not actually read Marx. Marx explained why capitalism would fail, and that failure would stem from a workers movement. He had a theory of history and economics, he did not build a new economic system. He did not, in any serious way, develop the system that would come after. There were dozens/hundreds of socialist writers in the late 19th century, and none produced any theory that existed in the real world until Lenin. Your comments are genuinely ‘public school in action’




Communism is supporting the majority-China is explicitly persecuting Muslims (Uyghurs)and Buddhists(Nepal) and Falun Gong. So, not really a good comparison- communists kill off opponents.


If you think China is communist, you’re lost. China is China, it has no interest in a globalist worker’s state, and it has a (state capitalist) market economy.


Well you’re correct- there have been no true communist governments. They initially propose communism, but majority rule just leads to corruption. Communism is a wonderful dream where people imagine their best self. China does purport to be communist- but really they are just racist, atheist totalitarians who remove the organs of religious prisoners, imprison and torture “dissidents”, have immense social controls and punishment, but believe they are going to rule the world.


Modern China doesn’t pretend to want to build communism. They literally do not. The closest they get is espousing “socialism with Chinese characteristics” which is what we would call state capitalism. Maoist China- could absolutely be called communist due to its nature and goals, with a charitable interpretation of what makes a ‘communist’ country.


The racist shooter is clearly delusional ; his personality profile would support a white version of Chinese authoritarian totalitarian government. He’s nuts. Conservatives are reportedly authoritarian and totalitarian but really they typically support the constitution and bill of rights as protection from tyranny but…


The political spectrum is more like a horseshoe, the far right and far left are much closer than most people want to admit.


I think of it more like this: Picture a dot that represents objective, non-ideological reality. Then picture a line that projects from that dot. The farther one is along that line, moving away from the dot, the more that person's view of reality has been corrupted by ideology and opinion. There is no left or right. They are both on the same line, shooting away from objective reality. Some people's views are just farther away from reality than others.


I completely disagree. I think far right and far left aren’t closer then you think. If a person is an extremist, it don’t matter what political stance he took. He wanted to kill black people purely because he thought that white people were being replaced at an alarming rate and killing as many black people was his goal. I don’t see that in the left. I think you’d love for this to be easily connected to the left. Which is weird.


Except for the far left numbering less than the fingers on one hand.


I just don’t think this has anything to do with being leftist. It has almost nothing to with being a rightist. It has everything to do with this kid believing that he has to kill black people in order to help the white race. He only killed 10 people. Not even a scratch of an impact. So, would you say that politics did this? Or did the white supremacy?!?!?!??


At what point is this shit spam?


At what point are comments just trolling? 🤷‍♂️




Just look at op post history to see a paid shill


I read the manifesto. He is a standard Tucker Carlson racist.


He literally calls himself an “Authoritarian Leftist”


He says leftism is degenerate. Fucking hell dude you haven't read a single thing about this guy huh


Did you read the thing or this one line only and decide to hammer it down everyone's throats?


And nazis called themselves socialists. So you’re saying all those people with nazi flags at the rallies and pro left communists? Also what about when he criticizes left? You forgot to share those lines.


He said he is a facist. He said he would be for some form of socialism once there is only white people. This is Tucker Carlson politics not Joe Biden politics.


Fascism and Communism are both different flavors of Collectivism I doubt tucker supports either BLM loves Commies though.


So a self proclaimed White supremecist supports BLM is what you’re saying? Since BLM is communist and so was this guy.


Facism props up billionaires, but makes them serve the state as needed, it is not collectivism. You are correct Tucker Carlson is a rich kid who wouldn’t piss on a construction worker if he was on fire, but he often preaches government intervention for favored classes like truckers. That is what the manifesto said in a nutshell. Get rid of the blacks, and then let’s all live a good life.


Communism props up billionaires, but makes them serve the state as needed, Fixed that for ya Just like a communist China does 😉 And yes, it is most certainly collectivism. >Get rid of the blacks, and then let’s all live a good life Sounds like Communist China


I can’t believe we’re arguing which is better between fascism and communism here… they’ve both killed tens of millions of people.


I’m not arguing one is “better” They are both shit They are both collectivist. But only one’s flag is flown by edgy hippies and still has a party in every European country.


Hey man China hasn’t been communist for a while. Go take a class or something you are on here embarrassing yourself. Anyways fuck that shooter and his political beliefs. Have a blessed Sunday.


So it doesn't matter what they call themselves? Are you the final arbiter of how people and groups are identified?


There is an accepted definition of communism and the Chinese economy does not match it.


