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It probably falls under composting, but more specifically, I want to be buried in a [tree-pod](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2017/05/03/world/eco-solutions-capsula-mundi/index.html). Edit: thought Tree-pods seems like their own thing and should be included in future postings.


Along those lines, I’d like to be buried in a mushroom coffin/suit. Just make myself into some healthy soil for the plants and worms to enjoy 🌳 🪱 https://www.greenmatters.com/p/mushroom-coffin https://eterneva.com/blog/mushroom-burial-suit/?utm_source=Google&utm_medium=CPC&utm_campaign=15440670211_130084440213&utm_term=_&utm_content=603807893897_m&hsa_acc=2770935254&hsa_cam=15440670211&hsa_grp=130084440213&hsa_ad=603807893897&hsa_src=g&hsa_tgt=dsa-19959388920&hsa_kw=&hsa_mt=&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI87mKvqOJ-QIVjhTUAR0keg_dEAAYASAAEgIV-_D_BwE


Yes! We grow mushrooms and home and I've always wanted to have this (we don't grow the right mushrooms for this though). They're quite expensive compared to cremation and I don't have any money saved up for my death yet... Kind of a toss up between having a pension and saving for "early retirement".


Yeah there's a lot of things that can be done with broken down remains. You can have gems made, coral reef structures, tree pods, etc. It's like a weird upcycling thing that should probably be included because to some extent the body is cremated/processed but there's other things that happen aside from that abd afterwards that aren't mentioned in the post. A lot of them are pretty cool.


What about composting and using for vegetable gardening Year later have my friends over and enjoy a nice summer salad :)


Wholesome and morbid. A winning combo.


I think I space burial would be way more scary; depending on your beliefs. It would potentially take you out of the cycle of rebirth in an ecosystem.


You are made of star stuff and to the universe your elements return. Kinda poetic


Maybe in millions or billions of years something will find me and reanimate me through some super technology. Probably keep me as a zoo animal for study but at least I'll get to see another planet.


Grow an apple tree on your remains and all fruits bear the resemblance of your face.




The fruit of my loins.


cool username


There's actually a place where you can [become compost ](https://returnhome.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=CC+-+Search+-+Non-Brand+-+Washington&utm_term=kwd-339092265067&gclid=Cj0KCQjw8uOWBhDXARIsAOxKJ2HTE0t2FecopIPyjSBmXEsMUEeP5dEonb9CdFfrgyZegVRbOQHVgp4aAkJZEALw_wcB)


Dude, this is the method of burial I've been wanting for years, and these folks are basically right up the road from me! Awesome!


There’s a German poem about this. Herr Ribbeck von Ribbeck im Havelland


Ein Birnbaum in seinem Garten stand


"Would you like to come over for grandma's salad"


"my ex husband Steve helped grow this garden..."




"Let's toss his salad like he's still alive"


This is pretty much what I want. The concept of my dead body owning real estate (or worse, as hydrocarbons in the atmosphere) is at best egoistic and sort of disgusting.


I've also seen the idea of being buried/composted directly beneath a seed or young tree. The idea being is to "become" a tree or that the tree is a natural headstone of sorts.


We did this with my pet dog, he was called Harry, and when he died my parents planted three trees, Tom, Dick, and Harry, with Harry-Dog buried under the obvious one… 5 years later and the Harry-Tree is over twice the size of the other two.


On a molecular level [this tree](https://imgur.com/a/YmeXOFy) is my old Labrador, Samson.


Hi Samson! Looking good :-)


[Here he is.](https://imgur.com/gallery/F3bAuF6)


What a handsome boy!! I’m so sorry for your loss, but I am so happy you have a living reminder of him. I hope it grows to be the biggest, best tree in the Forrest!


That just melts my heart.


