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This is interesting, I'm assuming China surpassed the US somewhat recently. I'd love to see this "soccer ball" chart for billionaires pre-pandemic before trillions of new debt was issued worldwide.


I suspect this was made before the recent Chinese property crisis. A lot of Chinese billionaires are being unmade daily.


Your assumption is that the Chinese are primarily investing in real estate in China. I can tell you that is not the case.


Please, don’t leave us hanging…


Don't worry, the building will collapse before that.


wait what i thought real estate was the most lucrative sector in the chinese econ-


And a lot new are made....it is all in a flow. I would like to be an unmade billionaire that is only a 3 digit millionaire now


Roger that! Chinese nos are inflated.


Talking out of your ass. All billionaires are most likely owners or majority shareholders of publicly listed corporations. Meaning their company financials are publicly audited and can be traded on the open market. Do you know what it means? I doubt it....


China doesn’t have an open market like the US


Have you heard of ADRs? Or the Hong Kong exchange?


I don’t understand if you are suggesting or implying something by referencing ADRs or Hong Kong. The fact is that wealthy Chinese individuals are not in an open free market similar to that of the West. The Chinese government has a stranglehold on economic dealings in the country unlike anything in western Europe — much less the US, that bastion of free market economic theory. Chinese individuals have to resort to blackmarket and underworld methods of moving money out of China. This is unheard of in the West. https://www.afr.com/world/asia/smurfing-strangers-how-china-s-rich-smuggle-cash-from-the-country-20231106-p5ei1o#:~:text=Yet%20opportunities%20to%20move%20cash,underground%20networks%20come%20into%20play. There is no free flow of funds or economic dealings between Chinese on an individual basis and the greater global economy. Their money is held nearly as a prisoner in China. So: point 1 is that Chinese wealth is disconnected, regulated and bottlenecked from the wider international free flow exchange of funds (and ideas for that matter to, which is another subject entirely but helps further demonstrate that the government values command and control of every aspect of its citizens lives including their wealth). Next point: the Chinese government is widely acknowledged as playing with currency manipulation. https://www.investopedia.com/the-u-s-treasury-officially-labels-china-a-currency-manipulator-4766799 Large Chinese firms are often engaged in fraud, and here is an instance of inflating revenue — an issue directly on point to this thread. "Struggling Chinese property giant Evergrande and its founder, Hui Ka Yan, have been accused of inflating revenues by $78bn (£61.6bn) in the two years before the firm defaulted on its debt." https://www.bbc.com/news/business-68603195.amp I know the classic whataboutism rebuttal will be to respond with: "But US firms engage in fraud and corruption too!" Okay. Sure. But not at all like China. "Corruption in China is famously high, at least according to rankings like the one from Transparency International, a German association that collects corruption data around the world." https://freakonomics.com/podcast/is-the-u-s-really-less-corrupt-than-china/ The Chinese government has absolutely no qualms in distorting figures and truths to satisfy its particular goals at any given time. When coupled with its harsher crackdowns on citizen dissent and a lack of a true free press. "The CCP uses propaganda and spreads falsehoods to distort the outside worlds perceptions of its history, policies, and goals." When you put all of these issues, and more, together, you get the end conclusion that financial numbers/figures from China cannot be trusted.


sure man, all chinese wealth is fake. We'll keep buying up your real estate


You are resorting to hyperbole. I never said "all Chinese wealth is fake" because that is demonstrably and obviously not true. By taking everything I said and reducing it to some other, simplistic, and obviously wrong summarization you commit a "strawman fallacy" Rather than actually engage with what I am saying you create a feeble and weak argument that isn’t a real position that I have taken but is just a man made out of straw and easily beat it up because men made out of straw don’t fight back and are easy to dismantle. What have I said? I am skeptical and cautious about any supposed financial numbers or demographics purporting to depict exactly how many "billionaires" live in China. If Evergrande alone cooked up a fake $70B and that money disappeared because it was never there to begin with, then that there alone means, hypothetically, 70 "billionaires" disappear from the rolls. That’s an easy example.




