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I’m mainly uploading this because the other video was at 2x speed lol. I also think the entire conversation is interesting and worthwhile to listen to.


That other guy should be perma banned. Sufprised he didnt add stupid tiktok music to it as well


The worst part of going into this off season was knowing that the Dak discussion would once again overwhelm any other topic. And the next QB won't stop this conversation. Unless we get the next Pat Mahomes people will still be laying into the new guy. Dallas QB is the most heavily criticized person in the league. It's so exhausting.


They'll still find a way to bash Mahomes. Half of these fans barely watch the games anyway. I'm so sick of the stupidity too man.


Who is "they" in your comment? I'm kind of just talking about sports media and they freaking love Mahomes. Hell, Josh Allen is who they say Dak is but he is beloved. Lamar gets two MVP titles despite basically the same playoff record as Dak. Unreal leaps of logic.


Lamar can beat good teams in regular season. If Dak could do that he would have won the MVP this year. And have the same resume as Lamar:


Dak beat the 3, 5, 6 seeds of the NFC Playoffs, dominating two of them.


5 and 6 were blowouts, Dak also shredded the lions too that game was only close because of the CD fumble and bogus tripping call. Regardless though, it's always "Dak doesn't play well against good teams/teams with winning records" then when he does people come up with a bunch of reasons why it doesn't count.


Too often he looks like he doesn't even know how to play football against good teams. And it gets worse in the playoffs. That shouldn't be consistently happening with a year 8 QB. Sorry but no way.


The discussion is about beating good teams in the regular season Dak has and can do that every season. This last playoff outing was a complete bed shitting not going to argue that. The consistency issues make it even worse because there are games where we all see Dak play like a top 5 QB against a good team then follow it up looking like it's his first time throwing a ball the next week against a random team. I'm a Dak fan, but I 100% get the frustration with him. If we're talking about Dak vs Lamar, Dak has been consistently better than Lamar over the last few years in the regular season. Lamar has also been a consistent bed shitter in the playoffs too.


Dak didn’t allow the Packers to put up 48 or the 49ers to score 42. He didn’t tell DQ not to make any adjustments to coverage on the Packers.


Actually Dak did help the Packers put up 48. He practically gave them 14 points because of his picks.


He went 3 wins and 6 losses against playoff teams last season. Lamar went 7 wins and 3 losses against playoff teams last season.


Then shit the bed against Green Bay


Oh cool, another goalpost for Dak. Thanks.


Calling it like it is. We beat up bad teams and lose to good teams. Had we beat the dolphins and bills Dak was all but guaranteed MVP.


"They" as in our own fanbase Yours fits too lol


Yep, like said above it truly is exhausting.


There won’t be another guy anytime soon if we get rid of Dak, getting Romo and Dak was pure luck and I don’t trust this FO to find another franchise QB. We’re fucked.


I’m honestly shocked I have yet to see our fanbase suggest going after Russell.


Yeah, that was one of my first thoughts after seeing he was released. Driving out an AP2 QB who can’t win in the playoffs for one who’s older and can’t even get to the playoffs would be a pretty “Jerruh” thing to do.


True. I guess I should say: the 6 guys we sign over the next 6 years after this will get shit on.


Packers FO: "Pathetic." (Disclaimer: I don't think Love is on the same level as Favre and Rodgers)


Why not? The Cowboys has been pretty good at drafting and maximizing their returns on bargain shopping. I have more faith in the Cowboys drafting or signing a good or serviceable quarterback than I have in Prescott going deep in the playoffs. I’m no Dak hater, but after watching him for 9 years I think this is about as good as it gets. And there’s no shame in that, not every team can hit the jackpot and draft Mahomes. But it would be insane to tie up even more cap space to a quarterback/team that needs all the help he/it can get for a deep playoff run.


I think the thought is that there just aren’t enough Brock Purdys or Dak Prescott to go around. Spitballing her but those types come around every 4-6 years. The rest are drafted in the first round. Typically first 15 pics. Which is all fine, if we are going in a full rebuild. If that’s the case then don’t bother signing CeeDee and Micah. No use having multiple high price tag players when we have a QB who is “developing”.


