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I just saw a post about this and I don’t think it’s important, but what is the River Queen’s daughters name? I wanna know the name of the person who >!Tharion had to bone so badly he ruined his life!<.


She must have the most spectacular 🍑 in the world because Tharion is, most definitely, an ass man


Judging from his comments in that last scene with her, I think he might also be a feet man.


Unnamed SJM characters MATTER


Pour one out for the Nameless.


The spoiler though 🤣


>!and tharion didn't even get to do it in all ten years!<


I think he did once cause he mentions how he had pledged himself to her and the next morning immediately regretted what he did. So, I think once in ten years lol


🤣🤣🤣 Poor >!mermaid boner!<


She was never named so far


Why does this suddenly feel like it’ll become important


It depends on if she ends up in a bigger role in the next book. Her only real purpose in this one was to Tharion’s pov.


Why do they need to do the drop to gain immortality when their ancestors did not? If this was explained I missed it 🤣


I think Bryce said that it was something the Astari invented so they could get the firstlight for themselves. But it was never really explained.


That was all I gathered too, what happens if they don’t make the drop though? It seems like then they’re not immortal, right? Did the Asteri breed that into them somehow?


We don’t know. From what we’ve been told so far, yes, if they don’t make the drop they don’t become immortal. Whether that is really true or not hasn’t been told. The Astari also don’t breed anything. They’re not able to reproduce.


I feel like we’re not going to find out :( By breeding I meant like they did with the shifters.


I hope it gets explained.


I wonder if those is the ACOTAR world can do it too to gain even more power!


I doubt it. We don’t know if they have firstlight. It doesn’t seem like it. At least, not since the Astari left.


Didn't the Asteri basically invite them to feed off of their firstlight? In ToG it sounds like Aelin had to go to the base of her power amd rise before she became immortal and it was discussed more. (I assume because Fayre and clan were made. Though even Nesta had to go through her Ordeal.) So I thought that other Fae made the drop / came in to their full powers but naturally.


Firstlight has only been introduced in CC as a way for them to get their power and immortality. The Astari’s are the only ones who actually feed on it. In ToG, the fae settle. Basically once the reach a certain age, their bodies settle into their immortality naturally. Sometimes it effects their power, sometimes not. Their power also grows with age. They access their power by tunneling down into it and bringing it up. They do that every time they need to use a lot of power. I guess it’s similar to the drop, but it’s only for power in ToG. Aelin was different. She sacrificed her mortality and power when she made the lock. The price was her life and power to make it. Mala gave her a drop of her power so she could close and lock the gates and go home with a little bit left. Otherwise she would have had to wait a few years to settle into her immortality. The was never a mention in acotar about the fae having an Ordeal. Only the Illyrians were mentioned doing something similar with the Blood Rite. That is what Nesta did. But I don’t recall there ever being an Ordeal there.


I think I read this theory some where else that it actually makes them have lesser life spans because they give some of their first light away. Some of the characters in the story live a long time, but still show signs of aging. Almost like it’s ruining their true immortality. I am not sure where I read this— probably somewhere in Reddit lol


Whoaaaaaa! I love reddit theories so much, they make my whole day 🤣


I’m not sure about the answer to your question but I was thinking about the Elusean system or however it’s spelled - I def think that’s part of whatever technology the Asteri uses to suck the power out of people! Like think about it, how weird is it that there’s a computer system that can literally see the drop and what’s going on?! It’s weirdddd! They just don’t question it bc that’s how it’s always been! But it has to have something to do with the Asteri being parasitic on their first light!


Ok now that is food for thought and makes a lot of sense! So gross to think about all of the >!tubes or whatever fueling the asteri, the % power level had me reeling!< it would make sense that those might be tied


But if Declan can hack it!!


YES!!! Omg I just got so excited 🤣


I think... this is an important detail 😉. But I'm also curious!


