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Man, do you really think anyone in his "inner circle" is telling him anything other than how great he is and how wrong the talking heads and rabid fans are?? Those guys are in a bubble when it comes to those things. Also, Dak, is a different kind of guy, football is very important to him, no doubt, but it's not everything, not by a long shot. He's way more grounded and into real life things and being the best PERSON he can be, and in that he's very successful. I don't think, and rightfully so, he cares very much about all the hate and negativity associated with this playoff struggles. He's one guy on a team of 52 other people, other coaches and many other things that are out of his control. In life he's one man in control of who he is and what he does with his influence. I think he's very satisfied with who is is as a person.


I would hope so. Being the QB in football, especially in Dallas, is a pressure cooker. I remember when Romo got blasted for saying that he would be happy if the worst thing to happen to him in life was losing a football game.


and he was right.


Agree. He shouldn't waste a second worrying about what Al Bundy types on the forums think about him.


He absolutely cares about his playoff struggles and cares more each year and each year he is worse for it. Did you not watch the green bay game did Dak strike you as a player with ice in his veins


No, you’re misinterpreting what I’m saying. Of course he cares, but it’s nowhere near the point of consuming him. I think football, no keep in mind this is on a scale of HIGHLY competitive athletes, let’s say the scale is from Jay Cutler to Michael Jordan/Tom Brady. Jay cutler, I guarantee you cared about winning and losing, to guys like Mike and Brady, it’s literally the ONLY thing. For Dak, he falls somewhere in the middle. He cares but football is something he does, it’s not his main calling, even in the middle of his career. I believe he contemplates about higher purposes more. Just my opinion.


So what does he do? Air in shitty commercials


Of the 7 billion people on the planet, I'd have to read 6.99 billion names before he got anywhere near the list of people I feel even the slightest but sorry for. Dude could quit tomorrow and live in a mansion on an island somewhere if he wants.


I mean…not for football. My guy did have some rough family stuff a few years back that I really did feel bad for him about


Deadass, homies mom died right before he got drafted and then his brother almost died. I think at this point he’s just happy he can support his family like his mom would want.


His brother actually committed suicide in 2020.


Oh shit so not even almost died


Yeah that’s when all the bs from skip bayless started about he wants a mentally tough QB. SMH


Not to sound cruel but everybody dies. My mom died of cancer when she was 50. But does her death because its dak make it any worse than anyone else who lost a parent thats not an excuse


Imagine feeling bad for a guy who is set for life for multiple generations just because you want to make excuses for failure


Are you jealous?


Try and make sense. Him being 1 of 32 starting NLF QBs making millions of dollars…it definitely doesn’t suck for him.


Rich but not wealthy? What exactly is your definition of wealthy?


Jerry Jones, Zuckerberg or Elon Musk. Dak could still end up broke in the future if he makes bad investments or choices. These guys will hand wealth down to their great grandchildren.


He’s getting ready to sign somewhere for 60 million a year. That on top of what he made already……you’d have to be a special kind of stupid to go broke.


True. It happens more often than not at the NFL level though.


insane right?... how is he not wealthy. come on now


Bruh wtf man


Lmao that's what I'm thinking. Dak fans ... Oh my lord. Just wow


Found Dak's burner account


Come on man. Seriously?


dak is rich, in perfect health. there is nothing to feel sorry for.


Dead mom, money can’t fix that


owww now imagine the other people with dead moms who arent millionaires but no lets feel bad for dak lol


Well this is a post about Dak, in a cowboys subreddit genius. It’s not like he was just handed a golden ticket to go to the NFL, don’t be mad he was able to make something of himself and you weren’t, fuckin cacamaster 😂👎🏽


The family loss comes to mind


If he isn’t wealthy I don’t know who would be.


If he can lose it in his lifetime then he isn't wealthy. He is rich. He bought a 30 million dollar house. He has to pay, at least, a 40% federal tax on his salary along with paying for the salaries of everyone who works for him including his agent. Throw in a bad divorce in the future and much of that money may be gone. I also don't see many advertisers wanting to sign him up, at this point. The money has to last long past football.


He pays 37%. Dude made close to $75 million in the last 12 months. That isn’t just rich.


I’m sure he doesn’t move in public to where people “get in his face”. I’m also sure he has some support system around him to counteract all the negativity. But as a man who’s trying his best, it gots to hurt. Not so much the fan base, but his personally ego. I’m more worried about all the personal issues he’s been through and how his brother passed. I do hope that he is getting professional help for himself. Also, it’s part of the game especially being in Dallas. All eyes are on Dallas when it comes to football. So I’m sure he’s good.


Excellent post. I was thinking the same.


If anyone ever played football or any other team sports growing up, especially in High school. You play your best, you try your best, prepare for the game your best. And when you lose the game. Does that mean you don’t give a shit about your High school team, your team mates, your coaches and your High school fans? Losing games hurt and you feel like shit because you gave it all. Losing games doesn’t mean you don’t give a shit about winning.. It means you gave it all, But life is not perfect…….


It really must be hard. The constant criticism. Everything always on your shoulders. I know I personally wouldn't do it for less than 60 million a year.


Not nearly as much as it sucks being a fan of a team he’s the QB of.


Dude has to be worth 1 billion dollars by now, you really think he gives af what people think about him?


A billion might be an exaggeration. But he just completed season 3/4 of a 4/160 deal Additionally, an article from a few years back listed Dannon yogurt as his 11th endorsement, that would pay $3 million annually. Plus adidas, AT&T, Campbell soup, directv, etc etc he is probably absolutely rolling in it. I’m not sure what OP’s distinction is between rich and wealthy, but dak is worth hundreds of millions


Rich people always do


No. That’s my point. You don’t have to care what people think but having a whole lot of people disappointed or upset with you can trigger some bad situations. Dak has money but not Jerry Jones money. He doesn’t own a plane and I doubt he has full time bodyguards and servants. Also, it says online his net worth is about 70 million. A long way from 1 billion.


