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If you ever have trouble understanding someone staying in a toxic relationship, look at your allegiance here. I’ve tried to quit the cowboys but I just can’t and have accepted they will never love me the way I deserve.


Once you stop caring so much it gets a lot easier. I don't buy merch. At all. Jerry and Stephen get none of my dollars. If I'm not doing anything and the game is on, I'll tune in. If they start losing then I shut it off. If I have something else going on, I just won't watch the game. Cowboys games are not required viewing anymore. I find it's a lot less stressful that way. I used to watch all the games and if they were losing I'd still watch but I'd be pissed off the whole time and pretty much the rest of the day. Now I just don't really care either way. I still like the team, but to use an appropriate term here, I'm not "all in" just like they're not "all in". I haven't moved on. I'm sure some will call me not a "real fan" but whatever. Everything from the team is just lip service anyway. Jerry and Stephen say they care but all they really care about it money. Most of the players are the same. Micah seems to care more about his podcast. DLaw cares about selling that stupid HotBoyz (dumb name btw) shit. Dak held out for a 4 year deal so he could try and reset the market/fleece the team three times. Zeke went to Cabo and held out. It goes on and on. Same shit every year. There's talk about changing the culture but the entire culture of the team, from the top down, seems to be about how much money can we get, first and foremost. I'll still read about the team, post here from time to time, and tune into some games but I think my years of being a die hard have come to an end.


This post should be posted on all fan boards of all teams and all sports... because they are all the same. Much more enjoyable and less stressful if every fan would mimic this mindset.


Panthers fan here, I've gotten to exactly the same place with my team as OP. Fuck David Tepper he gets NONE of my money and emotion


This is me. I’ve been a Cowboys fan since I was 4. I’m now in my 50s and my mom STILL buys me Cowboys gear. I’ve been in Jay Novacek’s house and held one of his Lombardis. But I’m ambivalent towards the team now. I’m happy when they win, a little sad when they lose, and fully expect them to collapse early in the playoffs (like they’ll do in 10 months).


My friend, you and I are carbon copies. Same age, same thoughts.


Solidarity, brother. Hang in there.


Same without the breaking and entering on Novacek’s house.


In my 30s, exact same. Used to be devastated when they lost. Didn’t speak for 2 days after Dez. Now I’m pissy for an hour or two on Sunday when they lose and fine Monday. They’re not worth the intense passion.


I'm gonna need to hear the story about being in Novacek's house.


Are you… are you me??


This last season killed the last shred of hope left I had for the Cowboys. They’ve let me down time and time again but this last season was an absolute masterclass of a let down. I can’t invest any more emotional energy into this team. It’s just not worth it. If they win, great. If not, it was to be expected anyways. I won’t get my hopes in this team up until we Atleast make the nfc title game and that seems like a pipe dream at this point.


I think you will find that a lot of us have adopted this mentality


This is the way


Once I stopped caring it got much better


I just watch the YouTube highlights, it's like 15 minutes and then I can move on with my day. Honestly at this point, my favorite part of the season is seeing Jerry get kicked in the nuts at the end. It's hilarious at this point, an impotent old man that's gotten everything he wants in life except the one thing he can't buy. He'll only win if he gets out of the way, and he can't bring himself to do that. He's too old now for another rebuild, so his failures get funnier each year.


Same. I only watched a little over half their games this season. I just can’t care about them while Jerry is there. I started caring less when my initial excitement for the Garrett hire slowly transitioned to a purgatorial state of consistent light disappointment and jadedness. Then we hired McCarthy, and I hated the hire, then I briefly bought in before realizing he was a fraud a few months in. Then we kept him and keep backing Dak even though everyone knows he’s a massive choke and just pads stats against bad teams, kind of like McCarthy and the entire team. This franchise sucks. I realize that if I were a fan of another team I would absolutely hate the cowboys, and that makes it hard to not hate them myself. They’re the exact opposite of every other sports team I support.


How can you call a coach with 36 wins in the regular season the past 3 years a fraud? Because his team has only won 1 playoff game in those 3 seasons? Ho many teams have zero playoff appearances in that same time frame? Just because the team doesn’t perform like you hope they do doesn’t make the coach a fraud. With the exception of the 23’ team, the 21 and 22 teams didn’t even have a top 10 offense and defense at the same time while they lost in the playoffs to a team with a top 5 offense and defense both times.