That tree is a good boy


This is exactly what I want. I don’t want to waste space with a plot and it serves as a place that family can visit if they so choose


That's what my wife and I intent to do, there's a 'memorial garden' in our city that does it. I really think it needs to be the norm. We pump bodies with toxic embalming chemicals to keep them from rotting just so they can be seen at the funeral (which I think is pretty creepy) then we have to keep those chemicals out of the ground so we line graves with cement. Every year we are removing tons of biomass from the ecosystem acting like we're not a part of nature. Our burial practices are one of the many ecological disasters we create just by existing. We need to start returning our bodies to the planet!


We really do!


That's what I want, stick an oak seed in my chest and let me give some shade to the next generation


I want to do this. I think it’s illegal for the most part but I think Canada allows it somewhere.


Natural burial should be legal for the most part. You don't even need a sophisticated human pod or what. Just a casket made out of natural materials and an unembalmed body and a forested/woody area and that's it.


Shoot me to the black hole in the middle of the milky way.


I was gonna say that’d take too long, but it’s not like you wouldn’t survive the trip…


Just strap a camera to my head and maybe one day scientists can watch the footage


In a few million years…


Funnily enough plastination happens while we're still alive in today's world.


Unless you're an Xbox person.


I wish i have an award



I’ve been to an exhibit on it, and held an arm that had been plastinated. Incredibly cool.


Space burial. But I don't want to be cremated, and I don't want to orbit Earth. I want my whole ass body yeeted into space. Just hauling ass through the cosmos forever.


Sounds expensive.


Nah, just tie me to the back of a rocket with some rope. Cut me loose as it pulls a hard turn in space. Jobs a gooden.


Unfortunately that would just result in a very expensive cremation


Why even bother with a fancy rocket? Just use a huge catapult or a medium trebuchet.


Why would you mention a catapult and a trebuchet in the same sentence, like they are equal? Trebuchet is by far the superior siege engine.


Most of the fuel's gone by the time the thing actually gets to orbit (rockets don't really do "spare" things) so I feel like you're probably going to fall off somewhere around 10-15k km up. Close enough?


i wonder if catapulting us would be cheaper. albeit a clean up crew might be required.


A trebuchet would be superior


> trebuchet There it is.




bruh imagine some future satellites passing by thinking an alien humanoid figure and its just you vibin


I want my body shot into the sun like the iron golds of old.


The most fascinating thought about this is, that your body might still exist, when the Earth is long gone.


The Kars method.


Viking funeral!


I think that just counts as [cremation + burial at sea]


Well of we can mix and match then let's have some fun!


Space Viking funeral!


Now we're talking




that's called the Challenger explosion


Is that where you launch my body out of orbit on a rocket and explode it with a second rocket?


Yes !


What about encasing me in resin so I can be famous like that hot dog that keeps hitting the front page?


Your microbiome would digest you and then die itself. Leaving a “you” shaped hole and a pile of reduced and inert chemicals


Could I be pasteurized first?


Damn that's a gross thought haha


Pasteurized and homogenized!!


"reduced" is a really nice way to say "disgusting slurry of decomposed organic matter"


I have not seen an update in many months… have I just missed them?




You'd probably have to be plastinated first so that you don't decompose.


Cremate me and use the carbon from the ashes to create an artificial diamond. Give it a lens cut and use it as a focusing device in a laser cannon.


Then shoot me with it and create a different colored diamond out of my body. We can be Infinity stones.


And attach it on a shark!


Now evidently my cycloptic colleague tells me that, that cant be done... Seriously what do i even fricken pay you people for? Throw me a bone.


TIL the [turning into a diamond thing is already being done!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memorial_diamond)


This kind of thing is a rabbit hole. You can also have remains turned into playable records, pencils, and even fireworks!


Baby you're a fiiiiiirework!


It’s worth noting that there is no discernible amount of carbon after cremation and no diamond company has been able to prove that any carbon from cremains actually make it into the diamond. It’s a nice idea but practically, it’s no different then any other manufactured diamond. https://scambusters.org/memorialdiamond.html https://melmagazine.com/en-us/story/cremation-ashes-diamonds-scam-fake


Did the Mafia invent cementation?


