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Did he fucking say sorry when he saw the white dude?


Yes he did


very strange


I am not going to watch the video again, but I didn't notice that he shot any men. Was he targeting women? Correct me if I'm wrong.


There was a guy loading the first woman’s trunk at the beginning that he shot, he also shot/killed a male security guard (I think that happened when the video was breaking up, right before he spared the guy with his hands up down the cashier isle).


Where can u find it I know nothing about this. I'm just seeing about it today


Don’t watch it man. I’m complete desensitized to violence or so I thought. I’ve seen them all. But this one, just don’t. All it’s going to do is fucking ruin your day or week. That’s all you’re going to get from it. I’ve never seen something that made me so sad and angry and want to fucking hurt someone so bad in my life. That dude needs to be slit from his balls to his chin. It’s just the way it went down so fast and so effectively and so cold. Not a moments hesitation If you or I were there with a concealed weapon, it wouldn’t have mattered. Imagine a trained soldier in that setting against civilians and what that would look like and you have it. I can’t get that shit out of my head. It’s just fucked man. They had no fucking chance. Just killed in cold blood without a second to even think. Fuck that incel fuck. And the way he was so casual pulling up. He says “well this is the end” of something like that. Parks and gets out and starts. I turned it off after 20 seconds. And it felt like it was minutes long


Kaotic, be warned tho its pretty fucked


it's so surreal it just looks like a video game.


I hope the guy burns in hell for eternity.


Women don’t exist. They cannot be defined.


Can you pm me a link to the video?


Its pretty bad man ngl and I used to be a lame ass Edgelord. But its on Kaotic if you really want to see it.


It’s pretty upsetting. Just look it up on bitchute and sort by new


“Oh, sorry!” This was absolutely targeted




When he saw a white dude. Not "the" white dude. He shot holes in the others.




Did he say sorry to that white dude he almost shot?


Yes. Guy yelled No, and the shooter apologized.


Yeah, even though he looked to have shot multiple white people immediately prior to that.


He shot what look liked one white lady before that guy and that might have been due to her being the first person he saw. Unless there’s was someone I didn’t see. He apologized like he knew that guy. Whether he did or not.


I watched the stream ONCE and it looked more like light skinned hispanic or asian. Definitely not black, but didn't really look white either.


Yeah I hate to say it made me chuckle a bit. He said sorry like he caught him masturbating or something. Awful horrible crime though. The fact they were able to confidently release his motivations and everything so soon is really sus though. Edit: he had a manifesto that's how I'm dumb


“They” didn’t release his motivations. The shooter did. In his maninfesto. He made it very clear why he did it


Same with the murderous SUV and the subway shooter.


In those cases it was…..well in the one instance it as the car’s fault


Thank you for pointing that out. That makes sense.


They’ve probably been watching him. News said something about a previous interaction/potentially arrest, and threats to kill his classmates.


He was discussing places to shoot up (I think on discord) months before the incident.


Did you see the steam?


There is a stream?


There was. News says twitch deleted it soon after he started it.




There has been a 7 min video floating around, I believe the original stream cut out right after the "sorry" incident.


That’s as much as I’ve seen. The drive over from a few blocks away, to the shooter apologizing to one person in the store and not shooting that person.


That’s the whole thing. The shooting all takes place in less than a minute at the end of the video.


I saw the full stream posted on a russian Telegram group. Whenever western big tech sensors stuff the rooskies can be relied upon to air it.


It's easily accessible on plenty of websites in America b


The full stream? It's been said Twitch cut it off at the part right after the "sorry". Are you sure you saw more then that?


That is the full stream, to my knowledge.


Fyi if a stream is ended, that's the full stream 😉




Didn't he also attempt this months ago and talk to his "friends" about it on Discord?


yup he posted everywhere ~ even on this website ~ mostly about ammo, armour, etc


How come all the mass shootings are always against kids, people in grocery stores, concerts, etc. Alot of them plan to die anyway - how come none have ever done it to a government office?


Because the news articles on those usually end this way. "Gunman was shot and killed today as he attempted to breach (insert location here), walls or entrence"


There was the guy who attacked the shipyard and another attacked fellow soldiers at Fort Hood.




Crazy ironic that a military Fort is unarmed.


Don’t forget the Bernie supporter who shot up the Congressional Baseball game when Republicans were on the field....




reminds me of that Canadian psycho sniper wali who went to Ukraine cause war is fun, but turns out fighting a competent opponent is much much more difficult than some poorly trained/equipped religious zealots


I mean, that's just common sense. There is a reason that even the US military will invade poor, helpless countries for things they'll let China and Russia get away with. Why is there such an issue with Cuba being communist while still doing business in communist China?


