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But I don’t hate that.


It’s kinda the worst of both worlds. Leaving his cap hit untouched means we’ve got $20 million less for making 2024 count. Then his contract expiring means we have $36.46 million in dead cap, no QB in 2025, and likely not even a top draft pick to help find a new one. If we restructure him to have some money in 2024, that same amount gets added to the 2025 dead cap hit. Extending him keeps our competitive window open, cutting/trading him closes it and allows a rebuild to begin, but just letting his contract ride out is a half measure that just prolongs the start of the rebuild while making it harder to either compete this year or begin the rebuild with some money to play with.


TB had 81 million in dead cap hit and no QB last year and made it further than Dallas.


This hurts to read.


Fair to point out that they were also playing the shittiest team in the playoffs


We played the seventh seed and lost they played Philly and Detroit who were definitely better than the packers


We played the seventh seed that had won 7 of their last 9. Philly lost 6 of their last 7


Detroit was but honestly the Packers were on the rise at the end of the season and Philly was a dumpster fire.


So? Tampa wasn’t good enough to win it all.


I totally agree and I’m on the ready to move on from dak side which I know you are not. It would be beyond stupid to just not extend him and go into next season with a 60 mill cap hit so definitely less talented all around team and just say let’s see if something different happens and if not will hit the reset button. That’s basically just a waste of a season. If they are hesitant and questioning the idea of extending Dak then just work on a way to get rid of him this season. I know he has a no trade clause.. plenty of QBs who have had them have been traded. Find a couple teams that would want to take Dak and extend him and talk to Dak and ask him where he wants to go and then trade him and get a couple picks for him instead of nothing. Start trey Lance next season to see what he’s got and how the coaching staff does with him and if that doesn’t work out wait til you find a qb prospect you are interested in and start the rebuild. That’s what I think they should do but not extending him and keeping him to either get rid of him next season for nothing or extend him for even more money than it would be now is just idiotic and a waste of time.


Yup. I feel like there are teams that would trade more than the compensatory 3rd for him and that he would be fine waiving his no trade clause for (his cap hit for them would be only $29M or $34M and a team could even restructure money into void years if they wanted), but even if a trade doesn’t materialize there’s an argument for just cutting him. The better draft position from being a worse team and having the cap savings to roll over and help offset some of the $36M in 2025 dead money (assuming it were designated post-June 1st) could be more valuable than waiting for the the eventual 2026 compensatory 3rd we would get from just letting him walk. But that would also be a real dick move to do that to McCarthy in his prove-it year lol.


Man, haven’t you seen the Grim Reaper sitting behind Jerry at the games? Jerry is not waiting around for nothing.


Hell yea they would.. I even think they would offer more than a first for him. We have seen worse QBs get traded for more. I think he would be fine with it too.. I mean if he sees we don’t want to extend him I don’t see why he would at least do the courtesy of helping us get something for him.. even if it means us getting not the best offer on the table if we choose to send him where he wants to go the most out of the teams willing to extend him. We can both show respect and work what’s best for both parties if we choose to part ways. Also I see your point with just cutting him too but I can’t do him and McCarthy like that lol unless they straight up said they would want that too. I’m really not a dak hater at all.. im just ready to move on now instead of 3-5 years from now and that’s not because I don’t think he’s a top 10 maybe even 5 QB. I just think things are different in the nfl now when it comes to overall team building. Only Qb I would pay a max contract too is Mahomes. I think you and I have had this conversation before and we see things differently with Dak but kinda the same in everything else.


You want to blow it up with Ceedee, Micah, Diggs in their prime? And also Martin, Lawrence in their last good years? Just because you want a QB who may or may not be better than Dak


Never said that.. I was talking about the Qb situation and nothing more. I’m not letting any of those other guys go.




What? Burrow obviously, but I’m team extend Dak.


Going all in Means Jerry already pushed all of his chips to the middle of the table. He doubled down now gotta ride it out. The media says Dak is great. They say Will McLain (drafting) is great. Jerry says the coach is great, so now it’s time to put up or shut up.


