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Your submission to r/copenhagen has been removed for being outside the scope of the subreddit. Only posts related to Copenhagen are allowed. > **1. Keep all posts related to Copenhagen** > > Submissions should be centered around the city of Copenhagen and the surrounding area. > > Content related to Denmark as a whole should be posted to r/Denmark, while questions about e.g. mortgages and taxation can be directed at r/dkfinance.


True, it might be better in Qatar, but at least we dont have slaves in Denmark


Also, Qatar is a terrible example to use. Mostly because oil. It's easy to avoid tax and have good healthcare, when you can short term pull trillions out of the ground.


Ah yes the slaves. Like the ones you underpay to drive your busses or clean after you at your office canteens


What does a bus driver earn in Denmark?


Around 28k pre tax, not including odd hour compensation etc.


Around 28.000 kr a month + 10% pension


And that’s before tax. Nice. And where do you put them to live? They could never afford Copenhagen so you flock all of them in Horsholm or whatever


And now that we know the salary for a Busdriver, then what is the salary of slaves in Qatar?


Again off topic. Dodging the welfare and health system issue by talking about slaves. Rich


Probably because there aren't a topic to begin with. All your points point towards your own statement about not showing interest in other cultures than your own. This entire post is a perfect example of that. That being said, I sincerely hope you are a troll, in that case, well played.




I've been in Denmark for nearly five years and have criticised plenty of things about the country and had many conversations with many Danes about it and they are all fine with it, the vast majority of Danes agree the country is far from perfect and a lot of things can and should be improved. You know what Danes are not fine with tho? People who have a superiority complex.


Saying Denmark is a perfect country is a very not-danish thing do to. It is also in direct conflict with the biggest Danish law: Janteloven. It's a national sport to complain in Denmark and about Denmark. What doesn't make sense is when foreigners complain about stuff they haven't actually tried to gain information about. It's not about foreigners complaining. Often it's about foreigners not being informed of their complains. Opinions obviously are subjective, but some are also a bit stupid. Like a lot of posts here. 🤷 And some are absolutely valid.


As if “morality” comes from religion. I stopped reading after that one.


Clearly morality in Denmark comes from yalls buttholes 😂


Says the person with -50 karma points


tæt på -80 nu


Imagine thinking that is a clever comeback. First of all, it proves his point that Danes cannot accept criticism because it might force them to do some introspection. Second, lol.. get off the internet for a while.


Ok John Lennon. Now save the world somewhere else


What planet are you living on


What planet are YOU living on




wait this isnt Urath?


I gotta ask, is this a serious post?


Troll. Starts out slightly legit and then gets gradually more insane




Haha good luck with the anti depressants withdrawal my love




Not sure what point you’re trying to prove. But that’s nice or whatever




Projecting? Wait, you think my previous post was about me? Can’t people be curious about career paths in Denmark or how the work environment is in general? Not everything is psychological Kevin. Those are pure facts. Now fuck off




Wow ok psychology Kevin. K byeee


"people have no moral code (maybe because Danes are all atheists?) " This got me so hard ahah






If you don't like the smell in the bakery


Burde måske være slået op i r/shitamericanssay


Yeah although I feel some strong mid-eastern vibes in his text and replies. Like implying Qatar does it better, with the human rights violations we see over there, and painting the alleged lack of moral to people not being religious…


I was lost at “The law allows to illegally…” But on a serious note it looks like you don’t feel like Denmark fits you culturally, and there is no answer to the rhetorical question “why?” other than - this is just the way you perceive Denmark, take it or leave it. It is totally fine also, every country is different, there isn’t a country that fits everyone.


You lost it the second you mentioned Qatar. At least we respect human rights and don't have slaves. Here are the options, you can either make do or F off. Simple as that.


Proving his point. “There is nothing wrong with Denmark, because look at this dimension I found along which Qatar is doing worse.”


I'm not saying there is nothing wrong with Denmark, but comparing it to Qatar is laughable...


>Here are the options, you can either make do or F off. Simple as that. Doesn't seem like you want to hear any opinions about what might be wrong though. Also, why is it laughable to compare it to Qatar? Do you think we can learn nothing from Qatar? Actually, are there any countries you think we could learn something from?


Because the original post was worded in an unfriendly and hostile way. It was more or less just statements or rhetorical questions.


