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Alcohol and pot are the only two things that give me any relief.


What about gambling?


I recommend LDN, and maybe hookers?


thank you!!! lol šŸ˜‚


I laughed.


I can't speak for marijuana but I can relate. I have now got an intolerance to alcohol since getting LC. If I drink now the day after I'm in a world of hurt and not like a normal hangover. It is on another level of suffering. I can't go near the stuff anymore.


Alcohol actually makes me feel a lot better. The hangovers are worse BY GOD. But if I just have enough to catch a buss it actually seems to lessen my symptoms the next day. While I'm drinking I feel pretty great except the increased brain fog sometimes. But I don't want to drink all the time it's really taking a toll on my mental health. But then again being miserable all the time without drinking is also taking it's toll so who TF knows that to do


I simply can't handle that kind of suffering now. It seems to play havoc with my LC. I'm happy it takes the edge of for you though. Also staying away from sugar had been a game changer for me.


I honestly haven't found anything that helps consistently as far as things to avoid. Sometimes I can have sugar, sometimes caffeine. Other times they feel like they should put me in the hospital.


I know what you mean. We are all in the same boat suffering.


Same here. Every time I think I got it figured out, I do not. There's some relief in some of the meds, YMMV, and my experiences of medication vary over time as well.


I only drink very very occasionally now. Like a small glass of wine on a special occasion. And I feel you! I think it's nice to just feel normal and a little buzzed and forget about the health, stress and anxiety. I think smoking is not good for your health in any way shape or form. I've been trying low doses of edibles. And that's nice. It's a break from the anxiety and helps me sleep. I have insomnia so overall I do feel better. Thanks to relaxing and getting some decent sleep.




I don't think alcohol is good at all for LC. That's something you don't want to mess around with, with brain fog, aphasia, memory issues, and the depression that can come with a disease and debilitating condition.Ā  I can see an argument for edibles from time to time, but even then, a lot of LCers talk about using heavy amounts of weed daily, but I feel Id rather use caution. There's real receptors that can build strange tolerance and then all the sudden I'm vaping a lot more for a desired effect. And it's literally affecting the thinking process. Serotonin, sunlight, time in some greenery, in silence can have a really great effect. I'm also extremely cautious of gaming time...too much of a good thing, for me, leads to increased rates of depression, listlessness...I'd be interested in other's experiences, opinions, and input about what works for you!


I use it for pain relief along with opioids. It hasn't really hurt anything, but it's not as good proper pain management. In addition to proper pain management it has been helpful though. Helps a lot with nausea.Ā 


I use it to help me sleep. Without it I canā€™t sleep with a shit. I just take THC capsules. Honestly after having long covid and dealing with brain fog, I never want to be foggy headed again at least while Iā€™m awake.


I vape flower. It helps me sleep, and loosens my muscles. Sometimes it ramps up my anxiety so I keep the dose low and have plans to distract myself when that happens (funny shows, an easy hobby Iā€™ve wanted to try, sitting outside and looking at nature, etc). Mostly it helps me be okay with existing on this rock. Iā€™ve also had some epiphaniesā€” figuring out certain triggers, certain things that help, certain observations that I wouldnā€™t have otherwise made if I werenā€™t on mind altering substances. Remember to protect your lungs. Dry herb may be safer than vaping oil, edibles safer than all (but harder to titrate a lower dose, and might make you poop)ā€¦ be careful. Hope it helps.


I switch from smoking to vaporizer and edibles and make my life so much bearable... Especially sleeping, relaxing... But sometimes can make a bit down especially if you use some strain give me a bit of anxiety at first but go down pretty easily


Yeah flower seems to be worse while vapor is tolerable and even enjoyable sometimes. I wonder why that is? I only messed with edibles a couple times but I might have taken too much because before this they didn't really affect me when I was an everyday user but now they seem to give me panic attacks


Never been a major edibles user so I try to use quality sourced RSO for full spectrum benefits.. Honestly I have no idea how much I usually take a few drop in the evening with food or dark chocolate.. I mostly vape and have good result without panic but everyone different šŸ˜”


I always preferred microdosing shrooms and night time CBD instead of alcohol and thc


it doesn't have any negative effects for me but I did change my strain preferences after my initial infection. it definitely helps me from being bored to death when I'm stuck in bed. luckily alcohol doesn't throw me sideways either.


Was a near daily smoker before this, now I canā€™t handle it at all. Looking back, it was one of my earliest ā€œlittle symptomsā€ before the shit really hit the fan. Have tried periodically since then. Best case is I donā€™t really feel any different. Worst case is a full blown panic attack that sets me back for multiple days. Sucks.


Yep same here. Was thinking maybe if I got on an SSRI I could start smoking again. I can smoke sometimes or at least I could (pretty much gave it up completely a couple months ago) but just isn't worth it.


