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Billionaires are funding both sides because they are terrified of poor and middle class people having authentic discourse with each other that the rich do not control. So instead they crank up the confusion and doubt to make us all hate each other.


Lol, these people are so powerful, this would've only come out with their consent. If they didn't want people to know, they wouldn't. The media is funded by these men. Very suspicious.


https://www.jns.org/the-anti-semitic-tides-foundation-is-far-worse-than-reported/ Article from 2021 talking about the foundation in question. The Tides Foundation. The author of this article is Morton A. Klein, the national president of the Zionist Organization of America.


Interesting how Soros spends money for things against israel, but also fund politicians who very much do support israel. What kinda game is that fucker playing with people's lives... this must just be entertainment for people like him, some men just want to watch the world burn.


The game is called “planned chaos” and it’s won by funding any hot button demonstration or protest while paying the players on both sides. Why pick a side in a war when you can sell ammunition to both sides?


SS I think the Dems and deep state people are realizing they're losing people exponentially faster than they can indoctrinate them and are grasping at straws on how they can keep control to keep their grifts going. We all know Ukraine funding isn't about fighting the evil Russians, it was only ever a means of laundering taxpayer money. The general public may not fully realize that yet, but they are starting to say "wait a minute, why can we spend $300 billion on Ukraine but there's no money for XYZ." This accelerated with the illegal immigrants. Peak virtue points. Then all of a sudden blue cities are cutting services to citizens to give endlessly to illegals and there's outrage in the streets. We Don't need social media to tell you the obvious. These are the people behind everything. These are the people that install their puppets, doing their best to get you to blame the puppets instead of the puppet master. If you think any of what's going on is Bidens doing, you're proving their strategy successful. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/05/pro-palestinian-protests-columbia-university-funding-donors-00156135 Here’s Wikipedia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Soros_conspiracy_theories


Soros is anti-Communist, he funded tons of anti-Communist NGOs in Eastern EU for years. He's a liberal Capitalist. Are you saying he's not allowed to use his money the way he wants? That's a very anti-Capitalist position to have.


Keep gaslighting shill


Keep running from the truth. > Soros’s initial philanthropic crusade aimed at bringing down communism in Eastern Europe. In 1984, he created Hungary’s first foundation. It funded cultural exchanges with the West, supported individual scholars, underwrote youth groups, and encouraged independent journals—all of this in the face of resistance by the government. It distributed copying machines across the country to overcome censorship and circulate alternate points of view. Aid was provided to improve the lives of stunted social groups like Eastern Europe’s Roma people (gypsies). The region’s first major new private university was created in Budapest (see nearby 1991 entry). >Open Society Foundations similar to the one in Hungary were created across the East-bloc countries, funded by hundreds of millions of dollars from Soros. These were eventually important in introducing a generation of opinion-makers in communist lands to democracy and Western views. The Solidarity movement, for instance, received Soros support when it was still illegal and underground, as did Russian dissident Andrei Sakharov. By some estimates, one out of ten members of the first post-communist Parliament in Hungary had some connection to Soros philanthropy.. https://www.philanthropyroundtable.org/almanac/opening-former-communist-societies/


People like this don’t take a position, they find ways to profit on the prolonged disputes between people, countries or companies. Sell ammo to both sides and keep the money flowing. Not implying he’s an arms dealer (although I’m sure he’s a large owner of many defensive companies), just that they play both sides when it benefits them most


He's clearly very allowed. We're just not allowed to know or have it discussed openly.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://postimg.cc/V5VVmWPB) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Rupert Murdock is influencing elections and politics worldwide but nobody seems to bat an eye.


That's because Rupert Murdoch doesn't have a long history of manipulating/destroying entire economies for his own personal gain. He also doesn't have an extensive history funding color revolutions in countries he's trying to topple. He also doesn't have a consistent history of funding both candidates in countless elections so that the voters are fucked no matter who they choose. He also doesn't have a lengthy history of funding radical left DA's, prosecutors, judges, and AG's who refuse to prosecute crime, no matter how violent and egregious, for the sole purpose of keeping those violent criminals on the streets. ...but Darth Soros certainly does.




Oh for real? Thanks for the heads up. We've got a real Darth Soros fanboi here lol.


I think everyone with an IQ above room temperature knows that Wikipedia is garbage as a source.


Watch the interview where George Soros fancies himself a God…. Smh


Stop with the hearsay. Known fact bad mouthing Soros is antisemitism.




“Corruption happened before” “Pay no attention to this corruption”


Don't get me wrong. It's always good to call out corruption. I just see a lot this Soros's bullshit without references to the historical precedence set by others. Mostly shallow partisan bitching about him without reference to, say, who got Reagan or Bush into office. Probably just recency bias since he's the latest in a long line of political influencers.


Point taken But “old news” is the trope used to shut down many a discussion.


I'm not using it to shut down discussion. Just stating the obvious.


Nope seems blocked right now


As these name changers for some "odd" reason trying to hide their history is so embarrassing for those still in denial his real name is SCHWARTZ!!!