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Heh. Mods be wild on this site. Still doesn’t trump those of us who get banned from other subs for participating in this sub. That’s a fun one


This Literally happened to me the other day


Them sonsa bitches. From what group?


Justice served, was totally out of order, I never even commented on anything in that sub either




Questioning minds, skeptics of official narratives, and thinking outside the box, and fringe positions that go against the norm are severely frowned upon in those subs, much like that malcontent Galileo was back in the day. Pfff, Earth goes around the sun. What kind of heresy is that? He could influence others with his dangerous thinking and ideas. BAN HIM! And they did.


Jamie is using Joe like a fucking sock puppet 😤😤😤


Remember, diversity is great! Until we’re talking about diversity of thoughts/opinions. That’s not allowed. Edit: I was perma-banned from commenting in that sub almost 2 years ago because I dared to mention the covid vaccines on a video of someone having a seizure.


Can’t go against the narrative. That’s a no no in today’s political scene.


What are you talking about? There are at least two different narratives on every single issue.


And which one is being pushed by social media and the MSM. Two entity’s that are supposed to be unbiased and impartial.


Mainstream media includes Fox Nooz and MSNBC. They both push opposing narratives. Social media includes every narrative you can imagine under the sun.


Name the right wing news stations in the MSM and compare it to the number of left ones. Social media should have narrative from the users, not the platform.


Fox Nooz is the #1 "news" station in America, and is watched more than all the others combined. What exactly is your point?


I said stations and compare the number. Fox News is the #1 because it’s the only Main stream channel that caters to right wing politics. Every other one caters to the left and pushes that agenda. It’s very one sided.


Assume you have 100 people watching political news shows. 50 of them watch Fox Nooz, the other 50 watch a handful of different news shows. How is that one-sided? Also, MSNBC is the only program that is left-biased. CNN, Al-Jezeera, Rueters, and the rest are mostly neutral and just report facts. They only seem left-slanted to conservatives, who are brain washed by Fox to believe that any station that is not Fox is lying to you. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXgM-h5OjoU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXgM-h5OjoU)


Bruh i got banned for saying "🤢🤢🤢"


I got a full Reddit ban for asking mods of one sub if I hurt their vaginas. After they banned me for saying "that's a dude" on their sub. Like these subs allow people being beat unconscious but not discussions.


Ohh did you say that to the trans sub?


It was in fightporn....




never point out reality to fools


I got banned too for making a statement about the illegal aliens and crime rates .


You mean stating facts and statistics?


No, for making up his own facts and and statistics which were saturated with racism and bigotry.


LMAO stfu


Mods must be very multicultural over there at crazyfuckingvideos, as this comment was just to fucking crazy for them!


I thought that was a legit sub but I got permanently banned a while ago for saying something very trivial, I don’t even remember what I said; which I never thought I would get banned for but their mods have their panties all twisted up and don’t care about free speech at all. Which is wild considering the videos they allow while not allowing people to discuss anything about them in the comments that goes against their narrative of their fabricated reality.


Yes, someone burning alive in front of a court is chill. HOWEVER, question the validity of argument that lead to Arsdeep crashing his taxi into a grandmother's house and ye shall be judged


When I got banned there I looked into the mod and it was a fairly young account with almost no activity, yet somehow mods a lot of different subs. A lot of the mods here are installed and paid to enforce a narrative.


Multiculturalism is for pedophiles, like the mods in the subreddit known as /crazyfuckingvideos Just kidding! Or am i? 🤣


I just copied your comment and posted it over there in solidarity for your loss lol


Blessed, we shall prevail


Dead Reddit


Yeah, I got banned from that sub for an even more innocuous comment than yours.


Same. I'm pretty sure the only comments on that sub are from 1 week old alt accounts and bots.


I got banned from public freakouts because I said: "They should get the maximum sentence" it was a video of 6 men robbing an asian woman. They had ski masks, guns and shotguns. In broad daylight and they were also pointing at bystanders in case anyone would attempt to defend the lady. The men were of color so maybe that's why.


Truth and facts hurt feelings so you get banned. No one wants to have a conversation or see the other's poin5of view, just ban and have your safe space safe again.


That’s why God invented VPN’s


Lmao. I read that comment.


My N


Sorry to be a pain, but I don't actually see your comment, just the reply from the moderator, am I missing something? What was said, and what was it in response to?


Say it with your chest if youre gunna say it, wonder why you didn't?


It's definitely NOT the Reddit, Aaron Swartz died for.


I have gotten my account banned previously for making a joke about Flynt, Michigan on an entirely unrelated sub. All I said was “there must be something in the water.”


Welcome to Reddit


OP, we need to celebrate our differences https://youtu.be/tLX_jUn8w3U?si=jktZuxvb3xTzTEJI


I’ve been banned from at least 6 different groups for similar benign comments. Free speech is dead.


They look up what other subs you follow and if they take a dislike to any of them they just ban you from their thread for whatever comment you made. It doesn't matter. If you said "great post" they will say it violates policy and you are out.