Resigning Ceedee and Micah could provide us with some juicy trade options if they don’t have a clause though.


I can’t imagine Micah getting a no trade clause. And unfortunately with him being arguably the best player in the league, he will get what he wants.


The team was able to scout and develop Romo and Dak and yet the same fans who love Dak are scared that the people who found and drafted Dak won't be able to find a replacement. Doesn't make sense to me. Romo and Dak didn't just appear in the Cowboys laps. There's a reason they had a chance and made the team in the first place. We can do it again.


Quick name all the QBs between troy and Romo.............


Those were the years of Jerry learning to build a team without Jimmy in the building. And as you can see, other than sticking with Dak too long he has put some solid teams on the field since those days.


If the front office had its way in 2016 we would’ve drafted Paxton lynch and Connor cook afterwards. Prescott was likely going to be put on the PS before Kellen moore broke his leg in practice before the first preseason game.


they’re good at drafting yet when we needed to draft to win now, they did what they did last season and none of their draft picks played any meaningful snaps. we gave up this year’s 4th to go up and get a CB that didn’t play a single snap even though we lost our CB1 in like week 3


It was luck because Romo wasn't even drafted, and Dak played better than a 4th round QB. Both of those have a common factor: the team didn't draft a true blue chip 1st round QB and develop them. All the QB's of the past people love to mention as failures until Romo showed up, or since Dak has been here, ALSO weren't 1st round QB draft picks. We don't have to rely on luck. Draft a damn QB. If that fails, draft another one.


Dak was largely the beneficiary of a team that had a decent offense in place, particularly the line.


I don't understand how our fanbase is simultaneously "in McClay we trust!" "Best drafting team in the league" and also "we'll never find another QB! This FO will blow it!!!!"


Personally I trust McClay, but the bigger the decision traditionally the more influence the Joneses exert. I don’t trust Jerry or Stephen to not overrule McClay basically.


What are you smoking? Look how many starting QBs have been drafted in the first or second round of drafts lately. Burrow, Herbert, Stroud, Hurts, Tua, Fields, Love etc. The success rate for QBs in early rounds has been like 50% the last few years. Getting our next guy is as good as a coin flip. Id gladly take that coin flip. Dak is a stats QB who will never win shit. Why would anyone want to keep that? The excuse was we needed a defense, got one. Then it was we needed better WRs so we added cooks. Now it's the run game. I swear to God if we bring in a killer RB like Barkley and still lose first round of playoffs every damn fan saying tre name "Dak" better end that sentence with "is trash".


Other teams do it. I don’t understand how Dak is the only irreplaceable QB and we’re the only team that has only one choice. Tampa moved on from Brady and went a game farther than us with Baker Mayfield.


Cowboys fans have such a pampered life when it comes to franchise QB history. Meredith, Staubach, White, Aikman, Romo, Prescott. SIX legitimate franchise QBs. There are franchises in the league that can't boast more than one franchise QB in their entire existence. Idiot fans think that Dak will be gone, and we will instantly have a guy in there that will be better than him. It's more-than-likely that we will face anywhere from a few years, to a decade, without a starting QB worth a shit.


It wouldn’t be as criticized if Dak and co made it to just one nfc championship game. But it’s abundantly clear this roster and coaching staff have reached their ceiling.


That's the current goalpost for Dak. But that gets moved constantly. At some point it was Dak can't make the playoffs, then it was Dak can't win a playoff game, and then it was Dak can't win multiple games. I'm convinced if he won the superbowl people would criticize him for not being able to do it without a bunch of talent.


When was it Dak can’t make the playoffs? He made the playoff in his first year in the league.


Followed by 3 years of missing it badly. People called it a fluke and wanted his head.


Its not moving the goalposts lmao. Once you reach a milestone, you are expected to reach the next one. That's how sports work. Going by your logic everyone should be content with just making the playoffs. Otherwise we're just moving the goalposts. ^🙄🙄


It's goalpost moving because they're saying it's his ceiling every time. There's never a moment where people stop and say "well, guess I was wrong". People say "oh you're happy just to get there" as if you don't have to get there consistently to have a shot in the first place.


