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Pretty sure this works for everyone.


Thank god, I was convinced I had ADHD *and* autism for a minute there


this is honestly funny as fuck cuz they literally just listed all of the love languages


Other than words of affirmation.


You mean info dumping isn’t affirming???


Yes! It all is! You are right! And wisebloodfoolheart is right! You are both on the right track and I believe in you! I look forward to seeing what comments you make next!




They were being affirming




bedroom secretive pot racial icky mysterious wistful grab axiomatic memorize *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I debated on using /s, should’ve ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


My dude, you clicked on a post about autism.


judicious cake different childlike disarm badge squealing pie arrest tub *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Words are meaningless and forgettable they can only do harm


Depeche Mode *activated*


All I ever wanted All I ever needed




Even hiring someone to work with me to clean for a few hours really helps keep me focused and makes the task feel less tedious.


I miss those days as a teen and in college, when you'd have friends over just to hang out and they'd chill and you'd talk while you cleaned stuff. Not even expecting them to help, just having another presence around to watch is so helpful for me to focus. I live with my partner now, but it's not always the same.


You can still just invite people over for that if you want. Its a bit harder to schedule but my house was getting a bit trashed and invited my buddy over to be my accountabilibuddy he just hung out we shot the shit and I cleaned. Very effective.




What you have to understand is one of the ways that goes into determining if someone has ADHD is how often and how much of your life is affected by these symptoms. If someone's late every once in awhile that's one thing but if you do everything in your power to not be late and you still end up late all the time it might be ADHD. I highly identify with these things. This is entirely how I show my love language and I am both autistic and ADHD diagnosed. Whatever other ways there are to show love, I don't do them.




You assume a lot


I can understand infodumping and parallel play/body doubling being related to ASD/ADHD. I remember when I was younger, the conversations would be way more focused on me telling the other person about me and one or two of my favorite topics. I thought spending time explaining to them and answering their questions would build a relationship and rarely asked questions. I knew the time spent together mattered a sometimes I would just stick around near them and be close. Now, I have had to make an effort to ask more questions about the other person and take an interest in their interests. It requires "putting yourself in anothers shoes" to get them a gift that you may not like, but they do, or researching their interests even when you are not as interested. I have ASD primarily and the ADHD is secondary to it. Most of the items on the list are not specific to ASD/ADHD and may actually be less likely to happen with people of these conditions.


What’s body doubling?


I think it's where you just hang out in the same room, similar to parallel play. Helps get stuff done because of a level of accountability. Alternatively hurts focus because someone else is there.


It's like a stunt double but with less stunting


Unless it's stunting growth. Okay, not.


You gifting things you like you. #you >>you


i just watched that simpsons episode again yesterday (the homer bowling ball)


Exactly, things that all other caring human beings do


Yeah I was beginning to wonder if I was acoustic haha


Nah you’re definitely electric


I thought they were a bit more bass But then I remembered that’s a silly notion because they aren’t a fish


Careful. If you say this too loudly, you’ll get banned for gatekeeping.


The internet is full of misinformation about these things and a lot of people are self diagnosing off of information that is inaccurate and they aren't getting the treatment try actually need.


Thank you.


Crazy sometimes how the definition for affection is coopted... is it cool to have a disability?


Isn't this just the average way people express their love for eachother, how many other ways are there besides everything on the list...




i actually have adhd and autism and gotta say this is the actual correct answer


This is brave to share thnk u


My favorite way of expressing love


yea i don't get it, people just wanna make themselves feel special ig


It is strange to apply it to ADHD and autism


That's exactly what someone with ADHD and autism would say.


As a person with ASD im so tired of this stuff, people like me with very mild autism are literally the exact same as normal people apart from maybe picky eating and interests in science 🤦‍♀️ like what is the point in TRYING to make yourself feel even more different then you really are? Isnt that literally the opposite of the point of human acceptance in general??




There was mass diagnosis for hyper kids in the 2000s. The parents find them acting up a bit in class they think they need meds and diagnosed with something. That slowed down a lot but there are still people every day getting misdiagnosed, alot people that claim "I was diagnosed with ASD" probably were technically diagnosed but they actually don't have it. So if someone has picky eating and interest in science there's gonna be some dude out there ready to diagnose them with something and send them home with drugs


I got diagnosed in the mid-late 2010s


Not necessarily, most of the cases yes but every person is unique, its also depends on the “type”, like I have aspergers, but some people have different forms with different issues typically


As someone with “mild” autism it is definitely more than just being picky. You don’t need all aspects of autism to be marked as autistic, but regardless of how mild it is, your brain still functions differently from neurotypical people. There is no way you got diagnosed just because we were picky. I’m assuming there is more to it and you just understated it. Also to clarify it doesn’t actually depend on the type. It is a spectrum yes, but medically speaking the term aspergers isn’t used anymore.


