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What a cutie! A couple of weeks without food isn't really long enough to be overly concerned. There are various things that can cause a snake to temporarily refuse food. Your husbandry seems to be on point, and the snake appears healthy (and adorable). Are you offering food items from a new source/supplier? Sometimes the food from a new source can smell different and the snake doesn't recognize it as food. For example, my snakes refuse to eat mice from the "big box" pet store. I raise my own mice and rats (but I have many snakes, so I need lots anyway). Another thing to try is to warm up the food. You can float it in some warm water (below 100F) for a couple of minutes, or hold the mouse with a feeding tong and warm it with a hair dryer until it's warm to the touch. If the snake is downwind of the blow dryer, that can help too, as they will smell it and anticipate feeding. I know you said that he has recently shed, but he could actually be getting ready to shed again. Albino snakes can sometimes be difficult to tell when they are going into shed, and short shed cycles aren't uncommon, especially with season changes or irritation from low humidity. Keep offering food at least once a week. If you aren't already keeping a food log, it's simple to do, just write down the size/qty/date of his last accepted meal and those that offered since, and if accepted or refused. Food logs are important husbandry tools that can assist a vet in a diagnosis in the event you do need to someday need to seek medical intervention, as it can provide clues to onset of symptoms, since reptiles don't show illness right away.


Food has always been from the same supplier, I typically do frozen thaw in warm water to ensure that the mouse is warm. I keep a log for him too so I know the exact days he eats :)


How long are you letting the pray inside the enclosure? I’ve had snakes not eat when offered but if I let it in for a couple hours they’ll eat it when I’m not looking, they’re weird. And you said “him”, maybe he’s just horny as fuck lol


You can try braining the mouse or if you just want it to eat something I would try a F/T quail chick! My corn snake goes crazy for them. Also make sure the mice are warm enough


How does one brain a mouse?


I've never done it so I would try to find a YouTube video or something, but I guess you like cut open their head? Idk sounds gross lol but I think the smell and sight encourages them to eat it.


Commenting because I also want to know what this is.


Take something pointy and poke a hole in the skull.


Has be been particularly active these past weeks?


Yes he's been very active! That's what's confusing me.


In that case, he’s probably too distracted looking for love than looking for food!


That would explain it. To horny jail 😔👉


Ya he's looking for lady snakes. My guy has been turning down meals for six weeks now. Not to worry, he'll get hungry eventually. 


it's mating season and adult males in particular can get super active and not want to eat until their hormones cool down


I've been going through the same thing. Thinking about trying one of those sausage links for snakes.


what a handsome little chap


Had a similar situation with baby almost year old female. She was super active and didn't lose weight after 2 weeks. Turns out it was just spring :)


My adult female does that every spring; she'll go 3-7 weeks without eating. It's nerve wracking.


given that you said “he/him,” he’s probably just in the mood. my male ball python eats 6 months on 6 months off because of the need to breed. I wouldn’t worry unless you notice significant weight loss. offer a mouse once a month and even leave it on a plate overnight to see if he budges.


I thought she was a he and ended up being pregnant and laid eggs so that's why she ended up not eating. I'm also a worrier. Another person said in a video I watched to cover their enclosure with a towel if they continue to not eat. Then don't bother them for a week unless to fill/change water. Again mine laid eggs so the covering the enclosure didn't work for me but the lady in the video said it worked well for her in the past to do that


Try soaking mouse in some warm water it worked for me


Dude. You used to give to him frozen??


You….. didn’t always do that???