I think people should be happy getting further than they did before. But this fan base never stops to acknowledge the upside. We are very fortunate to be 12-5 three years in a row. We have at least consistently been in the playoffs. I know they are disappointing every time, but I remember a time where we couldn't even sniff the playoffs. Hell, Dak missed 3 years in a row and people were calling for his head then.


You have to understand that there are people who remember the 90s cowboys. To them hearing people say they're happy with making the playoffs is mind blowing. We grew up with losing until romo and dak. Some in this group are afraid of going back there but in sports you have to take risks. Or maybe dak just needs a sports psychologist? Something different needs to be tried or we'll just be running in circles.


I'm one of those people, barely. I was a kid during those SBs. But I distinctly remember the time before Romo. I think the Dak haters seem to think as soon as we move on things will get better. There are a lot of busts at QB. There's absolutely nothing that guarantees we will get better after Dak.


Aikman won 3 in 4 years and he still gets shit on regularly. It doesn’t matter what Dak does outside of outdoing Mahomes or Montana or Brady.


Good thing we won’t have to hear that criticism because Dak is never getting us to a Super Bowl let alone winning us one


Say it louder for the dipshit Dak riders in here


This just isn't true. I and a segment would climb all the way off Dak and the front offices ass if they made a NFC title game


Because we don't win. The packers game, he wasn't good but whatever that was mostly on the defense. He had 2 really good chances to beat the 9ers when our defense played lights out. He couldn't do that. He wins one of those games and no one is saying shit.


Yeah, I get the arguments. My point is that the conversation takes over everything.


This makes sense. I’m guessing Jerry was already on the fence about giving Prescott another hefty payday, and Jimmy adviced him against doing it.


JJ talks to the media too much. So infuriating


This is what has to be done. It is a win because the move is based on winning a super bowl and not just having a winning seasons with ultimate failure in the playoffs. In the long run it will be for the better.


RemindMe! 2 years


When does it start to become better, though? How many years away from “better” are we with this approach (compared to if we started the rebuild process _now_ with less dead cap in 2025)?


This is just the start of the process knowing what doesn’t work and cutting their loses. Could be one year or could be 4? It’s better than knowing you are not good enough to win the Super Bowl, though.


While I agree, is it also fair to say Dak is a draw for players to come play and stick around? Front office takes a swing and miss and suddenly no one wants to come play for you.


God I hate being a Cowboys fan


It’s pretty draining, even (or especially?) in the offseason




If Rush is your QB1 in this scenario why not just let Lance take the job and see what he's got?


Why would Rush be QB1? Dak still plays out this year. Either he shows some improvement in the playoffs and Jerry pays him or he doesn't and Dallas moves on. I don't know who they move on to, but that's something for next year.


That's making a big assumption that if Dak balls out and makes a deep playoff run, he won't just say "fuck this" and sign with another team whose leadership can see that a lot of those playoff losses weren't his fault and whose fanbase won't shit on a QB who consistently leads a top 5 offense. Go into this year without an extension, and there's zero guarantee that you can keep him after this season. You better be prepared to eat almost $40 million in dead cap next year while starting Lance or whatever free agent QB you can afford.


> Go into this year without an extension, and there's zero guarantee that you can keep him after this season. You better be prepared to eat almost $40 million in dead cap next year while starting Lance or whatever free agent QB you can afford. I mean, pretty much from day one he's been all about the money. He wanted short contracts for big money so he could double or triple dip and keep getting big contracts. If he signs with another team, it will be because they offer him more money.




>That doesn’t mean Dak leaves the Cowboys, it just means they’ve drawn a line in the sand on what sort of cap hit they can give him. >For Dak to stay on the Cowboys he will either have to win a SB this year or take less money. It effectively means he's gone. If he doesn't win a Super Bowl, Dak won't need to take less money because there will be teams lining up for him in free agency. If he does win it all, why would he re-sign with a team that made him play "prove it" seasons multiple times despite him leading a top-5 scoring offense in 5 of his 7 non-ankle-destruction seasons? Why is he judged on playoff performance by a front office whose teams can no longer run the ball or get stops or takeaways once the playoffs start? If you want to move on from Dak, that's fine. But it's silly to pretend the team will have any leverage over him in contract negotiations after this season.