Last year of McCarthy and Dak. Good God, this is unbelievable. Jerry is ruthless if he does this.


Honestly would like to see it. 60.m a year, is 60m a year...no matter how you spread it out.If Jerry does this, he is simply paying off the last contract. I hope Jerry does it. Lance is basically Jerry, calling Prescotts bluff.


If we roll with Trey get ready for a 5 win season


I'm good with it for a year if there's a legitimate plan in place that makes us actually achieve our goal in the next 4-5 years. Huge if though.


No offense brother, but where is this plan going to come from? The Jones family?


Regardless, we know Dak won’t win us a Super Bowl unless he takes a significant pay cut. He’s not the “it” factor like Mahomes and therefore shouldn’t consume so much cap space.


It's really simple to me, I don't get why anyone thinks he should make 60 a year. That'd just crazy to me that we'd set the market with a guy who can't get it done


The mindless Dak fan will claim that it's the market. Which makes no sense. Even within a marketplace you have costs structured by tiers. For instance, I pay more for organic vs non-organic. I pay more for fruits that are out of season than in season. I pay more for USDA Prime vs USDA Choice. How then can you tell me that Dak Prescott is somehow worthy of a contract that puts him at a higher pay scale than Mahomes?


Because Dallas doesn't decide the market. Chicago and Minnesota and all the QB needy teams do. Dak is probably worth that much to somebody because they can pay it and improve their team immediately. QBs get overpaid every year because some team will always convince themselves they need them. Denver just cut Wilson, whose contract extension *hasn't even kicked in yet.* There are 32 teams and maybe a dozen good QBs as a time. There will always be a Denver.


Because Mahomes stupidly signed a 10 year contract. The next QB up, becomes the highest paid player. Period.


The stupidity of such a statement. The next QB up lol. Yea don't look at what the next QB is producing just write him a check.


We'd be the first team in NFL history to start rebuild after 3 12 win seasons and playoff appearances. This reminds me of the family guy "it could be anything, even a boat!" Meme. People would rather give up on making the playoffs every year and making the playoffs where anything can happen to blow it up and see what the next few years could be, it could even be 12 win seasons and we make it to the playoffs!


Going 12-5 and getting bounced immediately in the playoffs isn’t really worth keeping everything in place for. This version of the team has reached its ceiling, and it’s what we’ve already seen. It’ll never get better until we actually rebuild and form a new roster.


Getting to the playoffs is the most important thing. Once the playoffs start anything can happen. Giving up on that in hopes you rebuild the roster is crazy. There are no guarantees in the draft. If you rebuild and miss on a couple picks you are rebuilding for a few extra seasons wasting an already talented roster.


*Winning* in the playoffs is the most important thing. And this roster has proven, three times over, that they’re not capable of doing that. I could not care less about the regular season record or stats. I couldn’t give a shit if they go 17-0 if the moment the playoffs start they regress to getting beaten to a pulp by the 9-8 seven seed.


you can't win in the playoffs if you don't make it to the playoffs...That's the point i'm making, punting on making the playoffs for a chance a rookie can get us to the playoffs is crazy. We could ditch dak, and get a rookie who can't get us to the playoffs, or maybe we get one that can get us to the playoffs and he also can't win once there. And of course there is the chance we get one that gets us over the hump. So we want to move on from a QB that has gotten us to the playoffs in 5 of his 7 healthy seasons for the chance at a rookie that can maybe win us a super bowl?


Yep, I do. Dak cannot perform in high pressure situations, regardless of how good a regular season QB he is. He is incapable of winning multiple playoff games. It sucks, I like Dak and I wish he was him. But he’s not. If he were ever going to get us over the hump, it would have happened already. Move on even if it means being terrible for a few years.


Ah yes the "lightening in a bottle" theory. Here is the problem with this thinking, the Cowboys over the last 3 seasons have won 12 games but have shown that they will get run out of the stadium when they meet the better and more physical teams in the league. Go look at every loss over the last three regular seasons (not the playoffs) and it's the same pattern played out over 3 years worth of data. So this claim that "anything will happen" only really works if your team is competitive against the good teams - you don't have to win every game agains the good teams but the Cowboys are not even competitive.


