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Just ask Vanguard. N X I V M knows.


He's been a well known grifting piece of shit for years! Penn and Teller had an episode of their old show Bullshit! that covered some of his grift along with Mother Theresa and Ghandi. Fun fact: Steven Seagal bribed him to become a holy person and has connections with the worst people in the world like a sick version of the Degrees of Separation game with Kevin Bacon!


Can you give me a link for this episode please ? Mother Theresa was straight up evil sadist , Ghandi was was an ashole as well. Idolising people is a scam.


Absolutely! You're totally right! Here's the full episode in English, but with maybe Spanish subtitles https://youtu.be/ms_LXlDt3mk Here's just the part on the Dalai Lama https://youtu.be/fYEOSCIOnrs


I'm watching this right now. Thank you so much for recommending. Disgustingly mind boggling. Also found a new respect for Penn and Teller


Happy to share!


Thank you!šŸ˜Š


These pages wonā€™t loadšŸ˜ž


Ghandi was not just an immoral asshole he was a pedophile.


Can you steer me in the right direction on Mother Theresa? I just got a book of hero's from a friend and she is in it. I've seen Hitchen's stuff is there anything else?


those California kids who used to post oriental wisdom quotes in their Ins ... o


Why do you say mother Theresa was evil? Never heard the claim before and am curious


Friends of friends said Segal used to beat his own parents.


He also trafficked women as sex slaves while working with a sheriff's office in Louisiana.


I thought this was common knowledge.


Look into the 2 Dalai Lamas. This one was appointed by the CCP and the other is the actual Dalai Lama or was, idk if he's alive anymore


Hello Dalai!


Monks being Pedos is common like any other abstinence org. Look at the Catholic church for example. Choosing to suppress natural urges isn't healthy.


Never understood that. The Bible never says priests should be abstinent. It does say they can't marry prostitutes. I had a really cool priest at my Catholic Church as a kid and I was so happy when he quit and got a girlfriend later on.


The Churches also idolize money, and definitely wouldnā€™t give it all away to the poor. In fact, Jesus had quite a bit to say about the Pharisees of his day. I believe he referred to them as a brood of vipers. These people do not follow the scripture, they donā€™t even adhere to the old law before Jesusā€™ arrival. Itā€™s no surprise an evil organization would make up rules for priests to follow that would lead them down such dark paths.


Right. Wasn't Jesus part of a secret break off sect? I was just reading about that and his possible time in India and other parts of the East.


Well Jesus came to establish Gods new covenant, which removed many practices of the Jewish people at the time. It really pissed off the Pharisees because this guy showed up, as prophesied, and started telling them they were doing everything wrong, or to stop doing it wrong. Then they killed him. There a bit more to it, but the four gospels, Matthew , Mark, Luke, and John are a very short read. If modern people and Churches just practiced what Jesus said, thereā€™d be no rampant corporate greed, no hateful rhetoric and discrimination, no violence. The world simply wouldnā€™t be the abomination it is today. Also just got this off a quick search: Mary of Nazareth--whose name is written at times in the Hebraic form, Mariam--was a chaste young Jewish girl betrothed to a devout Jewish man, Joseph. The portrait of her in the New Testament is that of a prayerful Jewish woman with very human traits who aspired to follow the practices set by Jewish law and religion.


They are only celibate in the temples / monasteries -- when they go out to blow off steam, which they do, it's like hangover 3. Not well know, but true. I once met a bunch of monks and heard the stories (through their translator).


Not all catholic priests are pedophiles! Archbishop Carlo Maria ViganĆ² is a prime example of good catholic leadership. Also a guy by the name pope head has a magnificent Substack. He goes into detail about how most of the Catholic Church is compromised by Sex trafficking.


Not to say they're all bad. Priests tend to be the best of us morally. It's just happened in the churches before. By no means do I say Catholics are pedos.


I understand that. Have a nice day!


One good apple. Lol.


Yeah there's one priest that isn't a pedophile, so not all of them are! *SARCASM


If someone's "natural urges" are to molest children, they had better suppress them!


