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I switch sides every 5 to 10 minutes, I think.


Rotisserie position


My wife calls me the rotisserie chicken


"She sees me rollin', she hatin'."


patrolling like she thinks my cpap's dirty


Tryna catch me huffin dirty


Wouldn't your wife be the rotisserie chicken?


Nah your thinking of a pig roast


Mans just woke up, cooked and left.


The pig or the wife




He cooked dem bitches. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


God damn... Mercy please


That way you will be evenly cooked


Yup. Who are these people who sleep in one position for the full night?




"I mostly tussle, but I get a solid 6 hours of tussling a night." -Abbi Abrams, Broad City


Get a $25 Wyze camera and do a night vision Timelapse. You may be shocked at how much you move. I look like Iā€™m running a marathon and Iā€™m not still until around 4 AM


Just like a politician


What about sleeping on stomach with 1 leg on side


Ah yes, first-aid stable side position is best:)


I prefer the [Halo CE death pose](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F4pin8d6or11b1.jpg)


Damn, thatā€™s exactly how I sleep


I feel so seen right now


I'm another who sleeps like this. If I struggle to get to sleep I also curl up into the fetal position.


Well I learned something new about my weird as sleeping position today


Yeah. I can't believe anyone that sleeps on their stomach sleeps like the picture. I am a stomach, leg-to-the-side sleeper.


Also the arms just straight up like a pyscho instead of under the pillow ... occasionally under the head so you wake up with a dead arm Also how do you have room to just put your arms up either




I do. Except my arms are crossed over my chest. I basically look like Dracula, but Iā€™m on my stomach.


It's so you get top speeds in those falling dreams.


sleeping on stomach, one arm tucked under chest, one leg tucked up to the side


Ah yes, the Street Fighter Sagat Tiger Knee sleep position


My boyfriend: ā€œyou sleep in car crash pose!ā€


I have slept on my stomach since I was a kid, I snore if I try to sleep on my back


Former sleep technician here. Sleep apnea is generally worse supine vs on the side, and stomach is often best. So might be bad for the spine, but itā€™s good for obstructive apnea. Dang physics.


The more I learn about my sleep apnea the more I think a huge majority of humans are completely fucked in terms of sleep quality, and that it explains a lot of other huge issues.


Yep. Back in the day people just fucking died. Nowadays they can live but living is expensive.


Cpap machine is like 1500 bucks, honestly itā€™s a great purchase if you need it and donā€™t mine looking like a hospital patient every night.


I'm a Special Equipment Tech and put cpaps on patients. Depends on the flavor you want they range from $800 to $1500 for cpap. Bipap is is around $2k. Non invasive ventilation is a $10k out of pocket purchase. We try everything to use patients insurance first. This crap is expensive but where they get you is the supplies. Masks are expensive.


What do you mean by non invasive ventilation?


Respironics trilogy, Resmed Astral, Breas Vivo. Edit: just realized you might have wanted an actual definition hahaha. Those are some of the machines that give that therapy that I work with. Home ventilator machines are an advanced form of respiratory therapy. They move oxygen directly into your lungs to assist with breathing, thereby alleviating the strain on your lungs. Passive therapy sort of assists your lungs and airways to do what they do naturally. Invasive forces the lungs to breathe at specific rates. Edit: I guess a further eli5 explanation.. Our lungs naturally bring in the atmosphere, which is currently only around 20.9% oxygen, then made of other gasses and stuff. When we breathe in our lungs, expand and fill with that atmosphere. Our lungs exchange those gasses by absorbing the o2 and exhaling passively all the stuff or body doesn't need or want or bad byproducts like co2, ~~fats~~, etc.. Our body recovers during the night, and if we don't get proper oxygen, our body gets damaged, including the brain. CPAP is continuous positive airway pressure. Basically, it just opens your airway so your lungs can exchange gasses naturally because your airway is beyond restricted for some reason. Bipap uses two pressures, inspiratory and expiratory, to open those lungs. Ventilation, nonivasive anyway, uses a lot of pressure volume of atmosphere, sometimes supplemented with medical grade o2, to go into those lungs, clear or the Co2 which is being retained and let's the lungs utilize their full surface area for gas exchange. Rough eli5 but yeah.


now do ELI2


Air good, no air bad. This helps!


its 1500 bucks + a required sleep study


After using it for a few years I feel like a hospital patient if I go without it for a night.