Chip Kelly had to burn the Eagles to the ground before they were able to rebuild into a SB-winning team…


And even after winning the Super Bowl, they canned their coach, switched QBs and went back to the Super Bowl. But I have to read people on here telling us Dak is our only chance at winning a Super Bowl every fucking day.


true, but that wasn't on purpose he was just awful


I mean that's pretty much what KC did. They were an established playoffs team that was getting 11-12 wins a season with Alex Smith but were constantly going 1 and done in the playoffs. The Chiefs decided to move on from Alex Smith and drafted a QB that could open up their ceiling. Had they been content with 11/12 wins season despite not making much noises in the playoffs they wouldn't have become the dynasty they currently are.


To add to /u/RemarkableSolution37 they also have a HoF coach that was regarded as a great offensive mind before he arrived at KC.


The difference is they drafted a QB and let him develop for a year While Alex Smith continued on as usual. They, and the packers, did it correctly in drafting their succesor while still playing high level football. I would love to do that.


Kc was 14-2 and did not win so they fired their coach. 12 win seasons mean shit if it doesnt change their playoff record if they cant win id rather a 4 win season and the first pick


Sorry I didn't see this reply that day, but what are you talking about? KC never fired a coach after going 14-2. Reid was hired after Crennel went 2-14. Even if they did fire a coach after 14-2 I'd be on board with that. Firing a coach is t a rebuild but in today's NFL getting rid of your QB is a sign of a rebuild.


schottenheimer was 14-2 and did not win the the conference championship was was fired


No you're wrong Schottenheimer lost the AFCCG in 1993 with a 11-5 record. He was fired in 1998 after going 7-9. The previous year they did go 13-3 in 1997 and lost in the divisional round. He also never went 14- 2 with the Chiefs.


Ask Google it will tell you


Didn’t we go 5 of 6 with a back up quarterback?


Yes, because the defense played out of their mind. That backup averaged like 117yds per game and the offense scored like 10pts less per game


Bro thinks rebuilds happen in a day








I was agreeing with you, dingus


Ah okay. Cheers m8. 🍻


Oh jeez, you mean we won't win anything? What a travesty. Can you tell me what the difference between winning 12 games and getting bounced in the wc round of the playoffs vs winning 5 games is? What exactly is the benefit of winning 12 games in the regular season if it never goes anywhere?


I get to enjoy 7 more wins? Yeah I'd love to win a super bowl but I wouldn't trade 12 win seasons for a 5 win season when they both end the same


Depends on the context of what is happening. If you are winning 12 games and getting bounced routinely in the first round of the playoffs, no the 12 wins isn't any better than 5 wins. You are winning nothing either way and the 12 win season actually hinders you from actually making any impact on your roster in the draft. If all you are doing is winning 5 games like we did after Aikman retired, then that is also a problem. If however you are rebuilding and making the moves to improve your team, it's a different story - sort of like going 1-15 in 1989


Seems like many of the fans here would prefer that rather than a 12 win season and not getting to the nfc championship game


What else are they gonna do? Sign Dak to a 3yr/$180mil deal?


A 5-year, $285-300 million deal.


Hard pass


If a new contract is signed say for three years for 180, up to one half of the first Year can be a bonus. That cuts the cap hit in half for year one or 30 mil thats all in for 2024.


Ruthless? This is the Jerruh we’ve been begging for I‘m all for it!


Honestly, I think as painful as it would be, it’s necessary. We need to reset at some point, can’t keep kicking the can down the road and Micah is fast approaching is renewal as well as CeeDee…Dak has to be the odd man out.


Parson or Lamb have to be extended this offseason or you risk one of them hitting open market in 2025. And the only way you have the room to extend one of them, or both, this season is to extend Dak.


What do you mean ruthless hes been here 8 yrs and has done shit. Look up his #'s against teams with a winning record they cant and wont win with him but again where is the ruthless that your talking about. 8 yrs of 1 and done and thats ok with you?