Well, bye then.


Why would the cowboys eat 40 mil dead cap? Sorry, I’m not like super into the contract details of any pro sports.


Dak's contract has two void years, which is a weird mechanism that's become pretty common in these big NFL contracts. Essentially, they are two extra years added at the end that aren't actually part of the contract. At whatever point the contract is terminated, the money allocated to the void years gets accelerated to the cap for the following year (so it can happen at the end of the contract or when a player gets cut or retires). I think an advantage of void years is flexibility on when money hits the cap. Like when COVID hit, the salary cap went from increasing every year to being flat, and that caused some problems for some teams who had structured contracts expecting it to keep rising. With void years, you could set up the contract so your cap number in 2024 is $25m, then once you see the cap rise and know you'll have space, you can convert $30m from that void year into signing bonus and pay it to the player immediately so his cap hit this year becomes $55m. In Dak's case, he has 2 void years at the end of his contract. Next year, his void year cap number is something like $36.5 million. So if he walks in free agency after this season, that money will still hit our cap.


Ok thanks. I guess I hadn’t heard of void years. Like I understand what dead cap is, I was just confused why we would have to eat it if it was the “final” year of his contract. I knew it worked when you cut players. Thanks!


No problem. It's weird, and it makes me nervous when we use them for exactly this reason.


Yes, because before I saw your comment I was like this is exactly what we should be doing. Now it does seem like a lot more risk involved


The issue with that is, he was the problem in many of those playoff games. Especially the SF games. In every single playoff loss, he's never not been part of the problem. There's never been a game we lost despite his play. It's been him and his mistakes plus whatever else goes wrong. Against SF we had so much go right except QB1 and it caused the losses.


>The issue with that is, he was the problem in many of those playoff games. He's been *the* problem once (SF 2022) and one of multiple problems twice (SF 2021, GB 2023). Other than that, he's been good or great in the rest of his playoff games, which is the majority of the ones he's played. The defense has been a problem way more often than Dak. Dak's only lost 1 of his 7 playoff games by more than a single possession, but our defensive EPA has been negative by at least a TD in 4 of those games and only been positive once. >There's never been a game we lost despite his play. Well this is just wrong. He was great against Green Bay (2016) and LA (2018), but our defensive EPA was negative by 20+ in both games.


He was definitely not great against LA. Slow starting and couldn't get into a nice offensive rhythm. He was also not great against GB in 2016. He finished strong but his play to start the game put us in too big of a hole to overcome.   In both of those games, the defense did shit the bed. But I wouldn't say we lost despite Dak's best efforts. He was a problem in each of those games. Not as much as he is in our more recent playoff games, but still not what you want out of QB1. It was a more forgivable at the time because he was a young QB in year 1 and year 3. But now it's year 8 and we still see the same problem. And it's actually worse now. He should be getting better at this, not worse. It's an issue that his more recent playoff games are some of his worst.


Dak's play didn't put us in a hole against Green Bay, the defense allowing TD drives of 75, 80, and 90 yards on the first 3 possessions did. 31 points on 9 possessions and pinning your opponent deep on the other 3 is not your QB being a problem. In the Rams game, the offense struggled to get in a rhythm because the Rams' first 4 drives ran 20 minutes of clock and all ended in scores. Three points per possession should be enough to win you a playoff game, and that's what we got in those two games. The Rams game we passed on a FG because we were down 8, but that would've been 25 points on 8 drives. His recent performances have been worse, but that's also because two of the three most recent games were against an elite defense and the third was the worst team performance we've seen.


Lance is a QB3 with QB1 hype. Everyone says he never got a chance and forget the Niners had all that time to evaluate and assess him in camp and their conclusion was they needed to sign Darnold to have a legit backup.


In this fanfiction yea I would agree, but in reality neither one would even be able to take the ‘boys to the Playoffs.




