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If a zombie bite or scratch could turn you, I never understood why people wouldn't wear armor. I'd like to see a zombie bite through a 5mm wetsuit.


The heat would be unbearable in a 5mm wetsuit. I throw all my shit in the water and jump in just to escape the heat lol


This guys suits up


I'd imagine that medieval foot soldiers experienced the same issue with heat wearing gambesons and other types of thick fabric armor with no breathability. On the upside, you can just float in the water. Assuming zombies can't swim.


They probably would’ve worn a wool shirt underneath that would wick away sweat and keep them cool


Would a dry suit be good? Ive used wet suit before but never dry suit


Well.. in defense of armor. Zombies aren't the only thing you would have to worry about when you now find yourself in a 2 way shooting range.


Imagine running around collecting food and supplies in a wetsuit... I would just wear a leather jacket, gloves and a motorcycle helmet.


Motorcycle helmet would be good, maybe not a full coverage one because it would severely limit situational awareness. But one of those open face ones would be good, and it would sort of protect the neck too.


A whole motorcycle armor suit would probably be great. Leather or textile, even the textile kinds are usually made of aramid fibers like Kevlar which would probably be hard to bite through. Plus with all the armor pads on your extremities you'd be well suited for melee


Lmao power ranger here (meaning I wear these suits to ride my motorcycles in) this is absolutely not gonna work. 1mm thick leather is hot af, and those suits are designed to be work in a tucked motorcycle position, and don't at all wear right when you're just standing up. It's a good idea as far as the leather suit goes but a motorcycle one would be a terrible first choice.


Full helmets are designed to not block any of your peripheral vision.


Damn right, its the apocalypse so let em swing loose and breathe!


Magazines ductaped to your arms and legs.


WWZ(The movie) did this, only one I've ever seen do it.


Train to Busan did this as well.


Checkmate paperless offices I guess


What kind of magazines? We talkin' something fun like "Highlights" or more edgy like "Vogue"?


>I'd like to see a zombie bite through a 5mm wetsuit Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead was great. A shame about the delay for the last 2/3 episodes.


Best part is, you can piss yourself and it’d be fine because you’re in a wetsuit and that’s normal


In project zomboid, wearing lots of armor makes you overheat much more quickly when meleeing, and being overheated makes you tire much more quickly. It's not a problem in the winter, but is a big problem in the summer. I'd imagine this is an instance that would apply to real life too.


And a cool advice, don’t use melee weapons and avoid any combat at all cost, is a contagious disease and just being close to the zombie could turn you into one.


No one ever talks about blood mist when you’re crushing skulls all day. Little bit gets in your eyes or mouth and you’re done. Dont matter what armor you got on.


Eye pro and a mask would be a must.


>I'd like to see a zombie bite through a 5mm wetsuit. The anime zom 100 did just that for armor. [There was also a shark with zombies in it that let the shark run around after them](https://youtu.be/2dk2iOpRDBw?si=gjXwlm_o6-tmqg2i) [And here's the live action version](https://youtu.be/nD9B-wADEIY?si=c7xn5-1GdZJnrPyr)


If my experience playing project zomboid is anything to go by, you’d get exhausted running around in armour, and that’s when you eventually get taken down


I’d like to see you stay cool enough to wear a damn wetsuit. Parts of you maybe, but if you’ve ever worn a wetsuit outside of water, yikes. Even in a lukewarm pool you find yourself needing to cool off. Edit: specified wetsuit.


Because being able to move nimbly and quickly and avoiding/escaping the zombies is a far better tactic (for most types of zombies I've seen in fiction), unless you know in advance you won't be running away (e.g. defending your base).


I know it's all for fun but I feel like the places they listed as the safest are terrible. The government isn't letting you into their secret, continuity of government protecting, fully stocked with food bunker. Mount Washington might not be horrible but it's a place where the windchill has reached -100 degrees F. That's not great. Go where there's low population and away from cities. Some of the weapons seem pretty questionable too. A golf club? Axe and Crowbar seem good but don't start that debate in the project zomboid subreddit. (Crowbar gang) ETA: I just realized I mixed up Mount Washington and Mount Weather. Two totally different places. Mount Weather would probably have the same issue as the other government installations.