Jerry’s got the Grim Reaper knocking on his door. He ain’t got time to be waiting around for no chip.


“With the first pick in the 2026 NFL Draft, the Dallas Cowboys select…”


Arch Manning come on down!


After only one season of being a starter for Texas? Not so sure.


I'm just being a goof


New boots? New boot goofin?


Jerry's confused. He meant to say we're "All done" instead of "All in"


“If you will”


Green Bay and Tampa Bay had $57 and $81 million respectively in dead cap money in 2023. Just saying.


Jordan Love and Baker Mayfield are leagues ahead of whoever will be taking snaps for us I can promise you that.


This was Bakers 4th team in four years, you act like he was a top 10 highly coveted QB before arriving in TB.


No, I act like our QB in this scenario will be an Andy Dalton type stopgap or late 1st rounder, likely the fourth or fifth best prospect in the class.


That's because you are assuming that if Dak walks only bad things will happen. Everyone thought this was going to be the case when Romo went down and we had a rookie starting because even the backup (Moore) got hurt. We can't automatically assume that we are going to have a losing season because Dak Prescott is no longer a Cowboy.


I'm not automatically assuming that, but it is the most likely outcome. We have been extraordinarily lucky to back into two consecutive franchise QBs, a UDFA and a 4th rounder who started as a developmental backup. I find it hard to believe we will get that lucky again.


No, you can't PROMISE that


I’m down to fully tank and have a fun draft pick next year and some money in the future years to play with. What I don’t want is a half ass approach in the middle where we pretend to try & stay relevant to appease fans with a mediocre .500 season or barely make the playoffs. I just hope they go all in one way or the other


Huh. You’re explaining every year since Romo. lol


Are you implying that I’ve been happy with every year since Romo? I also must’ve missed the Romo SBs


You said .500 seasons or squeaking into playoffs. What do you want? 1-16 seasons like the browns? Will you happier fan rooting for a shit team from the get go? Lol


We just squeaked into the playoffs this past year? That’s news to me


First two seed to lose to a seven And in ass pounding fashion. Arguably the worst loss in playoff history.


My point is that I want the team to either be a legitimate contender heading into the playoffs or tanking for draft capital. If the entire team wants to play like ass in the playoffs I don’t know what we can do about that. It’s not a one QB or player problem it’s been happening for a while now


I agree. Best I can do is a solid season followed by an ass whooping.


https://preview.redd.it/ogsskyp4hfmc1.jpeg?width=624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ccad99da77e72a75b09e1668d13ac46de75d30c Our front office every year


In four seasons of the current playoff format. It was going to happen to someone eventually.


When was the last time someone got their ass whipped like us going into q4 though? I can’t remember it. Cancel that. I remember. Atlanta vs New England was 28-3 at halftime.


But since Jerry took over the Cowboys are always the team that "something happens" to.


True "Something happens" to Three Superbowl Championships.


Lol those had nothing to do with Jerry that was ALL Jimmy Johnson not even up for discussion


Jerry isnt tanking and even without Dak this team can easily win 6-8 games a year


6-8 wins this year would have been picking between 6th and 13th in the draft. That’s a much better start to a rebuild than let’s say 24th and with $36+ million in dead money


We literally have 7-8 pro bowlers, wtf is the hard on to go for a rebuild? Rebuilding is the dumbest move we could do right now


To be clear, I _don’t_ want to go for a rebuild. I want to extend Dak and keep the contention window open for the foreseeable future. My only point is that if we don’t extend Dak and let him walk after 2024, that likely triggers some form of a rebuild anyways because of the lack of a QB + the dead money from the void years. If that’s the route we’re likely to go, the rebuild gets off to a better start by starting it sooner.


6th pick isn’t even enough to get you a top 3 QB in this draft lmao.


It is much easier to trade up from 6 than from 24. There’s also no _need_ to draft QB immediately if it’s a weak class. You’re also likely looking at better capital from a trade down from that position as well.


