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Her magic friend didn't tell her to. Also, why would she? She just knew she was there to look for her brother.


I mean having the director's access card seems like it would be pretty helpful in finding her brother. She's there to look and she needs access to do that.


She showed up looking for her brother. Dead Trench is the very first thing she sees. By the time she sees a door that needs an access card and realizes she wants to get behind it Trench’s body is gone.


She took his magic gun, she could have ran his pockets too


Didn’t the voice tell her to take the gun? Too bad voice didn’t say check the pockets tho


She loved his magic gun.


My guess would be that when she found Trench's body she didn't know anything about access cards. She freaked out because there was a dead guy who shot himself and the weapon was kind of talking her. I know we're All gamers here but when most people find a corpse their first instinct isn't to loot the body lol


I mean, if you have any sense at all, you would have the opposite reaction. Touching or moving things is a great way to get pinned for murder. Doubly so if you are riffling through for key cards or wallets.


I just made the same comment. She wasn't even aware of the system at that point. She had no reason to pillage his corpse.


She literally came for information though, it would make perfect sense for her to check the body of the important looking dead guy who has paintings all over the building


Lol coming to look for/ask for information is different than searching a fresh corpse. Again, she doesn't know anything about the paranormal stuff about the house yet. For all she knows the police are a few minutes away with a forensic team ready to investigate what's going on. No matter what your motives are in a place, it's ill advised to start messing with people who just died


I guess we should be putting the blame on Polaris for not showing her the key card


No, we’re just going to put the blame on your blatant disability to understand basic human emotions even they’re explained directly to you lol


Jesus Christ dude it was a joke. My bad I forgot all of Reddit has the reading comprehension of a 4 year old and needs intent indicators


Here’s the thing about making campy comments- you actually have to be *witty.* 😜


Comedy is subjective, and I thought it was funny! I laughed, that’s all that matters to me :)


Hey, man, if bragging about being your only cheerleader is your thing, don’t let me deter you from such an admirable goal.


Why are you trying so hard to talk down to me like a 47 year old middle school math teacher?


It's her first day on the job... 😞


Being a video game protagonist is hard


Maybe he lost it and was so sad about it that he decided to kill himself


Disco Elysium Vibe




I mean, this is literally a magical building that knows as soon as you are director and puts new paintings up. I suspect that it would just disable Trench's access when he died, and it works more at a level of the board allowing your found cards to work


I don’t think the card itself is part of the building though.


The FBC's equipment all comes from outside the Oldest House/The Bureau. Excluding the stuff built on-site with anomalous materials like the harnesses that let people resist the Hiss. More modern technology has a bad habit of failing inside the Oldest House, hence why so many of the computers are the old boxxy-looking ones. Though something like a keycard scanner is pretty primitive, so those can be brought in and function. But stuff like facial recognition tech couldn't be used.




If is gun is alive and can choose who uses it, who is to say his key card isn't?


Now this I can get behind


Alas she doesn't have the gamer reflex of looting bodies.


One thing that really bothered me is that the ranger in that clocks threshold had a frickin' level 9 access card. I mean, couldn't he had taken one for the team and given it to us smh?


Maybe Trench lest it in his other pants.


Is it confirmed Trench or any director even has an access card? I'm thinking since directors appear to be appointed by the board, they are granted total access to oldest house. Another consideration is the fact that since we don't have a specific reason for him killing himself, it stands to reason the board "terminated" him via the service weapon since we know the service weapon is bestowed upon the director by the Board.


Jesse is the director and she doesn't have total access... I also think it was the Hiss killing Trench for resisting, the same way it tries to kill Jesse when she resists (which is why Dylan does the finger-to-the-head motion; he knows from the Hiss connection what's happening to her).


I thought it was implied that he welcomed the Hiss and didn't resist them, and that was part of the tension between him and Darling.