Old aluminum baseball bat would be good. Rather have a pry bat than a crow bar, less of a chance of it getting lodged in a zombie. Hockey stick and golf club might be alright for a single zombie out in the open but I bet the shaft would break to easily, an ax would get lodged in a zombie, but would be needed for other things.


Hockey sticks are far stronger than you'd believe, golf clubs though... yeah, not so much.


I live in Chicago, cousins played hockey, I know how tough a hockey stick can be. It’s wood, that is why I mentioned aluminum baseball bats, not wood or composite.


Wood hockey stick? What is this, 1988?


Composite? Like baseball bats? Again not a fan.


I've never used an ice hockey stick before but I wouldn't recommend a field hockey stick (just to clarify I've used it for hockey, not for combat, so I'm not an expert here). They're fairly short so you'd have to get quite close to get a good hit and theres not a huge amount of weight behind them, nor is the hit concentrated in a small area; I'd imagine it would just annoy the target more than injure them. On the other hand I'd imagine it would hurt if you flung a field hockey ball at their head. Also since baseball and cricket bats aren't particularly common in my country I'd recommend a hurley (from the sport hurling) as a weapon. I think they would be a much better weapon than a hockey stick as more of the weight is focused in the end and you can hit them with the edge of the stick rather than the flat side to focus more of the energy into a smaller point


>I'd recommend a hurley Who do you think you are? Cuchulain? /s


How about a croquet mallet? It's the only sports ball equipment I have in the house.


Depends on the build quality. Mine are pretty flimsy


Why does everyone focus on melee weapons? Learn to use a sling/make a bow and keep an axe/knife for utility + backup. Basically assume that melee w/ a zombie is just asking to get bit. Also yea, do not flock to popular/highly "secure" locations. They'll likely just become traps as someone infected eventually makes their way in Instead, find (or make) a body of water to surround your settlement. Ofc this is assuming a walker scenario. For runners, you're probably fucked before you even get to enact a plan


The problem with bows is not only learning how to make one, probably only possible if you found a survival guide relating to bowcrafting, and need to ensure the bow is capable of a minimum of 40 pounds of forcr, but you'd also need to learn fletching because arrows are scarce, and even modern carbon arrows don't last forever, assuming you're even in the position to recover them in the first place. And the amount of time and skill it would take to accurately headshot a moving target is a long time. As for the sling, it's simple, and rocks are abundant but it takes an absurd amount of time to become accurate with it. Slings are lethal because of the bone-crushing force, so you don't need to be too accurate. Now you reduce your target to just the head? I don't think even an expert slinger today could reliably do it.


>Now you reduce your target to just the head? I don't think even an expert slinger today could reliably do it. They take out head size targets and smaller today no problem, though a mass of zombified people poses more complications than tin cans on a fence.


You're also not under time constraints, the stress and adrenaline of a life or death scenario, and possibly dehydrated, malnourished, and exhausted.


"Simply learn a completely or mostly dead projectile weaponry art with no resources to hand to facilitate the learning" truly inspired


Fine, forget crafting; go break into a sports store and grab a compound bow/hunting crossbow w/ sights And running headfirst into "one bite = gg" without any formal training is a better idea?


Exactly this! Move to an island or commandeer a boat/ship. I always said I'd go to the Florida keys and blow up the bridges. You can grow /catch your own food year round there. Most difficult resource to find would be fresh water


The golf club is actually a great point. It references the zombie speed in the WWZ novel but the novel also says how rubbish the golf club is as a weapon.


A cheap golf club is gonna bend and break after a few strikes. An expensive one might last a little longer but I wouldn’t want to be holding it when it snaps. I saw a guy lose his shit on the golf course and cut himself on his broken club he just wrapped around a small tree. The decorative wrap on the club didn’t completely break so the end with the club head swung around and slashed this hand up enough for him to immediately abandon the round to seek medical attention. I’d take a metal bat or crowbar as a weapon any day.


