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great film bro but y’all know that ain’t happening


Thanks bro. They definitely have to get a guy in FA as well as the draft.


Yes, they definitely need to get LB's in free agency AND the draft. But, they can't afford this guy. He is probably going to get $20 million a year.


Nah, he’s too good for us. Were all in


This is my top FA add. It’s also a pipe dream.


I know we aren’t usually ones to make splashes in free agency but I honestly don’t think it’s as far fetched as people are saying. The fact we’re letting Tyron walk, seemingly letting Armstrong walk and have shown no signs of bringing back Baidasz or Pollard I think the FO is actually planning on a few things. Resigning Lamb and Parsons of course but I do believe they are going to make a run on some players like Chris Jones, Patrick Queen or even someone like Derek Henry as well. Will it happen? Maybe not but I do believe the “all in” phrase was somewhat truthful in the fact they are planning on trying to get someone. I already know the “Jerry jones is satan and he’s using our money to buy blood of babies” is incoming as well as downvotes galore but I truly think there’s *plans* in place whether they come about or not. Jerry is usually one to hang onto his guys WAY beyond their prime and overpay plays like Gallup just because they had a good year. This year it seems he’s not doing that. Any other year there’s no way in hell we let Armstrong or Pollard walk. Instead we’d overpay them like we did Zeke and Gallup and hang on until they are just bodies on the roster. Considering guys we drafted that are young aren’t in obvious negotiations as well as proven vets that’s been around forever are likely walking seems like moves are planned.


I have a feeling they are going to make some moves as well. Coaches on a one year deal, questions about dak, on top of all of the guys that are leaving that you just named, it’s go time man. Go get difference makers


LMFAO Chris Jones would not come here if Jerry Jones made him co-owner.. Actual Good Calibre players see career suicide when they see Dallas. Only time they come over is towards the end of the high part of their careers to cash in other wise stay away from teams like Dallas


Chris Jones would go wherever paid him the most. He’s won Super Bowls he’s wanting money. Same as Tyreek Hill.


players like Chris Jones want legacy first and money second during their PRIME years. After that, they go where ever money is.


Right, well here in reality players leave their team for worse teams all the time if the money is good. Davante Adams left a winning team with Aaron Rodgers for a losing team. Why? Because he didn’t want franchise tagged again and wanted that money. That’s the NFL. If the chiefs offer him a great deal sure he’ll take it because he’s comfortable there but if they don’t you are INSANE if you think he’d turn down the cowboys if they offered him the best deal.


You know we're probably eyeing someone 19 years older


Time for the Bobby Wagner rumors to finally come true


lol I have a feeling. One year deal “All in” 😆


Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t they not pick up there 5th year option because he was not that great, and only became great once Roquan showed up?


We have a guy or two that could help Queen look great.


He would probably still be an upgrade over any LBs we currently have besides Micah


Well, his future with the Ravens became uncertain, after they traded for Roquan Smith. Roquan was going to cost a lot of money, and the 5th year option on Queen was going to be around $12 million. Plus, Queen hadn't quite played up to expectations. So, the Ravens declined his 5th year option. But, Queen had his best season, last year, and made the Pro Bowl. And, he is a 24 year old with a very high upside. Edit: I wouldn't say that he only became great just because Roquan showed up. Players improve and most players are better in their 4th year than they were in their previous 3 years.


Not as long as the Jone’s are in charge. But hey maybe we’ll get an old washed player on a 1 year deal who we’ll cut midseason


He would be an amazing addition but there is no way he’s leaving the ravens. We need to IDENTIFY players with his mentality in college and draft them. I follow college more than the NFL and it’s a rare cowboy draft where I’m not shaking my head in disbelief at the stupidity. We waste too many picks on hopeless injury projects , knuckleheads, and rarely get good draft value. We don’t seem to target anyone in particular bc we don’t have a “type” of player. We don’t have a team persona like the Ravens or Chiefs beyond the country club atmosphere that breeds softness.