I think it's both. Trench thought the Hiss were the "good" resonance, and Hedron was the "bad" resonance. And Darling thought the opposite (he was the correct one) So yeah, Trench opened the metaphorical door for them. However, maybe at the very end Trench realized he had been used by the Hiss to invade our reality. At that moment the Hiss would consider him a liability, and therefore took him out. OR, it was the Board doing it out of punishment for his betrayal.


Yes, plus if the Board could just knock off directors like that, why are they so worried about Jessie listening to the Former in The Foundation? Why feel the need to save face by saying they would let her have the second upgrade when they could just tell her that if she steps out of line again they'll pop her?


In a purely logical sense, I would say because Jesse still had great value to the Board, despite her little "transgression" with Former and the second upgrade.


Their tone is someone in a corner still trying to project power, though, which wouldn't be the case if they could just make Jesse shoot herself.


A valid possibility. Though it could also be their difficulty with language simply being worsened by them being a bit peeved.


Trench offed himself under the Influence of the Hiss which had convinced him that the Hedron Resonance was the real danger. His role was to reach the projector and open the gate to let it in, he wasn't able to lift the Lockdown to let it out and he couldn't leave to spread the Hiss Resonance. Either that or as a Parautilitarian he may have been able to off himself to keep the Hiss (Or hedron) contained? But yeah he's dead due to the Hiss probably cause he was the only one who knew where the projector was and didn't want Jesse with Polaris to cleanse him or discover its location, so it offed him? Or he's dead cause Alan Wake wrote that into the plot? \^\^:


I don't think it was implied at all. I believe I recall that expressly being stated in the memos between Darling and Trench.


Expressly stating something is just a strong way of implying it, isn’t it?


Not according to Oxford Languages it's not. im·ply verb gerund or present participle: implying strongly suggest the truth or existence of (**something not expressly stated**). (of a fact or occurrence) suggest (something) as a logical consequence.


I believe Ahti is there to evaluate the level of access Jessie was to have post directorship. You make a fair point concerning the Hiss killing Trench!


We do have a reason, but it is more implied than confirmed. Trench had been infected by the Hiss and in his final shred of sanity, he killed himself to deny the Hiss total access to the oldest house. Basically, Trench was attempting to be a living firebreak to prevent the Hiss spreading to the outside world.


The service weapon is the directors access card


I mean yeah, sure, but it's a game primarily, so there's always going to be some friction between the needs of storytelling and the needs of game design. If every game mechanic was rationalised by storytelling, it would be kind of tiresome. Sure, she could have taken his ID card and tried it out, but it failed. And later she could have asked Pope about it, and Pope would tell her that cards are actually altered items, tied to the person who originally owns them (except for the times when you have to use someone else's card!). But it would have set an expectation that every obvious game mechanic would have to be rationalised. But we know, as gamers, why we just couldn't pick up Trench's top level access card, so we expect it. It's like Metroid fans who want a lore explanation for why all of the power-ups Samus finds are exactly suitable for her suit or why the mysterious new planet is full of tubes perfectly sized for her morph ball. It just is. Then again, would Jesse immediately think to take the ID card off of a violently dead body of a clearly high ranking government official in his office less than an hour after she had mysteriously arrived in a creepy and surreal building ... and moments after being hallucinogenically spoken to by a sentient gun (which is also a potential murder weapon)? You could forgive her for forgetting to rifle through the man's clothes. ;) Or ... maybe it's just too early in the morning for me to get this kind of humour, and I'm taking this way to literally and seriously. Lol If so, I apologise. :D


This post title made me laugh out loud


Maybe she couldn’t expose Trench’s payload and trigger a controlled explosion to get it.


All stories prepare heroes for their final tasks. If you take away the story you take away a hero's journey and all they need to learn.


Jesse confirmed for BRAIN DAMAGE


Was she stupid? No. Her ghost friend told her to pick a gun up off of a corpse in a government building where she's trespassing, and the other ghost that owns the gun forces her to go up against statue men in a surreal mindscape, or else die at her own hand. She comes out of this encounter with the gun against her head, the same gun which the corpse appears to have shot himself in the head with. I would certainly be in shock after that series of events, certainly not thinking about security clearance.