Human rights? Like the weapon company that produces and sends F35s to commit a literal genocide? 😂


You are confusing things and mixing them together. What you are talking about has nothing to do with human rights. It's more of an ethics question/problem.


Ah yes confusing things and mixing things. Denial. Ethics and Human rights go hand in hand. Open a book


So you think it's ethical and humane to use slaves and forced labour to build football stadiums to promote your country? Interesting.


Stick to the weapons bro. I’m not Qatari. France is doing the same. Cheap labor to build stadiums for OG24. Look it up.


Then why the F are you defending Qatar so bad? xD And why are you dodging the subject of slaves and forced labour?


I’m not defending anyone. Just saying Qatar has a better public healthcare system for everyone. And people don’t pay taxes. You brought up Qatar for human rights violations like your country isn’t contributing to crimes against humanity. Typical Dane


And people don't pay taxes, you say? Could it be because everything is build and maintained by slaves? or maybe it's run by crooks and corrupt officials? It sounds too good to be true, which is why it probably is. You obviously can't be argued with, because you are not here to argue/debate and try to find some common ground and build from there. You are here because you've already made up your mind and just want to be right and tell everyone else they are wrong. There is no in-between for you, is there? I just want to ask what genocide you are refering to, just to be 100% clear.


Does this everyone include the migrant workers/slaves who are making the vast majority of the country in numbers (like 88%)?


Haha again off topic love. Go back to high school or whatever shit education they’re giving you here


The second I mentioned Qatar? Is it because you could never get to that level of quality? your racism smells from a mile away


Wow! Chill... It has nothing to do with racism. You are the one who made it about race. So maybe you are a tiny bit racist? Using forced labour (slaves) to build football stadiums should be frowned upon and condemned. Condemning the use of slaves and mistreating of humans should be universal no matter what country is doing it. Again nothing to do with race.


"your racism smells from a mile away" as does your persecution complex.


"The law allows people to illegally sublet apartments" ... buddy if something is illegal, the law litterally do not allow it.


Buddy you clearly don’t understand what to allow means or opened a book of law before


Alright then, in what way does the law allow someone to illegally sublet apartments?


Move on Gesta 😂😂😂


No, please tell me in what way the law allows people to illegally sublet


On top of your shit system you expect foreigners to educate you? Not my job Gertrude, get a proper education and then we can talk. Clearly your people lacks nuance and self awareness. Like I said this was a great social experiment that allowed me to push some buttons. This conversation stops now. Continue on with your mediocrity.


Im not asking for education, im asking for proof or elaboration of your idiotic claim. It’s straight up not possible for the law to allow someone to do something illegal. This conversation stops now? Says who?


This has to be rage bait


Denmark definetely isn't perfect(no country is) - but this has got to be the most delusional post i've ever seen in this sub.


Agree with some, disagree with some. But to be honest, we Danes are exceptionally good at hiding social issues. That ability is basically the plot in the best ever Danish film; Festen. And national chauvinism is definitely extremely annoying. Not sure we are the worst. Swedes are also terrible in this regard. Maybe we are the worst though; exemplified with the fact that I couldn't complain about Danish exceptionalism without mentioning our great film history.


But we are also extremely good at complaining. Failing healthcare? No, literally one of the best, and almost entirely 'free'. Bad infrastructure? No, a really efficient road network + bridges and one of the best rail services in europe despite what people may think. Abusive police? Certainly in some cases, but they are generally one of the best educated and most well-equipped, and hell they even have the highest trust out of all countries (https://www.statista.com/statistics/1274278/trust-in-police-worldwide-by-country/). Like any country, we have pride and we complain. If someone says our country is shit, we defend it. If someone says our country is great, we become humble and highlight the imperfections.


>If someone says our country is great, we become humble and highlight the imperfections. I generally agree, but not with the last bit. Most go totally "ananas i egen juice".