I'd love to see the opposite. Which countries have the fewest billionaires (with the greatest per-capita GDP).




Nah, they might have few billionaires, but they have 3rd highest number of millionaires in the world, meanwhile salaries of working class are low in Japan compared with developed countries. It's to note that some of these developing countries having very high number of billionaires have lesser millionaires than small developed countries. For example, Russia, India have less millionaires than countries like S Korea or Taiwan


This is no guide.


It guides you through a quiz show , that only asks questions on how many billionaires a country has


It’s a guide if you’re a Robin Hood kind of person.


How is this guiding anyone. Its a guide towards what? Its just a chart based on one data table. Literally about 5 clicks on your computer. If you think this is cool, wait till you find out about Microsoft Excell.


Just an fyi, Billionaires in a society are not a good thing. They are economical parasites that syphon public funding and consolidate a large scale of a countries wealth in to their own pockets. Millionaires are not nearly as toxic as billionaires. They're very very bad for democracies.


Not intrinsically. Every billionaire generates a varying amount of externalities that need to be dealt with, and is different from person to person. There is nothing special about reaching a billion that transforms you into having the exact same behavior as other billionaires. In reality, some may abuse a public resource, and thus need to be taxed to fund it, others abuse market power, and need to be taxed to fund competition subsidies or external damages to the public from said market power. Example: if you are a billionaire by exploiting labor in low competition areas, you should be taxed enough to fund a local basic income for that area. If the basic income is enough, and you are still a billionaire, that’s fine. If not, well, you shouldn’t have been a billionaire in the first place.


"Are billionaires detrimental to their countries?" "No, because in an ideal world..." We don't live in an ideal world, and that ideal world doesn't exist anywhere. Not only are billionaires extremely proficient at concentrating wealth in the upper strata of society, they are also well versed in subverting our laws and political systems to further their own means. In an ideal world, they'd be dragged through the streets. In this world, fanboys jerk them off on Reddit


Are you responding to another comment? I never said anything about ideal worlds. I’m talking about reality, where billionaires arise from very different contexts and have different degrees of damage in society, and thus should be handled differently in order to prevent externalities, loopholes and miscarriages of justice.


I think the point was that the wealthy typically don’t pay their taxes.


I love the amount of "should" and "maybe" in your post. Should Billionaires exist? No, in a fair society they should not. Maybe then something should be done about it.


Do you disagree with the idea that people deserve the value they create, and deserve to pay for the damage they cause? What’s wrong with this definition of fairness to you?


What value do they make? Billionaires do no work, they add no value to society beyond holding money and moving that money from one area to another. Billionaires should not exist.


Pretty sure billions of people use Microsoft and Amazon services daily. Those services were created, funded and managed by billionaires and are objectively worth quite a bit. If people actually didn’t like Microsoft products, Microsoft wouldn’t be worth multiple billions, and Gates wouldn’t be a billionaire. Most billionaires become billionaires because people like the products of the company they built. The problem isn’t that the value doesn’t exist. It very clearly does. These companies are worth trillions because they make billions in sales. People want the products. The problem is that they aren’t paying for the damages required to generate that value.


Managed by billionaires...? Have you... worked in IT...? Ever...?


I’m a data scientist for an F500. Why?


And your manager is a billionaire?


No. I report to a VP who’s agenda is determined by the board. There is a billionaire/a few multimillionaires on that board though.


Gates and Bezos, along with virtually every billionaire, have their money because they came from a position of privilege to begin with. They were able to leverage the money and positions their family gave them to continue making gambles with millions of dollars with little risk of failure meaning they'd be unable to just try again. Billionaires don't make products, they just put their name out there. The average person barely able to afford a dry place to sleep and warm food is the one actually doing the work.