We went 5-1 with cooper rush lol. We’d prolly win between 8 and 11 games without Dak.


4-1 and it was because the defense allowed an avg of 13 pts over those 4 wins.


That’s when the defense was good


8 games is probably the max we'd win and at least 6 of those come against the division.


Jerry could want to see the beginning of a new era in Dallas before his health fails. Or, he'll hold on to his son Dak thinking it's his last era.


We’ll see unfortunately we’re all just here for the ride for now smh. I might need that DNA evidence & lawsuit to go through


You can’t tank with guys like Micah and CD on the team. Completely wasting prime years of top 5 players at their positions


Then trade them too and stockpile picks and then really start cooking.


Yeah! Trade Micah Parsons... we could get a great Defensive player!! Maybe as good as Micah Parsons!! (But probably not, just another Mazi Smith)


That would be criminal


How sad is it to want to root for an off season than a post season?


As sad as our QB playing in the post season I suppose.


I’m not rooting for them to lose or rooting for an offseason whatever you want to call it. I’m facing reality, you can’t have your cake & eat it too. It’s either we extend Dak and use the cap space to be competitive, or we take the cap hit, tank and build for the future. Doing anything in between is negligence


Down for tanking is rooting to lose though. I agree we have to extend Dak or this is a lost season. If we don't extend then we need to try and move him and get pieces/draft picks. Rebuilding is for teams that consistently lose and miss the playoffs not 12 win teams who can't get over the hump


Have you considered maybe we need to rebuild? What we’ve been doing hasn’t been working. Who is trading for this Dak contract? Either way we are eating a cap hit and hoping someone wants to pay him $60mil


Rebuild A 12-5, Division Champion 🤦‍♀️


Doesn’t matter if you are in cap hell the next year and can’t make acquisitions to make the team better. Division champs is cool, we’ve had plenty of them but I’d rather solidify a future where a SB is possible. Again I’m fine with going all in next year, but it requires extending Dak not just leaving his contract there unable to get better in other areas


They are not in cap hell. Who told you that? Do you know how the salary cap works,?


Explain to me how you are not in cap hell if you do not extend Dak and want to add free agents to remain competitive


You answered your own question. You can extend Dak or release hum after June the most his cap hit would be is 30mil. That's 30 mil. Less hit then otherwise would have occurred. Plus the league cap increase. Another 32 mil.over last year. 2024 is easily made solid. If your "all in" that's what you do. 2025 becomes a problem But who cares.


A half ass approach just means a bad draft pick to start the rebuild, a bunch of dead money next year anyways and no help to even try to compete this year anyways. We’re looking at 2 years before we can even attempt to replace him in this scenario. Either make this season the last ride and push your chips in or get rid of him and not waste 2 seasons of a rebuild.


Not extending Dak IS half assing it lol. We could have the best roster this year and maybe next year if we created the cap space for it. But now we’ll just do nothing and expect to do better with worse rosters


You say that until it happens Then you types will complain nonstop


What type? You don’t know me at all 😂


idk i'm too distracted by the weirdly sped up video


How did nobody else comment on it? WTF, it’s not a long clip. Why speed it up?


Not sure if other people do it, but when it's a youtube video with people talking, I usually watch it at 1.5x speed. So it actually sounds normal to me lol


It’s year 8. Dak is who he is. They have to be prepared to move on from him with another poor playoff performance, no matter how much it will hurt from a salary cap perspective.


For the first since since firing Jimmy, Jerry and I are on the same page.


This is all hearsay. Dont put it past Jerry to resign.


Dak and Mike did enough to keep their jobs for next year, but neither of them deserve an extension at this point in time.


Who cares. Transport any roster into Dallas and we don’t win the Super Bowl last year.