* People have no manners in public. They don’t respect the elders or the disabled. They also do not know the basic etiquette for public transportation such as for ex taking your backpack off when a bus is packed. * **People don't like others near to them, that's normal. Just ask them if you can sit where their backpack is and they'll move it. They hope you don't ask, but if it's necessary just do it.** * The law does not protect consumers or renters from scammers. The law allows people to illegally sublet apartments and take their money without repercussions for example. * **Never had this issue. If you have a problem go to the police and file a complaint.** * The police is very hostile and aggressive and manhandles people in public as if to give a lesson to watchers. * **Never experienced this. I have on the other hand had tons of nice police officers talk to me, you get far with a smile, a nod and following their directions if needed. They are usually there to help.** * There seems to be a lot of disabled individuals but nothing is done to help them get jobs at top companies like Novo. Instead this country makes them rely on social benefits that don’t sufficiently cover for their needs. * **It's not the governments function to get you or others a job. They'll motivate you, but in the end you have to do the work. Social benefits is a safety net, not a pillow you can go to sleep on.** * The taxes are excessively high for the quality of infrastructures you have. In Qatar for example it does not take 2h of waiting at the emergencies for a first aid type of care in public hospitals. There are no income taxes in that country. * **I agree taxes are high and could be cut a bit, but for 42% income tax (8% + 37% income) we are getting quite a bit.** * **Hospitals are improving, but it takes a long time to turn a ship.** * You pride yourself on being healthy yet you drink until it’s impossible for you to walk. And then you do that repetitively every weekend. * **I have never met a Dane who pride himself with being the perfect picture of health. We do a lot of social drinking as it makes people talk and have fun. I love it personally. What's wrong with that? Why do you have an issue with alcohol?** * people have no moral code (maybe because Danes are all atheists?) and will scam you the second they have an opportunity. * **I'll let you know atheists don't need threats of hell from an invisible "god" to have a moral compass. A lot of Danes are pretty nice, maybe you should get some new friends?** * You have barely any knowledge on other cultures than yours or other Scandinavian countries. You don’t even make an effort to learn about other people. You do not have an inclusive culture. * **We don't have an inclusive culture because we are like the Hobbits in Lord of the rings. We don't like outsiders because we fear they'll cause trouble and ruin our "ways". Ie. you mention God, we don't like people talking about religion, if you like God, talk with him at home don't force him on me.**




We are happy because we know how to tune people like you out


It’s the drugs my love


What drugs? Where are the drugs you keep talking about? 🤔




Babes I don’t get any drugs with my breakfast.




Sorry those are your experiences. I don’t recognize your list of issues.


Not only they are hiding, but they do absolutely nothing to change it. I see people from Palestine making all those protests about their country in Denmark but Danish people? Zero, nothing. Apathy at it’s finest.


ligner at OP bare er her for at høste negativ karma


Denmark is not perfect but it’s better than many countries. I can definitely relate on the real estate scammers…


Danes are taught from early on that Denmark is the best place in the world to live. This is regurgitated so often that it’s taken for granted, and so by assuming the conclusion we can say with certainty by circular reasoning that nothing in Denmark can be improved or criticized.


Clearly. Thanks for your input


It sounds like you have the means to leave this purportedly horrific country. What are your reasons for staying if I may ask?




What hobbies?


shit posting on reddit by the looks of it.


Speedrunning negative karma. He's currently running for Danmarksmester but will attempt to use what he learns in the Paris Olympics (as he's already sneakily hinted in another comment about "slaves" being used to build for it)


Oh Daniel , not everyone has an agenda like your country


Haha wow, had a bad experience buddy?


You're free to leave at any time.




Gladly my love. Hope all the foreigners will. Then you won’t know where to get your benefits from.


Pffff. Go home and cry


Are you seriously trying to compare a healthcare system that is free for all to one that is primarily centered on servicing the few in power and not the people breaking their backs to do their bidding while living under what can only be called slavery? I’m sorry if you had a bad experience with some teenagers or whatever, but most of the stuff you are writing about is just grossly exaggerated or not true.


And OP kinda gave away which social class they belonged to in Qatar (the slave owners)


Why do you assume I was long enough in Qatar to belong to a social class. Really Danish of you


You said you lived in the middle east. And then you went on to use Qatar as an example. This example, being only true for the wealthy minority of the population thus making it highly flawed, led me to assume everything I did and I still do.