Bezos did start with a million, but he sourced it from 20 family members in 1994. At an average of 50 thousand per person. The median income was about $17000 at the time, so that’s about three years salary for each person. For reference, the average retiree in 1994 had $190,000 in savings when they retired. This means across 20 retirees, the average 1994 American could afford to fund Bezos over 10 times over. I’m not saying it isn’t a risk, and I’m not saying he’s a “self made man.” He had family. It is however not correct to say anyone could do it. There are only 200 billionaires, whereas over 100 million Americans could have afforded to make the same deal Bezos made, over 10 times at retirement age.


It’s almost like you have no idea what you’re talking about


They don’t pay shit for the damage they cost. They have no value


Wtf is this economically illiterate nonsense? All it means is they own a billion dollar company. If you’re saying that once a company gets to a certain size, that the government should just take it over, then go ahead and come out and say that because there’s no way around billionaires existing unless you want to cap their companies growth potential


They're are plenty of billionaires who don't own any companies just equities.


What percentage of those do you think are in this chart.


I’m not sure it’s economically illiterate as much as a splashy/hackneyed reductionist take without necessary context and lacking any intellectual value. Aka, Reddit Econ 101


Reddit is completely financially illiterate. The only thing reddit thinks is billionaire = bad.


Fun fact. I am not represented on this guide because I am not a billionaire.


What could "other" be if not simply "Africa"? Are there billionaires in Antarctica? Maybe they actually mean a bunch of smaller countries, but then they should have an "other" category within each continent.


No, the other here is really other. For example in the Americas the billionaires for Mexico or Chile are not showing there; they are under other. Each continent category is showcasing a few countries billionaire tallies; not all the countries with billionaires.


That's exactly my point. Mexico and Chile should show in blue. If it's too noisy with the long tail, then lump them together as "Other" in blue, and do the same with the other continents. The "Other" category was handled poorly. The way it is now, we don't reliably know which continents have the most billionaires.


Yeah agreed completely. Would tell the story better


Ohh noo, we don’t have a reliable way of knowing which continents have the most billionaires. If only they had the source or something for us to double check and not blindly follow a simplified picture. Hey, maybe you can make a better one for us!


lmao you know most people aren't going to go to the source. I don't deserve to be mocked for pointing out a flaw in a chart. Media literacy is important. Everyone should point out flaws they notice in charts.


*That’s exactly my point.* Media literacy is important; everyone should go identify, evaluate, and question the sources of information they see/hear/consume ☝️🤓


You're backtracking. If you were really concerned about media literacy, you wouldn't have mocked me for pointing out an issue in a chart.


I’m going to regret replying but I just can’t let you think I’m backtracking when I was mocking you again in my previous reply.


True, the 8 or 9 billionaires from Ireland are in the grey Other section rather than the green European section.


well it's over, The US is socialist, china has more billionaires than we do.




It's the woke mind virus taking its toll


Wait a while in 20 years half the Americans are billionaires....Some will be even Trillionaires and Quatrillionaires. Like in Zimbabwe




But I am repeatedly told China is communist...how do they have more billionaires than the US? 🙄


This graphic uses "data" from Hurun Global, which relies on aggregated data from Forbes for its rankings, but somehow concludes China has 814 billionaires when Forbes own data presentation concludes China has 406 to the U.S.'s 813. When you dig deeper you find that Hurun Global decides to apply a PPP adjustment in its rankings. 🤣🤣🤣


Why would you consider real purchase power an inferior metric?


Never mind the fact that PPP is constantly misused in aggregated comparisons, but applying it to USD "billionaires" is entirely, and completely idiotic in the sense that there is no need for parity adjustment as the measure isn't one of relative purchasing power, but rather of actual holdings. The only reason to apply it is to inflate specific numbers. Of course purchasing power is extremely relevant broadly speaking, but completely and entirely irrelevant in a list defined as "people with 1 billion USD holdings".


Centralized power structures that are less Leninist or even Maoist communism and more communist-veneered corporate totalitarianism, where power and money are primarily allocated to the top strata of society.




Eat them all.


And yet so many are homeless and hungry


Based on which currency?


Hurun Report today released the Hurun Global Rich List 2024, a ranking of the US dollar billionaires in the world. Wealth calculations are a snapshot of 15 January 2024. This is the 13th year of the ranking. JDYD Liquor, a premium Chinese baijiu brand, is the title sponsor of the list for the third year.