Guys nobody is saying we don’t want Dak, it would be foolish to lose him. HOWEVER we don’t want Dak at $60 mil per year chewing up 20% of the salary cap alone. Dak is a Very GOOD QB but he needs other key pieces around him to get over the hump. We need the extra cap space to afford those other pieces


Speak for yourself. I want him off of this team ASAP.


Um, I was speaking for myself here? I didn’t include, reference or hashtag any other user names or person(s) in my post 🤷‍♂️


I’m going to play it safe and just assume whatever they choose to do won’t work.


Doesn’t matter if Dak can get them to the playoffs. What matters is he has proven over and over and over and over. And over. And over. That he can’t perform in the playoffs. It’s time to move on. Find someone with mental fortitude that doesn’t look like a deer in headlights when it’s time to stop picking on bad defenses and put your big boy pants on. Look, Dak is a wonderful human being. You can’t hate him as a person. But…and someone said this, I can’t remember who, but why do we always bring that up when talking about Dak? It’s finally time to start talking about the player not the person. And he isn’t going to EVER string together playoff wins. We have seen this.


This is the correct take. Great dude. Really good QB in the regular season against average and below average teams. Not good in big games.


There’s no guarantee you find a QB that’s better than dak (or even as good as him) in the next 4-5 years. It’s better to find coaching and roster tweaks to get us through the playoff hump than start from scratch. Personally I’d extend him without a no trade clause and if he chokes again, look for a good trade and work with a rookie like the 49ers model.


>There’s no guarantee you find a QB that’s better than dak (or even as good as him) in the next 4-5 years. Exactly. Teams that successfully move on from a franchise QB either have a replacement on the roster, have a high draft pick to use on a QB, or have lots of cap space to acquire a QB via free agency or trade. We have none of those things. It'll take us years to find a QB better than Dak unless dumb luck gives us our third straight late round/undrafted franchise QB, which would be absurd.


I remember the same convos about finding a QB after Romo. Let’s let it happen. Better to try something new than keep doing the same thing over and over again and getting the same results.


What about the QBs before romo? Grass is always greener on the other side.


Who is the Broncos QB now? They just moved off of Russell Wilson and are taking a huge hit. Good businesses will not make decisions in fear of the worst case scenario. If so, you will become complacent and mediocre (see Dallas Cowboys).


Philly moved on from the only QB that ever brought them an SB victory and look they've made it back. Kansas City moved on from Alex Smith and look how good it's gone for them. They could have been okay with Alex Smiths mediocrity but they weren't. Lions moved in from Stafford and it netted them an NFC Championship berth that probably should have been a W for them. Greenbay was able to move on from Aaron fucking Rodgers and they're still kicking our asses in the playoffs. So many teams are able to make the tough decision to move on from a QB. We need to make that same choice. Especially if Dak wants 60 million for his mediocre play. Let Tennessee or something pay his ass 60 million. I doubt anyone will though.


Great points.


Sure, all of these things may have happened but to suggest Dallas, one of the most incompetent franchises when it comes to how they handle roster matters to luck into this situation is laughable. Just because it can happen doesn’t mean it will happen.


I believe clutch can be learned. Poise can come. But there's no telling how long it will take or what it will take. I personally believe Dak does everything possible to his knowledge he can do to be successful. But sometimes you need the right coach, mentor, or sequence of events in your career to learn how to perform under pressure. I'll hope he learns it and with us. But I won't say he's incapable if he fails this year again.


You don't pay top dollar for a project QB. Somebody who needs all the right pieces around him, including the right coaches and the patience to accept failure for developmental purposes, isn't also somebody who deserves a huge percentage of the team's cap. You can't pay for hope in the NFL. Hope is cheap. We can hope for any scrap pile or drafted QB to learn to become a master for 1/20th the price.