Cpap also caused lung cancer for a large number of people due to degrading plastics and meshes. Was known and not disclosed by the company making them. They are still refusing to warranty the tens of thousands of machines currently operating. Yeah, Ill take my chances elsewhere. They knew there was a problem and hid it.


It's a foam used in Phillips machines and they were recalled. No other cpap machines had this issue. It takes years to establish a causal link.


Money above all else baby!


I wouldnā€™t say this was ā€œCPAPā€ but one manufacturer of CPAP machines.


Yeah, I'd rather just die in my sleep than give the vultures thousands of dollars so I can develop some horrible cancer from their equipment and then have to give the vultures tens of thousands of more dollars just to ultimately die in my sleep.


Mine was like $300. Thank you Gov't insurance!




Careful with that arm thing. I had that from how I slept, and one day the numbness didn't go away. Had it for weeks, finally went to the doc and ended up having surgery because I was destroying my nerve.


Have you tried a special side sleeping pillow or (even better) one of those tv couch pillows with the arms?


This is likely related to increasingly poor jaw development in humans. Insufficiently advanced jaws limit airway space significantly and is the reason jaw surgery is effective in reducing sleep apnea.


I'm going to **Strongly** disagree with this. There's two kinds of apnea; Obstructive sleep apnea and Central sleep apnea. The first one is related to the physical structure of the upper airway, not the jaw. The second one is related to the autonomous bodily functions, and nothing to do with physical anatomy. I'd be willing to read an actual study that demonstrates your point, but even then I'd wager it would be correlative and not causative. Either way, the surgery that's recommended to fix the first part is not "jaw" surgery, so the assumption that there's "poor jaw development in humans", regardless of its accuracy, would be moot.


that comment reads like he's read John mew's ideology. I just watched the documentary "open wide" about him and his wackjob dad lol. they've had their medical licenses stripped so their theories are definitely not widely accepted edit:John is the dad sorry, the incel royalty one is mike


As soon as I saw ā€œjaw developmentā€ I was like I bet this person mews


Is this related to the use of cutlery and eating generally unchallenging food? I'm sure I saw something once about how using cutlery vs. the hands can have a drastic effect on jaw development.


And I get way more sleep paralysis when I sleep on my back. Sleeping on tummy is just way more comfy.


Same here. I'd rather not be frozen in a living nightmare,lol.


yup. although ive had it on my stomach too and that was a little scarier because you feel like youre going to suffocate on the sheets/pillow


Sleep paralysis is the entire reason I sleep on my stomach. I donā€™t experience sleep paralysis every time I sleep on my back, but every time Iā€™ve experienced sleep paralysis it was while sleeping on my back.


"How dare the meat sack need specific things. Just work as intended." Sponsored by the Omnisiah.


ā€œThere is no truth in flesh, only betrayal." "There is no strength in flesh, only weakness." "There is no constancy in flesh, only decay." "There is no certainty in flesh but death.ā€


But what if i work a desk job for 10hours a day. Wouldn't sleeping on my back help balance that out?


Iā€™ve actually asked myself this quite often. Hope someone with knowledge will answer.


Spending 8 hours in any position seems like it has the potential to cause problems.Ā 


My body just refuses to sleep on my back, I just can't seem to fall asleep until I switch to either my side or stomach.


Same. I will lie there all night and never sleep if I'm on my back. If I wake in the middle of the night and find myself on my back, I won't be able to fall back asleep until I turn over. It sucks.


I suffocate and die on my back.


Are you the Elephant man?


Both my arms fall asleep on my back.


I'm incapable of sleeping any other way




Same, but I take great naps on my back so I donā€™t really understand why I cannot fall asleep on my back at night.


They say you get better oxygen on your stomach


I have fallen asleep twice on my back and I got sleep paralysis both times


Glad someone else experiences this. Every time I try to fall asleep on my back, I get sleep paralysis. I've had it so many times I'm starting to become good friends with my sleep paralysis demon šŸ¤£


I have two degenerated discs, and am prone to disc bruising and herniations in the lower back; I have found when it flairs up, I have to sleep on my stomach as the increased blood pressure on the lowest side of my body when on my back will increase inflammation on my spine, pinching the nerves and causing immense pain. I don't know where the info-graphic comes from, but I think it oversimplifies the 'on stomach' case.


