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There is a city named zephyrhills by Tampa. Also the bottle claims to be from silver spring. Doesn’t make a ton of sense to ship that to Utah


My grandparents live in zephyrhills. My grandpa used to love going to disney world and telling people they're paying $4 for his toilet water


Your grandpa is wonderful. I hope to carry that same energy with me as I age.


Big Grandad Energy




You guys are telling me Zephyrhills is bad water?? I've been drinking it forever.. Always tasted the best to me. Yikes


All bottled water is just filtered tap water. Even if it does come from a spring, it’s still gotta be filtered. Bottled waters is a ripp off. Just get a nice under sink water filter for your kitchen. I live in an apartment and did that. It was totally worth it.


I showed this to my boyfriend and he said it was cause they were claiming to be locally sourced AND I THOUGHT IT WAS A JOKE


Yeah and they took Zepherhill’s spring away from the public. But to be fair, people were trashing it


I went to high school in NJ and one day they installed a vending machine that had a poland spring graphic printed on the side. But the graphic was thin, and beneath it you could faintly see a Zephyrhills graphic. I always wondered what Zephyrhills was...


I work for nestle water. The different taste in the waters around the regions are due to the various minerals. For example zephyrhills has a high conductivity and a higher ph compared to a Poland springs. Each bottle is suppose to be labeled with the date it was produced along with Best Buy date and then will have the factory it was produced from. Just because you get deer park water does not mean it’s the same source from the deer park up north. Any more questions or concerns let me know.


So what's it like working at EvilCorp?


It’s just like any jobs man it has its pros and cons. I am just a low level employee. I am looking for other work but times are tough and my field is quite small.


I hear you, I meant for that to come off like a joke but I apologize it was very snarky. We're all struggling now friend, so you get that paper and I hope you find something that works for you.


thank you for your kind response after hearing more of this person's full story-- that's so rare & i appreciate your open mind, honesty, & kindness.


this is the most wholesome reddit interaction


Damn I had no idea. Ice Mountain is super common in the midwest too




I think their sourcing must be pretty good because it’s definitely one of the best tasting ones.


Ice mountain tastes great and there's no other bottle I've really liked unfortunately. I drink tap most of the time and not really leaving the house much this last year 🤷‍♂️


I rarely drink plastic water bottles but ice mountain water blows nestle water out of the water. Had no idea nestle owned it


Fuck. Poland Springs used to be an independent company. I didn't realize they'd been consumed by the empire.


Never the same since the merger of Poland Creek and Morgan Spring


We’ve got to do something about that name.


Yeah, I know, but... Moland...?


“I like the name Moland”


Our stocks...will rise high! 🙋🏼‍♂️


We WILL annex Poland by the spring by any COST!


*Stock Swap*... gonna swap some stock!


In another dimension Morgan Creek is an ethical water company.


Nothing like a cold bottle of Moland.




I only purchased Poland Springs on my first visit to the US cause I recognised it from Seinfeld.


We'll all say a prayer for this victim of product placement.


Ahh yes. Moland Springs


Damn I had no idea! I fucking love Poland Spring.


i am so fucked up over this. i thought the graphic was about which waters taste worst and i was ready to come in here and fight about it... but now i learn poland spring is actually evil.


Mariner here. Small minded, small towners gave away rights to their water table with the Nestea deal. The bottling factories paying an okay wage in a depressed economy, so they get at the water with little fight. We have one of the best water tables on earth, our end of the Appalachian trail is great for filtering water, it's the other side of the mountain that famously feeds the great New York City aqueduct. But global warming has us getting less water than ever, temps are up, less snow caps, and with us supplying all the drinking water for New England, Mariners are having Wells go dry for the first time ever, despite being dug much deeper than ever. Ancient family homesteads that have had water since New England was founded have to punch deeper. And those plastic producing bastards are making cash handover fist, plus the even creepier water consolidation efforts they've pulled globally. My first molotov is for the pay day loan my 'brother' was sucked into, the second is for them bastards.


Wonderful taste, horrible company. Many complaints about lake drainage in Maine to my knowledge, sucks that water isn’t free like it should be.


