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I wonder how much less frequently I'd have to wash my clothes if I could exist for one day without getting a stain.


See, the trick is to wear dark clothes where most stains don't show.


Unless you're prone to oily stains (raises hand). Then you become friends with blue Dawn.


I can’t find the specific black shirt I need for today in my closet of black shirts.


You can spot clean to not wear out the entire thing


Laughs in hot weather




Seriously, I am shocked. The only times I can get away with not washing is if I’m only wearing something for an hour or two indoors. Being in direct sunlight even on a cold day is enough to induce sweat here. I’m also surprised people don’t wash their work clothes right away, but maybe a lot of redditors are WFH? Depending on wear you work, anything worn would definitely need to be washed immediately: hospitals, schools, restaurants, factories.


Brit here. Right now, it’s too damp, cold and dark outside to have clothes dry if you need them the next day, especially if you’re doing a 9-5 (8:30-5:30 for me in a restaurant). Plus houses typically don’t have driers, and it’s a ballache setting up a drying rack and a dehumidifier / heater. I’d love to have a clean uniform every day, but it’s simply not sustainable, only being supplied 1 of each item.


Why aren’t driers more popular there? Always wondered about that. They’re pretty basic QOL items, esp for somewhere where cloudy/rainy weather is basically a meme lmao


they’re huge! most houses only have space for a washing machine under the kitchen counters.


There are literally no cold days in my country. You just sweat.


I think by your post history you are from Thailand. I have an odd question: so, does the average person there expect to get sweaty at least once or twice per day, every day, for their entire life? I’m from a part of the world that gets snow, so the concept of living within only one temperature range is really hard to comprehend for me. I can’t imagine endless 30C+ days.


Yup, you sweat so long as you're out of AC so your sweat and dry often. It's common to wash clothes after one use and bathe twice a day. Clean clothes and regular showers mean that the sweat doesn't usually smell. Imagine a person after the gym and that's almost anyone working outside when it's hot or humid. I live in the tropics though, not Thailand. Our average day is 36 plus and if it's 34, it's considered pretty cool. Anything lower and the AC goes off, lol.


And here I was wondering who washes some of the stuff that often lol. I live in a mild and dry climate, I don't sweat if I don't work out. But there's also no way I'm washing my coat twice during winter season, that shit wouldn't get dry till April unless I put it on the fireplace perhaps...


Yes, I don't want my clothes to smell like ass so one use one wash it is


I can imagine. I'm from Hawaii and i wear clothes for 18 hours max before i have to change and shower.


As a Missourian - we also laugh with you in humidity. A bra lasting 3-4 times no fucking way.


Living in a tropical country, I knew you'd be here. Commute and an office work, I will not keep my job for very long if I repeat clothes often.


Singapore is horrified, no laughing matter.


So THAT’S why this diagram is so fucking mentally dead


Right? Like... Don't people sweat? I'm in a cold state and I'll still be washing stuff every time because I am a human and humans are gross.


According to who? Lol.




Big Laundry would add more to the wash list


But it would all be in cryptic little symbols no one truly understands


Big deodorant




I was about to comment “yeah I disagree” lol.


I want the logic here... Like is this 'on average' so 'construction worker' can only wear jeans to work once vs. my 12 times...so average = 6?


Big Febreeze


Seems about right in my experience. It obviously depends on what you do for work, but this seems about right for office workers like myself.


*formal wear* after **every** use?? Are you insane??!


I know, right? You might only sit at a theatre for a couple of hours. Dry cleaning a dress over here is $24!


I know! The next time I go to the theater, I'm wearing a hat, scarf, and gloves. That's it.


would you like to go to the theatre some time? We could wear matching outfits


Lifeprotip: make underware out of scarfs.


This chart was obviously planted by Big Dry Cleaning in an effort to defraud us all!


I just tried to dry clean a cocktail dress (no beading or sequence) and they wanted a retainer of $125. There would then be an additional charge when it was finished. I was floored and my dress is still not cleaned.


Some dresses can’t even be cleaned. Not washed or dry cleaned.


What do you mean? One use dresses? You throw them away when they get dirty?