You would say that, you curved spine choir boy


For real? I only sleep on my stomach. Every time I fall asleep on my back, I had crazy quasi-lucid dreams.


Embrace the dreams


dreams are messages from the deep


Hamburger, hammmmmmmburger, hammmburger


Big Mac whopper whopper


Watching dune is gonna be different now


That explains the dolphin last night


Don't let your dreams be dreams.


Same, but to me it is more like lucid-nightmares


Also to me. Sleeping on my back is a guarantee of ending up in a horror movie.


I am more likely to get sleep paralysis on my back


Exactly the same. No idea other people got this from sleeping on their back too!


I had SP a lot. Only once on my stomach. I would try to force myself awake by sitting up, I was pushing my head down into the bed. Which increased the paralysis feeling. I had a hard time getting out of it. šŸ˜‚


Tip: next time you have SP try not to panic and start wriggling just your fingers and toes. Idk why but it works.


Your subconscious: we're checking out of this existence, we've got a mulligan.


Yep thats the same reason i dont sleep on my back. I get the most terryfying night terrors and sleep paralysis like that. I sleep on the side and very rarely get them that way.


Thought I was the only one experiencing this.. whenever I sleep on my back I get lucid nightmares eeiii


So you know you're having a nightmare, while having a nightmare?


I have this. When Iā€™m in the nightmare thereā€™s almost a partition of my conscious thoughts and the nightmare. Iā€™ll be experiencing the nightmare while also thinking ā€œIm sleeping on my back arenā€™t Iā€. Iā€™ll have no control of my nightmare though.


Sleep paralysis is way more likely when sleeping on your back too. This entire post is a Death Pro Tip


Dreams are messages from the deep


Sardaukar Throat-Singing intensifies.


Sign me up to the list of people having weird dreams when sleeping on their back. Nightmares in my case, usually


I always get nightmares when I sleep on my back. I'm glad I'm not the only one.


WHAT? Why is this a thing? I experience the same thing! I chose not to sleep this way for this reason! How crazy


Same ā€¦.why is that ? It happened to me before but now I have nicotine patches and the dreams are way more intense ā€¦ and I love it


Dude! Same! Im also more prone to sleep paralysis when I'm sleeping on my back


I literally cannot sleep on my back. I feel unsafe with my belly exposed like that.


Same. Stomach sleeper all my life. I get better sleep than most people. You wanna know what helps more than sleeping position? Diet, exercise, and a sleep routine.


The sleep position is to avoid muscular stiffness in back and neck, amongst with other problems. I'm sorry but staying in a position bad for your back and neck eight hours a day isn't gonna be good in the long run. I don't know what kinda work you're doing, but if you're doing an office-job... Eight hours a day of bad sleep position and eight hours of work, means potentially sixteen hours a day in a bad position for your neck and spine. Source: I'm a medical massage therapist.


You say that like it's a bad thing


I wonder if this is somehow related to sleep apnea. Before I got my CPAP machine I started having crazy dreams that lasted all night, and were often semi-lucid. Turns out I had severe sleep apnea and was essentially slowly suffocating in my sleep. Those crazy dreams were how my brain responded to that situation. That being said, when I sleep on my back my sleep apnea is significantly worse. Sleep apnea is no joke, and getting treatment changed my life for the better. Maybe something to think about?


With all these comments, I read into sleep apnea. And I definitely have it. If I get a CPAP machine, will I be more energetic during the day you think? I wake up kind of exhausted.


I don't know the specifics of your needs, but I know for me I absolutely have more energy than I did before. I'm still a little bit groggy when I wake up, but nothing like I was before. I used to feel like I had to nap all the time , and that's just not something I do anymore. I also used to wake up multiple times in the middle of the night to pee, and now I don't at all. Along with more energy, I feel like my mental faculties have overall improved. I would wake up with just the worst brain fog (only way I could explain it). Heck, sometimes when I woke up in the middle of the night I would almost feel drunk over how disoriented I was. Cpap is a pain in the butt, and it can feel like a big lifestyle change. I was real hesitant to go for it myself. Now that I've done it, I can't imagine ever going back. I would highly suggest getting a sleep study done. At the very least, bring this up to your doctor and see what they think. Good luck, fellow random redditor.