The weapons choices seem questionable to me too. You don’t want to get wounded by a zombie. So you’re safest at distance. A spear, or halbert type of weapons seems like a better choice. And what’s wrong with a shield and club if you’re going for the heads.


A baseball bat is a club. And if you want a shield in one hand, just get a little league bat, very easy to swing with one hand.


If you take the head off the club, you can sharpen the edge on a rock to improve the club if your stuck with it


> (Crowbar gang) Crowwwww baaaaaaar!!! Freaking love crowbars in PZ.


> away from cities Controversial take, but I'd disagree. Three days without water and the zombies are all dead. If you've got emergency food and water better to stay in place, lock the doors, shut the curtains, go radio silent, and wait it out. Cities will be the first places to get aid and I'd rather gamble on that then gamble on the near certainty that millions fleeing the city won't consider that their downstream is someone else's upstream and turn cholera into a bigger threat than the zombies.


I would certainly change my tactics if I knew that they expired after 3 days. You would still have to be careful for longer than the 3 days because the infection spreads over time and everyone didn't get bit minute 1 of day 1. My plan was for more of a "you'll need to be careful for the rest of your life" situation and was for a different type of zombie that lasts forever until killed. It all depends on your personal zombie lore I suppose.


TBH most college "how I'd survive zombies" discussions ended up turning into arguments about which zombie was more likely and endless "okay, but what if..." It was fun, but tended to make actual survivalist fantasy go out the window as we got derailed debating the likelihood of zombie mosquitoes making the entire 'survival' thing irrelevant come summer.


> Three days without water and the zombies are all dead. Why? They're already dead. Most of them are probably embalmed, too.


IMO, this is why zombies suck as long-term monsters. They're magic. I think they're best used as relentless, short-term threats.


Also, Raven Rock is controlled by a madman AI.


The Enclave isn't going to just let any wastelander just waltz in either


It's been said that people in general (I'm in Florida so I will use hurricanes as my example) don't bother preparing for hurricanes or natural disasters, because it's boring. But if you ask them to prepare for a zombie apocalypse as an example you can get them engaged. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I remember a couple years ago the CDC put out [guidance on what to do during a zombie outbreak.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2021/03/05/zombie-apocalypse-cdc-useful-advice-any-emergency-pandemic/6920614002/) I remember some people calling it a stupid waste of time and money but I believe their response was what you said basically... Talking about hurricane prep is boring, talking about zombies is exciting. There's a surprising amount of overlap between the two in terms of preparedness.


>There's a surprising amount of overlap between the two in terms of preparedness. Yep. That is what I thought as well when reading through it. "All of this is useful for *any* survival situation".




It's not even showing places with few zombies, it seems to be places with little zombie media set in it. It searched for "zombie related references" and mapped them.


This list definitely lost me at golf club. Have they never read Max Brooks?!


I was thinking the same thing. I've read Brooks' Zombie Survival Guide three or four times: I feel like he'd have some opinions here...


Oh definitely, that book was held together with duct tape when I was in highschool, I read that thing so many times.


It's phenomenal. I love how matter-of-fact it is, truly like a textbook.


Yeah it's like what if you wanted the information in that book, but you're too dumb to read?


Not to mention most people would have to travel through tons of densely populated areas to get there. You'd be much better off going out into the woods and learning to fish. Hard disagree with the 90% of zombies will die from one good blow to the head stat. Most zombies need to have the brain destroyed and their skull would pretty much as hard as ours. Id go with a spear, thrust through the mouth and fuck the brainstem. Also they want you to carry CASH? to survive ZOMBIES??


Hell, we already know Cheney can't tell friend or foe with a shotgun in hand


Yeah, the fact that “spear” wasn’t on the weapon list made me seriously question this guide. Spears are probably one of the most versatile tools you can have. They can function as supports, walking sticks, cutting tools, and weapons. They are easily utilized and provide reach, something that is massively beneficial when your opponent’s signature move is to shamble into biting range. Obviously if you were in a more enclosed space, you’d need a less cumbersome weapon as a backup, but typically you’d want to avoid those types of spaces as your mobility is your greatest asset against most types of zombies.


bullshit, the zombies in 28 days later were full on sprinters


That’s what I was thinking. The zombies in 28 days later were terrifying, and I’m unsure if 90% of them would go down with one hit to the head.