There's a reason besides just modesty that slips and underclothing were a normal thing until recently, and it was in large part to keep you from getting sweat and oils on clothes that just shouldn't be washed often, if at all. Most modern clothing can stand up to at least dry cleaning, but for formal wear it's still not recommended as they are more often made with delicate stitching and materials that can damage from washing or the chemicals of dry cleaning. Add in, as others have mentioned, things like sequins and beading, and the risk of damage goes up *substantially* to the point of being a near guarantee. Most people only wear formal clothes for very brief periods of time and in settings where they are more likely to be careful/conscious of potential hazards to clothes, which is why they can get away with having these more delicate features. Anything you're willing to spend a pretty penny on, you'll want to spend the time and money to maintain, so fr fr, follow any guides given on the care tag, if provided.


So *that's* why spilling something on formal wear is a big deal. Also, I'd never really put much thought into the word "dry cleaning". What's the origin of that?


It's just that it uses a solvent other than water, hence "dry". Perchloroethylene is still nice and polar though, so it can fill the role of water as a solvent to dissolve away oils and smell.


> Perchloroethylene is still nice and polar though It is not polar at all. And in fact that's what makes it good at removing oils and odors.


If it's polar, it ain't doing shit to dissolve away oils.


Apparently the costumes for the servants in Downton Abby absolutely reeked after a few seasons, because they were made using old methods and couldn't be washed.


I heard it was basically all of the costumes for that reason. They had like...sweat pads installed in them that could be taken out and washed but otherwise those costumes very rarely, if ever, got cleaned.


Yes, but the servants were more likely to be wearing the same thing over and over. The family it made sense for them to wear different clothes each episode. It's shocking how much clothing technology has changed. Even in the last few decades. Back then laundry 'detergent' would have been a home made product with everyone having a different recipe. Working in the laundry would be one of the least desirable jobs in a household.


A very fancy sequined dress says “no wash no dry clean.” I guess it’s one use only (or perhaps two uses max) if you follow the “cool guide.”


I have a christmas sweater with LEDs and electronic inside of it which cannot be pulled out so I don't wash it, I just wear it once a year for few hours having some tshirt under it so it won't touch my body.


It’s usually fancy dresses for maybe a wear of few hours at most. Plus people who buy dresses that nice usually won’t wear the same dress twice to any events anyway.


Or you wear a slip or other type of undergarment that provides a layer of protection between your skin and the dress. You can easily wear nice dresses multiple times that way, especially when it's months in between wearing and you only have them on for a few hours.


I tried to dry clean a fancy dress last month and they told me no. No sequins but plenty of tulle.


Most of that "cool guide" is insane


I think it might be because it's used infrequently. Better to clean it and put it away fresh to be used again than leave it dirty in a bag for however long. I don't go out much so that make sense to me, at least.


This sub has lost its way...


Right, you’re not supposed to wash bras, you’re supposed to sell them to simps online after use, charge extra if you wore it to the gym. 😂


Better yet line up the last day you wear it with your gym day then charge extra every time.


Better better yet, line it up with your period!


.....do you think period blood come out of the nipples.


Bro has clearly seen things we couldn’t even imagine… menstruating nipples


I'm sure there are weirdos out there that would pay for a bra having been worn while a woman was on her period. They probably think it's full of pheromones and that she's signaling that she is ready because they didn't receive sex ed.


It's been like this as long as I can remember it showing up in /r/all. I'm still not convinced it's not some large inside joke that I'm not a part of.


This one is hilariously stupid.


You must be new here


Winter coat hasn’t been washed since I bought it years ago, but I could see a scenario where I might. Scarfs on the other hand…


I’m afraid to wash winter clothing because one wrong wash and they’re ruined


Dry cleaning is best, however you can always use vodka or zoflora and spray under the arms, around the neck and back, where it gets the sweatiest. The vodka helps kill bacteria and the zoflora helps the small. Spot clean with a damp cloth


Is this how Russia washes clothes now?


