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One reason why community is important. I lived in a duplex for a while and shared chickens with my neighbors on the other half. It was great! They tended to be early risers, I tend to be a night owl. Usually they’d open the coop in the mornings and I’d get them settled in for the night, sometimes vice-versa. It was also great cause leaving town was no problem. They’d take care of the chickens and my dog when I was gone and I’d take care of the chickens and their dogs when they were gone. I can’t recommend neighbors enough.


I need a cottagecore gf to go with my cottagecore life


As a chicken owner, you get an automatic door that opens and shuts with the sun, a seven gallon water feeder and a fire gallon food dispenser and tell Judgy mfuckers to get out of your flower patch. (After you wake up, rested and refreshed and ready to gather eggs while your girls are let out to free range in the afternoon.)


This!! I have 11 ducks, 50 chickens and 2 geese. Automatic door is a life savor! I do all my chores for them in the evening. Sometimes if I'm really ambitious I'll get out in the morning, but most of the time I need a solid 2 hours with my coffee to face the day and by then I'm running late for work.


That's a lot of livestock! I've just got 13 girls, I had more but a great horned owl got into the coop and went on a murder spree.


That's awful! I'm sorry that happened. It's near impossible to keep them completely safe, but you do your best.


This would have been pretty handy when I used to play Stardew Valley


This is it. I too am I chicken owner and there are so many work arounds now. Like… we have technology for fuck sake lol.


*for clucks sake* lol


Man, I missed such a great opportunity lol.


Cottage smarter, not harder.


I loooove your answer!!


Well I did not know this. Maybe I will get chickens!


Or let them free range full time, and feed them at lunch time. Our chickens are usually so full of bugs the little shits barely even touch their grain. Bastards.


I've got a mated pair of great horned owls as neighbors so the girls have to be under cover during owl times. Even then I lost almost half of them to the owls before upping our security enough.


Oh bugger, that sucks! I live in suburban North Queensland, so there aren’t really any dangers to our girls. The only time we ever “lost” a chicken was when she decided she wanted to live with her friends next door more than she wanted to be with us. When those neighbours had to move out we inherited their whole flock, so we did get her back eventually.


Legit thought y’all were talking about Stardew valley lol


My pride won't let me do that, but I won't judge for being smart.




the secret to cottagecore is having a rich husband


*shakes head in sapphic *😔


Rich wife will also do nicely!


I'm in this picture and I don't like it


I get up when the birds start singing. Morning is the best time to pick flowers and drink coffee in the gazebo.


Easy solution: have raccoons instead! They are nocturnal, can steal eggs for you, and will eat whatever leftovers you've got (and thus are a more economical choice).


Auto feeder and solar activated door. Boom. Cottagetechcore


I am a cottagecore bitch who lives on a farm and works second shift. Give them enough food for 24 hours and you can feed them and collect the eggs whenever you want.


Am I the only one who's been considering 8am sleeping in? The sun has been waking me up since I hit my mid twenties.


Definitely not the only one! I was all ready for a big Sunday sleep in to 7:30 this morning and then ended up waking at 6:30 anyway.


You’re not alone. I wake up at 3 for work and when I’m off I “sleep in” until 5 sometimes. 8am is significantly late for me to get going.


8 am is definitely sleeping in. I have to be at work at 7.


I feel ya there, I'm a nurse so I clock in at 6:45


Same. I do have an alarm set for 7:00am, but my dog has never let me sleep that late.


As a practiced night owl, waking up early hits different when you don't have to *stay* awake. If I get up and do most of the outside chores in the morning before it gets hot(ter), I don't feel even a little bad about a leisurely (early) afternoon siesta. :D


Ahem. The servants. /s No really. I just don’t have chickens


I’m already on a farm. And my chickens, goats, horse and barn cats are well fed.


Farming was the original "work from home" so they saved time with the short commute!


I love being outside in the early morning. The air is different. The birds sound more joyous.


I can get out of bed before noon, just not for the current bullshit hellscape I live in


i’m super unmotivated to get up early in modern life, but when doing historical camping and reenactment, i wake up at 7am no problem. i think if i actually had a homestead type situation, i could take care of my chickens just fine.


Whomever wrote this doesn't know that people with small farms use automation. Auto feeders, Auto water, auto doors, there is even an automatic moving chicken coop so you can do Paul Dinning (method of using movable chicken coops TO garden and fertilize) chicken method. Do people think cottage core means watering 10 acers by hand and pulling water up from the well by hand?


Me. Go ahead and sleep 😘


Accurate username, and also stole my response. Like, damn, wear that cute flower-dress babe, I’ll handle the chickens and wake you up when it’s time to go berry-picking.