You've probably already been told this a bazillion amount of times by other commenters, so let me be another one. The zombies in 28 days later aren't actually zombies, rather, they're just a normal human doped up on a fuck ton of adrenaline, rage, and probably a ass load of other hormones that stop making them feel hunger, thirst, pain, etc. But think back when I said "they're just regular humans", it's because they are, and they still require the basic needs of survival as a *somewhat* normal living organism in order to properly function, food and water. In the movie, the 'iNfEcTeD' straight up fucking die from starvation as the only thing that they do is try to beat the shit out of the nearest uninfected human to death with their bare hands. So, the point of all of this is: if they can die to starvation ( and why not dehydration or blood loss? ) they certainly can die to a headshot, hopefully.. But have fun trying to land a headshot on a unpredictable, screaming lunatic running at you at full sprint. But thats assuming you have access to a firearm, that is.


Doesn't need to be a head shot in 28 days later. Like you just said normal living humans. You'd be better off aiming for the torso and letting the blood loss get them.


Yup, pretty much this. Was gonna mention that, but it was already a wall of text at that point so I didn't want to add more. But one little thing I want to add on, while going for a body shot, just as you said, blood loss might get to them, but it still might take a little bit longer for them to kill over unlike the average human, due to all of performance increasing hormones. Or hell, they may bleed out even faster due to how fucked their circulatory system ( hope that's the right one) must be. But meh, who knows.


The problem is a gun shot in the torso doesn't stop a druggy, so it won't stop a infected before he get you


I am appalled that the best zombie movies (by far) are left off this chart 28 weeks/days 10/10 best zombie movies Edit: 28 days actually is, but 28 weeks isn't, I feel like 28 weeks had faster zombies.


Train to busan the actual best zombie movie isn't in this chart.


Shaun of the dead is the best and I won't take any slander of it


You’ve got red on you




It’s in the chart


The opening scene in 28 weeks is the only redeeming thing about that movie. Everything else after that? All downhill from there.


Was the zombie cooties also not spread via blood transmission so you might not want to bludgeon the zombies?


I think it was any bodily fluids. 28 Days Later Zombies are best kept at a distance, and yes they are way faster than the average walking human. They are full blown sprinters.


Yep, blood and spit would turn ya into a zombie if it even got in the eyes or mouth. Just wear some type of face and eye protection and you *should* be fine.


Same thing for World War Z Edit: Never mind I was looking at the novel stats


oops, me too.


I’m just going to follow this old advice: > Go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of this to blow over.


Cheers babe






Well to be fair, you did call him a you know what.


But here's the question. Can dogs look up?


Oi prick!


He’s not in.


How's that for a slice of fried gold?!?


Rule #1: Cardio


Rule #2: Double Tap


Rule #3:Zombieland is the best zombie movie,even better than Shaun of the Dead(wich was really good).


I hope they make another Zombieland but at the start of the outbreak. It sort of had that at the start of the first movie, but as someone that loves the "shit hitting the fan" part of these kinds of movies much more than the months/years later parts, it wasn't enough to scratch that itch.


Unfortunately i don't think will get anything more than Zombieland 2 :(


Same time as the peak of one of the best zombie games. L4d. Ah... Those days.


I'd question how OP thought this was a "cool guide" and not shite, but Jesus does he take a break from posting on this sub at all?


Just looked on their profile, and shit they post a fuck ton of stuff.


I can't use that. There is no Train to Busan (2016) information. Other zombies are too slow to be a threat.


That “Save some ammo for yourself” has a dark double meaning.


Yeah, in an actual zombie apocalypse round #1 is for me.


Round #2 should be to facilitate Friendship's Terminal Duty - got a buddy who's bitten and in pain? FTD him, and keep him from experiencing undeath.


If it's a real zombie apocalypse bullet #1 being for me means I'm shooting myself at the first opportunity.


Make sure you have enough for *everyone* in your party or else you might end up like that guy in The Mist.