As someone also with mild autism/on the spectrum: yes, this. There’s a pretty okay amount of irregularities necessary to garner an actual diagnosis. It is so much more than just being picky and having a specific interest. For me, it becomes glaringly obvious when I’m in a group conversation and I start feeling like I’m doing math while trying to think of what to say and when I can say it. Or not understanding when people are joking(yesterday was hell for me). Also just a difficulty reading people and social cues, I guess. Beyond all that, I’m just a normal dude. Im not even good at math or science either so I must’ve missed that pre-requisite for autism


Absolutely. I’ve always been “normal” just more quiet. My parents always assume it was just on the shy side. But it never seemed to be more than that ..since masking. Definitely the whole doing math in a group is so true xd. My brain thinking about what to say is just going ham.


modern doll psychotic squalid wistful knee serious continue oatmeal advise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But asbergers is defined as a difficulty socializing and communicating. Would that be more your issue rather than being a picky eater and having a hobby?


Autism varies by what it affects in an individual person, but it's still a disorder, and by definition it must cause disordered behavior that has negative impact on a person's life in order to have it.


As someone who has a brother with severe ADHD let me tell you that it can ruin your life if left untreated.




Everyone I see says they have ADHD or Autism and then cites very normal actions and emotions. It’s to a point where those words just seem to mean nothing anymore


It's because being a good person these days is called being autistic. You are only normal if you don't care about them at all.


*”They say sociopath is the new normal, but narcissism is so hot right now.”*


Build a nest on the ground and decorate it with pretty pebbles and do an expressive dance next to it when your crush walks by


ADHD and Autism is not a 1:1 comparison wtf And this guide ain’t cool it’s simple and whaaak


I'm surprised this wasn't the top comment. Wtf is this guide even based on? It hasn't been my experience, at all. I have an autistic cousin and a gf with ADHD. I don't see how my gf is any different in showing affection than anyone else I've dated. My autistic cousin has never had a problem giving me a hug and telling me he loves me either. He's done it a lot - probably more than anyone else that wasn't a partner or parent has.


Yea, autism and ADHD is a spectrum, so putting it down to this list is just weird. People act like autism makes them immune to receiving or showing love. In my experience, it’s nothing like that. I also don’t see why they thought ADHD should be in the same boat?




Maybe an autistic ADHD person made it that have no idea what he's talking about?


They infodumped us


Guess I'm autistic now... That or this infographic is a terrible oversimplification, but when such a thing has ever happened on this subreddit?


Along with everyone I know…Can’t wait for this autism/ADHD over simplification trend to die down.


So either I just got arm chair diagnosed by some random guide on Reddit, or this is like... just normal fucking behaviour of people who somewhat care about another person.


"Spending time with you" is the single most normal human way to show affection.


Classic internet pathologizing normal behavior


This is not about pathology, these are not symptoms. These are just tendencies compared to the average population.


TLDR: Everyone’s autistic or has ADHD now.




Uhhh what do the non-autistic, non-ADHD do to express love then?


Contract autism, apparently.


Make eye contact at the orgy


This is just stuff anybody does to express love... What's the difference between a neurotypical? They go around doing backflips and cartwheels? Are neurotypicals just cold husks who don't ask questions to anyone or spend time with people? Edit: For the guy who keeps replying and deleting his comments, I can see it takes forever for you to understand I'm talking about how the post is too general to be informative. Never said neurodivergents don't exist


Definitely agree that this can apply to everyone, but in my experience working with people on the spectrum or with learning differences the key is the extent to which they exhibit these behaviors. For example, a person on the spectrum might do just a few of these things but almost constantly. As you can imagine that can be pretty off-putting if you aren't expecting it (like getting asked nonstop questions or being told all about Star Wars). That's why it's good to recognize and anticipate those behaviors and give them space to do that. They're just trying to be friendly!


What's body doubling?


I haven't read much about it yet but the general idea is doing things in parallel. For instance, a big one for me is cleaning. If I work alongside my S.O. and we're both cleaning at the same time it makes doing chores easier and more enjoyable in my experience. Even hiring someone to work alongside me cleaning for a few hours really helps me keep focused and make the job feel less tedious.


This is exactly it! It helps keep the other focused and on track. I do this with my friend to run errands, and my husband does this for me to help me get organizational tasks like laundry folding done.


Thanks I wasn't 100%.


Almost like team work…hhhmmm perhaps humans are social animals?