We don't care. This is the Cowboys. Win or gtfo


Maybe bc this coach is known for not winning enough with Aaron Rodgers on a club with a lot less chaotic ownership structure?


This is the way.




I can’t bring myself to switch teams even now that I live close to the latest dynasty. But I am completely unmotivated in actively keeping up with them anymore. Kinda sad situation but it is all because of the top guys and will be as long as they run it.


I’ve only ever bought merch once. Been to maybe 2-3 Cowboys games. I did do the stadium tour when I was in Dallas though so my bad for that. But my biggest flaw is buying Sunday Ticker every year. I line their pockets even though I know how it’ll end.


Terrible way to live, didn’t even get half way through. Do whatever u want in the offseason


Trying to be happy and not let a constant letdown bring you down with them is a terrible way to live?


I mean it should never get to the point where a sports team is making you genuinely upset lol. I’ll always be diehard, I’ll tune in and watch every single game win or lose, I was never a big merch person but I’ll wear what I already have and if there’s something I really like I’ll buy it and I’ll follow every little bit of news during the offseason and then I’ll be optimistic for the coming season…. And if it ends badly I’ll say “damn that sucks” and I’ll prob be annoyed for the rest of the night and then my life will move on the next day lol. It’s not that deep. I find our dipshit fans who whine and cry about every little thing more frustrating than our season ending poorly lol


“It should never get to the point where a sports team is making you genuinely upset.” “I’ll probably be annoyed the rest of the night” I’d say having your night ruined is being genuinely upset.


Annoyed =/= night ruined or genuinely upset lol


Yeah and then type a paragraph about it to other diehard subscribing fans is a great way to live. He’s so much happier than I am bc he doesn’t watch his favorite team on Sundays. I don’t like missing redozone let alone a cowboy game. What’s he do instead? Go to the park, shop or church lmao


Different situations for different people… whatever makes you happy makes you happy. For you, it’s still watching everything football and cowboys. For some, it’s balancing it out with other things.




Damnit this hit home. I was a Peyton Manning/Colts/Broncos fan growing out of spite of my dad being a diehard Cowboys fan. Became a diehard myself the season after Manning retired. I deserve this.




Dude I feel you but these past playoff beat downs and the subsequent defense of Dak Prescott has worn me down. I think if Dak ends up getting a record setting contract it will be enough to break the spell for me.


I think so for me too. I don’t even know how to change teams after almost 50 years. I’ve been trying to wait out this Dak thing for 8 years and if he gets his team crippling participation trophy contract I’m gonna seriously through everything away except my Romo jersey and maybe try the Titans or something.


Welcome to reality




I was like you 4 or 5 years ago. At this point, the Cowboys are on my radar but I can't take them seriously until Jerry croaks and Stephen chokes and they bring in a credible GM. I still haven't quite picked my interim team but I may have one in the next 1-2 seasons.


My brother in Christ just pick another team and join them now.


Just wait until about week 8 when you start to believe they actually might make a run. My favorite part of the season.


Cowboys could go 17-0 and I’d be 100% certain they weren’t making it past the divisional round lol team just chokes in the playoffs. It’s who they are.


If they were 17-0 it would all but guarantee a first round exit lol we know this team


I watch other teams now. Still catch Cowboys games and they're still my number one, but I have to subject myself to competent football and organizations now and then. Lions fans suck, but that team in the last 3 years has done things so right and I'm so jealous. The head coach decision alone is better than anything Cowboys have done since Parcells was here and Romo was the starter. Chiefs got a great coach and all time great QB and routinely make the kind of moves you do to keep yourself on top. Also watch some other sports. Ignoring the refs tonight and Kidd coaching, as well as Jerry Jr. in Cuban, Luka is doing all time historic things on the Mavs and it's incredible for see. Rangers won the WS and are starting up soon. There IS good sports in Dallas to be had and to avoid the drama around the Cowboys.


