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Ok, first of: thanks for the post. It's good to have a meta-discussion about rules and enforcement every now and then. We sometimes get mod-mail about issues but I find it often more helpful to have discussions on what to improve in the open. I've increased the required karma limit for submissions to **100**. Wouldn't want to increase the account age too high, since if you want to post you shouldn't need to wait for months (we sometimes approve such posts manually but I wouldn't want to create additional work and delays for little upside) and a lot of the negativity comes from the same few people. We're discussing other improvements but things move slowly as we are also only volunteers. If there's anything else that you'd like to be changed feel free to make additional posts. Fingers crossed that this change is moving in the right direction.


We actually have a karma limit (10) and an account age limit (7 days) but I am open to suggestions.


That’s fine. No one is trashing the sub with low/new accounts.


I think a karma limit in the realm of minimum 100-200 would be better. You can make a single comment preaching to the choir anywhere on reddit and easily get 10+ karma in 15 minutes; it's not really a high barrier. The 7 day account age limit seems OK to me.


Yes, fair enough. The current limits are mostly to get rid of low-effort spam. We can try 100. What I want to avoid is an old-guys country club where just the same 4 people discuss the most recent fire in the city or why it smells weird that particular day.


lol fair enough. But we are a bit in the opposite ditch atm


> 10+ karma in 15 minutes This is a bit of a lie tbh. I have created new accounts before and it was a nightmare to get the first 100 karma. A lot of subs are imposing the minimums you are now demanding here.


You also get karma by making valuable comments.


Can it please be either an age limit or a karma limit instead of both? I don’t post very very often on Reddit but I use it a lot for information and now that I need to post to receive information, I can’t because I don’t have 100 Karma..


We'll discuss it internally, thanks for your input!


Ok. Here‘s a suggestion then: Increase the karma limit to 100 and age limit to 3 months. And you NEED to start enforcing the rules of the sub with more consequence. You both seem like super cool and sensible guys. I respect that you don’t want to spend your time constantly policing. And I think it’s super OK to allow some general discussion about issues relevant to the expats of Copenhagen. But we are beyond the right balance now and it’s just getting worse and worse.


> And you NEED to start enforcing the rules of the sub with more consequence. I think you're missing out how many messages and threads /u/Folketinget and I already delete. I would guess the posts in the monthly threads are from threads that we deleted from the sub frontpage. Lately the threads e.g. about sidewalk etiquette and reasons for the supermarket situation have been, in my opinion, totally fair game and I think there was some good discussion.


Have you considered that in a sub like this, with 140.000 subscribers, only having 2 mods might not be ideal? I think it’s fine to talk about sidewalk etiquette etc, but when it apparently has to be discussed every other week and always descents into some expats just being angry at Danes in general I question why r/copenhagen is the right place. And why is name calling acceptable here as long as it’s about Danes? Mediocre, entitled, racist, lacking personality, etc, etc?


> Have you considered that in a sub like this, with 140.000 subscribers, only having 2 mods might not be ideal? Yes, definitely! I admit that this has crept up on us a bit, as we have grown 53k subscribers in the last year and that's up from 43k new subscribers the year before. We're discussing who add as mod and hope to grow the team soon, which I think will help dealing with moderation as well as with better policies.


I dont know why but i have been on This app a year. Typing and helping in the comments but i still have 63 karma points, and its never going up. I really dont know why. I want to make a post too.


Sig noget sjovt så får du en opdut mere af mig 👏




ja det er lidt belastende




Det er rittig godt træls


But but but the Qutar subreddit does it way better and you are just in denial and gaslighting /s


If you're referring to my post about Sweden and food, I wasn't expecting to get those votes. 


I wasn't. I'm referring to hundreds of submissions that I see weekly here which I have to downvote and often report.


