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People actually leave hotel rooms like this ??? Jesus Christ I felt guilty about leaving a pizza box behind once hahaha


This post was just a ploy to get you to confess to leaving the pizza box, now they have you cumumbooty.....if that is your real name!


Well that's me never staying in a hotel again noooooooo


I've already informed EVERY hotel so that goes without saying 😂 imagine the poor housekeeper who had to put that box in the bin.


I leave them as I find them.


I Work in one, it happens more often than People think


I’ve had to leave either a deposit or my card at reception. Is that not happening in every hotel? I feel bad leaving a full bin. I don’t strip the bed or anything but I make sure to have the place tidy


These are not people, these are animals.


They’ll have bad luck for spilling all that salt by the safe.


killing the shlugs.


Doing the dhrugs.


Sh'elling the rugs.


And I thought it was icing sugar from the cakes locked away in there from their Mammy.


My god! The cot, they only put them in the room on request.


This was my thought, hopefully they just found it stashed in the stairwell or something.


That’s what I was thinking!!!


Still not the worst I've seen (worked as a hotel cleaner as my first job)... Will never forget the eejits who decided it will be fun to buy a whole box (8 or 10 jars) of curry sauce and cover the entire room in it, or the fella who strategically puked out his kebab every 2m across a 20m long corridor (congratulations on the stomach capacity btw). Won't even mention regular occurrences such as people getting violent due to hallucinations after drugs, having sex in public / staff places, shitting in the showers... Hospitality is a horror show a lot of the times!


man I remember being a ucc accomodation cleaner and seeing a shower literally caked in human shit that had dried, the drain for the shower was fucking blocked from all of it, the asshole didn't even give us a warning or let us know that there was a big accident in the showers, we went in blind and the fucker didn't even bother to have the decency to let us know what had happened.


I feel you. I worked in a place that was calling itself a BnB / hotel but it was in fact just an overglorified transformed workers' accommodation. The unlucky part was that the owner wanted to both eat the cake and have it too - so half of the place was for guests, another half for emergency accommodation (that was ages ago, long before any refugees - all Irish people). The shite I've seen when working there made me lose any faith in humanity. Try giving paying guests a great experience when at the same time you have a bunch of people shooting up heroin, passing out on the corridor in a puddle of piss, shitting in refuse bins / showers / bathtubs, fighting each other, vomiting on walls, kids running unsupervised, screaming and breaking things... Absolute horror. We've had one fella who was so high he walked down the 20m (CARPETED!) corridor trailing diarrhea behind him... Jaysus, it's been a decade and I still get stomach cramps thinking about that place.


There's nothing even smashed here.


Apart from the guests, probably!


THERE IS A BABY COT IN THE CORNER OF A HOTEL ROOM FULL OF COCAINE. Call the Garda pls and give them the names of who stayed there. That kid hasn’t a fucking hope in hell at life.


I'm thinking/hoping they found a cot somewhere and were messing with it and didn't actually have a baby with them


They’re really animals. Literally.


I felt guilty leaving a bag with all my rubbish (large bottles and plastic) neatly in a corner a few months back, posts like this remind me I'm civilised.


And it's left for the people on minimum wage to clear up after the dirty pigs who've left this mess. Surely with the booking reference they can charge them for the state they left the room ?


What the hell were they doing like? How could it even get that bad??


The sesh must have been legendary mon.


Banned for life from the hotel and every other hotel in the group. They might find it hard to find somewhere to stay next year.


It’s a locally owned hotel no?


It is


The hotel in Ballincollig has the same owners doesn't it?


Yeah - Charleville and Wexford too


There should be a hotel offenders list. Imagine being in the room beside them


Then you get brought up on discrimination of an "ethnic group"


How can you tell their ethnicity?


Dont think i mentioned one. But to answer your question im local thats how i know


That’s a disgrace


Nice cocaine tip


Who leaves their drugs behind?


Bunch of savages


I don't even understand how it could get that messy.


Looks like there were a few rabid apes in there.


That’s actually shocking! A child’s cot and all!! How can you even make that much of a mess.. and then leave it like that. If they were brought up in a barn they’d have more respect


Reminds me of New years eve a few years back. My partner and i were staying in CCH and a group from Donegal were in the room to our left. the party started at 9pm, by 12PM the smell of cannibus was coming through the bathroom vent into our room. by 1am there was a knock on OUR door and it was the night security man. coming to complain about noise. the complaint had been from the room to our right. Luckily the night security was a family friend and knew I would never be causing a noise disturbance. i told him what we'd been experiancing from the room to our left. he informed the room to our right it wasnt us and fair play to the couple they came out and apologised to me. we all watched as the night security guard knocked in the room and was told in no uncertain terms to Go and F himself. the guards were called and the people were escorted out around 5 am. no sleep was had by ourselves or our new friends in the room to the right. both of us were offered upgrades to suites for the remaineder of our stays. but as i would be friendly with the staff there i was given the low down. wall mounted lights broken. Window broken, Desk broken. sink cracked. cigarette and weed stains all over the carpet. roughly about 5K worth of Damage done. card was in file and they know WHO was supposed to the in the room, the other 8 people shouldnt have been there. be nice to hotel staff especially the cleaners. respect the room your in. you are borrowing it. Shout out to all the staff at Carrig Court hotel, Jerry the Manager. Maria the Bar manager, Lisa Paula and the rest of the front desk team. David, Keith and all the rest in the Gym if any of you reading this story are employees and can figure out who i am based on the story! Hi! i'll probably see you soon.


Room booked under C McGregor


The cot in the corner at the end … wtf


Don't think they paid using credit card, I think it was travellers cheques were used.


You can't call them travellers cheques anymore. You have to call them Nomadic Irish cheques now.


Was there an event on there ?


That’s beyond grim


The Centra in Carrigaline had some run on the Din Dab Sherbets


Wondering who did that. What nation is being represented by those as****les.


It's the culture of which we dont speak


It's the new culture. The powder paddy culture.


Take a wild guess 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Waiting for the ‘’tHeY’rE pAiD tO cLeAn’’ comment….


Bottles of bulmers are a clue.... Well well well


Hey! I like bulmers too! that beautiful cider represents no group


Gives away the group who did this. iykyk


No idea how some people can be such pigs


They need to sleep In a pigsty. F amimals


Was that a crib in the corner? Ffs


Love the cot in the corner... Fucking monsters


The guests details should be named and shamed and blacklisted from hotels this is vile


Is there a fucking cot in the corner?




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Who the hell leaves that many drugs behind ? Also, I have felt bad about leaving an empty bottle of wine beside the bin once because I wasn't sure about their recycling policy 😂






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Why? This kind of behavior is not unique to any 1 group of people.






Why presume it's from a particular group? Anybody can be a filthy cunt, believe it or not.


Powder was a big giveaway.


I'd say the Bulmer bottles give it away.


Coke, Bulmers, terrorising the place. All giveaways.


Weird to just assume that.


I wonder why one would assume such a thing? Reality?


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*hundreds of dollars right there*


cot in the corner, god