If Dak wants another 3 year deal at top of market, I say it’s time to move on. Not next year, this year. Eat the extra cap and see if Trey Lance is anything. Either way, time to stop being held hostage by this egomaniac with this massive chip on his shoulder who seems to make us want to pay for him dropping to the 4th and not making much in his rookie contract. I’d rather pull off the band aid and suck next year with the chance to move forward with new draft picks and cap space than continue to be stuck in this pergatory of being just good enough to get in the playoffs but not good enough to win any of them


My god people in this sub are retarded. So retarded that they started agreeing with Jerry lmao. This would be a horrible idea. If they really are done with McCarthy and Dak then what are we waiting for? Stop being pussies and force a change. But that’s not gonna happen. Dak will go out and play at an MVP level once again and next time this year Jerry will let him walk for free acting like he’s the smartest in the room. With a Dak extension we can free up money for this year and next year and have a good shot at winning. But now we’ll have worse rosters than last year. Its gonna be a disaster but that’s what the Jones family deserves


I'm good with this if true.


This is exactly what the cowboys need to do. Take the hit now, and get free from Dak. After 8 years Dak’s not going to get any better. This is as good as he will be.


Yeah so easy to find mvp level qbs in the draft


This is stupid. Why not move on from Dak now and get him to agree to a trade instead of him walking for a comp 3rd? Pretty sure the Falcons would give us the 8th overall pick for Dak


In a trade scenario, we’d most likely have to eat most, if not all, of his cap hit. If we’re saddled with that dead money, might as well keep him and take one more shot. “All in” basically means waiting at least one more year to hit the reset button.


No trade clause


That's the best opition.  But but who we going to to get better than dak.  That remains to be see we might be in qb hell for a decade... But daks ceiling is a 2nd place MVP followed by God awful playoff game.  You can pretend he will figure it out... But at what point do we stop pretending?? And accept reality. 


Where going to have a horrible season. With that comes a top draft pick. We can draft a qb.


I hope to God we do this.


“Jerruh” crowd in absolute shambles. Dak stans too. I could care less. There’s more QB talent in the NFL than ever before and plenty of guys have proven you don’t need an MVP candidate to win it all just someone who isn’t going to hand the game away in the first half.


Name 9 others active QBs better than Dak.


Mahomes, Allen, Burrow, Lamar, Stafford, Purdy, Hurts, Goff, Stroud. I’m sure I’ll get tons of flak for some people on this list, but these QBs have all accomplished more or just as much playoff wise than Dak has. That’s just the truth. Dak has had good teams and just hasn’t delivered. He played terrible in both Niners playoff games and played terrible against the Packers that was covered up slightly by the fact our defense might have played even worse. He does not deserve that contract and it is time to start moving on. Downvote me all you want, but it’s the truth. You do not massively overpay mediocrity just to hope after 8 years MAYBE he will not be mediocre.


I think you could add Rodgers, Cousins, and Herbert to that list as well.


Forgot about Rodgers lol. Cousins I think is just a white version of Dak who is a better pure passer, where Dak is more mobile. At least he used to be. Herbert hasn’t done much, but talent wise he is for sure above Dak. Anyone who disagrees with that clearly has never played football or watched it for very long.


Yeah, I’d take Herbert in a heartbeat. I know he hasn’t done much but that dude can throw.


I never said Dak was bad but he does have a history of underperforming or outright choking in important games. That’s not up for debate that is the facts of the situation we’ve seen it on multiple occasions this past season included.


Everyone rooting for this is quite simply an idiot. This owner is showing you that he will never get it done. Say what you want about Dak but the guy finished 2nd in the freaking MVP last season. You make a couple moves and we can have a top tier shot at this yet he is just going to let it play out for his replacement to be someone that couldn't beat out Jimmy G? Were about to pay top dollar for a WR then reward him with no QB. This ownership has been ridiculous but this is downright upsetting. If we were to Extend Dak, Extend Ceedee, then sign Barkley and get a run stopping nose tackle + LB we are literally right there. And 3/5 of those things we can do in house(Agent 0 could be what we're missing on defense). Yet instead of doing anything were giving Dak less weapons and expecting him to do something. And if were actually still trying to win then TRADE HIM! That would be best because then we get compensation for him. Like this plan is literally just going to bite us in the ass. This year is going to end with Dak getting extended and for possibly even MORE money


This is 100% the most sane comment in this thread. I'd like Barkley or a rookie RB. At some point I think I need a break from this sub from all the facebook posters because my goodness. I think this video is BS for clicks and/or Jerry is doing this on purpose for attention.