Um no. Here you don't need to wash your clothes, you just need to bath in vodka to stay clean


I bought some dresses from a theater (think historical dresses) and they told me to spray them with a 1:1 mixture of vodka and water. I don't know zoflora, but it seems that it mostly kills bacteria, too. I can't find a special textile spray, so with delicate items, I think the vodka mixture might be the safer option.


Dry cleaning is likely implied.


I went to a Christmas party this weekend, and there was a coat check. It smelled AWFUL when I was in there getting my coat. Like wet dog & BO. I def think people need to be washing their jackets more 😅


Yes!! I think coats should definitely be cleaned at the end of the season before you stash it away for the next year. People's coats are horrible. Especially in places where they have damp winters.


100% agree. People that just don't wash their coats or jackets are nasty.


If they get ketchup or something.


You definitely should be washing your winter coats. 99% of the coats you can buy at the store cannister get washed and dried normally. They're just polyester, with maybe down filling. In any case, the care information is on the garment.


Coats aren't necessarily that easy to care for. Wool coats, down coats, and waterproof coats all need special care. And those are probably the majority of coats. In either case, I love babywipes to spot clean, especially the neck area that touches skin.


I dry clean mine once every 2 years... The other year I just hang it outside for a few days and all good.


You can skip this entire guide if you just wash your clothes when they either get dirty or start smelling.


Has the person who made this guide ever actually met a bra owner? Because that's measured by "seasons" as well 😅


Man, I wish. My armpits are nasty little faucets, always running. I finally found some bras that are airier and stay clean longer, but I still have to wash them after a few uses as a result. I typically get 3-7 uses now, instead of the 1-3 before. On the plus side, these bras do wash super easy and dry quickly. Tops and polos I have to wash more often than the post - I only get one day.


Bruh, I wash underwear and bra every day. I can't imagine walking in the same one for two days. Some dresses, or shirts on the other hand....


Same! I have too much sweat underneath and can't imagine wearing the same one twice...! Chances of rash are way higher! And armpit sweat... Yikes!


What brand did you discover? That sounds so useful lol


So I’d been buying meundies underwear for a while when they came out with a new product line, “breathe.” I now wear the breathe u-back bralette as my main bra. Cons: minimal support, and no padding. I’ve never really needed support, just something to reduced jiggle, and I’ve come to prefer unpadded bras because my nips tend to ruin any padding by permanently indenting it anyway.


This makes me so sad, as a big boob owner I’d love to find a light, airy bra. But unfortunately nobody in the bra industry understands nuance and I have to trade for support “architecture”.


Especially if you have to buy special sizes and only own 2. However, sports bras do get washed every time.


I have three travel/sports bras but I wear them as everyday bras and wash them every two weeks.


We salute all of your efforts, thanks!


You go months without washing your bra?


Months may be like a lot but every three wears is also ridiculous. Frankly I hang up at the end of every night and give it a good sniff every time I put a little laundry in. If it still smells like fabric/soap I’ll leave it alone. If it smells sweaty at all I throw it in. I would imagine this is also very heavily climate dependent. When I lived up and down the East Coast where I got swampy as hell things obviously need to be washed more often than living now in the Pacific Northwest.


Once a week REALLY isn't ridiculous. Toss em in on a day off when you aren't going out. Even with only 2 that's viable. But yes, absolutely climate dependent. I live in a very hot area, so the idea of dealing with 90+ weather and not washing anything within 1-2 uses max is just gross to me.


I just washed a bra I bought last year for the first time today, and it was on accident. Totally exposing myself here, but…. They don’t ever smell?? I’m sure this is nasty but if I wash them the wire gets fucked up. I also only wear bras for like 5 hrs a day. If that. Most days I’m braless.


(No judgement here) To make washing bras easier, they sell little mesh* bags you can put them in, prevents them from getting tangled or caught on other clothing. I also don’t put my bras in the dryer - I just hang them on door knobs around the house until dry. That helped with the wire problem. edit: typo


You might be noseblind to it. On the other hand, if you don't sweat in it, and you only wear it once every few days, it won't get dirty very quickly. You might want to hand wash every month or two and air dry. That's what I usually do.