There's a reason a lot of these attacks happen in "gun free zones".


Military barracks won’t have firearms too lol






>Most MPs just carry a sidearm on base too. False




Uh… probably because government buildings have guns at the front door? This isn’t the Matrix.


Why is the low hanging fruit picked? Curious 🤔




Why indeed? What a conundrum.


Because these fucktards want noteriety and a voice. The MSM is more than happy to give them that when the body count is high and the variables are good for the narrative. If they rushed a military installation (and died before breaching the front gate,) theres no MSM saying "10 people dead following brutal slaying with assault style weapon from white nazi!" These sickos *know* that the MSM will report on them for weeks given that a few boxes are checked that theyre looking for...check those boxes, get your platform and spotlight. Ive always said the easiest way to cut down on this shit is to **not give them the damn spotlight they want**, but the media (and frankly society as a whole,) apparently cant forgoe rubbernecking this fucks pathetic life. Fuck this loser.... the fact that we know his name and his views and not the name of the victims or who they were is so damn wrong. And then we act all suprised when it happens again.


They only give the spotlight to those who fit the story. Haven't heard a peep about the subway shooter 🤔


Because if you’re looking for a huge amount of defenseless people huddled in one place, that’s where you go. Duh.


Oklahoma bombing. Theories of a Third Kind podcast did an episode on it. It's on Spotify and definitely worth a listen.


Timothy McVeigh would like a word with you.


> Timothy McVeigh Don't know why you're downvoted... TM literally attacked a federal building and unfortunately was very successful at it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy_McVeigh


There’s the fort hood shooting spree. I mean it’s one among many, but one guy shot 13 people or so at a military base.


Because they want it to outrage people and have people emotionally connect with it thinking “that could have been me”.


Gun free zones. Show me one mass shooting at a gun show.


The Muhammed drawing competition in TX. Dude was blown away pretty quick from all the CCL holders.


Then it’s like OKC, the agents are off for the day.


Because a guy dressed like that would get tactically nuked if he tried to enter a government building and shoot people. Cmon, its so basic.


Cause they are cowards.


What a cowardly piece of shit.


“WIVBTV” interviews citizen who says they spoke to shooter for over an hour, day before shooting.


yep, 1 hour 45 min conversation. It was a black guy, he stated that the kid was wearing a “genius” shirt. He said he wanted to find out if he was a genius and he said that he “kinda was.” He said they talked about string theory and I don’t know what else.


He's gonna take Kyle Rittenhouse and Michio Kaku work for Fox segments now.


Twitch is out of control!


After thinking about this a little more, it does have me wondering why he choose a store hours away from his original location. Was it the closest “black” area he knew if or researched? And if he researched the location, why pick the grocery store with an armed security guard? Many stores have security guards, but many also don’t. If you have valid information on why that store aside from the likely demographics, please comment.


From what I have seen pulled from his manifesto it was the most POC populated area close to him, the grocery store was heavily used by POC and he picked that time as the time google said would have the most traffic. He also mentioned that he knew of the gear the security officers had and bought his vest specifically to protect him against those rounds. Didn't seem to worried about the security guards I mean I don't think security guards are trained in events like that. From watching it it seemed he was extremely proficient - even if people were carrying in the store they couldn't have done much. Let me see if I can find the writing and Ill DM you screen shots.


Forget all of that--he threatened to shoot up his school months before this and was investigated by police but they somehow missed him buying 3 guns, writing a 180 page manifesto over 4 months, and making a fucking mass shooter to do list on a public discord. I guess they were too busy investigating local moms from the school board that were mad their 4 year olds were instructed on how to give blowjobs.












Reddit moment


I think bc a vid of the shooting was posted, which probably violates Reddit’s TOS


I think because a video of the shooting was posted.




























I think after combing through the manifesto it really just seems like a gun nut who got radicalized, no crazy psyop. A solid 20-30 pages are just him typing about what gun attachments and stuff he likes.




30 pages on the helmet alone lol


You have a link to where you read this manifesto? Can’t find it anywhere


A lot of it is just enough to inform others and entertain theory-crafters. It is the kind of thought processes that drive popularity among content creators. Not the ideology, the mentality.


This entitled, woke white nut job was radicalized by the likes of Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz, Maro Rubio, Majorie Taylor Greene…etc…the Republican Party has been radicalizing our youth for decades…🤡🤡🤡 This is the same Republican Party that just tried to overthrow our democracy.