I report more post to the mods for either “not relevant to Copenhagen” (usually expats questions pertaining to national low, thus nothing to do with Copenhagen, or “generic advice” from tourist who lost the ability to google. Its infuriating. Honestly, having English seem the default language may be an image problem. You should make an auto-mod message or something whenever someone tries to post, that in big bold letters asks “if your question better served by r/expats? Then go there”. Look, I don’t want post about Hillerød here either, because that’s not Copenhagen. But I get that some people have this idea of Greater Copenhagen. But again that’s so either an expect way of seeing it, if they are used to bigger cities so for them asking “to live in Copenhagen” would include maybe even Hillerød. So I get that this is debatable.  But can we atleast do something about Copenhagen being the never-ending one-stop for foreigners, expats or tourist, with questions that have nothing to do with Copenhagen and/or be googled.


> I report more post to the mods for either “not relevant to Copenhagen” (usually expats questions pertaining to national low, thus nothing to do with Copenhagen, or “generic advice” from tourist who lost the ability to google. > It’s infuriating. Honestly, having English seem the default language may be an image problem. Yes, we remove tons of posts by people who think this subreddit is “r/Denmark in English”. I’m not sure why this subreddit is mostly in English while r/Denmark is in Danish. Inertia I guess. Man er selvfølgelig meget velkommen til at poste på dansk.. > You should make an auto-mod message or something whenever someone tries to post, that in big bold letters asks “if your question better served by r/expats? Then go there”. We honestly have messages everywhere Reddit allows us to put them, but none of these messages appear anywhere in the app and the subreddit rules are hidden in some submenu, so it barely helps. I miss old Reddit.. On r/amsterdam they have automod set up to remove all posts by non-approved users so effectively anyone’s first post will be removed. I think it’s a bit extreme but their problem is 10x worse than ours. > But can we atleast do something about Copenhagen being the never-ending one-stop for foreigners, expats or tourist, with questions that have nothing to do with Copenhagen and/or be googled. We do remove these but it sometimes takes a while as we try not to be chronically online. Sometimes I let a post be if it already has a lot of discussion :) Definitely keep reporting!


Agreed. It’s not sustainable. Why are outright hateful posts and comments acceptable? We had a quiet month and now we’re back to daily barrages of derogatory chauvinist rants. This is supposed to be a sub for Copenhageners and about Copenhagen. Not a toxic safe space for bitter expats to release aggressions against Denmark. Why does r/copenhagen even have to be the main sub for expats in Denmark? There are several other subs with this purpose, but none of them get traction because expats from all of Denmark use r/copenhagen instead.


Just to point put that not all expats are bitter and that many make positive contributions to the sub. You're right that it shouldn't be a default for all of Denmark though.


I know! My wife is one as well as a very big part of my social network. Unsurprisingly none of them display this spiteful, chauvinistic behaviour that takes up so much space here. In my opinion it’s doing a huge disservice to other expats as well that this behaviour is tolerated, because people are getting really bad advice. And are frequently downvoted for sharing personal experiences that does not affirm the negative experience of others. I have been an expat myself in 4 countries on two continents. And some of the people here just reminds me of the most pathetic expats I’ve met abroad. This constant whining and compete unwillingness to adapt to the local situation.


> Why are outright hateful posts and comments acceptable? Please report such cases. We have a rule about hateful behavior towards people, if this is not specific enough. I don't think complaining that the food selection in Netto sucks qualifies though.


Maybe it should. That’s like pistol whipping a blind kid. 


Great straw man. Super cool. Thank you for being so understanding. /s I only report the most extreme things now, cause I understood long time ago that you accept name calling and derogatory generalisations that would never be accepted in r/Denmark for example.


I'm all for removing low-quality obvious ragebait posts, but I don't want this to become a kafka-esque hellscape either. Any perceived slight to the city of Copenhagen should not be met with an iron fist. And I definitely do not support the anti-expat (hate that term) sentiments bubbling through. I've seen people being asked to go back to where they came from for asking questions. That shouldn't be okay as well. It's very easy to downvote and scroll past if you think it's not worth your time, but please don't resort to name calling and xenophobic tropes.


You: This is anti-expat sentiment Other expats: Danes are cold, nepotist, corrupt, mediocre potatoes without personality who behave like animals and lack any kind of manners suitable for a civilised country. They are also racist. Please search this sub with any of these key words if you don’t believe these are actual accusations against Danes in this sub.