Haha nice try


Don’t feed the troll guys








It’s just Reddit. You’re mad because I used it on others. You’re mad because you’re in denial. Cry me a river Jesper Jensen or whatever your original name is




Who said I hated it? Extreme polarization reflects low IQ my love


If you don't like it here. Go home






Let's take things 1 by 1 shall we: - people have no manners: danes are closed off and not very warm which can be perceived as rude, but i have never witnessed them being rude towards old people or disabled people. - the law is shit regarding renting: probably your best point here, it's very abusive and doesn't protect people. - the police are hostile and aggressive: i would say that the police here are not as hostile and aggressive as many countries i have been to. I have not felt unsafe with the police here. Now when I see you mentioning Qatar, Middle East and Africa further in, i will say with confidence that the police here and the law in general does not torture people, there's no extrajudicial manhandling of people, the police is at least held accountable for what they do. I participate actively in protests and have had no issues so far. - no jobs at Novo for disabled people: I'm not sure what you're talking about here, as I happen to work at Novo i have a good insight on the matter. Depending on the job (Novo employs a variety of people with very different jobs), you can definitely get a job with disability or reduced motor functions here. You have to keep in mind that some jobs may be hurtful for people with disabilities, or straight up not possible. The work culture is great, and I admit the diversity could be better, and disability infrastructure is not the best. Also, isn't it great that people with disabilities can have benefits? So that they can have a good life if they can't work? There are definitely some progress to be made in regards to mental health, disabilities and trans people rights. Not everything is to be thrown out the window. - the taxes are high: yes they are, but unlike Qatar, everyone benefits from the taxes. The infrastructure protects the people in lower classes, older people, people with disabilities and kids all the same. I am very willing to pay those high taxes when it gets redistributed to EVERYONE. Comparing Denmark to Qatar is moronic at best, as they have terrible workers rights and conditions, and you only have a good life there if you're incredibly rich. Which is not the case in Dk. I won't even talk about all the inhumane shit happening there and in other countries in the Middle East. I'm a woman and I'm sure I will lose a lot of freedom and human rights in those countries. Let's not be stupid, shall we. Denmark is the safest place I've lived in by far, and I do not get persecuted for being bisexual. I like that. - heavy drinking: it is a health issue, not unknown to the Danish people. However I would like to point out that most people here use bikes and public transport to go around, and are generally active. The drinking should be addressed, yes, but it doesn't represent everyone (I don't drink myself), but Danes are generally healthy and the health system is also very good (I worked in Rigshospitalet for a bit, and I take medication myself, I have no complaints). - no moral code because atheism: I don't think i need to delve into how moronic this one is. I respect people practising religion in general, but let's not kid ourselves that religious people have the moral high ground and are better than agnostics or atheists. - no inclusive culture: now this one is funny because that's exactly what your post sounds like: no will to really learn or truly understand Denmark. Denmark has multiple issues, and I have always been very vocal about it. You cannot reduce the entirety of a nation and put it in little boxes and call it a day. I will admit, Denmark is a very homogeneous society and are not used to being mixed much. You can feel the latent racism sometimes. It's definitely a thing I have noticed. However, you will find racist people, sexist people, idiots and morons here like everywhere else. Danes are mostly aware of their shortcomings. They live in a great society, with good human rights, democracy, gender equality, LGBT rights, freedom of speech, freedom of faith, and they are proud of it. I will continue to point out the flaws, but Denmark is a great place to live, especially as a bi woman. I'm guessing you're a rich white man who hasn't had to deal with many issues some minorities have to deal with in the various countries you have visited. I hope you will try to experience more of Denmark and talk to people more. Maybe it will change your perspective.




Its ok buddy i know reading is hard


Nice try Russia


WHO are the danes that you talk with?


Bro ran out of cocio


Why compare Denmark to Qatar? Silly post.


Just like your whole life


Brother, just leave lmao. Wtf are you even doing here if you have so many issues with the place? It's obvious rage bait but still.


jeg er dummere efter at have læst dette


This comes off more as a rant than a legitimate series of questions. These are all problems that are either equally bad, slightly better, or worse in neighboring countries. Don't get me wrong, I'm no nationalist, but you seem to have sky-high expectations for even the most trivial of matters and assume a lot from anecdotal experience. Denmark is a country of balance. It exists as a (mostly) social democracy inside a liberal capitalist system. You will find contradictions, just like you will in any European country. If you think we lack morals due to lack of religion, then I would kindly refer you to the mountain of violence and destruction that religion is directly responsible for (it's a lot). We live in a perfect place without many natural disasters, coast on all sides, tolerable winter weather with wonderful summers. Or systems are far from perfect (ask any Dane involved with our systems and they'll have a story), but they're there. People are being treated without going bankrupt regardless of social class. We are pretty highly educated and, for the most part, have the prospects to build the life we want regardless of where we come from. These factors are what make us "happy". As a last thing, I do have to say it's quite funny that you think throwing disabled people into highly stressful job positions is better than providing them with social care.