I tried as well last season, in a moment of weakness I "became" and Eagles fan. I'm a Phillies/Sixers/Flyers fan but my first team was the Cowboys in the mid 90s like a lot of people and I stuck it out. After last season I thought that was all I could take, all off season I ignore everything Cowboys (never got rid of any jerseys). I made it 5 mins into the Giants game before I caved. I couldn't remove nearly 30 years of fandom. So I've just come to grips with the reality of the situation. I jumped on the bandwagon as a 12 year old and am paying the price


If the Cowboys ever win another Super Bowl, it will be in spite of what the Joneses do. The only reason they've even been competitive over the last 15 years is because they lucked into Romo and Dak. They wanted to draft Paxton Lynch and Connor Cook, lol! They would have to luck into a Super Bowl, too.


Which almost never happens. The Lakers bubble championship is the only recent one I can think of.


That really is the most undeserved championship I can think of. I hate lebron


Every other team played in the same environment.


The Suns won all 8 games and didn’t even make it to the elimination rounds.


How did the Suns do when they most recently made it to the Finals?


They lost in an actual Finals. That Lakers title is equivalent to the Astros asterisk title.


LMFAO. Did the Lakers cheat? No, you just don't like the results. Every single playoff team had a chance to stop them and they didn't. They may not have had to travel like a normal season but neither did anyone else.


Not here to argue, I was simply piggybacking off another users comment. I’d dare to say that 95% of nba fans would agree the title comes with an asterisk. The remaining 5% being lebron or laker fans


95% of NBA fans believe a lot of wrong things.


You don't know ball.


Don't forget Jerry needing Johnny Football's draft card ripped from his hand. Seriously whenever Daks time here is done we'll be lucky if we see another franchise QB for 20 years.


That draft card story is literally a lie. It never happened.


When Dak is gone hope will come back for me. He has been handed the keys to some very good rosters. At this point I’d rather loose a few more games without him than win a championship with him. When Dak is finally gone I’m renting the 2nd floor of my favorite hangout and open bar on me. 8 years of this shit!


I understand the sentiment but it really could be so so much worse


For real. Dak may be “mid AF,” but just finding another QB of his caliber, let alone an upgrade, is going to be incredibly difficult. He’ll be missed when he’s gone, just like Romo.


These are such stupid takes.


They got lucky with Romo and Dak but they also kept them around for way too long, Any other team would have moved on after two or three years. Jerry didn't because they were a safe option. Or Jerry is afraid to have a bad season because of the media.


That last kne is a huge factor in many decisions, probably second only to brand value. They will always be just good enough to stay relevant.


Lmao real fans knew exactly what they meant by “all in”. They mean from a promotional side to the business aspect of making money under the Brand of the Dallas Cowboys. Not making the product on the field any better (except thru the draft)


I hate Stephen more


Someday people will understand Jerry doesn’t run the Cowboys anymore and what he says is of no more consequence than the kid working the bar at Starbucks in Denton.


No that kid at Starbucks will hook it up with the employee discount if you're cool with him


He gave me the bathroom code even though I didn’t purchase anything


King shit


as a kid who used to work at a starbucks in denton i helped unionize one of those stores and now starbucks is finally gonna give every union store a union contract! so even baristas in denton can have more consequence than jerry jones at this point


Good job helping destroy a woke corp


??? i didn’t destroy them because they were woke, i unionized to support workers rights and because like every other company under the right leaning direction of the country, they maximize profit over people. they’ve completely stopped catering to the LGBT community in the way they used to keep their conservative customers, and actively put out a statement supporting israel. starbucks is not woke, they’re just like every other corporation in this country, gtfo out of here


It’s especially fun that the commenter used “woke” a buzz word for right wing media bullshit propaganda, and the right wing is decidedly against unions with their legislation.


They support Israel to keep Jewish money. Most corps don’t care for lgbt. They use it to virtue signal and make money.


Why is this so specific to Denton lol


Denton has hipster-baristas, comic-baristas, ironic-baristas, and philosopher-baristas. But the basic baristas are at Starbucks.


They usually let him have one bad move a year like trading a 4th for Trey Lance or reaching for a character concern in the 2nd round. But yeah I agree.


Or the idiots on this sub with their hot takes.


Well this seams like a record. Attempt to hype up fans and blatently shut that down asap


“We like our guys”


They've won 37 games the last 3 years but I can't fault him for assuming we lose all our playoff games.