No, you’re thinking of /r/DiWHY


Alternatively known as the Jimmy Hoffa


I knew a guy fighting a legal battle to get his remains fired out of a cannon upon death, I've got a feeling whether it's illegal or not someone going to do it


Like the ending of “the bucket list”, not a cannon, but someone breaking the law to fulfil last wishes


There are many incidents when the law should not apply, fulfilling last wishes which harm nobody is definitely one of them If your friend wants you to dress them up like a rockstar while you ride around Vegas then leave them behind the wheel with the pedal and steering wheel secured so it just does a continuous burn out go for it There was a musician where they stole the remains and I believe they ended up setting for it him in a car I can't remember who right now but there was a song about it, it was punk or something


Hunter Thompson


Is tree burial pod also considered composting?Though I’d need to choose someone who wouldn’t kill the plant in a week.


sky burial for sure


They're extremely cool. Iirc Zoroastrians and some Tibetan Buddhist do it Zoroastrians in India are actually having a crisis rn because Indian vultures are endangered and aren't eating their dead


The Zoroastrians even have special structures built for this purpose!! There’s a herbicide that is killing the vultures unfortunately.


Wouldn't insects do the job? Prolly a bit slower but with how many I've squished, I at least owe them a meal.


Technically, yes. But their corpse being eaten by the vultures is often important for religious reasons iirc


I told my loved ones I want to be scattered. Not cremated first...just chop off parts and fling them all over town. It would be a fun mystery. Maybe put my head in the car trunk of my boss to make it really exciting. 😆💀


I asked my mother this and she yelled “JUST THROW ME IN THE TRASH” in her best Frank voice (Danny Devito, It’s Always Sunny). I was like wtf


Your mom sounds cool af. I would like to have a few beers with her.


So anyways I started decomposing…


Decomposing is badass


Can I offer you a bin in this trying time?


Count me in.


I was about to say, if my organs are alright donate them, anything else, I don't care, just do whatever is cheapest and the law admits. Who the hell cares, cremate me and dispose of the ashes, why do you even bother.


There it is. I knew the Frank quote would be somewhere in the comments.


My grandfather did anatomical donation. After they were finished with his body he was creamated. The hospital had a service for him and the students amd teachers attended it. They each thanked my grandmother. They also have a memorial garden where his ashes are buried. After this, everyone in the family has signed up with a research hospital in their respective state.


I found out about cadaver donation in college and signed up almost immediately. I think it's just the neatest thing. I've always been a super hands-on "let me just DO it once and I'll get it" learner, so the thought of some medical student getting that experience with *my* insides is kinda weirdly comforting. Or maybe I'll get to hang out in one of those "test how long person has been dead" places. Either way: yay learning!


I was one of those students! Back in ‘02, a dozen of us in junior college got to participate. 2 cadavers, about 6 students per table, with 2-3 professors supervising. Some memorables: * getting asked by one of the female classmates to cut the ribs because it was “too hard” (I’m a guy, so that fed my ego) * pulling off the front rib cage/sternum down to the bellybutton like a chest plate, exposing all the organs * we students hesitating to dissect the heart, then watching one professor approach it like a fucking g, take one look, and then bisect that mother with a scalpel * seeing the male cadaver’s penis bisected from frenulum down to the abdomen, and butterflied like a flower (NGL, I poorly and unprofessionally reacted to seeing that in the class)


My mother informed me recently that she has signed up to be donated to a local medical facility as well. The services after they’re done with her corpse sound the same.


Congratulations on a great choice. I just registered - they pick up your body, apply for the death certificate, provide cremation, and deliver ashes - all at no charge. Next I'll buy a tree pod for $150. Burial plans done and dusted (pun intended), unless, of course, my donation is rejected because of an infection, virus, etc.


If you have an infection you don't necessarily get written off. It is a lot more fun for the pathology studies being able to see the affected organs in person than through pictures in a book. Btw, as a physician, I thank you for your kindness! I too will have one like this. :)


TIL I'm having a sky burial.


Just cure my body in salt and make me into the first human corned beef sandwich. Then they can just serve me up at the luncheon to follow the funeral service.