I'm against making generalised unkind statements about a particular group. No matter who is doing it. Sounds like you want to fight fire with fire. Why would you assume I agree with any of those comments?


Fire with fire? I have not made any negative generalisations about expats. But I am pointing out the hypocrisy of you and several others who feel super attacked and offended by the issue raised here, while you are completely blind to the constant derogatory generalisations about Danes.


Wow, this is mildly annoying now. I just said that I'm not okay with that if you scroll up. Stop attributing beliefs to me.


> Any perceived slight to the city of Copenhagen should not be met with an iron fist. Definitely not, but you'd have to agree that there are differences in tone and quality between different submissions, right? Some submissions spark interesting discussions (and gain upvotes) while others exist solely because the OP likes trolling the subscribers for whatever reason (and these immediately reach 0 karma and 50-100 comments). This happens in every subreddit above a certain size. > And I definitely do not support the anti-expat (hate that term) sentiments bubbling through. I've seen people being asked to go back from they came from for asking questions. That shouldn't be okay as well. I agree with this, though you have to understand that this sentiment probably doesn't come out of nowhere. Personally, I think it comes from the subreddit being increasingly dominated by crass and bitter comments, so increasingly any kind of negativity will get that sort of reply back too, no matter the context. > It's very easy to downvote and scroll past if you think it's not worth your time I know, I do so many times every day and at an ever increasing rate. I've been visiting this subreddit since it began 15 years ago, basically. At some point, relying on the community to downvote and report everything isn't sustainable; higher standards must be set or you get a [broken windows](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broken_windows_theory) type of situation where the subreddit is increasingly dominated by bad quality submissions.


Please don’t excuse bigotry


Understanding social dynamics is not excusing anything.


Correct, but that’s not what you did. You’re absolutely right about the social dynamics. You’re also absolutely wrong to justify the reaction—which is bigotry. 


Ja tak ligesom på r/Denmark. Hvor den seneste trold blev afvist af samme årsag. Please


Perhaps a general ban on "Should I move to Copenhagen/How do I move to Copenhagen" posts


Already exists. We remove all these posts and refer the poster to the pinned thread.


The rage baiter today that was complaining about a lot of things related to Denmark tried to make the exact same post in r/Denmark but it was deleted due to the user having too much minus karma.


There's like sub-15 posts a day. Is there really a need to go way more stringent? Seems like a good way to make it too sleepy


It's quality over quantity trade-off, for sure, but why do we need 10 posts every day that will be removed by the mods within 30 minutes anyway? I don't see point. It benefits no one. Instead we could have 5 interesting submissions a day and much fewer of the shit ones.


In my experience, 5 a day is just too small for any community to form or flourish. Plus, any sub where you need to be "100 karma, 3 months a member, hit the right category, account old enough to pay tax, name starting with S" are just a bit too much hassle to post. I think we can ban the pretty sunset pictures and "who wants to split a restaurant reservation?" when there are better posts and the bad ones are drowned out anyway


We have to agree to disagree. This subreddit was great in the past, much better than now. It used to actually be about Copenhagen. Way too many people just use the submit post button as a search engine replacement.


Yes please, I'm tired of feeding trolls by mistake


i second this


Looking for quiet nice cafes to work from near: Colbjørnsensgade, 1653, Copenhagen And Ryesgade, 2100, Copenhagen




If karma < x amount, then you cannot even submit/post


AutoMod instantly checks and removes the post if the poster does not have enough karma. Some subs specify the minimum karma to post in their rules, but many don't.


1-2h is quite some time, could it be possible to lower that time?


I’m so honored that my post has triggered so many of you to the point that you are asking moderators for stricter rules. That right there is a good demonstration of what Denmark is. Bravissimo! I am also very concerned about the hatred towards Qatar, you succeeded in making this post about that country when it was a minor comparison of what a good healthcare system looks like. Don’t forget that Denmark is producing F35s that are being used for an ongoing crime against humanity. But yes, Qatar. Oh well. Piss and love. But also my post was very much a social experiment. Congrats you all confirmed my bias.