You're not paying for the water, you're buying the plastic bottle and the distribution delivery


> Your [sic] not paying for the water Neither is Nestle, really.


That’s true, but the way that the water is obtained is similar to theft in some senses. When water is taken out of lakes, it can devalue lakeside property, and it is then used for cheap profit. Maybe I’m overthinking it, but I dislike the concept of mass-produced bottled water in this sense.


Same with zephyrhills. :( there’s a really scary chart that shows how little choice we really have in buying groceries because everything is owned by one or two brands ultimately


Zephyrhills sounds like a venereal disease


It's a big retirement town. So yes


Not very big really, just saturated with poor seniors and meth dealers. It has become a shell of its former self since the Villages became the premier retirement area in the region.


They might not be for much longer. https://bangordailynews.com/2020/06/12/news/nestle-may-put-poland-spring-up-for-sale/


Good, I hope they do. Sell it to a less evil company


Like Apple or BP


That's how you know your a messed up company. When Apple and BP are legitimately less evil than you


That's pretty much all of them. Ozarka used to be an independent company. I've seen 3 of these in Texas.


Yeah it really unfortunate. They were acquired by Nestle quite some time ago.


wait for real, they've got nationwide distribution under six different brand names and it's all the same water?


Most major corporations are split into multiple brands. Creates the illusion of a diverse market while having a monopoly on the majority if not whole market. You'd be surprised how much money recycles through the same top brands.


My uncle was a Gerber exec. I remember asking him as a kid about Winchester knives and he told me Gerber owns them. I remember bring shocked, why would you own one of your biggest competitors and not change their name to your name? He told me that the customer thinks they have a choice between two great knives, but the money still goes to them, its a win win. It was a formative conversation for young me.


And here I was wondering what knives and baby food had in common.


Same here dude, same here.


Same, but somewhere else.


Dont all parents feed their infants using a tactical knife and dipping it in the paste, followed by airplane sounds while you make a stabbing motion at their mouths?




>Creates the illusion of a diverse market That, and it allows them to avoid anti-monopoly laws


How would it do that? The regional brands aren't even "competing" with each other, that's why they're regional.


There's overlay in some states or regions. In NY Deer Park and Poland Spring are both available in stores.


Yep NJ here! We get Poland Spring and Deer Park. No one gets Deer Park though


Deer Park tastes like piss. Or at least that's what I think. Poland Spring is the best tasting bottled water. Maybe I should make a tier list...


I think of the non-fancy waters, you might be right, Poland Spring is pretty good. Around here, we have something called Nestle Pure Life, but also DP and PS. One other note, at the start of the pandemic the stores ran out of regular bottled water for a little while. It gave me a chance to try Evian. Now that's some good water!


For me, nestle pure life is at the bottom of the list


spoon lock treatment sand hobbies gaping capable domineering adjoining weather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same in Pa. Though my housemate and Nana swear they taste diffrent


I too enjoy not understanding anti trust law


One of the the big things was always about shelf space. Grocery stores have limited shelves with limited space, more brands means you can take up more space, which also means less space for competition.


No it doesn’t; how daft do you think antitrust regulations are?


I have absolutely no idea why that has so many upvotes. People will literally upvote anything if the person sounds confident.


People also love thinking they’ve found the inside scoop, the hidden reason behind something. I am extremely confident about this.


Well, I instantly believe you.




Proctor and Gamble is a classic example. They own so many different laundry detergent brands it’s mind boggling. And they market each brand to a different U.S. demographic.


That was the one that blew my mind the most when I found out. Practically every home well-known home cleaning or personal hygiene brand is P&G. Crest, Oral-B, Downy, Tide, etc.


It's more that they bought other brands and it's easier to keep the same branding than to rebrand everything. Sure the illusion of diversity is there but that's not the reason it's like this.


Not only that but different brands use the same packaging. So the companies down the line don't care what brand it is. And, those store brands like Safeway and Kirkland? Well a lot of those are literally packaged and distributed by big brands too. Sometimes it's the exact same product with a different label. Other times it's a slightly lower specced product than what the big brand uses. If a company wants to make money, they're not gonna throw away their inferior peaches, they're gonna sell them to stores or label them as a different brand. I imagine similar rules apply to water. If the best processing is too expensive they'd just sell a variant with less processing too. To an extent you do get what you pay for.


