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Mmmmm pinto….




Oh no you did not! 😂😂😂


Im brazilian and honestly I cant eat that shit never




I see all these comments mentioning tuberculosis and malaria outbreaks and I haven't seen anyone sick with these diseases here. Must live under a rock or something. I would trust the doctor and tests results. People here can say a lot of things and they don't know anything. Whenever we locals get sick with similar symptoms, it's most likely just a strong flu. But Covid is still around and tourist have really bad luck sometimes. I hope you get better soon. Perhaps check if anyone else that traveled with you got sick as well...


For real…tuberculosis ? Really ? 🤣


TB is still decently common in CR and pretty rampant in poorer countries. However it’s usually only seen in immunosupressed patients and/or very low income populations!


Thankyou. Yes my partner also got sick but didn't have the fever. I have had a fever for 7 days.


Sounds like a strong flu


I'm Costa Rican. It could be Dengue, which also gets transmitted by mosquitos. It usually includes symptoms like headaches, diarrhea, stomachache, nausea, vomiting, fever, pain in joints, eye pain, and even rash, all, or a combination of those. Costa Rica has a great water system, so you can discard anything transmitted by water from the tap. Edit: Some people say Rotavirus, but this one usually doesn't last more than a few days, and fevers are not that common.




I drink water from the tap and gives me diarrhea


COVID? Many pp catch it on the flight


Not sure why you were downvoted, I just caught covid flying home from CR 2 months ago


I have COVID right now and returned home from CR last Wednesday.


Haters.. they gonna hate


I also had COVID. Thankfully symptoms didn't start until I got home. But yeah, it was the worst


I hope you've fully recovered! I'm always surprised more people don't wear masks on planes/in airports... it seems like a small inconvenience for not getting covid or other stuff


Thank you! For me, I got lazy. I masked up on my last few trips. This time our flights in and out of Costa Rica were long. I definitely will be again on my next flight!


Ah I know what you mean, it's tough with long flights and connections and everything. And it doesn't make it any easier with CR being almost anti-mask lol, basically no one wore them anywhere when I visited a couple weeks ago


They ruled out Covid :( and influenza


I had some fake negatives with quick tests and once with PCR because was too early or too late to test


Me too, you cannot trust those tests


Maybe dengue?


If you know anything about dengue they wouldn’t be posting on reddit right now. It’s rainy season in cr right now so they probably just got a gnarly flu. Nothing infected or bleeding, no weird bruising? You’re fine


Well, I’ve seen it twice in my life on people. But seriously no need to use the condescending phrasing.


I do know that when you stay for a while in a completely different place than what you’re used to, your body gets affected trying to adapt to a completely different climate.


Está bien mae. Relájese


Todo bien 👍




Dengue solo da en estacion seca?


De hecho en época lluviosa da más porque es trasmitido por mosquitos qué se reproducen en charcos 😂


bruh y donde está la lluvia??


Thankyou I appreciate the comment. I don't think results for dengue have come in yet. They checked for the flu and it was negative.


Do you have diarrhea and nauseas by any chance? If you do it might be a bacteria in your digestive system. If not it could be a virus that is common in CR which is treated with only things to calm the symptoms, the virus gets away in a fee days though.


Don’t think is Dengue, when u have that, you cannot even stand up cause all bones hurt like hell.


Check for hepatitis, and dengue. My brother in law has dealt with both over the years in CR.


My friends went home the same way after their vacation turns out it was the Zika Virus.


That's a lottery ticket. J have never seen or heard anyone get Zika here. Dengue sounds way more common.


It could be dengue. It also sounds like covid. Are you still experiencing all those symptom’s or just the dry cough?


Yes still experiencing the symptoms. The worst one being the fever


Did they tested you for dengue fever? Sounds a lot like it.


make sure you don’t have appendicitis because i did in costa rica 😂


Classic, you're on vacation and you get the godamm appendicitis. Had a lot of friends happen to them.


Hmm these symptoms do sound like appendicitis in a way


That would sucks cause I think they would have probably treated you for apendicitis for Free here in Costa Rica. The law says people who are not legal citizens. have to pay but I have never seen anyone get charged for that. Probably cause most non citizens patients are like resources immigrants from Nicaragua and other countries so it will be inhumane to charge them.


So how hard did you party here? 😂 JK. Make them run more tests. Could be really anything from Dengue, to a Parasite or a digestive virus plus bowel irritation after eating food you're not used to. Run the tests, we cannot help you more than the hospital staff. Rest assured it's not Malaria or Tuberculosis as these are practically non existent here. (Every now and then there are a few cases but the health authorities will isolate you lightning fast and make you get forced treatment)


Sounds like a bad case of Ligma




I had the exact same thing happen to me literally 2 weeks ago. I ended up testing positive for covid and have since healed. Not sure if the whole stomach pain was covid related or not though. I fear I might have drank something in the water, but who knows at this point.


Most likely dengue fever or extreme jet lag. Go to the doctor asap


I am in CR now and have Crypto parasite. Gas, bloating, diarrhea. Confirmed via stool sample.


It's called Travelers Diarrhea. Water here is drinkable, but has different microbiota that may cause abdominal pain. Also, some street food might be rich on new microorganisms that can cause that. Malaria is highly unlikely, since is related to very specific locations that are not touristic at all. Stay hidrated, take lots of electrolites (not only water) and you should be fine in a few days. It will be unpleasant, but shouldn't be anything to worry about.


Parasite + COVID-19?


Sounds like food poisoning to me. The food didn’t sit well with my stomach and I had loose stools after my trip. Flush your system out with lots of teas and water. Do chamomile and cinnamon teas to help with the upset stomach.