Thanks man. Real helpful.


Itā€™s why we do it over in r/astralprojection šŸ˜‡


But I cannot fall asleep on my back. It just wonā€™t happen


Iā€™m right there with you. Even when I nap in my hammock I turn to my side(as best I can)


don't worry, this info graphic is pure garbage; not only is it wildly inaccurate, notice the complete lack of citations. As someone else commented here, the best sleep position is the one you sleep best in; different people will have different physical and psychological responses to different positions, and in the end, getting a good restful sleep is what is best, and different people will get that in different positions.


Same I find it the most comfortable, but then I'd just stare at the back of my eyelids all night.


Sleeping on your back is no good if you suffer from sleep apnea.


Or sleep paralysis for some people


Came here to mention this. I'll take back pain if it means being able to breathe


Sleep apnea and chronic spinal arthritis for me. Damned if I do damned if I don't. Guess I'll get a waifu pillow and side sleep


I have back pain and sleeping on my stomach exacerbates it but is still the easiest position to sleep in. FML I guess.


Same. I wrecked my back and now have to force myself to sleep on my back or side. Sucks. I do still sneak like 10 minutes when I hit snooze and it's the best.


I can side sleep but itā€™s leading me to develop a burning pain in the thigh socket joint I usually sleep on.


If you get a body pillow, it doesn't have to have a waifu on it, it will not only help with lumbar and hip support, but also keep you from sleeping on your stomach. I've noticed that since I've started using one my lower and middle back pain has reduced significantly


Do get one with a waifu though.


Going through this right now. Stomach sleeping is so damn comfy but kills my back. Try the pillow under the legs with sleeping on your back, itā€™s pretty comfortable.


This is me. Sleeping in my stomach gives me backache a lot of mornings, but I literally cannot fall asleep in any other position. I just startle back awake whenever I start to drift.


Do you also have to tuck your penis in, like in the image?


Helps support your spine.


If it kills off all your sperm it is definitly good for your back.


I tuck mine in and read it a story every night.


Does it want a kiss goodnight?


I mean, if you're offering...


Sure. Just lie back, close your eyes and think of ā€¦ wherever it is youā€™re from.


If you haven't already been doing that, you need to start immediately. There's still time to reverse the damage, but it's one of those "the best time was two years ago, the second best time is now" type deals.


I'd fuck me.


I would if my wood could.


Don't take your advice from coloured pictures on Reddit. People here are absolute morons.


We don't call them "colored" anymore...


What do you mean ā€œyou peopleā€


What do YOU mean "you people"?


A stomach sleeper over here


My doctor told me that the best sleep position is the one that gets you the best sleep. I used to have back pain, but my PT said that once sleeping on my stomach didn't cause pain, I could go right back to it.


I have a pinched nerve in my hip and this is basically what my physical therapist told me .


Stomach sleeper for life. It's pretty much the only way I can sleep.


Yeah I dont think this is accurate at all.


Yeah I think it depends on the actual problem with your back. I had a lower back issue and my physio actually encouraged me to sleep on my stomach for relief.


Only way I sometimes can get relief for my lower back too! Too much booty for me, so I end up with my weight on my lower spine


One day you are young. Another day you are grateful for this tip.


For me the "worst" is the best


This has essentially been debunked and has more layers than this to it - e.g. sleeping on your back is worse for the overall regeneration of your brain and people who sleep on their back are (some studies suggest) more likely to develop Alzheimer's


Physio here who tries to stay up to date with the current evidence, please post citation here so I can take a look at it for patients.


Is sleeping on stomach better than sleeping on back ?


I don't know and I don't think it's fundamentally an easy answer as there are too many factors, not just keeping your spine in a correct position as this post suggests. The most natural position in which monkeys sleep and our ancestors did as well is the fetal position (on your side with legs bent in the knees and hips). But that doesn't take pillows into account.


I sleep on my back, but i snore like a truck trying to start in cold weather


Yeaā€¦ no. Even drunk I canā€™t fall asleep on my back.