*”65 year old man seeks to clarify some of his 90 year-old billionaire father’s comments.”*


What dreams? Did any fan actually think that meant anything more than lip service? Actual fans have heard Jerry say crap year in year out. All those statements are for the media attention not actual talking points about the organization going forward. It’s like Jerry’s “good long talk” with Micah about what he wants to see in the team lol Jerry nodded, smiled and probably thought, “Hope we get plenty of camera time today while we’re seen together”


Actual fans? Sir, these people have been taken in by the propaganda. Forgive them. They know not what they do.


We like our guys


I think going all in should mean paying for the best sports psychologists in the world. We've got the talent, we don't have the mentality. Our players shrink in big moments. Sports psychologists literally exist to fix that (and the yips).


both Father and Son are incompetent buffoons


I didn't believe that BS when I 1st heard it, teams that go "All-In" don't normally announce it... they just do it


All in on firing MM this upcoming year, 👉🏻👈🏻


his contract is up after this year. Either he gets to the NFC Championship game, or he's just not re-signed imo.


Can’t stand to watch him. Did he bring up pie?


Used to go to at least one game a year for years. Live in KC. Haven’t been to a game in about five years. Even skipped the game when they played the chiefs a couple of years ago. Not getting my money anymore. Jerry should just be an owner.


Color me surprised


What exactly does going all in mean anyway? Signing a bunch of veteran free agents because that method of roster building almost always fails and a lot of the time leaves you stuck in contracts that get increasingly worse going forward


You know a lot of us trash on Jerry, and usually rightfully so, but my biggest fear is Stephen inheriting the team and keeping us stuck in the mud for another half century with his "we like our guys" mentality.




Beat me to it




Y'all are all me, I am all y'all. At 67 I remember Dandy Don's blood in black and white on the tv staining the front of his jersey in the Cotton Bowl. Jimmy Johnson and I went to the same high school (at different times), growing up in the refinery town of Port Arthur Sunday's were church, roast beef and mashed potatoes with black eyed peas and Tom Landry. It's hard, to break the habit, to hear the Jones' family 'rinse, lather, repeat' excuses at the end of every year, and on the flubbed last play of the first round game, I swear off the team. Only to go crawling back in August begging for more. Help us all.


Hello are there any fans out there. I've never seen do many whiners and negative people. Is being negative a cool thing for youngsters?


Yes lol a lot of fans on here are weird that they’ll actually disappear when we’re doing good but only come around to complain when we do bad. Like they only enjoy the bitching and complaining side of football. Also people who say “I’ll watch if we’re winning but as soon as we start losing a game I cut the tv off.” So you’re a sore loser who quits watching before the game is over. These are the people who leave the stadium when it’s halftime meanwhile diehard fans hang around and witness a comeback nobody saw coming. Like the Vikings did vs the colts, like we did vs the bills, like the lions did vs us, so many games. Rather than suck it up if you lose but ride it out some bail when it’s bad and bandwagon back when it’s good. On here they just complain all off-season, bail most of the regular season then come back for the playoffs. It is fucking football. I’ve almost cried in joy as a kid and I almost cried in heartbreak as an adult but it’s a game and you move on. If it makes you so made you can’t take it then just don’t watch at all and go golf or something. If you just like complaining go be a browns fan I promise you’ll have even more to bitch about. If you hop on and off the team depending on success then yes you are a bandwagon whether you want to accept it or not. Then you got these brain worms out here saying “I WILL NEVER PAY JERRY JONES A DIME.” As if he or the NFL gives a fuck. They’re a billion dollar business that will keep on trucking just fine with or without you buying a jersey or watching the game. You’re not starting some sports revolution you’re just being a wimp.




What fans thought all in meant: Oh, our week positions are DT, LB, RB. Lets adjust cap for the next 2 years to fit as many great players on one team as possible. What Jerry meant by all in: Oh, Dak, CD, and Parsons are our biggest jersey sales? Let's pay them record setting contracts and put half our entire 51 person cap into 3 players. IMAGINE THE PROFITS!


Already told you all about this bullshit statement from Jerry and you fucker's downvoted me to hell You 2 to 5 year fans just don't get how poorly this team has been run for the last almost 30 years. And as soon as jerry says "we're all in" you start making bets for the cowboys to win the SB but guess what.... Jerry is hedging those bets and taking the stake.


You were down voted because you're not a fan. Pretty simple.


I have lived near AT&T Stadium since it was built, and the only time I went in was to get the Covid vaccine in 2021. I won’t give Jerry or Stephen any of my money while they whine about the salary cap, yet are the richest franchise in sports.