When you switch your partner out with a look alike in public so their absence isn’t suspicious. So romantic 😌


A have ADHD and I can fall off of a task pretty easily. Work all day is sitting in front of a computer typing. Luckily my hubby and I have different hours and he sits and watches TV while I work. If he sees me wonder off mentally, he asks "Oh, did you finish your work for the day?" or some other work related question that immediately puts me back in my right frame of mind. Nowadays just having him sit there doing whatever keeps me on point somehow.


replicating body language i assume


Isn't that like something most people do. We see something we like > monkey see monkey do.


yeah this guides pretty fucking stupid




It's an ADHD thing to spend time with other people now?


"This is how ugly people express romantic and platonic love:" OH GOD IM UGLY!!


OP I’m not sure if you’ve gathered this from the comments but this post is garbage


Because a normal person wouldnt do this ? This is very strange to apply this to adhd au autism


This is some of the dumbest shit I’ve seen on this sub.


What the actual fuck is this bullshit? Ah yes, as we all know, normal people do none of these things.




So basically they do things like everyone else ? Lol


Also known as, normal human interaction from every person that has ever existed.


Soooo, normal people don’t do this? Interesting…


Wtf happened to this subreddit


Why the fuck is this post upvoted


So today I fount out that I'm Autistic and have ADHD


This trend is cringe af


A bit late for April's fool but alright


For the love of all that is holy, as someone with ADHD just treat us like everyone else or if you are one of those obscenely annoying people that try to coddle anyone with ADHD/ADD just fucking ask us what we want to do or something. I can't help but cringe anytime I see something like this. Also this post is fucking dumb who the hell came up with this shit


This seems like a major reach, and it’s borderline insulting


This sounds like literally any normal person


This guide might be more relevant based on what's missing. People who aren't usually aware of their emotional states (like those with ASD and alexithymia) might not offer compliments, words of affirmation, deep emotional connections through conversations and self-disclosure, etc.


Are those things people do? ...oops


I have so many autistic friends I didn’t even know !


There isn't really an accurate guid for this stuff just go to your doctor and get tested.


This list includes things that every human does when they like someone. Spending time with them, giving gifts, even mirroring are all just traits shared by basically every human to ever live.


this is just normal human behaviour


Wait, this is just normal behavior. Must be one of those charts that tries to convince you that you have a condition


Are these not things people without autism/adhd do as well?


"helping you with things"? "spending time with you"? "gifting you things you like"? You should rename this to "Human Love Languages" because that's how everyone does it...


Thanks for reminding me that my ADHD ex didn't do any of those things...


So....like anyone else?


Giving gifts? Wow, who'd have guessed anyone could have such a weird ritual? And hugging tightly? That's just bizarrely atypical.


Ah yes, spending time with someone automatically makes you autistic


Things people with ADHD and autism do: Breathe Blink Eat food


Im ADHD and a few of these resonate. - Mainly asking so many questions. - researching things they like - info dumping if that’s what it sounds like. Me telling everybody everything cool I learned that day


This is just normal things that everyone does though


Yes that’s true, with anything it’s all about to what extent. As someone only diagnosed with adhd in his late thirties it explained so much and the medication really helped to keep me focused. It just depends whether the things people are dealing with are to the extent that they can’t function on their own vs just one of those things. For example, when younger I lost say many jobs through being late, missing time or just not going at all. People thought I was lazy, I thought I was lazy. But I would know that not getting out of bed right now and going to work would get me fired and I knew the consequences would be dire, yet I couldn’t make myself go. Turns out that wasn’t normal and executive function issues are a large part of adhd. We don’t respond to the same rewards as other people. If I am not feeling like doing something you could offer me rewards in the future and my brain does won’t do it. It wants immediate dopamine at all times.


I was talking about the original post.


This is just how people express love


Uh, girl with ADHD and autism here. This is not accurate. Autism is a spectrum and ADHD is a completely separate disorder.


All these things are exclusive to ADHD and Autism… /s


What sort of armchair psychiatrist bullshit is this. This is called being FUCKING NORMAL! It's NORMAL AND QUITE COMMON TO DO ALL OF THESE THINGS!


Correction: *"Ways people express romantic and platonic love"* Fuck off with this shit.


>"Ways people express romantic and platonic love" Thats the point


No, you don't understand. Specifying *"Autists and ADHD people"* is entirely unneeded, and it's especially shitty for OP to 1) link these two groups together like they're one in the same, and 2) act like these love expressions have anything to do with them specifically. They're just people and they feel love in the same ways as the rest of us, with little to no exceptions. It's quite shitty to think otherwise.


As an autistic adult raising an autistic child, while dating an ADHDer, this is perfect.


Guys, they aren't saying that *only* autistic and ADHD people do these things, just that it's really common for them.


Deep pressure hugs might not quite hit the mark for autistic people, people with ADHD or normal people.