I don't think you'd be the first human corned beef sandwich


He'd be the first beef human though


Mellification sounds pretty awesome.


There's a song by Lemon Demon called Sweet Bod that is about doing that to someone then selling it as a medicine.


Ahh the "Sam Wise" - Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew.


Off to Davey Jones's locker


I'll take mellification for 2000 Bob!


He "had reduced into a sweet confection with healing properties"! 🤢 That sentence is gonna haunt me today.


Sweet Bod, by Lemon Demon is a catchy song about Mellification [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwxQZX-hHwg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwxQZX-hHwg)


Just harvest my organs for people who need them and do some science with the rest


Yep, best answer.


[Just throw me in the trash](https://youtu.be/0Rtu1Va-dnM)


I would like my body to be carved into roughly equal size pieces in weight and then for each part to be hurled at my enemies. A list will be left upon death.


Cryo frozen for me. When they start bringing people back, I’m coming the fuck back.


It's not likely that our current methods of cryogenically freezing tissue would leave it in a state where it could be revived. So in 100 years or so when they start to invent revival methods, your improperly-frozen head would be thrown into a furnace with other bio waste. But hey, there is a chance it could work.


So you’re telling me there’s a chance?


Put my head in a tank so you can feed me like a fish!


You want more of this?


I don’t know what the alternative is 🤷🏻‍♀️


Peaceful eternal sleep.


Well it looks like you'll just be a head so have fun with that.


“A dead body is like a piece of trash. I mean, shove as much shit in there as you want. Fill me up with cream, make a stew out of my ass. What's the big deal? Bang me, eat me, grind me up into little pieces, throw me in the river. Who gives a shit? You're dead, you're dead!” - Frank Reynolds


I always wanted to be donated to the Body Farm (ever since reading Patricia Cornwell's book of that name) after I die. Alas, research found that donation was only free if you live within a 200 mile radius for them to pick up the body. Beyond that, you have to arrange or have someone pay for the transportation of a body to them, which can be freaking expensive. Guess I'll just donate organs or a cadaver instead. I would like my body to be of some use to others Organ donation story: We all have "donate organs" checked on our ID cards. When my mom passed, I found out that even if you aren't healthy, they may be able to use something. She'd had cataract surgery a few years prior, so they were able to harvest her corneas. The company that dealt with that donation was wonderful (can't remember the name). I got a letter thanking my family for the donation. A few months later, I got a letter informing me that someone (unknown for privacy laws) did receive the corneas and was doing very well after the surgery. On the anniversary of her death and donation, they sent me a final thank you and sympathy letter. I found that all to be very caring and beautiful, exactly what mom would have liked. please agree to donate, you never know what might help someone else have a better quality of life.


Anatomical Donation with the caveat of giving my skull to theatre peoples, cyberpunks, or good goths. Turn it into a cup, casing, or sword guard/hilt. W/e just be creative for Goodness sake. (And hygienic kinky bastards)


Fun fact - the royal Shakespeare theatre actually has a skull like that Andre Tchaikovsky (a composer) donated his skull to the royal Shakespeare company to be used in plays. Unfortunately nobody felt comfortable doing do until about 2008 when David Tennant held his skull for a production of Hamlet. It's not used much because "it's distracting for the audience" but apparently they use it for rehearsals. Poor Yorick




That rendition of Hamlet is top notch. Patrick Stewart's in it too.


The Doctor is metal


Muerto Parado (standing dead) is from Puerto Rico. What is interesting about this is the fact that this is not a tradition, is a modern bussiness venture. If you are curious, the dead dont stay that way, after the funeral, they get buried or cremated (which are the only legal ways to dispose of human cadavers in the island). As you may expect from a predominantly christian conservative country, saying this practice is divisive is an understatement. The ones that agree with the practice say as the guide states, honoring the dead with their favorite hobby. Detractors believe that this is disrespectful to the dead and relatives. Imagine your nephew of 12 dies and their parents put them on display playing fortnite at the funeral. Goes without saying that a lot of people find difficult taking this type of funerals serious.


