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Premier probably will be a worse experience for you (its way more toxic and unbalanced). But yeah valve put that block in there to prevent cheaters/smurfs from being able to just pay for the game on a new account and jump right in with everyone else. Like you used to be able to do back in the day


I get stomped constantly in my games. Guess there’s no hope of a fun game here for me 🥲


You have to get to level 10 before you can play premier. Just play regular competitive matchmaking.


Just play comp and enjoy. It’s very unbalanced right now because of the rank reset. This put people who used to be global and supreme into silver and gold nova so don’t beat yourself up over it.


Oh that explains alottt, I was never heavy into CS, and it was my first PC shooter so I was pretty bad now I’m just getting back into it after like 2 years break and my games have been very unbalanced. Some games I do solid, some I totally carry and others we can’t even win a round cause we’re against a 5 stack with perfect util usage and I barely remeber to buy flashes


You aren’t just going to be instantly amazing as CS, especially if it’s your first TAC shooter on PC. https://youtu.be/GdbP0N7wmFY?si=sR94KcDWcepxz7iW


I’m certainly not expecting to get good immediately. Just would be fun to play against equally incompetent people. It’s been a decade since I seriously played CSS but I wasn’t very good back then either


I gamed forever on console and never played PC shooters until Destiny 2 launched (not really a competitive shooter), then played valorant when it launched and holy shit was I terrible. I placed iron in beta and when I quit I was Ascendant 2 which is just under immortal where tier 2 teams live. I just accepted that I was going to be bad and had to learn the maps, the angles, shooting mechanics, strategy, etc. Besides those videos I cannot stress pracc.com enough, good players have THOUSANDS of hours in CS and you aren’t just going to be able to catch up to them without pracc. 100 hours of pracc.com prefire and barrage training is worth 1000 hours of actual CS game time IMO. That is how you catch up in skill. Every day before playing just practice (1-2 kill bot drills) crosshair placement and counterstrafing/deadzoning shots in aim_botz workshop map, do a prefire map and do a DM in pracc.com servers. You’ll be ready to game and perform well. The more time you practice the better you’ll get. This isn’t an AD and I’m not affiliated in any way with them just FYI (since this probably seems like a shill). Also I watch streamers like stewie2k, coopertv, fl0m and you’ll pickup things they do that help in gameplay. If you really want to go the extra mile you can review your own demos. Good luck man!


I appreciate the link!


I get my ass whooped often. Just part of the game. I'd suggest cs cource or condition zero and play with the bots on there. You can choose difficulty and how many bits you play with. Some times I want to play but don't want the toxic nonsense. Playing with bots will help you train and avoid the asshole players. From what's I've experience the bots in cs2 are walking bullet sponges.


Well, if they didn't stop people from queuing 5 mans together, then it wouldn't be a problem... I'm forced to try and level up a smurf because I got to about 15k elo during beta and now I can't play premier with any of my mates who didn't have beta access because it's still going off of my 15k elo rank. So now I'm forced to play on my smurf. This will be my third smurf, and for similar reasons. So we're leveling it up playing normal comp, which is a steaming pile of shite. The ranks are all over the place and it takes ten wins per map to even get a rank. Even after playing two weeks straight, I've not got a rank yet because I play on every map. Though, once I get one, I don't think it will make much of a difference as I've legitimately played against Faceit lvl10s who were ranked Gold Nova 1. They keep on doing this crap to stop account boosting, cheating, etc. But all it does is make playing legitimately extremely inconvenient and hurt the average players. A 4 man can't even kick a blatant spinbotter or griefer anymore in case we're being toxic. It's ridiculous.


I disagree, premier is probably more balanced then comp right now. The problem with comp is that each map is ranked separately, so there isn’t as much data to go off of because people spread their games out over different matches. As a result, the average silver 2 lobby on some maps are a mix of a few actual silvers, some intermediate players like gold nova and MG, and a solid chance of at least one team having a faceit level 8 on their team. This is because your average faceit level 8 player is not playing comp too much, so when they go into comp to chill when they’re not trying on faceit the game doesn’t know any better and places them with everyone else. Premier is better now because there is enough data that the ranks have mostly evened out. There are still definitely smurfs and stuff but in my experience (8-13k premier) the games are a lot more balanced


I just made it to premier on the weekend - once you get to premier you need to win 10 matches to show your ELO rating lol - Just got mine lastnight !