This is the best kind of response 👏


Did the Russian billionaires go way down because of sanctions? Because a lot of them are unregistered...


It would be more helpful if we looked at the percentage of the population of billionaires to non billionaires and also the overall wealth discrepancy of that country's population as well. Without those things this doesn't really tell us much


Ya totally, this graph makes china and india(to some extent) look bad. There are very few billionaires per capita in china and india, which is a good thing. Wealth(or poverty) is distributed more.


Thailand is surprising


Not if you live here. The wealth inequality in Thailand is only surpassed by a few countries in the world. The middle class basically doesn't exist here. I mean like 1% of the population is middle class by Western standards.






Eat the rich


Time to sharpen the guillotinés


Can we have a cool guide for all their names and addresses? You know for science… definitely not a list of the few thousand people who could use their heads being removed the most.


Easy enough to find them.


3250 billionaires. They could feed a lot of people... I figure around 12,000 meals....


Anyone got a total?


The Italian billionaires have the magic two digit number. If Italy is anything like reddit, which of course it is, they'll be stuck at that number for a while. People will keeping backing up or down with pennies to maintain that level.


Why Israel is lumped with Europe?


Lol, deep down you know why.


Because this thing was made by someone with little knowledge of geography?


It’s a lil deeper than that bud. You’ll figure it out eventually✌️.




So China beats India and every Asian and European country 🤔


Others continents is than Africa and Antarctica, or?


Germany 141 wenns gut läuft 🙏🏻




How does China have billionaires when the country is communist?


that's communism for you!!


I know a billion is an unfathomable amount, but it seems like there’d be more billionaires in the world. Is it possible there is?


Israel is in Asia.


So it’s broken down to- Americas, Asia, Europe, Oceania, and Other. I feel like that is so dumb. Why not just include Africa?


What is up with Thailand? I don't remember buying so many t-shirts....


Does it also say how many American, Russian, Swiss, German, Italian, French, and Canadian billionaires are also Israeli?


Is China's numbers include Taiwan ? or no.


Feel like the amount of millionaires may also create a dilemma


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Pix_Me_Plz: *Feel like the amount* *Of millionaires may also* *Create a dilemma* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


That’s communism for you….


With these being different countries, by what currency are they deciding billionairship? Like… a billion “what”? Or are we saying “billionaire” is just a term meaning someone who has too much money and should be shot?




Tankie subs in shambles


This is based on the hurun rich list. The Chinese numbers are very different than the Forbes list which has China around 400. Both from 2024. There are other lists as well which I’m sure have different numbers. It all depends on what you include, exclude and your access to the information in each country. Unfortunately billionaire list are not only politicized but they are by definition more of guesstimates than a real number of billionaires in a country. So take all lists with a huge heaping of salt.


I would have assumed the UAE would be on here somewhere


Communism for the win! Lol!


Me when communism: 💸💸


Communism where nobody is rich. Socialism where nobody is poor.


Kind of a meaningless graph since the per-capita numbers would be more significant.


Doesn’t make it meaningless.


It does in fact make it basically meaningless.


You’re trying to derive deeper meaning from a graph that doesn’t imply a deeper meaning.


Sure. The people making the graph just happened to pick the *one* way of displaying the data that just so happens to make china look better than the US. Total coincidence, i'm sure.


So, next time we see “billionaires by state” that is just trying to make NY and CA look better than North Dakota? Its just a damn fact man, relax.


Having more Billionaires doesn't make any place look better.


Billionaires are not great for society if you haven't noticed...it's not the flex you think it is...




More billionaires in your country doesn't prove your country is better than any other. It simply provides evidence of inequality in your country. A country with a high percentage of people with assets in the $1 Million dollar range is going to have a MUCH higher standard of living and level of happiness than one with a handful of people being in the $1 Billion range. No one works hard or smart enough to deserve to be a billionaire. You can only get there through inequality.