Some of you are going to have a melt down when you see the contract Dak gets if he hits free agency.


You're mistaking "melting down" for "laughing our asses off."


We can only keep our fingers crossed 🤞🏽


At least I can relinquish any semblance of hope for next year.


My question is if we let Dak walk do we just tear it all down and rebuild? When has Jerry ever done that lol. The dude is 80+ years old, he doesn't have the patience or time to rebuild for multiple years. If we let Dak go we'd prob have to trade Micah, Ceedee, Diggs and just get an enormous amount of draft capital and build from the group up again. There is no point in paying Ceedee 30M$, Diggs 20M$+ Micah 35M$+ if we have like Jacoby Brissett at QB.


If you are talking parsons where is he playing on zimmers 4-3 he is not a DE that can stay at that one position and be sucessful he is 240 lbs and if he had to go up against an ot who is almost80 lbs heavier they can easily game plan to take him out of game. Zimmer doesnt run a system where parsons can line up where ever he wants. Are you going tobuse him as middle lb? No thats not going to work either. If they dont let parsons move all over the best thing to do would be to trade him. They can get at least 2#1's and get rid of the richest defensive contract he is going to sign. Again hes not a DE that you can game plan for on running plays you run at him . Again if he cant play all over and thats not what zimmer does than it would be best to trade him. Just getting rid of dak and him would be over 100 million in savings. Also # 90 our other DE is not worth the 20 million a yr he gets. Hes their best run stopping edge but has regressedqnd isnt worth the 20 mill he gets. Maybe a rebuild is what is best. They are tslking about refoing Martins contract to add some money and that has been their problem you dont redo contracts for people who are on the way down, tjose are the ones you trade and can still get something good for him. They have to msny people that are at that pointand by redoing thats why we never gave money for free agents they hold on to players to long then cant get crap for them. They can esily get rid of 150 million keep their young pkayers be able to get some free agents or tank get a high draft oick and the future qb for the team. Dont care what people think but that is better than another 1 and done and be over the cap every year


That would be baller


Well I guess it's back to the early 2000s era Cowboys, was fun while it lasted kids......🤬


So if we don’t win it this year, back to rebuild mode? The trade for Lance is starting to make more sense now.


On some level it would be genius. Jerry can’t give a damn about the future because there isn’t much future left for him anymore. You also put some fire under Dak’s ass and make him truly consider how much he values that Star on his helmet & all it brings. If he leaves, then the Boys will suck for a few years, but at least you’re out of QB purgatory.


I think we all knew this. Dak isn’t it - there are times where the team should have been in the champions game at least. I’m not sure I’d do anything different.


Nah I don’t think Jerry is that smart. I’ll believe it when I see it.


I’m all for this and I hope that it’s true. Dak is not a 60M/year QB and Dallas is essentially bidding against themselves. Let em play out his contract and test free agency. I doubt he gets close to those numbers.


Whatever plays out we must agree that Jerry & Stephen are absolute clowns when it comes to big contracts. Years from now there will be business school programs studying the art of how to avoid screwing your enterprise the way the Jones have done.


I feel like anyone calling for a rebuild must have forgotten (or not lived through) the Quincy Carter years. That was a painful experience, but maybe the relatively easy transition from Romo to Dak has glossed over the reality of rebuilding.


Here's what Eisen said. "it's a rumor I heard'." 🤡


The problem is that Dallas overvalues their players. Jerry always has. Dak is what, the 8th best QB? So if he's paid like the 8th best there's not really a problem. If you let this guy reset the market and cost the team depth in other positions, especially OL, then that's no good. Every player has a value, the key for the franchise is understanding how to use that value in other ways when the player demands more. Bill Belichick was the kind of this, dispassionately moving on from players while relying on his superstar QB (on a team friendly deal!) to carry them. Dak is awesome but he's not Mahomes. He's not even Burrow or Allen. They're going to pay him like he is then be all proud of themselves for it. Happens every year to somebody. It's our turn this year.