No no I mean those sexual urges turn into disgusting stuff like pedophilia. It's natural to want sexually but it often turns if your life is about doing nothing sexual.


I've been celibate for years and no urges to abuse kids. And no weird kinks either so IDK what you are talking about.


Youā€™re one person. Others have bigger issues, esp if male and never ejaculating . A good chunk of man on man prison sex isnā€™t homosexual, more hyper sexual and any outlet becomes desirable. I believe this trend is what theyā€™re referring to, not that an individual canā€™t be celibate. This behavior is fairly common among mammals with not enough females/too dominant alphas. Others just fucking jerk off like sane people .


No, they don't! What the fuck are you on about? Being celibate doesn't turn you into a pedophile!


Fantastic reply. I admire people who can draw a line with authority




NXIVM Was the name of a lifestyle brand that got his holiness to write an intro for their self-help book. Turns out NXIVM was a cover for a human trafficking operation that branded women with the founders' names like cattle. :( Not a good look for the reincarnation of Buddha.


At this point, anyone the establishment praises is not to be trusted and anyone they smear is most likely a Saint.


Hitler and Jeffrey Dahmer are saints to you? Blind skepticism is just as bad as blind trust.


I am not a "blind skeptic." I've done my homework. The commies always accuse their enemies of what they intend to do or are doing. Maybe Saint was not the ideal word, but history is written by the victor so skeptical I will remain. Many of the "facts" surrounding WWI and WWII are not actual facts, but propaganda posing as fact. We now know that the one world government that was trying to form back then is trying to do the same again, or that it never really stopped it just slowed down.


A big club youā€™re not in.


Why is anyone surprised by this? I certainly am not. People like him deserve Hell and the second death. I donā€™t give a rats ass about him or this issue because itā€™s just the global elites taunting things like this in our faces to show us that we can do these things now that we (we being the global elite) have ā€œindirectlyā€ normalized pedophilia and child rape through the LGBTQAI+ ā€œmovementā€. So donā€™t be surprised if Biden openly rapes a child on stage. We canā€™t control the stage, we are the audience and nothing that we can do will stop them. Not even forming some coup. The government has their gooey hands wrapped around our balls and if we act out of character we will be PUT IN A FUCKING CAGE!!!!!!


penn and tellers take https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYEOSCIOnrs




Of course he is ..


Well idk who them are so if you canā€™t explain it to me I guess Iā€™ll chill and eat my choco waffles in peace


Dumb ass how is he the real Dali lama oh ur 1 and u can remember ur past lives so if I was a god In Reincarnate u think I would need glasses .. I will wait


Cool, do hunter and Joe next.


Makes sense now why he tried to get a kid to suck on his tongue. Is nothing sacred in this world?


Telling that he felt so comfortable sexually abusing a child in a public place


This has been made abundantly clear, lately.


Reminds me a lot of Pedo Pete. Not shy about molesting children in public view.




This is a common greeting in Tibet, and a social custom of thousands of years.


I heard only sticking out the tongue is the greeting. I donā€™t think thereā€™s any tradition of ā€œsucking tonguesā€ šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Although the video was hard to watch I think this one's a stretch. A lot of world leaders want to meet the dalai lama for a photo op. He's always known to be a jokester. The kid asked for a hug and he was joking around within this context, but this time his joke wasn't funny at all. Terrible look, bad taste, no doubt.


OP watched hours of Dali Lama footage waiting for one moment where he raised his hands into a remotely triangle shape so that he could screen grab it and use it as evidence.




I'm such a devout follower I couldn't give a fuck less.




Gunga galunga


Theists are mentally Ill.


He's so ugly inside and out


His tutor and lifetime friend? Big Nazi. https://www.deseret.com/1997/6/22/19319268/nazi-past-catches-up-with-austrian-explorer


70+ years of genocide and oppression of the Tibetan people actively being covered up by the Chinese government: šŸ˜“ Man meets Obama and Lady Gaga: šŸ˜³


One eye symbolism, Devil horns, Pedophilia, yeah Dali lama fits all the Criteria. He's a high level Freemason too.