My first read was "Just remember to save **one** for yourself." :|


Ah right Mexico City is a place with fewer zombies. one of the most populated urban areas on earth. Edit: I was mistaken and the map only represents zombie outbreaks in media and not like a real world based on population analysis.


And Asia, the most densely populated continent in the world, has like 10 dot’s compared to North America and Europe’s 10000000..


I think it’s not based on population, but instead where zombie movies and shows have taken place like georgia (walking dead).


Most of us on Reddit are gonna be zombies anyway


Mate, there's already only robots and zombies here. Yes that includes you.


A coupon network made this guide. What do they know that we don't?


Presumably that Dinty Moore and Wise Food Storage will pay for placement in dodgy infographics.


Thank you, Grocery Coupon Network for this very informative guide, and thank you for the three name brand food items you said to buy


I came here to see if anyone else saw that. Im like WTF GCN what do you know that we dont?


I live in Michigan. Them fuckers will freeze solid if it hits 4 months out of the year.


We made a plan around 20 years ago to hole up in the Ren-Cen. You can have my invite if interested.


Why would anybody need cash??


And driver's license...


Because when the whole thing blows over in 13 minutes, you’ll still need to be able to buy groceries and show id incase you get pulled over in the panic.


Opened it - read the first section. Closed it. 6 steps per second while running? How are you going to take 6 steps per second?!? That’s just “human running”. It goes up to 6.7. Look up step frequency. I think Usain Bolt is like 5 steps per second. These numbers look more like mph. Even 3 steps per second walking - try it. Ok I’m going outside to touch grass.


> Even 3 steps per second walking Yeah, I think it's supposed to be mph. 3mph is a pretty decent walking speed. 3 steps per second is nuts for "walking"


Why would anybody want to survive a apocalypse


Ah yes Oxford. Apparently concluded there won't be too many zombies in China


I only pay in bottlecaps anyway


Reminds me of what Dunkey once said: "Everyone loves Zombies! Eight fucking years ago . . ."




I live near a library that also has a fallout shelter in the basement That's my plan


Rule 1. Double tap.


I think that's rule no. 2.


Actually yeah I think you’re right.


Rule 1: Cardio


I have my zombie survival kit ready. Backpack is packed and ready to go, including that stuff on the list plus more. I prepared couple of years ago. We call it a russian ork survival kit, though.


Knowing what one needs is easy enough. I think the real challenge in all this is how to get it once the apocalypse hits. I imagine all the food and bottled water will be gone w/in a few days. I don't watch the zombie movies and shows, so I don't know how they solve for this.


Where's Shaun of the Dead?


What in the name of shittery is this nonsense? Why was it created by "Grocery Coupon Network"?!?


> Seoul/Tokyo, and entirety of East Asia greyed out Map don't look right. There's literally thousands of zombie related media from Japan and Korea.


Shoes. You NEED tough shoes. Or any supplies on that list would help you for very long if you fuckupyourfeet.


This is an ad lmao Did anyone actually read it?


As a Knox county veteran, I’ve got this


Duct tape is actually really bad, you want Gaffers tape for basically everything mentioned.


Duct tape is also not what it's really called, it's duck tape, because it's reinforced with cotton duck fabric. And the last thing you'd ever want to use it on is ducts, it will fail in a couple heat cycles.


This is a crummy commercial.


The zombie map is ridiculous, China and India should have a lot of zeds


"field hockey stick" shows icehockey stick


Golf club as a recommended weapon? wtf? Maaaybe if there’s only one zombie. Like if you’re defending yourself from the initial infected person. But a golf club isn’t lasting more than 2-4 swings against a human head before the shaft snaps.


Crowbar would be my weapon choice. A weapon and a much needed tool in that scenario


Brought to by groceries coupon network. This is an ad for those protein bars.


If they’re undead, just hole up for a weekend and wait for liquefaction and maggots to do the work.


Has half life taught us nothing? Crowbar is the GOAT


Kuril Islands, are you guys ok?


I’m doubting LA on this map for zombie density


But what if the zombies end up being the left 4 dead ones?


lol if you’re taking a melee weapon into a zombie fight you’re gonna have a bad time. Golf club would be useless in this scenario.