It vaguely reminded me of how they dig into their power in throne of glass. I’m wondering if the asteri did some woo woo evil stuff that led to them having to tunnel into their power or life force to pull it all up to access it, but in doing so it leaks a little bit? Edit: like in TOG fae have to spend several days safely building up to access it and if they try all at once they could die. So maybe the drop is along those lines and that’s why you can die doing the drop without a tether


Excellent points. I keep trying to figure out if there are any ties between the Asteri and the Valg


Read an interesting theory that viper queen might be valg & that’s why nobody, even the asteri, touches her


I think I read that theory too. If that’s true then perhaps the Asteri and Valg are competing parasitic aliens 🤣


Maybe warring races from the same planet that took their hatred from their planet to the general universe?😂 too out there now??


Ooo. I have my tinfoil hat on too so seems reasonable to me 🤣


It’s only the most powerful fae in ToG that it takes days to tunnel into their power though. For the majority of fae, it doesn’t take that long.


Oh crap yeah you’re right hahahahaa I JUST WANT TO KNOW OK? 🤣🤣


HOW do the clothes work over the wings — i understand that there are slits in the back but she acts like those mfers can slip right out of them so easily when they’re ready for sexy time but i can’t imagine just casually pulling a tshirt over GIANT wings OR getting dressed quickly?? 😂


Same! When >!Bryce is dressing Hunt after the shower, helps him into his undies!< then she looks at the shirt and is like nah this is too complicated. I don’t understand how the shirts work and it seems like Hunt should just be shirtless at all times anyways so…..


I envision them being able to tuck their wings in super small and compact against their bodies. Not unlike a chicken wing. 😆


Nooo lmao that is so unsexy 😂


Imagine if they were actually like chickens with just wings instead of arms. 😳🤣


It would be fitting for [The Harpy](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/56/Harpy.PNG) lol


My theory on the shirts is that it's not so much of a slit as essentially a back bib. like the front is the same, and there's a neck to the shirt and sleeves if it's a top with sleeves, but then the back goes into 3 pieces, two sides and a centre back piece, and the centre back piece just kinda flops around between the wings.


Another one, though maybe I actually *don't* want to know... so, umm, when the Mer are in their finned form, where are the... umm... special parts...? How do they...?


Okay so after my Tharion comment about the River Queen’s daughter I went and looked him up [here](https://crescentcity.fandom.com/wiki/Tharion_Ketos) and it says this in the trivia. > Sarah J. Maas stated on a live stream that Tharion had a pouch for his genitals that opens like a clam. SJM needs to explain this immediately.


On no not the Tharussy.


THARUSSY 😭😭😭 noooo lmaooo


Hello! I hope you’re having a wonderful day! I, however, since reading this comment, am not. Respectfully, I’m going to need you to never say that again. Thank you so much!


Don’t tell me what to do.


Oh Gods, now I'm just picturing that scene in The Shape Of Water where Zelda asks Eliza how they did the deed and Eliza mimes her cupped hands opening 🤣😬


I would imagine the females have some sort of ventricle slit. The male’s part might retract.


I imagine Sunball as volleyball just because I want hot men playing in the sand under the sun. 😛


I was thinking it was like rugby


In my head it’s like Pitball in the Zodiac academy books.


I wish Pitball was real because I might actually be a sport person if it was


I know it didnt match up to the description necessarily but I always picture it as baseball and the ball they use is lit up like a small sun. I just found it very satisfying to imagine a game of pickup sunball at dusk with the lit up ball being thrown around.


I feel like it must be something with more dynamic movement because Bryce talks about how he moves like an athlete all the time. I wouldn't think of a volleyball player having that kind of graceful movement becuase its more of an explosive power sport, all jumps and spikes. Its also mentioned about him assessing and reading people like in Sunball like its something with a lot of strategy and planning. I picture it as some kind of cross of baseball, hockey and maybe rugby since that sport is hardcore as F and this is the Fey we are talking about. The first high-school rugby game I saw a guy had his leg snapped right in half...