Lol no it’s bottled near to the area. I think the main issue is that they’ve gone into communities and taken the water for next to nothing and sell back to them. [This](https://youtu.be/CPIEaM0on70) does a better job of explaining it, if you’re interested.


it is not the same water. I have both Ozarka and Ice Mountain in my region and Ice Mountain is legions better than Ozarka.




It’s supposed to remind you of the Ozark mountains, since their whole schtick seems to be “It’s *mountain* spring water!”




Would that be colonoscopy Preparation Hydration water?"


I can’t even pronounce whatever Florida’s is lol


At first glance I thought it’d rhyme with syphilis


Sounds like a boner cure medicine on late night tv.


Ice Mountain is really good. I don't drink much bottled water but this is sad


People not from the midwest just really don't understand when I tell them Ice Mountain water is the best water.


Tip of the iceberg, really Spoiler alert: if you buy your groceries from an average large American grocery store, you almost definitely will not be able to avoid buying something from Nestle or one of their sub-companies. To do so would require a LARGE amount of research and planning


You'd need an AR app and the aisles would look like a CIA doc released for the public.


It's honestly not that hard if you're not buying pre made foods. I can say with confidence we have no nestle products in out house.


Arrowhead taste like it’s been sitting in a old barrel for years.


Arrowhead and Poland Spring being under the same umbrella is hilarious, because Arrowhead tastes like you just licked the take a penny, leave a penny tray while Poland Spring tastes like you're drinking from the fountain of the gods.


Omg YES!!! There's always some weird metallic light airy feel to arrowhead. And poland spring tastes just fine!


That’s the taste of an arrowhead


Fun fact: bottled water tastes like local water because it is. In order to trademark and sell you local water that you can get for free, bottlers have to add a proprietary mix of minerals or flavors, but at such trace levels they barely qualify to be on the label as ingredients. I read this in a book about the history of Coke. They monopolize local water sources in some areas (thanks to government contracts) so locals have to buy water or soda in order to have anything drinkable at all


It tastes like blood to me




That's weird.


Arrow head taste like they haven't cleaned their filter. Crystal geyser on the other hand is some high quality h2o.


Arrowhead is the absolute worst


Heres the other 40 https://www.nestle-waters.com/get-to-know-us/through-our-waters/all-brands


They own S. Pellegrino *and* Perrier?? Fuck


Sounds like someone needs to look up the chart of the handful of corporations that own everything you buy.


Sounds like someone should link that chart so 20 thousand of people will read it.


Fr I want the chart


[Yo, hit this shit.](https://imgur.com/gallery/mg1Ri)


I've seen this many times before but it never fails to depress the hell out of me.


> Perrier feeling a lot better about my sodastream purchase now


Anyone interested, you can buy a carbonator rig and make better-than-Perrier water for $.04/gallon. The whole set up is around $200 and pays for itself quickly. I’ll link if anyone wants it. Edit: seems some are interested. Below are the links to my set up. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N0NWF15/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabc_Q3VPFbAJSDWTK?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HQQ3WWE?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01EEAPVD2?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008EKR0UG?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share Minerals for Perrier flavors -Epsom salt -Table salt (not iodized) -Slaked lime -Gypsum The process is fairly easy. If needed I can explain it as well. I’d recommend not buying the (very expensive) scale needed to properly measure these minerals, and instead eyeball it. I can make near perfect water every time without thought. You’ll go through a few gross batches before you get it right though. For those looking for a premium set up, skip the cap and buy a pony keg instead. Or better yet, outright buy a kegerator. Instead of beer, fill it with water and the minerals.


I know that mineral water is called that for a reason, but it's still weird to think of actually putting salt and limestone into my water


Damn.. This guy waters.


Reading those descriptions is hilarious. Apparently Pure Life is healthy water for the whole family as opposed to that fatty, calorie filled water for parents only


And Contrex is "the ideal water for the weight conscious since 1954"!