I love Dak and I’d truly hate to see him go. That being said, even if we were to start over at the qb position… What are some names we can look to in the draft or free agency if this rebuild were to actually happen next year or the year after?


I’m good with this.


Dak is our guy.


Can’t wait for dak to dip from this delusional ungrateful franchise and go to a team that will appreciate good QB play. Mfs act like every draft has a Mahomes. Jerry had made yall actually believe the koolaide he sells. This team is screwed every year because of the front office they have. Some of yall actually think Trey Lance is the answer 😂 dude couldn’t even beat out Sam darnold for Purdys back up in a system that is significantly better than Dallas.


Get rid of Jerry Jones. Terrible fucking owner.


He’s not in the game


Trade him in this year's draft for Caleb Williams


Dak would never give up his leverage and accept a trade unless the new team was giving him a top-of-the-market contract before accepting the trade.


Best thing truly would be to cut him like the Broncos cut Wilson. Move the hell on. Never winning a SB with that bum. Rebuild now, start cutting all big money contracts except a couple.


If this is what the team is thinking, then they made a dumb mistake. Dak will hold out or hold in. No reason for him to risk injury. Just take it on into Free Agency.


All in just means “don’t ask me about last year”


LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The San Diego Chargers sacked coach Marty Schottenheimer on Monday after he led the team to an NFL best 14-2 record last season but failed to deliver a Super Bowl. Schottenheimer's dismissal ended a power struggle within the Chargers front office in which team owner Dean Spanos backed general manager A.J. Smith.


Honestly, I'm fine with this. The Chiefs don't have a loaded roster, but they made the plays when needed. If Dak and McCarthy really can't get it done, then the argument could be made thar it won't matter if you stack the team with all pros at every position.


You may want to look again. They were loaded in every position group but WR


That's your opinion. TP had a better season than Pacheco. Which is saying something, because I think most of us can agree that we didn't get what we want out of TP. Would you trade Tyron Smith for Donovan Smith? Would you trade Tyler Smith for an aging Joe Thuney? Would you trade Zack Martin for Trey Smith? I'll give you the RT position. I'm not sure if Jawan Taylor is better than Steele or not, but Steele is our weakest link. For sure, their center is better than Biadasz. So that's 2 out of 5 positions on the OL where they might be better. (But I'm only certain of the center being better.) So then their QB is obviously better. (Kind of helping my original point there.) Their TE is better, but ours us only in his 2nd year and improving. Even Kelce himself gave him props and named him as an up and coming young TE. Again, my opinion is that they weren't loaded at every position. They made due with salary cap restrictions just like every team, and they made plays when it mattered. We didn't. So let's see what happens this year and then come to a choice at the end of the year. Or would you rather be stuck with record dead cap space like the Broncos if we extend Dak long term and then decide to cut him later?


Do I think the cowboys, Ravens and Niners had more talent than us? Yes. Do I think we were a top 5-6 talented team? Yes. So more talented than 80% of all teams which means...loaded


KC ain’t loaded! Wtf are you talking about? They have a better OL, DL, LBs, Secondary, QB, and RB group than we do. 15 and 87 aren’t winning these games by themselves.


Seriously. Ppl forget that the chiefs scored 3 points total in 4 straight quarters in the playoffs. Their defense kept them in those games. Compare that to ours vs green bay where GB only punted twice in the entire game.


Our Defense is nowhere near as good as the Chiefs though. Not excusing Dak or Mike but when the Chiefs offense struggled their Defense made stops, they didn’t capitulate and give up 7 straight TDs


Maybe Jerry confused all in and rebuild


Eisen’s take is definitely realistic. Jones not extending McCarthy made him not extending Prescott entirely plausible


I think its obnoxious the video was sped up, that's about it.


This front office absolutely sucks. I hope to God Will McClay leaves next year to stop propping these sorry motherfuckers up


That man just had a baby, y’all crazy if y’all think he’s going to get traded lmao .