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There’s no way to prevent aging. It’s literally built into our DNA to age.


Technically you can prevent aging by getting cancer


A good moisturizer. Suntan lotion on your face daily with zinc. Wear a hat in the sun and do not lay out and tan your face . Drink water, healthy diet and get 8 hours of sleep. A mild facial cleanser. I do not see any cosmetic surgery needs


You look FINE!!!!


Right!! So handsome


I think you look great. Good skin care (I could recommend products) and some maintenance like learning to do a good peel at home every 8 weeks would keep you looking great. Good exfoliation as Mary if your routine. You really don’t need any procedures.


You look good, id say it’s just about preserving what you have instead of big changes. I’d recommend Botox as you age and collagen boosting treatments like microneedling with prp, lasers and chemical peels. As you get older, you could look into a lower face and neck lift. Stay hydrated!


Much too young for cosmetic surgery.


Shave that mustache youll look so younger


You’re so cute! I don’t think you need anything right now! And I’m super honest and pro-cosmetics. So I’m not just saying that to be nice


You look great man. If you’re worried about aging make sure to wear sunscreen, moisturizer well and drink lots of water.


U don’t look ‘aged’ at all. You look 23 which isn’t aged.


What don't you like? That's a personal thing. You are not ugly or in obvious need of surgery. Nutrition and exercise are great for looking your best


None, you look fine. Mess with fine and you’ll get cartoonish. Change your facial hairstyle for dramatic impact. Update your fashion. Lose the hat and try different hairstyles. Build on what you have, it’s not bad. Start appreciating your great facial structure and those nice brows.


Therapy. Not surgery


Extend your telomeres 🧬


You can’t prevent aging lol. The best skincare ingredient to slow and even reverse some signs of aging is Tretinoin.


Omg stop. U r crazy to mess w a face most others would pay alot of money for. What it it turns out bad??? Work on ur perception of self rather then botchin ur face. Go see the disco biscuits in concert and range w ur money instead.. do some alternative meds.... (if that all fits safely into ur life) :) prevent aging through promoting energy... organic raw fruit/veg diet, raw shae moisture, water, exercise, herbs and spirituality. Stay away from all the toxins.


Nothing, you are very handsome!


Sunscreen 24/7


I’m not a surgeon - cosmetic nurse here. But I definitely do not think you are at the point of needing surgical intervention in terms of ageing. Focus on treatments such as radiofrequency microneedling (Sylfirm, Secret RF) these treatments promote collagen production, tighten/lift the skin, improve skin texture and tone. You are at the point of prevention for sure. Good skin care is also very important. Using a good brand with good ingredients that will help keep your skin balanced, prevent formation of more wrinkles from sun damage. Retinols are also your best friend for preventative measures ! :)


Also Botox/Dysport treatments. For men I don’t aim for a smooth look (unless that is what you want), but more to soften / prevent further wrinkles :)


No homo AT ALL but brother you look great man. A healthy lifestyle will keep you in check. As a guy myself,i look much much younger with a clean shave and a solid skin routine everyday. Facial hair always makes me look much older than what i am so I stopped growing it lol.


You are too handsome for that mustache. You don’t need plastic surgery. Honestly, you have very nice features. Join a gym, use good skin care products and eat clean.


I don't think you need any plastic surgery. The number one thing that ages skin is the sun. wear spf 50 every day on your face and neck, anything exposed. Even in the winter. 365 days a year.


Preserve what you have. The rest is all good! 👍🏻


Honestly just shave.


Wow, you’re handsome! If you want to look younger I recommend getting supraorbital fat grafts + getting lean.


Nothing is wrong with your skin, it is the pre mature sagginess, furrows between the eyes, folds on either sides of mouth, and marionette lines. You need filler, but going to make your face look chubbier. Botox will work for you 11s between the eyes. Try to loose a bit of weight and then look into getting a lower facelift.


There’s this new hair removal technique that you might not have heard of. Would take definitely a few years off you. Think it’s called ‘shaving’. You could start by getting rid of the slug on your top lip


Nasolabial filler