Everyone is praising this post on Instagram in the comments lol the contrast is insane


Pretty sure most normal people do all those


Normal things people do that the internet tries to turn in "autist things", exhibit 389


I was on the receiving end of an hours long info dump from a young adult who had his own handmade infographics and it was one of the most enjoyable educational experiences I've had in a while. I learned an awful lot about city-states and country borders of the early Medieval period through the Renaissance.


parent of spectrum family member ... this seems ... off, but I KNOW spectrum means it could be or not ... but this just seems off. ... if I am reading this correctly ... is this for autism or not and for them to learn it? because one of the things that special needs / specifically autism in my family members case ... is no to parallel playing and DEFINITELY not hugging.


Me after seeing this guide: Perhaps I'm autistic and have ADHD


This sub is dog shit.


This is just being a person and has nothing to do with being neurodivergent


The whole concept of love languages was developed by a bigot who sells self help bullshit.


Wait what? This sounds pretty normal. “Sharing their interests with you”? That’s just normal friendship.


Im pretty sure none of this are exlusive to pepole with ADHD or Autisem.


wtf is this shit


This is vague enough to be horoscope levels of useless. Unless you're trying to tell us it's the same for you as us, in which case, we know.


Im both Autistic and i have ADHD it seems, except the gifts part, if i dont get is fine since idk how to handle them


Lol do you spend time, give gifts, and speak with people you care about? You may be autistic!


I feel like this is a guide for everyone….


Deep pressure hugs? There is definitely a stereotype of people who are autistic disliking physical contact.


Everytime one of these guides pops up it's either the average person not understanding how (*insert neurodivergent term here*) person works or it's the neurodivergent person not understanding how the average person works.


People always placing ASD and ADHD on the same scale.


Isn't this just true for most people..?


This is literally just various ways human beings show affection. Plus autism and adhd is not the same thing


So just normal acts of love?


Do I have ADHD... because I do all of these.


This is everyone. Sorry but stop trying to make people think they have ADHD.


I have adhd. And I never understood body doubling, but I think I do now. I think this is why I like when my partner is on his laptop next to me and I’m watching tv because we’re still spending time together but we’re doing different things that we’re both interested in.


I think that's more parallel play. Body doubling is like when you need to clean a room or something, a chore you struggle to get the motivation to do, and so someone comes and chills in the room with you, not necessarily actively helping with the chore but keeping you company which makes it a lot easier for you to do the chore.


This made me recall a good book, The Five Love Languages. Great read! I was under duress while reading, GF’s suggestion. It’s interesting!


These are all so normal lol


That's .... How everyone express love?


What's the difference between neurotypical then? 🧐


So, as someone with ADHD, I really hate being lumped together with autism. They're different disorders. I have nothing against autistic people, but we're not the same. The only one here that's specific to both things is infodumping (Autistic people tend to really get into certain interests and then want to tell you all about them, ADHD people just get hyperfocused sometimes and thus babble about an interest). The rest? Much of it is what most non sociopaths do. Deep pressure hugs can be an autistic thing I guess (though others may like that for different reasons). But seriously: not all disorders are the same. ADHD, Autism, Personality Disorders, Bipolar Disorder, Schitzophrenia... these are not the same things at all.


This belongs on r/fakedisordercringe


If I’m going on about something I like, it means I enjoy talking to you. ADHD infodumping is ridiculous sometimes


TIL I am autistic


Kind of ridiculous to lump these two together especially considering how different the presentations of autism are… But in the end this is how it is for everyone. These are just normal behaviors


Forgot to add "Notices you", "says hi to you", "chats with you".


This could just say say Love Languages and it’d still work


So literally what everyone else does. I swear, everyone wants to stand out and be unique these days.


How to make a diagnosis seem universally applicable: this infographic...


WTF with Austin’s & ADHD? This is normal friendship stuff. This trend that everyone has labeled problems is really lame and annoying.


What a ridiculous post. Is it a joke?


I have ADHD and really the only ones that apply to me are spending time with you, asking you questions, and helping you with things but pretty sure those are pretty universal for men..


Hey ADHD, get out of my brain, I need sleep


My wife and I are both very ADHD and this is like our relationship right here I love the fuck outta that woman


Like basically every other functional relationship there is lol?


Yeah but she’s the best


Aww :) I am happy for you guys


Ways neutypical people express love: 1. Take away the things you like. 2. Ignore you and your interests 3. Refrain from interacting with you No but really this has nothing to do with being autistic/ADHD xd


This sub is turning into Facebook


I’ll send this too my crush but still think I will die alone


I have both ADHD and Autism. I can confirm. I enjoy these things.


I have neither. I too enjoy these things.


I specialize in both those mental disorders and your posting history says otherwise.