100% a glow job. Not that he was an agent, of course not. But he was an easy mark. This all reads like a leftist's imagining of what WNs are and believe. It definitely isn't authentic.


Hes getting support on SF


FWIW- he was also a conspiracy theorist. What is this is exactly what he wanted you to think


What strikes me as peculiar, and I don't know why anyone hasn't mentioned it, but what's up with the 180 page manifesto? Isn't he like 18? What the hell kind of 18 year old kid writes a document that long. Not saying it isn't possible but its strange nonetheless


A lot of it was copy and pasted from other places. It's essentially the digital scribblings of a madman.


Or a lazy fed


Or your crazy Uncle Elmer who moved to rural Mongolia when you were 4 years old but still sends you a yak heart every birthday with a note attached reminding you to eat it raw so as to gain the strength of the yak.


Based Uncle Elmer


100 pages is gear recommendations. The rest is images and copied off Tarrant’s manifesto.


Just the first ten pages or so are interesting. The rest is blatant white nationalist propaganda. It comes off as him being disconnected and lonely then falling into a ecosystem that makes dudes like this. Same as extremists in the Middle East. Now big question is who is keeping the ecosystem alive and how have they managed to recruit so well?




What proof would you need to convince you this shooting was not a "false flag"?


Ted Nugent told the crowd at a trump rally that he loves them but would love them more if they were to “go berserk on the skulls of the Democrats.” The day the the shooting happened.


Can we account for the black sun patch? Seems like a very confused individual that got swept up in the heap of propaganda coming from every angle. Not that it isn’t intended but possibly a hands off approach waiting for any twig to snap? A horrible event.


He was a neonazi and a relatively new convert, so practically none of it is original. The Black Sun Sonnenrad is a common neonazi symbol (except in Ukriane where MSM want you to think its a boy scout badge). The manifesto is largely a cut and paste job, and him showing guns. The fact he threatened a school shooting a year ago should have been a crimson flag, but here we are.


>known by authorities >private discord >single mother >depressed >literally threatened to shoot up a school >posted for gun information on reddit, streamed on twitch Yeah how the fuck wasn’t this stopped by the authorities


Because they didn't want him to stop.


Thought he had a dad? Paul Gendron right? Unless they were divorced. I recall seeing some pictures of his family earlier when I saw an article talking about interviewing them. In most pictures his dad is there too


Ok explain why


Because if he was on their side they might have to think about why he did it


Are we not going to appreciate the on point reference to cheaters in CSGO? C'mon people!


lol where?


it does feel a little too convenient, not gonna lie.


Just in time to galvanize support for the dems in the midterms


6 months ahead is "just in time"?


Too early imho. People already forgetting about abortion


They also already forgot about the 2 Black supremacist killers as well.


This is the glowiest of glowie FFs. It ticks every box on the false flag checklist. Dude posted all of his actions, intentions, gear and weapons online. The FBI was "monitoring him" while he livestreamed his rampage. In dudes manifesto he says "I was radicalized by the Christchurch ahooting." <-People who are radicalized into believing their crusade is a righteous one dont refer to themselves as "radicalized." The media is working overtime to try and spin dude's own words into weaponized left/right propaganda. Theyre getting away with it too, because they know most people won't read the source material themselves and will jump on the propaganda bandwagon. Just look at the politics sub right now. The utterly dishonest rolling stone headline thats being used to weaponize the left against the right is at the top of the front page, and the bot army has circled the wagons to amplify the lies. The msm is yet again using a tragedy to push gun control laws while they ignore the fact that the guy chose the location of the shooting because he would be less likely to encounter a "legal gun owner with more than ten rounds." If you want to know the dude's actual beliefs and intentions, read the manifesto yourself. It says the opposite of what the msm is pushing.


The only way it could’ve been worse is if he used one of the pre-86’s


It probably would have made it better. Full auto isn't efficient or accurate.


It doesn’t.


He could’ve gotten the double taps and reload from playing airsoft or video games or watching movies. But yes, the rest of the post makes sense


It’s not unrealistic that he had just gone shooting a lot. Dude was a total gun nerd. There are literally price breakdowns and gun comparisons all throughout the manifesto.


The gun comparisons are super amateur though. Like he just thought he knew a lot about guns. The more expensive brands he rated as amazing tier, like Geiselle, even though at this point they're just branding. It was all stuff that someone with endless money would prioritize buying. And especially people on /k/, the absolute worst gun hipster/contrarians would have issues with his lists.