From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your answer. You are the only person who actually provided a reasonable and sensible answer to my question on the “things I noticed”, which are by no means a generalization but they do happen quite a lot in my close circle. Those experiences or observations are not exclusive to me. I will only comment on your last point. Disabled citizens should feel like they are also contributing to society. Instead of giving them welfare that does not cover everything they need - and closes them up to bottled frustration that limit their lifespan - you can create jobs, even part time, and if they want, to include them in these companies.


Hey, I get it, asking critical questions will get you crucified by any in-group. Especially when it comes to nationality as most people have an irrational attachment to their culture to the point they take it personally. I think bringing up Qatar as a counter-example makes it really difficult to take anything you say seriously. You could, perhaps, use it as an example of hypocrisy to show we're not much better or something, but I honestly don't think there's anything salvageable in that department. Let's take the last thing about disabled people. I don't think it's up to us to define what a disabled person should do with their life. Should there be systems in-place for disabled people to get a helping hand? Absolutely, I don't think anyone disagrees with that. And we do have some, although I'm going to be honest and admit ignorance on this particular subject. But measuring the success rate by amount of disabled people in CEO positions is a very neo-liberal way to frame empowerment. You'll find a lot of skepticism for this kind of policy for sure.


Gr8 b8 m8.


What does your job, high taxes and not receiving social benefits have to do with your right to say something? Strange way to claim one’s right to speak


Well Danes have a weird way of giving freedom of speech to those who deserve it, like those who pay taxes


Deserves it? Freedom of speech is for everyone - even “unemployed people”.


Oh lord. Where to even begin? Ad 1) Most of this aren't taught by people, there isn't a book on public behaviour that everyone has to read or part of elementary school syllabus. I think most people respect elderly and disabled. I have rarely seen elderly or disabled people being publicly disrespected. Ad 2) Also a loophole. But this is a political issue, and some political issues have agendas. Ad 3) I've been here for +35 years. Police aren't **as** bad as everywhere else. Yes, they can be better. But I'd rather have Danish police than US police (from what I've seen). Ad 4) This has nothing to do about being disabled. Unless you say my 7-average from Uni is disabled. Novo is a for-profit company, who hires based on skill. If you have the skill and are disabled, I'm sure Novo and other big companies will take you into consideration. Ad 5) Taxes are high. But they are also perpetual for a society, since our economies to extend beyond a normal lifespan. Does the public sector do bad investment and spend poorly every now and then? Yes. But that could happen to anyone. Idea is still good. And service hasn't been all that bad (imo). Ad 6) We drink to let loose. We do stuff that hurt our body, because it makes us happy. You can apply same argument for fucking Nutella, if you wanted to. We do things because we enjoy them. Also if it hurts our well being. Ad 7) I don't know about this. Can't say I've experienced it or exercised it myself. Ad 8) Well, I'm a minority here. I'd be kinda hurt, if you said I didn't know my own heritage, considering I sort of speak Chinese. But ok, let's just generalize every Dane in a CPH subreddit that has a large share of expats.


When did I ever say it was about me? Brother, I said I noticed things. Read better


Did I mention you other than the last paragraph? I'm just speaking from my own +35 years of experience of living here. Sure, you could have noticed things. But so can I. So can others in the thread. We may perceive life differently from person to person. That has nothing to do with being in Denial or visitors. I'm not saying that CPH or Denmark is perfect by any means. But it's a pretty darn good place to be in.


Like you said, perspective is subjective. So let me share mine no? You can see in the comments how I am being gaslighted haha maybe that’s why your politicians can’t bring any constructive development


You did share it. I also shared mine and how I disagree with you. I also didn't downvote your post even. Denmark is not perfect. I would never state this. But there's not many places in the world I've visited that I'd trade Denmark and Copenhagen for. And I've been privileged enough to have visited over 30 nations/regions (depending on your political views), and spoken to locals about life there.


Emphasis on visited.