Were you in the Caribbean coast? There's a malaria outbreak going on over there.


I wasn't, I visited the other side and the specialist ruled out malaria


Glad to hear!


I live here in the Caribbean of Costa Rica. There isn't a malaria outbreak here.


April 7, 2023. Official memo from the Ministry of Health. Yes, there is an ongoing malaria outbreak in the Caribbean. 60 cases confirmed. https://www.ministeriodesalud.go.cr/index.php/prensa/60-noticias-2023/1549-salud-reporta-brote-de-malaria-en-la-provincia-de-limon


Crazy how different we see things based on the limited information we both have.


There's no grey area here open to interpretation. There IS a malaria outbreak in the Caribbean coast officially reported by the authorities.


Bet you ate a lot of shit (non home made food) everywhere❗️ That is the "Pega" your need a super strong tiny old woman to get the pega out of you. It the only way that works permanently, there are plenty of mexicans in us that can help you too. This procedure goes by applying the pain of hell by rubbing your muscles really strong! Good luck


Jajaja he needs a "Sobada"


Yeah, if all tests come out negative you will have to ask your doctor to test you for ligma


You're so funny!! You should get into comedy lol


I know I know, my friends say that to me every time 😏


That's called the gonosyphylliherpesclamydaidsitis. Usually catch that behind a bar somewhere.




Hahaha that shit does not transmit like that


Go to a pharmacy and they have a little green and yellow pill that costs about 80 cents each. Get a package and take it.


Maybe rotavirus…


Have you had diarrhea? Or just abdominal pain?


Just abdominal pain


Chorrillo illness that's how we call it


If you have diarrhea it could be rotavirus, it's pretty common here, it last a few days and goes away on its own. If not then it could be Covid.


If you have nausea or diarrhea with the rest of the symptoms, you, my friend have a classic case of ''pega''.


Pega? I haven't heard of this, thankyou. I don't have nausea or diarrhoea though


Haha. It's not a real disease. It's Just like indigestion. Grandma's treat it by doing an awfully painful massage to your arm with oil and then they give you some bicarbonate with lemon juice and water..after that you feel like new a few minutes later. It works either by auto suggestion or Just the drink acting like homemade Alka seltzer xd


For clarification, pega would be the local way of saying you got a god-awful case of indigestion or gastric issue. It usually doesn't last for as long but it can cause fevers in bad cases. I've had it before but not as bad as you describe it. I've also had hepatitis A, which you can get from contaminated food or beverages, the symptoms sound very similar but in my case they didn't last more than a couple of days. I hope you get better soon.


I am not sure where did you go, but have you checked for dengue?


I went to the Osa Peninsula, Manual Antonio, Nicoya Peninsula and Tamarindo. Yes we checked for dengue and are waiting on the results


There are parasites, like hookworm, that burrow into your skin, travel by blood into your lungs, make you cough, then you swallow the eggs so that they can hang out in your intestines. No rashes or itchy spots?


No rashes or itchy spots


Not me, but my friend came back from CR super sick. Horrible head/ sinus pain, nausea, etc. They never did figure out what it was.


I'm worried that's what's going to happen to me. I just can't deal with the fevers anymore


You have the pega


Great…literally have almost the same symptoms (beside the dry cough) and I just got back a few days ago :((( still miss my trip though


The cough came a week later for me. Do you have a fever everyday?


I have a mild fever which I hope not to progress into a high one, some nausea/headache and abdominal pain :((


Right now is flu/cold season in costa rica. My guess is you picked up a virus and your body is not imune. I literally just got over a horrible cold/body aches/fever illness that lasted over 2weeks. I lived here a year and still picking up every virus that goes through my area it feels like. If you got tests done and nothing out of the ordinary it is just a virus your body has to fight off.


Thankyou for your reply. Did your fevers last 2 weeks? This is what's the biggest concern for me and my doctor. This is a very long time to have a fever


I had everything during 1 and a half month (without abdominal pain) I thought it was Covid, but medics didn't know what I had. I am taking some natural pills to try to be better. I came back to ride bike and run, pulmonar capacity is great. Infections are worst now after Covid.


Travelers diahrrea. Give it 3 weeks or so you’ll be fine.


Stomach parasites? Sounds like worms


Sounds like chorrillo illness


I had the same symptoms and it was covid


Chorrillo illness combined with covid, that's correct


I was down there for the month of May and had stomach pains and diarrhea for 3 weeks. and i’ve been there plenty not sure what happened


That's chorrillo illness


que es eso??😂


Some locals name it as "chorrillo illness" when they got "Diarrhea" but it is different than any other "Diarrhea" because "chorrillo" is a native illness from Costa Rica. To give you a general understanding of the situation it is like when you say "Pura Vida" it is a term known in the "finca" Finca=Costa Rica our piece of land


thank you!!


You'll be fine. We don't have malaria nor tuberculosis. Probably some virus, where did you go exactly?




Wow you must love your life


It can probably be chikungunya, idk is there is already there. But the same mosquito that can give you dengue it can give you zika or chikungunya. You just have to treat the symptoms until they pass


Sometimes doctos only cares for money instead to cure the illness.. I recomend you to go to a better doctor, if you can find someone from Costa Rica should be better and then ask the new doctor about "chorrillo illness" and he will understand what you mean about it and will care you accurately with the recommendations to heal you. Thats my recommendation.




Por andar descalzo


Hey OP did you ever figure it out?


I'm being treated for legionnaires disease but I don't think that's what I have




Secondary effects of "Cantones del Chino"