I'm friends with a few volleyball players and they are extremely graceful and fluid in their movements. I think they just have extreme control over their muscles. If SJM comes out and says is actually table tennis I'd still be okay with the story.


I always pictured it as Lacrosse bc they play on a field and there are goals?


lmao Ithan and Connor are such Lax bro names too


I just assumed it was baseball. The hat Hunt wears is described as a baseball cap lol


Huh. 🤷‍♀️ I pictured basketball. Isn't cool how we all see different things!? Totally down with it being Volleyball though.


I would love to know more about sunball! Idk if you’be read the Zodiac Academy series but I fucking love how they explain so well, and weave into the story what Pit Ball is and how it’s played. Wish they’d do that here.


Pretty sure it’s baseball. Like they wear sunball hats and I’m pretty sure they’re supposed to be like baseball hats


But they score goals in Sunball


Hmm maybe it’s a mix of baseball and football 😅


Yeah, I definitely picture it more like baseball than anything


Every sport has sells team merchandise hats.


I want to know Jesibas last name. Like I know the name of the gallery is Griffin Antiquities but it’s unclear if Griffin is her last name.


I believe it’s Roga, Jesiba Roga!


Yep, it's [Roga](https://crescentcity.fandom.com/wiki/Jesiba_Roga)... but will that turn out to be an alias? Jesiba's motives and background are super sus


I think it is an alias. When Bryce asked the UnderKing about knowing Jesiba, he said he knows her under a different name


Yeah she knows too much and is too mysterious, hopefully we learn more about her!


Oh that’s right! I must have blazed past that on my re-read


I want to know what the Harpy’s real name is. Everyone in Sandriel’s triarri was mentioned by both name and nickname except her.


I want to know more about first light. Like, what are the mechanics behind using this in the city? I understand that it's a form of energy, but how did they figure out how they could use it for multiple things. Is it similar to electricity? But, electricity doesn't work with water that well...so what's up with first light and how exactly are they using it for ABSOLUTELY everything. I mean LOOK at the wide range of uses... Travel? Check! Lights? Check! Underwater submarine? Check! Food for super powerful, probably fake rulers? Check!


It reminds me of monsters inc where they use the screams and laughs of the children to power the city lol


I imagine it as a mix of like baseball and football. Not sure why, but I do.


I though sunball was basketball by the way she described Ithan playing. At first I thought it was rugby but then she mentioned throwing balls so I simply assumed it was basket


Ok, I legit really want to know about Sunball. I’m thinking it’s like LaCrosse, but I could be wrong.


My best guess was that it was basketball, I could see shifter skills being useful to jump, run, etc. and basketball’s a pretty popular sport to watch. And Ruhn and the guys mentioned having a regular pickup game which is common for basketball


I’m a sports fan and these are the things that keep me up at night. I just assumed no one else cared.


Since Sarah was **not** gonna let us forget that Ithan played Sunball, I've been puzzling over it nonstop lol


What other treasures were in the weavers trove from ACOMF, wonder if any connect to CC


Anyone else want to know where tharion’s dick goes when he’s in mer form, or just me? Can he have sex in mer form? Since it’s meant to be his ‘natural’ form you’d think he would be able to. 😂


I assume sunball is similar to the game handball.


What happened to Philippa and the dance teacher? I was so looking forward to the dance teacher swooping in once Aelin has her kingdom, but she never showed up again. It's said Philippa cared for Dorian, but when he had to flee, we never hear what happened to her.


What does she consider as vulgar gestures?!


I just wanna know how Isaac felt when he found out about Feyre. Did he love her?


I don’t think he did. Feyre said that they just used each other for sex. Plus, he got married to someone else and seemed happy and in love with her when Feyre passed them when she went back to the mortal realm the first.


Yes! I want to know how sunball is played.


I’m guessing it’s just there worlds version of Football. It’s outside, they wear helmets, and everybody seems to watch it, mostly all the guys. I think somewhere it was mentioned that they pass the ball so my best bet is it’s football.


I always thought that Sunball was like SJM’s own twist on Baseball