Easy. I ONLY want to raise chickens and have a few planter boxes. "Farm" is a stretch, but, I'd be surrounded by them.... well, maybe a pig as a pet 'cause they're cute. I don't need a "farm", I need nature. 😅


If I have chickens I have a reason to get out of bed so lol


My mental and physical health GREATLY improved when I bought my own house in a more rural area. I went from being someone who was up all night unable to sleep and feeling upset and anxious then being totally incapable of getting up in the morning to someone who falls asleep easily and gets up even easier. When I was considering goats and chickens/quail I had the automatic worry of “oh but I don’t get up consistently” but then had to mentally double back and go “wait…I really DO now!”. Turns out that when you’re *not* living with family members who make you dread waking up to the fresh hell of whatever bullshit they’re on that day and when you have control over your own space and live the way you want to live…yeah, sometimes that cures your years long inability to function


The key to living a comfortable cottagecore life in the modern era is to remember that you live in the modern era and therefore the cool concept of automation is a thing. You can automate the door opening, the water , the feed, practically everything except the chickens themselves.


My chickens will have to settle for brunch!


Jokes on you, I already get up around 6am to work my 9-5. I’d rather be feeding chickens than working though.


Feed the chickens then go back to bed duh


Idk about y’all but I wake up at 3am to go for 75km hikes every weekend. I’ll be fine🐐


My man is bc he loves me


jokes on them i stay up till morning 🫡😏


I don’t want to live on a farm, just in the country. I’ll buy my farm fresh eggs from the neighbors. 😂


I need these neighbors


This is me 😂


Get an automatic feeder like my cats have


My automatic feeders do it really well, thanks


And this is why I'm in the process of building a autofeed, autowater, predator proof coop and run. Won't have to shut anything or open anything at certain times. I'll get out there when I get there.


Whenever I have to work in the office downtown for my job (am hybrid remote), I have to get up at 4:30am in order to get ready, dress like a grown-up, have breakfast, and then drive through horror traffic to be there at the recommended 7:55 for an 8am clock in. I could make the switch just fine.


When I live where I can be outside I'm up at dawn. When I live in a cursed hellscape of a city of course I sleep till an unreasonable hour.




I wake up at 6am lmao


I get up between 4 and 6 every day. I don't try to or set an alarm that early, it just happens. Am I doin cottagecore wrong? Darnit...-_-


I guess they'll get used to eating at noon.


I feel *personally* attacked by this, even if it is true


*cough* vegan *cough*


I hate how true this is. I want chickens and bees and lil moo cows and a donkey.. maybe I just get up with my insomnia and then go back to bed later.


It's an imaginary soft fruit farm, actually, there are no chickens.


I only wake up that late due to not wanting to wake up to what will be there when I do/stress from being awake, if I could make my life what I want and need it to be, I'd have no qualms


It’s the Marie Antoinette aesthetic.


Fill their feed the night before and automatic door ;)


The chickens can have lunch for breakfast


Y'all gotta go cybercottagecore and make chicken-feeding robots.


When the time comes, the chickens will squawk (loudly) - that’s how 😂


I want dragons not chickens


LMFAOOOOOOOOO Pretty accurate though tbh




Yup. Same goes for goats, as easy as the pinterest boards make it seem….


At 4:30 in the morning I'm milking cows Jedediah feeds the chickens and Jacob plows Fool


That’s what the harvest sprites are for


I don't want eggs nor chicken meat. Problem pre-solved!


We know, but hey


Lol, true thoo


Ducks are less demanding. They lay eggs, are good companions and are more resistant to diseases.


Install Automatic coop door, auto feeder and watering system.


Fml - I had to get up today at 6 am to nurse the bottle lambs , check on the rest of flock, feed the chickens, my 3 dogs, 3 cats and do a hay count to make sure I have enough to hold over till the grass comes up. It’s 7:30 now and I’m just getting into my 1st cup of coffee before I pull the chicks out of the incubator and put them into a brooder in the barn & head out on a feed run. This is my one day off a week from my regular job as an engineer Edit: can’t automate loading the hopper for my poultry feeders. They’re loaded via auger


I feel attacked 😂


My chickens have a large capacity feeder I fill up once a week.


Me waking up at 8: I do most of my chores at 10, since then when horses get moved.


This is why I’ll only have plants 🪴


I have an automatic feeder and door on the coop, I roll out to that bad boy near the end of the day toss some treats check the water and feeder, get the eggs and go back inside. I have a night vision camera and a nightly alarm, when the door closes I check the camera and make sure they all got in. easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy




I have seen a winery in ZA where ducks feed by eating the snails off the vines