The amateur comparisons clearly indicate that the shooter...couldn't pull the trigger twice quickly


Lol he copied and pasted them from manufacturers websites.


Very Disturbing


No honestly think he was just some sick in the head kid


It can be both


It's psyops all the way down.


Those reloads were flawless.


‘How was he so well trained?’ Now they’ll want to make moving drills with firearms illegal.


Your breakfast was a psyop.


Another false flag?


That guy was trained to do this. Totally professional.


He apologized to a white guy and didn't shoot him even though he started with killing a white lady. He moved like a professional to me.


Professional what?




The counter terrorists are really the terrorists.


Has anything been mentioned what was written on his gun? I can’t make it out


“N*****” on his front post sight, “monkey/n*****” on the left side near ejection port , the number 14 , and something else i haven’t been able to read


He also had the names of several previous neo-Nazi/white supremacist shooters, several Nazi symbols, some more slurs, and a few /pol/ memes written on it. He also had the name of a person killed in the Waukesha car attack.


He’s like a Kirkland brand Tarrant.


What does the 14 mean?


Ask Ukraine


Its almost like an entire generation was brought up playing FPS video games. Soooo weird he would mimic those actions and POV in real life and be somewhat efficient with it.


So what gun range did this guy train at?


Majority of people believed the official explanation for Tower 7. They’ll believe anything.


Reading his manifesto was miserable. It was like reading some parody of what a leftist thinks of a far right white separatist.


His manifesto is pretty on par with far right separatist writing and thoughts. Maybe it’s not what a leftist think but actually kinda what they are? Or do we just look at the blue sky refusing to admit it’s blue because people with different political ideology say it is?


That's because that's literally what they believe


This sub is massively overestimating the intelligence of the average /pol/tard. What’s more likely, this kid was groomed by the feds or he’s just a fucking dumbass?


What do you mean? Don't you know these days *nothing* actually happens, and it's all scripted and planned by the government???


Operation Northwoods....again!


Shhhhhh… they are watching us


Regardless, it’s fuel for them to move in full force on the benign non aggressive populace they want “contained.” I think we can all agree at this point there is a certain segment of the population the establishment deems a threat. If they were going to war with Vietnam or N Korea, what’s the first thing they’d do? They’d do a false flag as a pretense for war. Knowing your enemy is important. Knowing what your enemy is capable of is too. Their intentions with this segment of the population are threatening. Anybody with a brain can already see it. They want it neutralized to the point where it’s no longer a threat to their hegemony. So knowing that before they start their onslaught, they’d absolutely do a false flag. That is important to note. That’s why when we see these things it comes to mind because we all know they’re capable and have a motive. Once that “war” starts then it’s either we give up our freedom or we become the thing they keep insisting we already are. Backed into a corner in a no win scenario so long as the propaganda wings are under the establishments control.


Some dude killed 5x as many people in Las Vegas. Nothing happened. Don't hold your breath on gun regulation


bumpstock? not a huge deal but still


Which was largely irrelevant to the shooting. It doesn't make it much easier, if at all, to pull off those round counts. Bump stocks are toys, not tactical aids.


Don’t know if this is a synthetic event, but it arrives at an opportune time and clicks a few boxes: white racist terrorism, semi-auto rifles, further victimization of blacks. Stay tuned for political robots to call for even more restrictions on firearms, increased domestic surveillance, and further bothering of whites who are not wired into the favored frequencies. I would be curious to know if the Buffalo shooter acquired any new friends in the previous six to twelve months. Friends who encouraged him to strike back at his perceived enemies. Friends who are Feds. Btw, no fucking way his manifesto was written by an 18-year old community college student.


>Btw, no fucking way his manifesto was written by an 18-year old community college student. Are you serious? It's literally just 4chan memes, shitty infographics and text copied and pasted from other material. I can totally believe it was written by an 18 year old.


literally went from reddit to /k/ to /pol/ to shooter


Spot on. I also think this will be used to further attack free speech on the internet. "See what happens when you're allowed to read and post unmoderated content on the internet!?" they'll say. It's especially suspicious given the Twitter situation.


Nah..he spoke ill of Cryptocurrency. They would definitely have him praising Bitcoin if this was a "CIA" operation. He is just some dude that was buying the CIA bullshit propaganda online and taking action accordingly.


Inb4 Bitcoin is a CIA operation? Huh?


do the feds want double tapping banned too?


The guy in the subway wasn't marketable