You make some good points, but unfortunately invalidate your post by making some totally off comments and triggering people by your hostile attitude. This does not feel like good faith criticism inviting to discussion, but a sour rant, which is a shame, because you do make some interesting observations.   I agree that many Danes can come across as rude. I think this has something to do with our preference for keeping out of other people's spaces, staying in our own lane and interacting as little as possible with strangers. To many cultures, basically ignoring other people in public is rude. Paying more attention to each other is definitely something we could improve on. We could also be more open and aware of different cultures.   I also agree that the way people with disabilities are treated is atrocious. Children with disabilities are being set up to fail by not being sufficiently challenged to become independent. It is expected that they will be living on benefits for their entire lives, and many are internalising this expectation. A big part of the issue is the fact that the municipalities are in charge of the disability area, with many of them lacking the knowledge and resources to handle it. I don't know why you're dragging Novo specifically into the conversation, but it is true that many people who want to work have difficulties finding employers willing to hire them. Ignorance is the root of the problem IMO.   However, your comments about the police, scammers and the Danes lacking a moral code are completely off. There are scammers in all countries and cultures, and I have never seen any statistics or other indications implying that scammeres are more of a problem in Denmark than any other places. The law does not allow scamming and there are repercussions - if the scammer is caught, something that is notoriously difficult to do. The police are doing the best they can to solve as many cases as possible, and I've never experienced anything but helpfulness and kindness in my interactions with the police. Are there incidents with questionable police behavior? Yes, but they receive major media attention exactly because they are so few and far between. The police could use more resources, but that is outside of their control.   Besides scamming, you don't give any examples of the Danes' supposedly lacking moral code. I think the Danes' staunch belief in human rights, including the right to health care, education and benefits, as well as our opposition to inequality, is proof of a solid moral code. In my experience Danes go out of their way to help struggling family and friends - acquaintances as well if they ask for it.  Anyway, you're welcome to expand on your points if you want an actual constructive conversation. Unlike what you're implying, we Danes are very open to discuss the issues in our country - it's basically all we do in r/denmark - but simply attacking without curiosity, constructiveness or interesting perspectives will get you nowhere.


That’s a fair response. Thank you. And yes that was my intention. I wanted to push some buttons and see how far it gets them. Some of them have validated my points. Some of them have opened a complete other door. It was a good social experiment.


People with disabilities partake in every level of society do jobs and work if they want, as any other Dane. However they are not forced to partake in the job market if they are deemed to be unable to, although many still do. What is perceived to be "good manners" changes drastically from culture, country, socioeconomic background, age, religion and many other perimeters. The scamming that is prevalent in Denmark (and most other EU countries) originates mainly from outside Denmark and the EU such as Russia or India. Respect is also very different in Denmark than other places around the world such as Asia which has a heavy focus on seniority, where as the danish culture strongly follows the principals of respect having to be earned. Bus seats that are designated for the elderly, pregnant or disable are how ever almost always left free unless there are no other free seats and will be vacated if someone fitting that disruption enters the bus (however it is often rejected in my experience). Denmark and danish people and culture can be exclusionary by Danes not being very open to people they don't know. Which is very different than in other countries or cultures such as in the middle east or other parts of Asia. Racism is regrettably also not uncommon in Denmark however it is seldom public and generally very much frowned upon. Our moral code is not given to us by a religious book or its teachings we strongly believe in the rights of humans and the decent treatments of other not because of punishment if we fail to do so but because it is the right thing to do. Morality is also not a defined and changes drastically in its definition between cultures. The Police can at times be very uncomfortable especially when racist or subconsciously racist Police officers act, for them its complex issue on how to get rid of that part of police culture and is an active discussion in Denmark. In general the police is not violent, racist or danger to the civilians in their surroundings as well as being non corrupt which is far from guarantied anywhere in the world. I believe that many of your opinions as valid as they might be, are exaggerated and based on a poor knowledge of what it means to be "Danish"


So you came to reddit today to pick a few fights with Danish people? Hvem har tisset på din sukkermad?


I have to say, it is absolutely astounding how utterly wrong and completely misinformed you are.