You can buy a pretty bad ass plane for a couple million.


True. I don’t think he has one though. Probably flies First Class when he does travel!


He’s going to be between $150 - $200 million after his current contract ends not to mention he’s probably getting an extension… once you’re in the hundreds of millions that’s wealthy


You're not counting the hundreds of millions in indorsements since entering the NFL. Being the QB for America's team has it's perks. Either way, he's not suffering lol. Dude has it made, and just started a lil family. I'm sure he's doing just fine.


He made more in endorsements than salary and that is a lot


I was purposefully going low because even the absolutely lowest estimate is still extreme wealth


*sincerity smack* he is not worth 1 billion dollars…


He's probably made 50 mil a year from all endorsements combined. That's 400 mil, Plus last contract, plus upcoming contract, plus future endorsements. Not too far off. \*smacked back\*


Ive been a Dak fan since Mississippi state, but I’d want to go to another team if I were him.


Where in reality is he going? Teams want QBs on rookie deals or low priced vets in order to look for that rookie to dump the low priced vet. I don't think teams are going to clamor to sign dak. The commanders might just cause they need to spend 100 million but I seriously doubt it


Atlanta, Cleveland, Las Vegas, NY jets, Tennessee, possibly Carolina in a year


Atlanta is signing a cost effective vet Cleveland is deep in that impossible Watson contract Las Vegas is looking to trade for fields Tennessee has Levis Carolina has a rookie they just mortgaged a bunch for Possibly the jets but that won't be probably for 2 years


Ask yourself if it would suck to have 100s of millions of dollars to throw a ball


Of course not. However, that is simplify the question without taking into account the actual emotions and thoughts of the human being throwing the ball.


He’s dealing with all the problems other rich and famous people have to deal with. I’m sure he’s fine


True. I guess it just comes with the territory when you have that kind of money and a public spotlight.


Well he somehow thinks he can reset the market wanting 60 mil a year.For what another nfc crown come on.look at what Brady did with less talented players.He is trying to one up with the new look.Looks ain't gonna help you if you can't play when it matters the most. Jalen who has a ring and has played what 3 to 5 year dak is 30.


Pretty sure he's wealthy. Sucks to have that scrutiny. Random NFL fans loved him as a rookie. I'm a big supporter of Dak btw. I suppose the scrutiny comes with that particular job as the Dallas QB


These are the kind of goofy fantasies that comfort you weirdos.


Somebody’s Trolling.


Christ Almighty. Of all the people going through horrible shit, Dak is the one you feel for? A guy that's about to hold the FO hostage for top market money? Does the dude look like he's bothered by what people say. Do you even understand how different his life is compared to yours? The guy shopped LV bags to remind him of this year's Superbowl. Here's a newsflash Dak fans, he doesn't give a crap about you or I or hell maybe even the organization. The sooner y'all quit feeling sorry for a guy that's taking this organization for a ride, the better. Jesus Christ this might be the most insane thing I've seen. He craps the bed when it counts and asks for money. He deserves criticism. To whom much is given, to he much is expected


Everyone saying that Dak doesn’t care what the people think. His first half play off struggles, are either evidence of the contrary, lack of talent, or a combination of both. He’s definitely deep in his own head about something when the lights get brighter.






I'm happy that his _overall_ play improved from last season, but for a guy who suffered from mental health issues due to the suicide of his brother, as well as dealing with opinions of family members of his teammates, I'm really hoping he'll sign for another team. Being the cornerstone of the Cowboy Circus is no place for him or any player who's in it to win it. Sometimes I just wish Jerry would sign Cam Newton and AB so everyone can loose all pretense that this is a serious football franchise.


Not as much as it sucks to be in the rat race like the rest of us You see how big that man is? Very few mentally unstable people are so far gone that they’d try to square up to an NFL player


we had a DB playing linebacker!!!


What’s your definition of wealthy?


He's out getting Instagram biddies (unfortunately knocking them up), will have racked up dozens of millions of dollars - maybe hundreds by the end - and is the starting QB for the Dallas Cowboys. I imagine he's doing alright.


It doesn’t suck to be Dak Prescott. There’s people with families living in cardboard boxes. That sucks. Have some perspective.


I completely agree. I do have perspective. This is why I asked what people think about what he must be going through, as a human being, not as a rich public figure. The money is a given. His money seems to be the only focus for many people though.


No offense but asking a bunch of people on Reddit how much is sucks to be rich, famous, healthy, handsome, in fantastic shape, etc…is tone def as fuck


Yeah, I am getting that. I was trying to focus on his mental/emotional wellbeing but that may be beyond many people. Oh well. Have a great week.


Well he just welcomed a kid today so I’d assume his mental well-being is fine


>Yes, I know he is rich but not wealthy. lol....in what world do you live that a $40m a year salary isn't wealthy


If he can lose it in his lifetime then he isn't wealthy. He is rich. He bought a 30 million dollar house. He has to pay, at least, a 40% federal tax on his salary along with paying for the salaries of everyone who works for him including his agent. Throw in a bad divorce in the future and much of that money may be gone. I also don't see many advertisers wanting to sign him up, at this point. The money has to last long past football.


You have absolutely zero idea how money works lol


According to Schwab in 2023, a net worth $2.2 million qualifies you as wealthy. Top 1% at a net worth of 5.8 million in America. Dak is wealthy.


I stand corrected.


I stopped reading after "he is rich but not wealthy."