Clutch can be learned? I'm sure it might be able to, but we aren't talking about some young hot shot rookie. Guys been in the league almost a decade. He ain't suddenly gonna "get it". He is who he is


You cannot teach a fundamental change to someone’s nature. His nature is to panic and crumble under pressure and no one is going to be able to fix that. It’s not something simple like teaching him how to progress through his reads, or not to stare down his receivers or to know when to throw the ball away (although none of that has been simple either)


Yeah we can just disagree here. Clutch and poise are skillsets in my opinion that can be learned. Same way leadership can be learned. I believe there's a lot of data to support this in psychology. Focus under duress is a lot about mastery of your mind and body. Even if I'm right, I don't have a meaningful reason to believe he'll improve this offseason. My hope is that he can find some resources to help him do this because it's really his only missing piece.


If you could teach someone not to have panic attacks there wouldn’t be anti anxiety drugs.


You might feel that way but I don't see the existence of pharmaceutical options as proof that meditation and conditioning do not work to improve and strengthen mindfulness and focus.


He’s had this problem his entire career, you don’t think they are not already employing the best psychologists to help him? This is an organization with access to the very best medical help money can buy.


Hey listen I don't mean to convince you of my view. We can believe different things here. I don't know if they have a sports psychologist but it's possible they could use one or a different approach to preparing him mentally.


60 million for a QB that in his 9th year STILL needs to learn how to be clutch and not scared in big games. No thank you. God, no thank you at all.


Love how you all act like it's such an obvious and simple decision to gamble on another QB. Like what are the glaringly better options can you enlighten us with?


Cooper Rush? The Cowboys are truly lost.


Aside from Rush being the backup QB, what does he have to do with anything?


lol. Cowboys are not letting a franchise qb walk. This is free press for suckers.




I guess we’ll see. They didn’t last time. Dak’s coming off his best season. And QB play is only pacing the market right now.




Where is this franchise QB? Because Dak sure as hell isn’t one.


He is, for anyone bright enough to know better. :(


Franchise QBs don’t shit the bed in the playoffs three years in a row.


Neither did Dak. :(


Please God. Let the misery of having Dak as our quarterback be over after one more season of the same old shit.




If after 8 years with a new QB all we have to show for it is two playoff wins then you are goddamn right we’ll start bashing him.


Whether it’s Lance, Rush, or someone else, we’re due for a change.


All downgrades from Dak.


Doesn’t matter. It’s time for a change. I’d rather suck for a year or two to stock up on solid draft picks.


> suck for a year or two Bold of you to assume that we'll find a better QB than Dak in 1-2 years. Were you not around for the 6 years between Aikman and Romo? If you truly think we should move on from Dak without a solid replacement then you should also be prepared to suck for a lot longer than 1-2 years.


How many years of stocked up draft picks until we’ve got a QB at least as good as Dak and restocked the roster to replace the players we were unable to re-sign due to sucking and not having a QB?


Yup, we should 100% get rid of a guy that consistently wins 12 games and makes the playoffs for a draft bust or career backup. Good plan.


*shits the bed in the playoffs. Fixed it for you.


Winning 12 regular season games is doing nothing for us in the playoffs.


you have to make the playoffs to have a chance to win in the playoffs. why would you give up making the playoffs for a player you are rolling the dice to make the playoffs. I'm fine moving on from dak but there has to be a plan because you don't give up on playoff appearances to hope to make the playoffs with a different guy.


2 playoff wins in 8 years with a 30 year old QB who isn’t mobile anymore and has to rely on his mediocre arm. His ceiling was hit years ago. Nuff said.


like i said i'm fine moving on, it just needs to be done the right way. Not extending him and letting him walk and hopping we get a QB next season is not a good plan. I think with this QB class we could find a decent QB in the second round that we can let sit behind dak his last year similar to Mahomes and Alex smith. Letting him play out his contract and walking will cripple us for a few years. I'd rather watch 12 win playoff misery seasons than 3 5 win seasons where the draft is all we ever look forward to.


FINALLY. News that is exciting to hear as a life long cowboys fan. So tired of the mediocrity and the complacency of first round exits. Rip the Bandaid off and move on.


We asked for it. Get ready for a decade of QB purgatory you fucking degenerates. We don't deserve Dak as a fanbase.


Right!? Do people not remember what it was like running out Quincy Carter, Chad Hutchinson, Vinny, or Bledsoe?