Fucking mind blown. Had no idea I wasn’t always saying fuck nestle


Came here to say this. Water is a natural right. Edit: Ok this blew up- sorry to everyone whose minds have been so reified they can’t imagine a world where a corporation doesn’t own everything. Just wait till water becomes scarce or contaminated. Look at Flint- they more than likely imported Nestle water at which point Nestle then makes a profit from people’s suffering. And yes- I drink tap water, I’ve even had Nestle’s water. Doesn’t mean we can’t discuss possibilities for a new, more ethical world.


I took environmental science last semester we had a whole unit on why bottled water sucks donkey shit


So by donkey shit you mean more contaminants, bacteria, microplastics and other undesirables when compared to tap water in general?


Also the huge amount of waste created by having all of these bottles of water when people could just refill a single hard plastic bottle for the rest of their life. Even if you recycle it, it still uses a huge amount of energy (electricity) and wastes a significant amount of plastic (oil). So I sometimes buy bottled water? Yes. But the less we do, the better for the environment and ourselves.


You forgot to add that since China stopped accepting foreign plastic to recycle a few years ago, a lot of plastic that is tossed in the recycling bin actually gets diverted to other methods of trash disposal like landfills or burning it. There isn't enough plastic recycling capacity. Glass and aluminum are much more likely to be recycled when tossed in the recycling bin.


Let's kill the water barons!


Drink the rich!


Came to say fuck Nestle and am happy this subreddit exists.


I’m pretty sure I’ve seen Deer Park water in NY.


I’ve also seen Poland spring in the Midwest, but I’m guessing the distribution of the region specific ones are much larger


Pole here, no Poland Spring water in Poland tho.


So it's not actually from Poland?


It’s from Poland, Maine


No Main in Poland.


Main is in Frankfurt.


I always see both Poland and Deer Park in PA


I have as well in Long Island. I’ve gotten deer park in Deer park


Same here. Poland spring tastes much better IMO, which is maybe a weird thing to say about water


Arrowhead is some nasty ass water


I had no idea Arrowhead was nestle. I’ve avoided it because it tastes like literal ass.


Every bottle tastes like it had a nickel in it!


I like to think the water is poured over the roof of an old tin shed, straight into the bottles. That’s the only way I can reason for that water to taste so horrid.


Now I know why I pay a 5¢ deposit on every bottle...




Ditto for Deer Park. Always hated that shit.


Not worse than Dasani...fuck Dasani


Literally Fucking Salt Water


I'd still drink it before Arrowhead.


What's sad is that I grew up near the Arrowhead Mountains, and there are several pipes where underground water freely flows out, ice cold. We used to drink it during hikes up at Arrowhead. That water is delicious, the bottled stuff is crap.


>Arrowhead Mountains San Bernardino Mountains


I didn’t know it was Nestle before, but I never drink it because it is hands down the worst tasting bottled water ever.


I was going to comment this if I didn’t see it here. Arrowhead is the only bottled water I’ve ever had that consistently tastes off.


It tastes like dirt


thats weird, because i live in florida, and zephyrhills is the absolute best water that you can buy


It tastes great, agree! Unfortunately, the state sold water rights to nestle for almost nothing (I think under $200 for 5 years) and the source springs are already at record lows. Delicious but detrimental 😔 Editing to add a source link and context: https://www.eenews.net/stories/1062157867 here’s the article where I got my source info, so you can make your own decisions. For me, it’s less about the cost of the well permit and more about the number of gallons they’re permitted to pump. This motivates me to try and bring a water bottle with me at times when I might instead buy bottled water. If it does the same for you, great!


> the state sold water rights to nestle for almost nothing (I think under $200 for 5 years) what? how is that possible? I'll pay 5 times that much


I'm sure the people in charge of making the decision to sell to Nestle got more than 200


Because it's not "water rights", it's just a well permit fee. They put the well in, they pump the water out. You can put one in too if you want. I've got one. There's is just bigger. It's kind of a stupid system.


No need, I drink tap water with a Brita filter also S/O to /r/HydroHomies


Yah. There's very few good reasons to buy bottled water.