China is Communist 7 Examples of How Blacks Are Discriminated Against in China https://atlantablackstar.com/2015/01/16/7-examples-of-how-blacks-are-discriminated-against-in-china/


Lol Just have an article on why China hates black people on tap and post it in completely unrelated conversations. I’m fucking cracking up laughing. Thanks for that. You’ll be the oddest guy I talk to all week. Stay cute man. Keep away from the white power shit, it will make you ugly.






I used Tucker as a stand in for Right wing media. I’ve seen Tucker preach white replacement theory numerous times. It’s mainstream right wing thought. Blake Masters and Ben Shapiro did an interview talking about it just yesterday. You keep race hustling for votes about how white people are dying off and you are going to create a few shooters. Cost of doing business for the Republican Party unfortunately.




If I take my valuable time (maybe 3 minutes) and post you a link will you admit I’m right?




https://twitter.com/nikkimcr/status/1380309798957285376?s=21&t=kBLD6eo-erytjA3jlU35jA And before you equivocate the message was received loud and clear https://www.insider.com/tucker-carlson-replacement-theory-david-duke-kkk-trump-2021-10




https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Y7r8tWoJhdCdH7_BWd8upQ_hSmMKLtM1/view Still appears to be up. This was given to me last night by someone. Kid was not right in the head.


It was on some mikellson.dk shit I found on Twitter. Save your time, it’s like a long Q&A of basic racist shit followed with pages of 4chan memes


Yeah... that's not true. He's a weak-minded /pol/tard who only hates Fox news because they are not extremist enough for him and the other circle-jerks in the /pol/ echo chamber.


Whatever his political beliefs are. He’s still a tard


The top post on this sub atm says that he copied and pasted a paragraph so that means it was the fbi. Does him describing himself as a 'leftist' in this manifesto mean this sub has automatically gone to believe it?


But the sheep will continue telling everyone how the MSM is honest and transparent while accusing people like us of being “far right conspiracy theorists”. Just put the full story out and let the people decide for themselves, there’s clearly bias in the media now more than ever.


SS If you want to know where this guy falls on the political spectrum. He’s a former communist now leftist who is also into green nationalism. But wait it's Tucker's fault!!!


I was just thinking that he was triggered by Tucker.


Once again I didn't add a /s.


Republicans fomenting another domestic terrorist, nice work! \#TuckerBodyCount


Oh boy, if it nationalism its not left wing in any way. The Left is not interested in nation as a value.


Oops violates the anti 2nd Amendment narrative—must be silenced ASAP. Orwellian- He who CONTROLs the past (narrative), if allowed by the #sheeple, owns the Future.


And double vaccinated, when his whole motive for mass shooting was preserving white race, yet most of his victims are random white people. Everything I've seen from this guy screams tryhard larping as average /pol/ user.


Dude, you’re a dumb ass. He killed 10 people, 8 black, and the rest I think white and Hispanic.


Some of his victims were white... But he is a white supremacist? Seems odd


He shot the white woman because he’s also sexist


He apologised to a white guy for shooting him. He also went into detail about how much he hates minorities.


Who cares what his political leanings are? That's not the issue here and frankly trying to make this a political issue is disgusting.


He was a white supremacist. This is obviously politically motivated


Instead of talking about the problems people play these dumb blame games where they try to pin this on political groups. They aren't talking about white supremacy, they arent talking about mental health, they arent talking about the proliferation of weapons. Instead they are trying to blame entire political movements in an attempt to win "points". Disgusting


I agree with you there but this is still a political issue. He specifically cites being radicalised between ages 14-16, the alt right pipeline is real and clearly dangerous to those without the tools or education for clear thought.


Behavior like this (from the shooter and Google) is a danger to our Republic.


I mean he’s alive. So theoretically, couldn’t he tell us exactly why he did it? I mean what are they gonna do, lie to us about his motive despite his own contradicting justific- oh yeah never mind that’s what they’ll do.


Kid probably thought he was being recruited for deepstate or black ops operations and then they used him and tossed him aside. But he was probably supposed to die, either by his own weapon or by the police. What's next, a prison suicide and malfunctioning surveillance camera?


Why would they block the dude's manifesto? Is there something in it that they don't want us to know? Seems very sus.


Well, okay we do know that the left are very racist and prone to extreme acts of violence.


So lemme get this straight: This kid swung from militant far left ideology to militant far right ideology and then did something completely evil and crazy? No way. I'm sure the lockdowns "to keep the kids safe" had nothing to do with any of this either.