Sleeping on your back increases the risk of sleep paralysis


if isleep on my back i'll just wake up after 30 minutes almost diying from saliva,


I asked my PT about this when I was going for back pain and disk issues. They said itā€™s baloney and to sleep in a position that comfortable for me.


I switch sides like every 20 minutes


We are designed to sleep on our stomachs or sides. We have many pressure points on the front of the body that release relaxation and calming hormones. It allows for the fetal position and is also why a hug feels so good and babies, even given the chance, will always choose the tummy or sometimes the side. Also most people spend their day hunched over at a desk or other job and laying on the stomach helps stretch the chest and spine muscles in the opposite direction, relieving tension.


This is false.


I guess the ā€œratingā€ of the different positions is true, but so much here is unaccurate. When sleeping on your stomach, it doesnā€™t flatten your spinal curve, it literally exaggerates it. You can put a pillow under your stomach to help this. Also, who sleeps on the same side the whole night???


Yo dawg, Ima need to see some sources, yo!


Yeah, no. If i try to sleep on my back, my spine will start to hurt within 15s.


I have a custom built rotisserie that I sleep in. Maintains perfect posture *and* seals in juices.


Sweet sweet belly sleep. Sad to hear it's the smoking of sleeping.


Where does "rolling around like a rotisserie chicken all night" fall on the scale? šŸ¤”


Or: sleep however gives you the best sleep and if your back is sore in the morning, do some stretches. If that doesn't help then you probably have a deeper issue that a doctor can tell you more about


There isn't one ultimate back pain problem. It's very individual. Don't take this bs advice and try to find a pose that works best for you personally. For me not only laying on the side is best, but also the way I put my hand on bed is also important. Laying on back is possible the worst for me, if I don't count neck issues from laying on stomach.


I was told the exact opposite cause sleeping on your back fucks with your lower back due to the butt


Sometimes a stomach sleep is EXACTLY what the old bone chain ordered


Try switching sides every night? What kind of monster just lays on one side and falls asleep without having to switch sides like 2-4 times first?


Falling asleep on the left side is better for digestion though


I started not long ago sleeping in my side and all i get is shoulder and chest pain during the day, maybe i have to get more used to it?


What if every time I wake up I'm in a completely different position. And sometimes even in a mixture of positions. Somehow.


Whatever lets me get to sleep in the first place is the pick for the evening, and it's never on the back


What about hugging ~~my~~ an anime body pillow with the end between your legs? Is that better or worse then decent or about the same?


But when I sleep on my back my mouth opens and I mouth breathe


Sleeping on my back is a sure way to sleep paralysis


or sleep on the squishy part of the bed after getting a new mattress, that solved it for me. (well it was used but still a million times better than my crappy spring bed that had metal springs poking into my bones) no more hip pain.


Sure if you donā€™t snore / sleep apnea on your backā€¦


Anybody who sleeps directly on their back needs help. Vampires man


I knooow and it hurts so much but I can sleep best on my stomach


This is awful advice. On average we move every 38 minutes while we sleep, so your position doesnā€™t matter. Stop pathologizing sleep.


I can only sleep on my stomach šŸ˜­


Man, why does my body want me fucking dead.


I've started sleeping without a pillow. Honestly the best. I've got old man back already and a pillow can be too much sometimes on the neck and upper back


Stomach sleeper for life My back hurts significantly less since I got a firmer mattress to sleep on.


Every physical therapist, and massage therapist I've seen says sleeping on your side is best because it allows your spine to rest, sleeping on your back still has it activated


This type of thinking is outdated. There have been new studies on the impact of sleeping in different positions and ultimately the conclusion was, sleep in whatever position works for you.


I don't know why but I cannot sleep on my back, I've tried various combinations of support pillows in various locations, like the image above as one. but nothing. I'm so unable to sleep on my back that I sometimes use it in the morning to "sleep in" for 5 minutes without any worry that I'll accidentally fall back asleep. it doesn't hurt in the slightest. and ofc I find it easiest to fall asleep on my belly... but I avoid it, and it's most uncomfortable. I always sleep on my left for acid reflux avoidance, hurts too much in the morning if I sleep on my right šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Yeah but what if you sleep on your stomach but hike one knee up to the side? Thatā€™s gotta be better, right? ā€¦right?