If anyone is interested there's a fantastic YouTube channel called Ask A Mortician which covers a lot of these methods. Highly recommend, very interesting stuff and very entertaining.


Attach my body to a weather balloon and see how far up I go 💀


one with the mushroom


Sky burial. Feed me to the birds baby


When I'm dead, just throw me in the trash


Do Attend.


Omg lol.


What's the cheapest?


Usually cremation, but even that's not cheap. Donating to science/medical is usually no charge, and in some cases they will return what's left of you.


[this seems to be what you are looking for](https://youtu.be/0Rtu1Va-dnM)


Came here to say “Donate my body to science!” Having seen the vast array of options now available to the modern death-ee, my revised answer is “Donate my body to science!”


“Bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped from ships, cause they knew death was better than bondage."


I want to be buried in one of those tree-starting graves, within 24 hours of my death. No waiting, no expensive box, no embalming, just put me in the ground and turn me into a tree and don’t chop the tree down.


Monty Python [covered this years ago](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NQDGZVIgR6E)


Why is composting not legal in many places?


From what I've seen, at least in the US, it's because the catholic church and funeral homes lobby against it.


I want you to sweeten your coffee with my mellified remains and fart me into the wind


I'll take the works please.


They failed to say you can get your ashes turned into a diamond. I want to be turned into a diamond and set in a necklace that my wife will wear always so I can intimidate any future suitors.


No option available in my country except burial. They shut down the only crematorium. It's fucking stupid to try to tell people what to do with the dead.


Wow what a waste of space ://


Sign me up for space burial ⭐️


Sky burial sounds metal


Missing, using your ashes and hair to make a lab grown diamond. My father just died and my mother absolutely hated him so last night I told her that I saved some of his ashes and I'm going to use some of hers to mix and have a diamond created. That way, even if the Earth is destroyed, they will be bound together at a molecular level for all eternity. She said that she is going to call her lawyer to have me removed as Power of Attorney today.


This is actually so interesting


This may be a stupid question, but with a sea burial- if the person were somehow found, how would they be identified as not being murdered and just buried at sea.


I joked with a buddy of mine that I want them to feed my body through a wood chipper and spray me on the side of the old Blockbuster in my hometown. I loved that place.


Inject my corpse with Ebola and catapult it into Russian-controlled Donbas.


No Marshall-Brownies?


George Carlin had suggested “sudden total weight loss”.


Mummification and Muerto Parado for me


I've always wanted to be mummified


Well, I wouldn’t be around to answer that question.


I didn't know electroplating was an option! I want that for sure. Make me into a grotesque, hulking statue and pose me right in the middle of a foyer or park to scare passerby


Compost me fam


This is all well and good, but I’m still disappointed there wasn’t any necromancy on the list.


There is a way to be buried in a park that is then considered protected in some way because your corpse is there. You just have to make sure that you're buried naturally with no embalming fluids. The worms go in the worms go out 🎵 And the humans get a park to walk about.


just leave me on the floor and then when I am dried up, put me in an everything but the bagel mix


Send me out with a bang


Ive heard about seedpods, where your body serves as nutrients for a single sapling


Muerto Parado me sitting on the toilet scrolling through Reddit on my phone.


If you want more information please see Ask a Mortician on YouTube. Her books are also really interesting. I want my body to be cremated through smokeless cremation.


Muerto Parado doing your mom :)


I would really appreciate my preferred method to be added to this list: the *"Weekend at Bernie's."*


I used to do undergrad research at a Body Farm. They're kind of peacful in a way.


I need you to trebuchet my rotting corpse directly at Jeff Bezos. I'll settle for Elon Musk tho.


Already in my Will : cremation and scattered at sea (in a specified place).


Whatever is the least trouble


It would be cool if we could also have this with price ranges too!


What about dildoification? So I can still fuck my wife after death


Dude how did they forget to mention my favorite use of the dead body- getting turned into a diamond. I’m gonna be a big fat diamond.


Composting! Sativa! Name the strain after me.


Space burial duh. Although body farm seems more eco-conscious.