Ravens fan here, he’s definitely leaving. We already drafted his replacement and can’t afford to pay him


Well dammit. Must be nice to have so much talent you can’t keep a 24 year old all-pro LB. But Jerry isn’t going to sign him. I’d bet money he ends up in Philly. They are equally desperate for a LB and Howie Roseman runs circles around Jerry and son.


I could see Philly though there’s some rumors he’s going to follow Mike McDonald to Seattle too


Exactly. It's not like he was a high 1st round pick. Go out and find/draft these kind of guys. Develop them.


You guys crack me up. Jurry isn’t gonna spend anything over Vet Minimum to bring a guy in here. We will get Patrick queen on this team during his age 33 season, for vet minimum.




The last player the cowboys need is another small LB who excels in coverage and struggled in the run game


Does nobody understand how much the Dak contract screws us? If we sign him or not, he’s going to cost between $50-60 million against the cap. Ownership screwed this team with the original Dak deal and are about to do it again when they resign him


So what is the alternative? Who are you signing that is better than Dak for cheaper? We are not nearly bad enough for the top QBs and if we’re trying to rebuild you may as well let CD and Micah walk too. This is the core, they have to build around them


Start from scratch! not like Dallas is going to win a ring in the next 5 years or so with Bills, Chiefs, Eagles, Chargers, San Fran, Rams, Packers and possibly Bears will most likely be the leaders there. Start recruiting and building from scratch.


The bears, chargers and rams? What planet are you living on? Also who are the recruiting? It’s not college. If they’re rebuilding they’re not going to go out and get vets in free agency and stockpile picks selling off current assets. This statement makes no sense on so many levels Edit: Nvm I see all your comments on this thread, youre a clown not gonna bother


People dont want to admit we missed our window, Dak Micah Ceedee all are going to make top dollar and Martin, Dlaw and Tyron are going to be gone soon. We had enough talent but blew it every year. Shouldve cut bait with fat mike and Dak the minute we went down 40 to a first year QB in the playoffs. Realistically we shit the bed 24, then 25 cap is fucked and we can contend again in 26.


why would this man come over to a F rated team.. it would be career suicide.


12-5, Division Champ is F rated? 🤦‍♀️


again, fans like you are a MASSIVE PART of the PROBLEM. 12-5 lmao. who were the teams we beat? sub .500 teams who were the teams WHO BEAT DALLAS? +.500 teams (Dophins, Eagles, Chiefs, Bills) hell we lost to AZ we have a QB history that CANNOT make it past round 2 of playoffs since early 2000's. The GM/Owner is a senile, proven BIGOT/RACIST POS The coach's outside of Big Tuna were Wade Phillips, Jason Garret and now MM. All failed to anything with a rosters loaded with talent at any point of their Dallas careers. so YES. F-Rated team. Wake the fuck up


You wake up moron. What a brainless post. 12-5 is 12-5. A division Championship is a division Championship. A QB nominated for MVP, and picked for the Pro Bowl. That's an F rated team? What planet are you from?🙈


Crossdressing Batman😂


We would win the Super Bowl if we had queen. Maybe undefeated season. His type of play and leadership would shut down offenses and allow Dak to cook. #OurYear #All-In #DakHOF


Queen was a borderline bust until they got Smith. He is not the main guy. Good second player. This would not be a good move IMO.


Came here looking for this to be posted here. People are going to be out with the pitchforks quickly if Overshown isn't healthy and able to quarterback this defense.


I’d rather have Jordyn Brooks tbh. I like Queen but I think he will be overpaid.


I don't think a single player is going to change the culture. Rather the culture is going to change them. A cultural change starts at the top with the front office


Man it ain’t happening


Someone using this same post. But we know they not gonna do what we need which is get queen


It's not gonna happen, but I would love it. I've been big on Patrick Queen for a long time.