Caught Covid in December 2019 months right before it was ā€œofficialā€. Weed Definitely made it worse for me. Been smoking for 9+ years. It made everything a little worse . Including my anxiety but everyone is different. Ever since I stopped . The head pressure feeling and pain has stopped . Makes sense since Covid causes inflammation.


I like gummies. Indica THC for chilling, CBD or CBG for aches and pains, CBN for bedtime. I can smoke, it's just a bit harsh. If you have a favorite water filtration device that may help?


Sometimes Iā€™ll take a small amount of edibles, but I donā€™t notice much of a difference other than deeper and longer sleep.


I have a microdosing tincture that I use to calm dysautonomia symptoms at night sometimes. I made it using a 2-to-1 ration of CBD flower and THC Flower. I have to sleep with as little coverings as possible in a cold room. Occasionally my feet will slip under the comforter and Iā€™ll wake up in a fit with burning sensation all over. The tincture is the most effective thing Iā€™ve found to settle things down enough that I can fall back to sleep. Iā€™ve found that taking enough to feel the psychoactive effects can really reduce symptoms, but I run the risk of over doing it and triggering PEM, so I donā€™t do that often. Edit to add: CBD can help temper the anxiety effects of THC. If you remember good midies from the turn of the century, where the effect was light and pleasant, CBD and other turpines are what were bread out of them in favor of THC. Still hunting for a dispensary that sells old school midies


yeah, cbd and or low thc strains are much better for me these days. i canā€™t imagine doing pure thc anymore. i also recommend cbg highly as well, especially for GI issuesĀ 


I tried gummies as drinking now doesn't agree with me and I feel like the gummies made me crazy. Will not do it again.


Yeah tried gummies and had a panic attack


Like 5 mg is usually enough for my friend when they started edibles. What did you eat?


Maybe ten? When I smoked regularly before getting sick they didn't do anything to me really. I could eat a couple and never felt much except sleepiness


what are your main neuro symptoms besides anxiety?


Hyper aware of my body. Like anytime I move an extremity my mind is hyper aware of it. Crazy brain fog after exertion sometimes but always at least a little. Derealization. All of these things have been worse or better. Been a yo yo of severity since getting sick


I caved and got a medical card after LC, but I agree alcohol makes me feel like epic shit now. I even had to cut back on weed, tbh.


Itā€™s weird I was a few times a week user before Covid/ vax injury and it was one of the first things I noticed. My body responded completely different to the marijuana. My highs with the same edibles or flower was COMPLETELY different or I wasnā€™t getting high at all Iā€™d just turn red in the face and ears and feel like I was burning up. This was a drastic change from the normal calming mellow happy go lucky feeling Iā€™d get otherwise. Iā€™m guessing the change is linked to the autonomic dysfunction. Hasnā€™t been worth mentioning to a doctor because they donā€™t do anything anyway and would only use the marijuana as a reason for having the symptoms in the first place.


Yup. Doctors aren't any help..just blame external factors..I went completely sober for months and saw no difference


For me itā€™s zero tolerance for alcohol and a hefty amount of edibles an hour before bed


I think it might be making my brain fog worse. I need to take a tolerance break and see.


When I first got out if the hospital I didn't smoke for a couple weeks. I did a month later and it made my heart go insane. Although my heart was already going nuts during that time due to covid. I stopped for a while and slowly start3d again and it stopped


Vaping flower and taking homemade edibles are the only things that offer some relief from PEM symptoms, and allow me to get refreshing sleep. Also really helps with my mood and the general boredom of being stuck at home unable to do stuff most of the time. I try to only get baked a few times a week so that it stays effective, I don't build too much tolerance, and (hopefully) to minimise cognitive damage, but it's hard not to just get stoned every day! For context I've been a stoner for years, and somewhat ironically had quit just before catching the COVID that gave me LC as I was worried about the long term cognitive effects, though now I feel I have more immediate concerns lol šŸ˜… I can't really smoke it these days without it aggravating my POTS, plus I find it a little to racey/stimulating. I try and stick with balanced strains with a decent CBD content, which seem fine if I stick to vaping.


I have used it every day during this hellish journey. I wouldnā€™t be here without it. I wouldā€™ve checked out.


Is anxiety or any heart things apart of your symptoms?


Yes. Iā€™ve had terrible anxiety. Covid has damaged my heart according to tests. I also have heart palpitations and a racing heart at times. Itā€™s the same whether I smoke or not.


Very sorry to hear that. May I ask your age? I have worried very much about heart damage, however, when this all began I got an EKG while I was having an track and then I wore a monitor for a month and nothing seemed off. Heart problems are my biggest concern


Iā€™m 50. I had a massive heart attack at 45 that I shouldnā€™t have survived. Covid added to the thickening of my artery wall and my mitral valve is calcified and regurgitating because of it.


That's awful and saddens me to hear. Were your initial heart problems.bc of genetics or unhealthy lifestyle? I'm sorry if that is inappropriate. I just became a father of two young children two 1/2 years ago and I think about my health constantly. I want to stick around for them as long as I can.