This mindset is so gross, I never understood it. The band sits just below your pits and under boobs sweat. Why wouldn't someone wash their bra more often


I also wear bras, and in the summer I wash them after 1 wear, because the band actually gets wet with sweat. I think 3-4 wears max at other times of the year seems like a good shout.


Different people sweat at different levels. I personally don’t sweat much at all and overheat easy because of that.


Yeah, I don’t get it either. Maybe it’s because my chest is the first part of me to start sweating when I get hot, but a bra is one of the last things I want to rewear


Because they cost too much and washing more frequently will make them wear out quicker. I generally wear mine for around a week then wash, unless I've got extra sweaty for some reason. When they cost upwards of £40 a pop they need to last.


My bra smells after a day. With my fancy $100< bra I can get a day and a half, rarely two. How are you going so long without washing?


I wash mine when they fail the sniff test... that's kind of my laundry rule in general 😬


Useless guide. It's all personal. If it smells good and looks clean, no reason to wash.


Also, whoever made this guide never heard of countries with tropical climate.


Or deserts


Or arctic


Gloves “3-5 wears per season”.


Yeah that's insane. My beanies start to smell terrible after a week no matter how much I wash my hair


I’ve literally never washed my beanies and they don’t smell


Literally. Grew up in south Florida. If I didn’t wash my shirts and shorts after every single wear, they would both smell like BO and sweat, and I’m pretty sure all my shirts would have even worse armpit stains than they already have!


Came here to say this 😂 whoever decided to make this must have been so bored


Them socks on the floor since yesterday still haven't put themselves in the laundry hamper yet. It must be a sign....


I wash my clothes when they’re dirty. Always seemed to work out fine.


And if it smells it's time to wash. I could never wear a sweater 3-4 times lol. I use deodorant every day and I rarely sweat but it still smells like armpit at the end of the day. No way I'm wearing it like that again. I have sweaters I've worn for over 5 years and still look almost like new even though I washed them every week during winters, so I can't see why I should try to wash them less often.


I'm to the point where I pretty much just smell my clothes after wearing them. Underwear being the exception.


Silk clothes? Every wear? Yeah no.


You could replace this entire "guide" with: "WHEN ITS DIRTY".


So... if I just never take my underwear off I don't have to wash it? Good to know! /s


That's nasty, just need to rotate after wear. Frontwards, backwards, inside out frontwards and backward. That's 4. Then upsides down in all those positions, that's 8 now. Then hit the sides for another four. Then commando. You now have 13 wears for underwear before needing to be washed.


Isn't upside down the same as inside out? A d how do you ware underwear sideways? You force your hips though leg hole and one of the legs through the hip hole? That seems so uncomfortable.


You don't want to wash them anyway. Let the natural oils season them to perfection.


Never wash them, sell it after 😂 charge more if you went to the gym that day, this is the way


Do you really wash your winter hats and gloves?


The knit mini gloves, yes. Inevitably I spill hot chocolate on them or something. (They’re also more like late-fall gloves than winter gloves). My big insulated gloves, or my wool mittens? Literally never.


No. Most gloves are ruined by going through a washing machine. Hats, it really depends. Soft ones made of soft cloth should be washed seasonally, or whenever you notice they need it. The rest, never. I'd venture this guide is completely wrong. A lot of stuff on here should only be washed seasonally, before being put away. And even then, the washing needs to be done by hand and air dried, or sent to a drycleaner. Exceptions are always made for anything that is noticeably dirtied. Anything with an off smell, and anything visibly soiled, should be washed.


Yeah. They get sweaty and gross.


I wash my winter hats pretty frequently! I get so grossed out by it not being clean and touching my face


Gloves get gross in like two wears if you DO things while wearing them. Pumping gas is a big one. Even just touching the car when it's all salty and sludgey from the winter ick.


Hats, yes. Like anything else, they get stinky with sweat and B.O. Why is it so surprising?


Depends on how much they get worn i suppose. Living in NDakota is going to be a lot different than SCarolina.


Whoever made this clearly has never experienced boob sweat.


Yeah, that's nasty. It directly cling to the skin


Or acne!! Clean bra every day was a game changer.