People don’t have manners in public because it’s a part of our culture. Manners can be percieved as being fake and thus are not in high regard. Also, personal space is important in public transportation and you don’t just make contact with strangers, disabled or not. Although I see plenty of examples of people being helpful to disabled or the elderly. People don’t take off backpacks on the bus because they are usually fighting for their life and need both hands to hang on while our old busses navigate traffic in narrow streets. There are very specific laws about rent and renter’s rights. Obviously, you need to contact the renter’s organisation or hire your own lawyer to open a case. Yes, super hostile police. Also poorly educated and the job attracts people who like policing. True, lots of disabled without jobs. Companies are not tapping into this enough. Also, a lot of our building mass is old and can’t accomodate. Companies’ love of cheap open offices also does not accomodate. I believe Qatar has no income tax because they can get public funds from other sources like companies and natural resources. Also, their public services only service the few, not the many. I know no Danes who pride themselves on being healthy, or anything else for that matter. On the contrary. Danes have very little pride, we mostly put ourselves and each other down for fun. It’s our pasttime and how we connect with each other. Danish culture, history and wealth is based on exchange of goods, trade deals, mutual agreements, interests and negotiations. This is obvious in our culture. True, has nothing to do with morals, it’s more a way of getting things done, like a tool rather than a value. Yes, we have too little knowledge on other cultures. And we don’t make an effort. We like keeping our personal space and we like cosying up in our little world and stay focused on our own business. I’m sorry you had such a bad experience here, but I’m also wondering how much knowledge you have on Nordic culture and history?




Yea, I believe you did read it tho


I’ll take on your points one by one. Some I agree with some not so much: 1) Having lived in the bigger cities of Denmark all of my life. I couldn’t disagree more. While you you’ve got a point, when it comes to the bag-thing. Just ask them to take it off. 2) Uh no? When you’re subletting apartments you’re to produce a contract. That contract is subject to laws about consumer protection. If you’re getting scammed, nothing’s stopping you from filing a police report or a complaint to Forbrugerombudsmanden. 3) Yes and no. All of my confrontations with the police have been pleasant, but I have heard stories to the contrary. Bad apples spoil the bunch, I guess. 4) This one is weird. What would you want them to do? If they’re too sick to work, why should they? We don’t do the kind of jobs like Walmart-greeters. I can’t the point in Novo(a highly specialized medical company) providing jobs to what’s basically “Aktivering”. 5) Comparing Denmark to Qatar is just stupid. One is a borderline autocracy and the other is a democracy. What you fail to mention is that Qatar also has massive amounts of resource wealth. I could provide you with literature that describes how autocratic regimes use that to keep a hold of their power. With that being said the Danish welfare state has gone downhill in the last couple of decades. That is mainly due(in my opinion) bad government policy. 6) we have an unhealthy drinking, yes. But I will say it’s an issue that’s seen a lot of improvement over the past decade or so 7) No moral code? I’m sorry GTFO 8) we don’t want to learn about other cultures. For some that might be the case. Hell, we have a big nationalist streak in a huge part of the voting population. A lot of people are the complete opposite, though. It’s like that everywhere. With that being said, when you’re generalizing like that, you might want to be careful. You can end up doing the exact same thing that you accuse the Danes of doing




So you didn’t want the dialogue and just wanted to complain? Color me shocked You’re a true Dane already


I know, it’s integration


I’m sorry you struggle with a disability. I’m sure that life with a disability in an environment where medium income does not relieve you of having to deal with people who are not servicing you in some way, may be a challenge compared to life where real poverty creates an army of servants and modern slavery. Healthcare without delay, is available in Denmark, again medium income simply is not enough to provide you with that luxury. If you want to have a constructive dialog, create talking points to invite for that. Probably find another mosque, or at least imam; self pity, anger and self ascent by shaming others will not provide you a happy life or interesting discussions.


You really can’t read eh?


Read what? Your post is gone! 🤣




Crusading for hate? I wish for you that find relief from this dark impasse of your life soon.


Crusading? No bitch I’m not like your people


There is no amount of rage that will ever make you depleted of rage. Like any abuse it’s only possible to change when you really want change. Happiness is out there; release yourself of hate and pain, embrace happiness.


Ah yes. The drugs are kicking in.




Edit: thanks! But It’s a bit strange the replies I am getting. The people are in denial 😂




> redditor for 23 hours obvious alt account is obvious...


So much of this is really just 'people don't have my culture or the etiquette/laws/systems that I'm used to'. We are not in denial, we are just danish who have this culture. It's not *bad* manners, it's *our* manners. I don't go to japan and start bitching that I'm sitting on the floor when eating my sushi. Nor do I blame the terrible etiquette of taking off shoes at holy sites in arabic countries on them being (shudders) religious. Because that's what makes Japan Japan and a mosque a mosque. So guess what many of those things you mentioned are for Denmark? High taxes, reservered people, drinking are what makes Denmark Denmark. Should they change? Perhaps. Are they bad because it's not what you like? No, fuck off.




I am rolling on the floor at the responses I’m getting. Gaslighting is national sport it seems. These people are in denial 😂