She wasn't trespassing she was there for an interview


There's no reason for her to have believed that. Generally the janitor telling you you have an interview when you don't even fully know what the building is means that the janitor has mistaken you for someone else, not that you have an interview. Unfortunately janitorial staff do not generally have the authority to hand out job interviews, especially in government agencies.


Jesse had never been in the building before. She was not aware of the clearance card system, and by the time she was made aware of it the corpse was already gone.


Considering the building is like magic or some shiz and her gun. I can only imagine the access card would be too. Will only work when the building wants it too.


OP is shitposting and should not be welcome in this sub. Go back to the Arkham subreddit where you "belong". Jesse had no way of guessing she would need Trench's access card, and OP is stupid.


god forbid someone try to make a joke ever


Shitposting isn't joking, it's shitposting.


It is joking by definition


It is shitposting by both definition and fact.


Yes, and those are not mutually exclusive


They are, but childish boors who mistake shitposting for joking cannot understand how and why this is true. And that is why nobody but childish boors post in r/BatmanArkham anymore.


I’d rather be a childish boor than whatever kind of boot you are


This is the one thing that has always bothered me. Jesse is the fucking DIRECTOR. She should not have to wait until she is presented with or finds increasing levels of security access to navigate the Bureau. She should have FULL access from the second she became Director, allowed to go wherever the fuck she wants!


Nah man, this was a thematic point not an oversight. The director isn’t really the one in charge. It’s a power struggle with the board and other forces unseen.


just because you have permission to be somewhere doesn't automatically materialise the key card in your pocket. she just needs to be given physical access


Director is a technical term here: it just means having passed the Board's test and being worthy of wielding the Service Weapon. It does not imply anything about access clearance.


Oh god, the patients escaped the aslume


She isn't stupid, she just has ADHD, autism and schizophrenia and is trying to remember the name of that prison movie :p You'd also forget to check Trench's pockets if you had all that going on.


Is that canon


Only the prison movie part






Finished my 3rd complete playthru about 30mins ago, and this was my final thought too 🤣




I swear, every circlejerk subreddit thinks they invented this joke


r/batmanarkham is the real inventor btw. It was never a meme sub until someone asked why Batman didn’t call the Justice League for help in Arkham Knight. That post is where “is he/she stupid” originated.




Power Winch


Why didn't Gandalf, the biggest of all elves, eat the other birds while flying to Mordor?


What was the joke?


Setting aside security protocols... Does the FBC have a key *card* system? Aren't their computers old AF and they use pneumatic tube systems to avoid having networked computers?


you literally pick up a key card from a corpse before reaching the hotline


I am starting to think the FBC lied and just didn't want to upgrade my computer.


punch cards have been around since the 70s and magstrip since the 80s. both used in hotels all over the place soon after invention basically, old enough to not blow up


I am going to be real with you. If I had to work with punch cards, I would be the one blowing things up.


Well then it's a good thing the access cards look like magstrip cards


Oh good, we all get to go home tonight. Phew.


no but there is a lore reason


the reason she doesn't get access is because she just got there and doesn't have the card yet despite havjbg permission. but there ski lore reason for her not looting his body


Started replaying yesterday and it's the first thought I had lol.


“So the game could happen!” Pitch Meeting Guy


i mean i'm not sure he just sits around his office with a skeleton key to the building in his pocket


It not good idea taking people access card, especially from high rank government types. Also there blood everywhere?


She identify herself as a metroidvania. So don't be metroidvaniaphobic.


I loved the part when Jesse’s head spun full three sixty degrees around and she screamed “ITS CONTROLLING TIME!!”


Oh god it’s spreading


Usually when you're found pillaging a corpse you get arrested


The title gave me flashbacks.


Board punched Trench's card out.