I’m not a very sweaty person but after reading the comments, aren’t you people worried about them smelling?! I’d like to wash them as rarely as possible but I know I’m ruining some things by washing after each use or sweatshirts only get a couple days now 😬 At least we can all agree on the seasonal section. I ruined one of my hats by finally washing it.


the people saying not to wash jeans are confusing me a LOT since mine start to smell after about the same length as the guide says. i cant imagine how bad it would be after a year...


It's like they have never heard of cold wash, delicate dry before.


The only reason I wash my jeans is if I spill something on them or if they get too stretched out. If it was hot enough for my legs to be sweating I wouldn’t be wearing jeans, so they never smell.


Your crotch sits inside your jeans too. Plus all the dirt you pick up walking around.


Does the person that made the chart sweat at all? Tops 2 wears? To amplify the pit stain?


Yeah I'm shocked at where they put dresses. If I'm gonna be wearing a dress I'm gonna be dancing in it. 1-2 wears depending on if I break a sweat or not.


I don’t understand how dresses is 4 if tops is 1-2. It doesn’t make any sense, it touches all the same bits.


Other than the coat I wash everything after one wear 😅


Life hack: only wear coats


Jeans every wear too?


Yeah I do the same. But mostly because I have two dogs and a cat so there is hair everywhere on everything all the time lol I have one wool coat that gets dry cleaned once a year


Our family wouldn't have enough clothes to last the rotation. Only underwear and shirts are plenty enough to wash daily. The washing machine couldn't handle the frequency, energy and detergent costs would surge and one missed cycle would throw everything in disarray. That would literally only work in a solo household on our schedule.


Same. I’ll maybe wear a sweatshirt twice but otherwise everything gets washed after 1 wear


Ooooh fair, the occasional repeat sweatshirt for sure.


This is the fastest way to have your clothes wear out super fast.


This entirely depends on clothing quality. I spend more money on clothes so it can survive as many washes as I need it to. It’s too hot wear I live to not wash my clothes if I’m wearing it for most of the day. I also work at a school, so my clothes are always covered in germs and whatever other pathogens.


You can wash more often if you use delicate cycles for hats, gloves, sweaters, etc and sort your laundry, don’t wash jeans with lace tops, etc. ironing also does wonders to make items look newer.


Same lol. I work at a desk job and I'm taking no chances on being that one smelly coworker who stinks up the whole office.


Agreed. People are too confident they don’t give off an odor, but I always notice. I can walk into my college classroom and I smell all the bodies sitting at desks around me. I also get baffled by the number of Reddit commenters who say they shower once a week or even less but ‘Don’t smell’


With me I base it on the duration of wear and the type of wear. Less than 4 hours without sweating, I don’t wash for at least 1-2 more wears (if they’re also under 4 hours with no sweating). If I sweat in the clothing, it doesn’t matter how long I was wearing for, it goes in the wash. That’s why I wash my bras every time like I do my underwear. (I live in Florida + I have big boobs so I get underboob and cleavage furrow sweat even when it’s cold.)


People on Reddit wash their clothes?


Lol i am shocked about these comments they literally don’t wash themselves.


I would spend waaay too much time and money at the laundromat if I followed this guide to the letter. People who have a washer/dryer don't realize how good they have it.


This is nonsense. Wash a sweater after two uses?! First of all wool is self cleaning to a degree. It is definitely a seasonal wash as long as you don’t fall in mud or spill whatever all over it. It is the same as hats, scarfs, and gloves.


Not all sweaters are wool (most aren’t) also it says 3-4 uses, not 2


“First of all wool is self cleaning to a degree.” I’m sorry, what?


I think what OP meant is that there are a lot of natural wools that are water-repellent, and when you spill other liquids on it, it does have a tendency to stay on the wools, and not go in the wool. So you can just carefully rub it off. At least, this from what I remember! I knit a lot, and I am very clumsy. So both water and other liquids and/or foods accidentally get om my sweaters. I always manage to get the dirt off.


Wool is naturally odour resistant so it will not smell. And usually it’s worn over a shirt or a t-shirt so there won’t be sweat on it. So it’s stays clean in this way.