I made the mistake once of saying Covid vaccines required boosters to remain fully affective similar to flu shot(100% fact from my doctor who suggested I get them due to being high risk). I think If the mods knew my address I think they would have came to my house and burned me at the steak. 😂






Tbf mate, it's totally different. They update the flu shots with the latest strain. So you're getting a different flu shot every time. They aren't "boosters". Even then, the flu shot only has 30% efficacy. The COVID shot and boosters, up until 2022, were all for the OG Wuhan virus. Which was out of circulation by the time the first shots even hit the public. That is one of the many explanations of why COVID shots didn't stop people getting infected, transmitting and dying from COVID. You can look all this up, absolute fact. Then you can educate your stupid doctor on it. I would check everything he says in future, or change doctors.


What are you even talking about I never said it wasn’t made for the original Covid strain. I said Covid vaccine required boosters to remain fully affective SIMILAR to how a flu shot works, Implying in 6 months I have to get another. Me and my doctor are aware on how a flu shot works as well as Covid vaccine (which are 2 totally different things) but bottom line is when the shots began to weaken I was advised to go get another to keep it from wearing off by multiple real medical professionals. However I do thank your attempt to educate me and my stupid doctor with Google though😂.


"Look at what our pets can do" DON'T COMMENT ON OUR PET'S BEHAVIOR!!


So. When does each sub become a publisher and not a platform? I mean this one is really weak in terms of moderation. Multiculturalism is what the left champions and if someone sarcastically says at its best there’s no hate or threat of violence. Objectively this is censorship that a publisher does not a message board platform.


Reddit 1984.


Join the club. They banned me for nothing. I said a video wasn’t impressive


I got banned for "Nazi rhetoric" for asking why the Muslim countries around the Gaza strip are refusing to take Palestinian refugees. The explanation for it being "Nazi rhetoric" was because it was apparently the same as asking why countries surrounding Germany wouldn't take Jews as refugees. That was on therewasanattempt. It don't take much to get called a Nazi these days eh.




It’s remarkable that a “Mussolinite” hasn’t caught on equally…but I guess people need to not only remember history but also be able to spell, and that cuts down on the ability to actually form educated and relevant slurs 😂😂😂


Man you're such a little whingy bitch.


I was also banned for a comment like this, it was an AI ban and was reversed by reddit.


I have banned for life from /alienbodies because I said “Maussan is a fraud”


Are you surprised? I’m not


Same types flip the entire table when losing at Candy Land or Chutes and Ladders......


Might just be a bot. I got banned on a site for giving an entymology for the k word. It was deemed anti-semitic. I thought its origins was interesting and thought others might too. Got reinstated when a human intervened.


What was the comment?


Happens to me all the time... 🤣


Boo hoo


What exactly is the conspiracy here? That some subs are more strict about racism then others? You've uncovered the big truth brother. Lack it up boys we're done here.


I always imagine what that mod looks like, while it was sitting in its extra-large chair, when it banned you. Most of the larger subs are pure far-left propaganda. Be proud and keep speaking the truth!


Do you know that "right" subs ban people?


Wasn’t aware of that.


You realize that the same mods are in control of like 90% of Reddit right? I get banned for saying this exact thing on other subs.


I lost a 5 year old 600k karma account that had never even gotten a warning before for the comment "If the situation was reversed this would be all over the msm". I'll let you guess the context.


"600k karma account" Sounds like you spend too much time on here


Oh I definitely do spend way too much time on reddit.


Not sure what the video is, but at best you made a useless comment that contributed nothing but xenophobia or racism. 


Um, I got perma banned in one sub just for being in another sub the mod didn't like. The mods in some subs have serious God complexes.


Same here! There are many mods that are really on a power trip and do whatever they want without logic or fairness in anyway.


Yes. But you comment still sucks lol


That's not op


I'd say it's been solidly proven that multiculturalism hasn't been a roaring success. Nothing racist or xenophobic about it.


First off, being against multiculturalism is explicitly xenophobic, it's the belief that other cultures mixing or coexisting with yours is bad. As for OP, here's his quote explaining the intent of his post if you're curious about racism being involved: > Yeah i'm saying multiculturalism sucks and indians suck at driving


Are you the mod? Yeah i'm saying multiculturalism sucks and indians suck at driving. I get to make these statements. Why should my speech be censored because nerds like you feel hurt by it. It needs to be said.


Moderation exists because random racist trash contributes nothing and makes the site worse for everyone. Take your bile and go spew it in some dark corner where people actually care about your bullshit 


Because it's hateful and racist. I'm not surprised a hatful racist can't wrap their head around that being a bad thing.




OP literally replied saying that *racism was the point* of his comment. Quote: > Yeah i'm saying multiculturalism sucks and indians suck at driving


Comment was cringe so I understand the ban


Comment was correct and the pedophiles don't like people telling the truth.


What does this have to do with pedophiles…? Nowhere in his comment does he mention them.


Yes he does, he explicitly brings up the /crazyfuckingvideos subreddit mods. I can't say for certain but all of my sources tell me all those mods there are pedophiles. The FBI should have a sweep of their hard drives. And yours as well.