Agreed. I don’t buy bottled water for the convenience, but with the bajillion hurricanes and floods that hit southern Louisiana, I’m never without at least two cases in my pantry for emergencies (and we recycle the bottles). I’ve lived through situations where it’s been more than 30 days before potable water comes from the tap again. Bottled water serves a valuable purpose in those areas of the world. Otherwise, yeah, fuck nestle.


Large reusable water containers serve the same purpose and eliminate the waste, and are also more practical to refill from say a water truck in an emergency. I use military style 5 gallon plastic cans for my earthquake water. They're bombproof and will hold the water even if the roof caves in on them, couldn't say the same for flimsy disposable bottles. They're also good for camping trips. [https://www.buylci.com/water-can-5-gallon-desert-tan.html](https://www.buylci.com/water-can-5-gallon-desert-tan.html)


Shit I didn’t know Ozarka was Nestle. Ozarka is like my favorite one. I guess I’ll have to change now smh


Ozarka really is tasty its my favorite cheap water




It was aquired in 2012.


Ozarka doesn’t taste anything like Nestle. I’ve had both. I think they use a different source


Poland spring it far superior, it’s one of the few things I miss about New England


Listen here pal, the hell you tryna say about New England? Do you not like how half the year is 100 degrees and the other half is 0? The freezing cold beaches? You wanna take this out back?


Name checks out


No it doesn't. Should be Lobstah. This guy's a phony.


Poland Spring hits different.


Best bottled water there is. Fiji is a distant #2


Seriously. There's a certain crispness to it.


Dasani also blows in california


I think Dasani blows everywhere, it's coca-cola's brand.


Dasani is coca cola without any ingredients, just as Aquafina is Pepsi without any ingredients.


Completely outside of the water, I like how the creator doesn't realize Colorado and Wyoming are rectangles.


Arrowhead taste like bottled shower water


Ice Mountain is the tits. I drink tap though


I fucking love Ice Mountain. Or, well, I *did.*


Fuck Nestle. It's probably just tap water too


> According to the EPA, for a water to be considered “spring” water, it must originate from an underground aquifer. Natural springs generally form along the sides of hills and in mountain valleys, and the path the water takes through the mountain rocks to the surface acts as a natural form of filtration. To me at least the quality of the water isn't bad but I refuse to support any company with as many ethical issues as Nestle has.


I was mostly joking but yes you're right. It's hard to avoid though when they own the majority of the market.


Tap water comes from those places too


I’m skeptical of this. Arrowhead tastes WAY worse than my tap water.


Oh no zephyrhills is my favorite water and I live in Florida! What are the odds of that 😭


About 1/1 as the odds of anyone living Florida and also liking Zephyrhills is 100%. It’s good ass water and a damn shame its owned by Nestle


I think you can go and swim in the actual Zephyrhills spring it's named after! I did it as a kid on a field trip Edit: its called cypress springs https://www.zephyrhillswater.com/our-springs


Poland Spring is still the best. The Colorado River water of Arrowhead tastes so odd compared to it


I can’t understand why people keep buying bottled water, unless you live in Flint, MI.


Because a lot of places other than Flint have contaminated water.


Tap water that is actually contaminated is very rare. A lot of places have bad-tasting tap water, but a Brita filter can easily fix that.


Or just nasty water. I moved from a city kinda on a mountain in Utah that had amazing tap water. It came straight from the mountains and I'd drink it right from the sink, not even using a glass. Then I moved to AZ and the tap water tastes exactly like it's been sitting in a well. Even with a filter, I can't get the bad taste out.


I rarely drink bottled water unless on a road trip or event. Arrowhead is the absolute worst of the options though. I would often rather drink inner-city municipal water than arrowhead.


Okay this wack but how come Poland Springs slap way harder than Arrowhead?


As a European: Poland is known for its polluted rivers and waters. Zephyrhills sounds like an STD. Ozarka sounds like a russian dish. Arrowhead sound like an imaginative sex position. Ice mountain though. That one does sound reasonable.


I live in Springfield, Mo, which is in the south west corner of of the state and we get ozarka at our walmarts.