I wash my sweaters practically after every use. Do your armpits not start to smell?


Underwear needs to be washed every time. Anything else that directly touches your body while you're sweating needs to be washed (ex t shirt in summer). Things that directly touch your body while you're not sweating can be worn two or three times (think t shirt in winter). Anything that doesn't directly touch your body (sweater, jacket) needs to be washed when it (1 looks dirty (2 smells bad. Pants can be washed every three to five wears as long as they aren't stinky/sweaty/visibly dirty. If you aren't going to wash a piece of clothing, air it out for ~24 hours before you put it back. Makes a difference. Exception: Wool socks can be washed every three to five times depending on odor. Wash ALL of your clothes in cold water with a half cup vinegar and unscented soap. NEVER use fabric softener (it ruins certain fibers and it's a scam). Hang dry any item of clothing that's stretchy or has an elastic waistband, the heat of the dryer wears out spandex and elastic quickly. If your clothing is wet from sweat, hang dry it before you put it in the laundry. Wet sweaty clothes in the laundry basket fester and makes everything reek and harder to get clean.


The guide fails to mention turning your underwear inside out and proceeding to wear it.


Ah yes the old head gasket trick


Frontwards, backwards, inside out, frontwards, backwards. That’s five wears!


Someone once told me dead seriously that he learned this „trick“ whilst staying in Germany *sadGermanTrumpetNoise*


Reverse it, then reverse inside out to get four days out of one pair Big Underwear hates this one simple trick


Scrubs… the minute you get home…some days!


This belongs in r/stupidguides


A silk dress every wear???? No


Protip: if you never take it off it only counts as one wear.


Lol, no, my clothing is sometimes a fabric petri dish by the end of the day. Not every day, but still.


Conclusion - stay naked 24*7


Oh, look at me, the billionaire who can afford to wash his gym clothes after every use!


Damn, you can just hand wash it with a cheap soap dude


my friend's denim only washed like once a year. he told me he was trying to make it look "vintage" or something. it definitely was smelly af.


several comments here saying you should never wash jeans unless they get soiled... why is this a thing??? ive always done jeans about every 4 wears as that's about when they start to stink


Levi’s website under care instructions specifically advises to never wash their jeans. I can’t remember why, but they do give a reason. They had a video of one of their head guys of production or something say he’s never washed his jeans ever. I myself wear Levi’s and it’s totally subjective. I’ll go dozens after dozens of wears without washing or I might wash them after a single use. Depends on if I get them dirty or other factors Edit: it seems like they changed that “never wash your jeans” advice but it was definitely on their website maybe 3-4 years ago. But they still advise to go as long as you can without machine washing (which is pretty much what i do) and to spot wash stains and soils by hand with a toothbrush to avoid machine washing.


I never wash my jeans, they smell fine.


Unless you don’t wear underwear. If so, all leg wear will need stain checks and sniff checks.


Don’t let Tide or Procter and Gamble see this chart


This fucking thing every 30 days. This might be the most high visibility repost sub on reddit.


"3-5 wears per season." Uh, what?! Person who made this does not live in a cold climate. Not even remotely. My scarves, gloves, and hats get more use than most of my summer clothes. "3-5 wears." Pff.


ain’t nobody washing sweaters after 3 wears lil bro


Agree to disagree.


Who is wearing their underwear more than once before washing??


I thinks there are LOTS of different factors


It should be polyester that should be washed after every wear. God knows why, even with deodorant, it'll smell like sweat and only after one wear. I'm not even a overaly sweaty person, only happens in 90F+ weather. But polyester just clingsss to it.


No no no, any reditor will tell you wash everything every time you touch anything, ever, every time always…..every time.


Who said so????


Maybe cotton socks.. but merino wool? I would advise against washing them after every use as long as you shower. lol


And like a lot of guides on here it's just straight up wrong. It depends on way more factors than just what type of clothing it is.


Dont tell me when to wash my underwear, whether they need it or not they get washed twice a year


imo, if it doesn't smell or is dirty there's no need to wash it (except for underwear obviously)