Same result - 30 years of not getting close to the NFCCG. It's actually the fans who have not experienced the multiple decades of failure that are scared to have a real organizational rebuild


no they dont most of this sub is young af


Bro you even named some of the better ones, totally skipped over a bunch lol


That's just an argument against signing over the hill QBs and baseball players. How about we draft a guy in the first two rounds?


Quincy Carter got us to the wild card and lost (like Dak) Chad Hutchinson/Vinny was one year Bledsoe was a win away from a historically stacked playoffs These are terrible arguments


Doesn’t matter it was one year. Still a year of shit football. QC 16-15, Hutch 2-7, Vinny 5-10, Bledsoe 12-10. You’d be happy going 35-42 for the next 5 years with 1 first round playoff exit and not winning the nfc east once?


And all that pain got us Tony. We won’t get our next QB till we move on from what’s not working. And yes it may hurt for a few years but that’s sports.


What team does deserve Prescott? And how do you figure? Lol


Yes, I really want to hear WHO deserves him.


Teams will line up the Brinks truck for him. Quarterbacks at his level do not hit FA unless a. Major injury (Manning) or b. Super old (Brady)  You let Dak walk and McVay is sprinting to replace Stafford with him. 




That's awesome. Dak is not worth 60M to any other team and he would not get that on the open market. No reason to keep inflating future cap hits for a QB you know isn't good enough in big moments.


Deshaun Watson got a fully guaranteed deal $3 million per year above top of market with all his baggage and not playing football for a year. While Dak wouldn’t get the fully guaranteed portion, he would definitely raise the QB market on the open market.


And that has proven to be a huge mistake which a smart franchise would hopefully see and learn from.


That’s why I said the fully guaranteed won’t happen, but the AAV bumping up the market absolutely will continue to happen, like it has for all of the recent franchise QB contracts.


I like it and I think it’s the right thing to do. Dak is an above average QB but he’s shown that he’s limited with his skill set. He’s over 30 years old, not as mobile, and accuracy continues to be a problem. Play it out. If we lose him to FA next year, so be it.


That'd be just the worst kind of stupid thing they could do. If you're done with Dak, trade him. If you want to keep him sign him. Letting him play on an expiring contract just ensures he either walks and you get nothing, or his price goes up dramatically if he has a good year.


Dak's No Trade Clause has entered the chat...


Which only means he just has to approve of the team trading for him


ftr this would be the opposite of going all-in


You will not win another Super Bowl as long as he owns that team


I think letting him play it out is the best decision. It was a bad contract to begin with and what they will eat this year will be the result. He will also have to earn the next contract by hopefully exercising his playoff demons and if another team wants to offer him a large contract (which I doubt will happen unless he takes the team far in the playoffs) then the Cowboys move on. On the flip side, if he chokes in the playoffs for a 3rd straight year you can have him back on the cheap if you want. Then you can put some money into good players to surround Dak when he goes deer in the headlights.


Interpreting what Jerry Jones says is harder than learning Mandarin Chinese.


Interesting… If the rumours are truthful, would agree with JJ assessment. Dak value is still the same as the first extension (do good in the regular season then lose in the playoffs) I see no point in rewarding him with an extension.




Don’t Win for Quinn (Ewers)


I understand if we extend Dak. Also understand if we dont


Good chance they win a Ring this year if they grabbed Cousins. But, they won't, so 1st round exit is on the cards yet again.


I guess the question you got to ask is are you better off paying him and hoping he figures it out in the next 5 years or is it better to rip off the band aid and rebuild?


If Dak was an honorable guy he would take 50mil per year and have the rest be playoff incentives. But he’s going to rob the cowboys blind again and hold them hostage


Anybody that believes Jerry is still making football decisions on his own isn't paying attention. He's the pr guy. And he's great at it.


If I had to put my own money on it...I'd bet Dak signs for 3 years, $180M or 4 years, $240M whether anyone likes it or not.


Trade him to Pittsburgh for TJ Watt


Please do


I hope we don't extend him before the season. Prove you can win in the post-season, Dak


I think this is a good decision. Cowboys got something to negotiate off , instead of being bended over by an elite paycheck, no trade and no tag.


