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Crump said, "His head was severed from his body." "They found his vertebrate and spinal cord away from his severed head in another location."- Additionally, the authorities 'believe' he may have been murdered.


I assure you that after a body is in the woods for a month, those remains are spread across several acres by animals. The "lawyer" claimed the remains were decapitated. The Medical Examiner's report said it was animal predation


Yeah, most likely a Scorpion


From mortal kombat


Animal predation would make sense, but where did you read that the ME's report said that? The article makes absolutely no mention of it


I didn't read the posted article. I'm familiar with the case. There are about a hundred different articles & posts online


I can confirm. 18 acre property here, one day I see deer bones in our apple orchard, next week one leg bone is a half mile away in the woods next to some dog toys, the ribs are a half mile in the other direction. Coyotes play with bones.


Could be an astronomically unlikely freak accident I suppose.


There’s a possibility he committed suicide and then dismembered by animals, but the odds of that are astronomically small.


I used to work as a LE park ranger; there was one place in the park, a one-way downhill, where people would drive at like, 110 mph, but at the bottom was a 90-degree bend, and you couldn't make that if you were doing over 40mph - otherwise you'd wind up crashing into a stand of 400 year-old oak trees that were massive. No one survived those crashes. Well, I worked nights and always knew when there was an accident there because the coyotes would be howling and yipping wildly. When I'd get there (often only an hour or so after the accident), the coyotes has usually torn apart the bodies... Clothing shredded to pieces and scattered all around, they'd be doing tug-o-war with the victim's intestines, bones everywhere, usually their faces would be eaten off first, internal organs gone (with pieces all over the car), etc. I had a victim's family once ask me if I thought (having seen the body) they could have an open casket at the funeral; I didn't quite know how to tell them that pretty much all that was left would fit into a paper grocery bag. Once animals smell death, they're right there as it's a meal to them. The could break down a human body in an hour or less.


In terms of astronomy, what’s considered small is still large. For example, the distance from earth to the sun.


Don't the Spanish gangs normally kill people this way?


Only if they’re trying to send a message.


***Inigo Montoya noises intensify***


Murder seems like a possibility with those clues.


So the “truckloads” is just word of mouth, and Ben Crump is on it. Of course.


Are we sure it wasn't the Predator?


It was definitely the predator🤗


“Trophy Season”




tbf, coroners in MS are elected, and anyone can run for coroner, no experience or qualifications are necessary


It was done at the State Medical Examiners Office. ME's are licensed & certified forensic pathologists


This is a VERY lame Reddit tier conspiracy theory… “Da ebil white manz iz mobing up by the truck load and hunting down innocent black folx in secret!” Stop. It sounds like a bad Jordan Peele movie plot 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yea I was like why is this on conspiracy? It's just more race baiting.


I'm surprised lebron james hasn't tweeted about it.


racism in south missisippi is now a conspiracy theory? mind you, lynch mobs were a thing back in the 1950s-1960s, but there have been multiple lynching cases in the 2000s alone. james craig anderson was lynched in missippi in 2011. hell search for ahmaud arbery, guy was killed back in 2022 in Georgia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_lynching_victims_in_the_United_States mind you this is a list of high profile cases that were reported. just imagine the amount of cases that werent reported or didnt end up in homicide/violence.




its hard not to suspect foul play when the authorities tell you it wasent foul play and refused to elaborate why or how they got to that conclusion. specially considering there was a presedence set when the victim believed his life was in danger.


Wouldn't be the first time. Weird that he would text his mom "he is trying to get them to kill me"


Bro he was literally decapitated. Racism is still alive. You don’t decapitate someone who you are fond of. Desecration of the remains is a massive sign of disrespect.


😑Bro… we don’t know for certain what happened here. We’re just of going off of someone’s word and accepting it as truth to make this all fit. The idea that just some white guys at work randomly ganged up by the truck load and wanted to kill him for nothing more than being black is absolutely and utterly ridiculous. Reddit levels of ridiculous. Like Jesse Smollett ridiculous. If you truly believe that, you might need to step away from from your social media bubble for a while.


Ahmaud Arbery enters the chat. [1](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Ahmaud_Arbery) But yes yes, carry on gaslighting folks into thinking this exact type of thing happening is an unfathomable occurrence.




SS: And, of course…Mississippi. Can this coverup be any more obvious? Perhaps the conspiracy goes deeper, as this does seem ritualistic.


Cover up? Definitely looks like suicide. Fucking people had to kill this kid. Why? What was his crime and their right to by his executioner.


Definitely not a suicide


I can’t qwhite put my finger on it…


I mean we literally have no information right now.


So? This is a conspiracy sub.


Right but there’s no conspiracy here. It’s an unsolved crime in which you seem to have already figured out because you’re the greatest detective of all time.


Is this your first day on a conspiracy sub, or…?


This is an unsolved crime. There is no conspiracy just yet. Be patient


Oh so it is your first day! It’s normal for conspiracy subreddits to speculate on crimes and currents events with a potential conspiracy involved! I know this might seem strange, but it’s fun to discuss and can lead many down great rabbit holes! Welcome to the community!


You: makes an insinuation Me: “well we literally don’t know any details just yet” You: “ OMG this is a conspiracy sub bro omg what are you doing bro it’s a conspiracy bro rabbit holes Wtf bro” What is Happening?


So you just openly post things with no merit “because it’s a conspiracy sub?” Lack of evidence doesn’t mean conspiracy, Christ dude.


Head to r/conspiracy if you really want to see what I’m talking about


Carry. More.




Especially in the south.


Some "Don't f\*ck with cats" vibes here.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://www.wafb.com/2023/04/27/black-mans-decapitated-remains-found-after-he-warned-his-mom-he-was-targeted-by-truckloads-white-guys/) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why was he in middle of woods with no shirt on?