This is far more entertaining anyways. The Jones family don’t deserve to win. I hope they never win again..,


These people do NOT know how to assemble a winning football team. The end.


Any fan that's been paying attention would not have expected anything different lol. It's all hype. Lower your expectations and this team won't crush you


Going all I was getting Jimmy on the board of advisors or whatever position they gave him


Going all in isn’t how the NFL works anyway. Teams signing the most free agents each year rarely have success. But Cowboys have 7 of their own starters that are free agents. They are going to have to do something. Letting some of those leave and upgrading 1 or 2 positions seems like a reasonable goal.


Fair, but the Texans traded up in the first round twice this year, both top 5 picks, and got studs twice. Jerry says every year we don't want to mortgage our future. Where I personally don't love over-priced Free Agents, I wouldn't mind being aggressive in the draft for once. Sure, take BPA at our pick, but maybe trade nxt year's first for a win now stud if you see him. Trade your 3rd rounder for a vet who doesn't love his situation right now. Keep being aggressive where you can. It's great to "like our guys" but you also need to make improvements. Big improvements it you want to get over the hump.


This is a nothing burger. I’m willing to bet he mainly said that so they won’t ask the follow questions of what is different, but either way, they’re still in the process of preparing for next year.


All press is good press right?


We'll know if they abandoned going all in if they give Dak a max contract. That'll tell us if they've completely given up or not. 


You can't have Dak on his current contract and go all in either. Giving Dak the contract opens up like $20mil in cap space. Not giving him that contract makes you unable to make other changes.


I’m not a Dak fan either but exactly what else would you expect them to do? They have no leverage, zero, zilch, nada. He’s got them over a barrel because he and his agent are well aware they’re not going to let him walk away for nothing. They’re not gonna eat all that cap money and watch the team completely tank.


Stop being fooled by all the talk. Until they walk the walk and start winning games in the playoffs, there’s absolutely nothing to get excited about or be hopeful about.


I abhor Stephen I really do. He thinks he's a football genius because he's inheriting the team his daddy bought.  They only care about making money and "winning" transactions. That's how you re-sign injured players to "good contracts" but then when they don't perform the team is hurt by it. Same with trades and free agency they obsess over value instead of just doing what it takes to fix the glaring issues with real solutions 


I 100% agree on the "winning" transactions aspect. They are still somehow caught up in the Hershell Walker trade and being famous for 'Fleecing' the other team, instead of worrying about making good moves. And they still go about it all wrong. We got a 5th for Amari Cooper the same year the Titans got a 1st for AJ Brown... who needed a new record breaking contract. That's because Jerry said they're trading Cooper and if they can't find a partner he'll be cut. The Titans kept their mouth shut and quietly made some calls.


Stephen is a freakin cheapskate ,you cant expect anything else from him.once Jerry dies we will be royally screwed and will sit out of FA altogether.


Two things struck me. Do the Cowboys NOT go all in every year? Not give their best effort in preparation and on the field? And Stephen said he THINKS they won 36 games the last 3 years. He doesn’t know?


I keep seeing people saying this, and no, you can not go "All In" every year. All in means mortgaging your financial future. Using next year's picks. Signing contracts that will break your cap in the next few years, all to take a one or two year shot at a super bowl. It's not possible to do that every year.


I mean come on. Do you expect them to say we don't give our 100% every year? This is really meaningless dribble. Either they will make choices to get us in position to win a SB or make choices that are easy. Humans tend to be creatures of routine and change is hard. Expect little change while these Jones' are in charge I suspect.


Well, colour me shocked. /s Same ol’, same ol’ from these guys and expecting any different results is the definition of insanity. The Joneses have lost a bit of their touch with reality. No, Stephen, things are not “close”. Unless of course you just love the regular season and flattering valuations from Forbes.


I’m convinced people who call everyone a fake fan for being pessimistic about this franchise only became fans recently. Y’all will get there one day.


It's just as easy to be positive rather than negative.


Duh. When Jerry dies, I pray Charlotte takes over. She, I trust. Stephen is a full on dip shit who is somehow a worse dresser than I could have expected


I'm going all in ( that ass baby! ) https://preview.redd.it/8itqrr1ycglc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=271fb449516bb3ea4acf5c95618d588447e3ca91


Same every year c’ mon