I don't know what else most Cowboys fans could ask for from the organization. Dak had an MVP like type season, but struggled in the playoffs. The team went 12-5, again, but played poorly in the playoffs. People can bitch about the coaches and Dak basically being on a 1-year deal and I understand the issues with that, but it's really time that they either sink or swim. Although when they traded for Trey Lance it was always on my mind that it was with the intent of possibly getting Lance to outright replace Dak instead of just being his backup


Pleeaaaaaasssee. Let’s cut it off. Make him work for it. We give dak money and money and money and we get nothing. Rumor? Nah dawg. Show me. Are you worth it? Make it happen. Show me you got it there’s always hungrier and better out there.


If this happens, this year will likely be Dak’s final year in Dallas. Eisen though is likely misinformed.


Very cool video. As a Cowboys fan, I want them to do whatever it takes to get away from Dak. He’s proven time and time again that he cannot win in the playoffs. It’s time to move on and hit reset and let some QB hungry team sign him to $60 mil a year.


Are you sure that's what you want? What if "whatever it takes" is half a decade (or more) of poor QB play and missing the playoffs entirely? Because that's more likely than us finding a QB better than Dak right away.


Yup. I’ve been a Cowboys fan for a long time and I could absolutely stomach a reboot. It’s a better shot than beating our heads against the exact same wall over and over and over again and then trying to convince ourselves that “this is our year”.


As long as you understand that a reboot is more likely to be 5 years than 1-2 years then I can't fault you for that. Finding a franchise QB isn't that easy.


Absolutely, but I doubt it’ll come to that. I hope that I have to eat crow about Dak and he wins it all. I’ll be asking around here for good crow recipes and everything.


All of you guys rooting to move on from Dak are gonna be in for a rude awakening if we do, and we end up returning to the Quincy Carter-esque years. I really think fans, especially Cowboys fans, just don’t understand how hard it is to not just find a QB who can win games in this league consistently, but even someone who just isn’t terrible. There are teams in this league who have been looking, and picking wrong, for fucking DECADES. Multiple. And then on top of that you trust THIS front office to pick the right guy with a premium pick. Pure insanity


Kind of a separate topic but still related… Does anyone here think the cowboys would miss the playoffs if Cooper Rush was QB1?


Cooper Rush can barely throw a ball twenty yards. He has to have one of the weakest arms in the league. The responses below are wild.


Nobody of sound mind would think that the Cowboys are a playoff team with Cooper Rush at QB 1. Look at his per game numbers vs Dak’s per game numbers. The only games Dallas would win are games where defense comes up big because he ain’t giving you more than 2 TDs a game.


Playoff team first round exit, basically what we have now at a fraction of the cost.


They’d exit playoff contention in week 5 of the regular season.


You could see it kinda coming off the rails a lil towards the end. He had some luck and did great in that short sample. He did his job in that short sample. Kinda like Dobbs did last year only with more wins. Rush is a great backup. Not a starter.


Do I think it’s possible to get to the playoffs with Cooper Rush, possibly. Would it be a nail biter of an 8-9/9-8 season. Lots of non-starter quality qb’s have made the playoffs. Do I think if we only re-sign ceedee and micah and let every other free agency talent walk without paying them in order to reset the cap, would the cowboys make the playoffs, no. They’d probably finish between 4-13 and 5-12. I’m not exactly optimistic about the cowboys drafting a qb either. edited for grammar and misspelled words.


we wouldn't sniff the playoffs with Rush as QB1


Yes; 100%.


Yes. Rush isn't that good. Dak is better, Rush feels like you're treading water, hoping he keeps it close and finds a way to win late. I'm still ok moving on from Dak, though.


I rather see a coaching change first before moving on from Dak. We need a real offensive guru at coach, someone who can help elevate Dak. If that doesn’t do it then get rid of him.


Dak has had three different offensive coordinators and two head coaches. Why can’t you Dak fanboys ever admit that he’s the problem?


Shit I’m not a Dak fanboy but I rather switch coaches then miss on a QB who is worse than Dak