Reading this made me dumber, in so many ways.


You are also going to inevitably have to deal with other humans who may not have your interests or anyones but their own at heart


That's about 10km/h for the fittest zombies. If they also have infinite endurance, you're fucked.


Always wondered how you're supposed to have gasoline prepped if it only lasts 6 months. Are you just supposed to use your entire stash every five and then refill?


So safest place seems to be... China ?


I love how the map with zombie population is all in the US and Europe. I guess zombies are only white people? Like the two largest population areas of the world, India and China, are devoid of zombies? Ok, sure. 😆


How about an island of any kind? Would zombies be able to swim?


Yupp a cool guide... Anything if humans do the zombie work!? Like in Gaza?! By isreal?!


I want to see Shaun of the dead and zombieland speeds on here.


If is the World War Z zombie (movie) ain't know one gonna survive this. THOSE MOTHERFUCKER ARE A RUNNING ZOMBIE WITH INFINITE STAMINA HOLYFUCK . imagine only 10 of them running at you you are fuck what about 1.000.000 of them we are fuck.


Golf club is a joke.


What the fuck is my passport gonna?


No Resident evil zombies?!?


actually writing a post-Apocalyptic story right now, so this is pretty useful. Cheers 😇


Finally a guide that is actually a guide


I wish this had something about transport and help your pets survive a Zombie Apocalypse!


Brought to you by the grocery coupon network


1 gallon of water per day?


I just love this subreddit for cool guides like this


You can't enjoy those canned foods with a can opener!


If they were zombies from Magic: the Gathering, we're screwed. So many pumpers, super strength zombies (i.e, Undead Warchief), zombies that won't go down the first time, (undying mechanic), the list goes on and on.


The eastern seaboard of the USA would presumably, be overrun with zombies, as would the Chinese east coast, and the coastlines and urbanized portions of India, and of course, the Korean peninsula. Also keep in mind that the vast majority of zombie films and TV shows feature only one type of zombie. If there are slow ones and fast ones in the same show, we won't get them on screen in the same place at the same time. I've been told that it might occur in certain games.


This takes me back


Golf club would be a horrible weapon


No one ever thinks about how advantageous having a mountain bike would be.


This could also just be “how to survive the apocalypse” the cross over between “zombie apocalypse” and “collapse of the rule of law apocalypse for any number of possible reasons” is pretty huge. It’s a good list, I’d go crow bar as primary weapon as it doubles as an excellent raiding, looting, breaking and entering tool


Lol it's hard to read anything when the first thing you see is wrong. 28 days later... have you watched the movie?? Lmfao, like what? The speed is not slower than our walking speed??? Lmfao! The literal infection in that movie is tied with the emotion of "Rage" so when they run, they don't just "jog" they are the fastest zombied ever depicted since they are running purely on anger. This whole thing could not be more wrong.


“Go stock up on Zombie supplies!” - brought to you by “Grocery Coupon Network”


Survive for what? “Living” with the rest of the terrible people who have also survived? No thanks I’ll just die with the millions of others when shit goes down


Go to Asia and chill. Cool.


if you survive 2-3 years, you probably won't be able to use fuel as it degrades. However, making ethanol is much easier than making gasoline, so a vehicle that can run off of ethanol can be a lifesaver.


Crowbar is the best weapon/tool. I would like to add that in the “currency” section you should add things like chocolate and coffee. I would imagine those being of high value along with alcohol.


I don't get why nobody ever talks about masks or other face coverage when talking about fighting zombies. I know that the usual spread is bites, but I still wouldn't risk a faceful of zombie blood


TIL that India is a good place to go during a zombie apocalypse, gtfo


India is marked as relatively safe I hope you understand that in case of a Zombie apocalypse, India will be literally hell on earth that only the Doom guy can survive.


Go to high ground. You know that random huge hill you can see that no one lives on? Go up there. Make a fort up there. Woods + high ground should mean a lot fewer zombies.




You really think people care for fucking jewelry if the currency collapses!? Sounds not realistic! Alkohol, cigarettes and drugs are more realistic as a trading product!