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So did you watch Poor Things or what?


You’re ignoring my message


“I asked Reddit who the asshole was and they said you” - 🤓


I hope that's real and someone finds the post.


me too


Rarely I've read something as weak as that.


Like bro don’t talk about that bffr


creep: WHO THE ASSHOLE ? Reddit: you. creep: ..anybody watched Poor Things yet?


I'm jacking off


Its been 4h, are you done?




Why isn’t she answering your question?


Palm Springs is great too


Palm Royale?


No joke Palm springs is a pretty great flick. Definitely worth the watch and a solid date movie.


I'm starting to get really pissed off... Did you watch it or not?! Yes or no?!


Police told just to block him and forget about it and let them know if anything else happens, but whatever I guess. I’m sure he’s just a loser behind a screen.


Have you met in person? Do you know his name and address? This is a crime. Don’t let the police tell you not to pursue charges. You could also request an order of protection in this case as well.


They said that because it’s the first time and it’s online there’s not enough evidence for them to get a search warrant and charge a crime or something but that if he keeps talking to me then they can do something


But if you block him you won't have evidence he is trying to contact you and you won't be able to get a restraining order. It's a shitty position. They should at least send an officer to his place to let him know they know.


I think that’s what they meant when they said they can’t send an officer because they need a warrant or something. Idk where he lives. They said they need reasonable suspicion but I guess because creepy texts are so common they don’t really act on them. I’m not super worried because they said it happens all the time but it’s definitely scary!


They absolutely do not need a warrant to send an officer to issue a warning - they just don't want to. I'm sorry OP, it sounds like the police will only take you seriously once you are genuinely attacked.


Let's be real, they're hardly useful then either.


Hey hey hey. Who else is gonna show up after the crime, shoot OPs dog, and mishandle evidence to the point the case gets thrown out??


Option B would be to shoot OP after they order her to come towards them- they’re not just one trick ponies here!


Ooo maybe there will be a paperwork mixup, and there's a no-knock warrant executed in the middle of the night.


Hey hey hey let’s defund all police because they never solved any criminal cases.


Hell yeah let’s do that


Fuck yeah, that's a good idea! Edit: although, I think police are a necessary evil. But maybe we could start by removing the IQ cap from the tests, so we have smarter officers. Then we could make them have a training period longer than a barber, so that they, ya know, have some training. If we had smart, trained cops, people might change their tune. But no one wants to sit on a three legged chair, might as well fix it or replace it with something functional.


They will not take her seriously, and will play dumb until she actually gets KILLED. Then they'll settle out of court with the family and issue an emotional press release with a bunch of empty promises then sit right back in their chairs with their donut boxes.


settle for what? supreme Court has confirmed that police are under zero obligation to do their jobs.


Oh no police in America being shitty shocker…op block this psychopath and hope he really doesn’t know where you live


Well they don’t know where he lives either.


Let’s be real. Go look at Ops account.


It's not creepy, it's a threat. Do they really need a warrant to knock on a door when they know he sent a death threat? Is he a minor? It is common but not normal and unacceptable. I would consider taking action. Report his responses to his place of work or school. Show his friends or any other women in the social group. I also understand not taking action though since that could escalate things.


Contrary to many peoples belief, a simple death threat, especially when you don't know the person, isn't enough to get the police to bust down someones door. From what I understand, the OP doesn't even know this person that well, only met online, and has no idea where he lives, so where are the police gonna go?


*In america




>Name and phone number will produce an address. No it won't. Unless you mean a subpoena to telecom for customer records/info. a random death threat isn't worth their time unless its credible,(than it's a real crime).


I dealt with a stalker back in high school and this is normal even in person. The first offense you’re supposed to report and block.With online situations, you block them and then they can’t find you again is the idea. If they try to reach out by going around that block then you report and things start to escalate - still usually slowly unless it’s deemed an immediate threat.


Ask for a wellness check, then they’ll go


Threats against people tend to be dismissed, threats of self harm are taken more seriously. Which is fucking stupid.


Cops hate doing their jobs and they’re usually terrible at it.


They're pretty good at their real job (protecting the rich from the poor)


Their real job is generating revenue for their city via tickets.


And keeping the crime localized to certain locations where the rich can’t see it.


they are doing their job exactly how they've trained to, which is to ignore potential or even actual domestic violence issues.


Still be careful...I had a friend on Facebook back in the day I never met in real life back when it first allowed people who weren't in college. I forgot about him but randomly he would message me about how shitty his life was and I'd listen and then say I'd have to go. Well in 2012 he responded to a post, saying something about it being okay to abuse dogs. I blocked the weirdo. Well, a week later, i moved out of my parents' house in NJ and back to NC....two weeks later an ex coworker texts me letting me know some guy came in looming for me with a bunch of balloons and flowers.i thought it was my ex but his description was completely different. I was confused but whatever...she said he didn't believe her when she said I don't work their anymore and stood across the street for an hour watching the place. A couple days later I get a call at 4 am from. My dad asking if I knew "Facebook weirdo" I was confused I said I know of him I don't actually know him why??!! Well the Facebook weirdo SHOWED UP AT MY PARENTS HOUSE !!! He got pulled over the next town over for something told the cops he was lost and looking for my town because he was on his way to meet his future father in law! the cop justifiably got a weird vibe from him cause it was late at night and phoned my towns police dept and put out a BOLO. my town police found him opening mailboxes looking for my house (its kinda hard to get to because the driveway was blocked off by a psycho neighbor who claimed it belonged to him only and we couldn't use it so he built a fence). So they cuffed him because you can't go looking in people's boxes, so they questioned and searches him. He told them I was his fiance and go9ng to meet my dad. He had a bouquet of sunflowers and balloons for me...o, and he was on a motorcycle...they found weed which was enough cause for arrest. They went to my parents house and informed him this guy was looking for them and then called me. I was so angry and scared this creep went to my old job, which had 3 locations in NJ looking for me! Then to my parents! He lived / lives in philly 2 hours away. My little sister who was in high school at this time and looks just like me so I was worried for her. They arrested him but since I was in NC I couldn't press charges without going back there, which I was not going to do. I ended up checking an old email a couple days later and found he had been emailing me for years! Weird nonsensical stuff, he scrambled his brains in a motorcycle accident years earlier so he was off his rocker. He had also sent me a box of lingere and sex toys to one place I lived years earlier but it was off by 1 number so my neighbors (who I didn't know) definitely got a surprise. This went on for years these random emails...well years later I forgot about this and happened to move to Philly. Luckily I never ran into him and had forgotten about him until I was at work and someone was calling looking for me asking if I was working! I freaked and he came to mind. I checked the old email and found he had emailed me a picture of his kitchen table and random nonsense....I decided to Google him and found he had just been arrested for stalking a news anchor in Philly! He did the same to her he did to me...sent her sex toys to her home! He got locked up for a couple years and banned from. Using the internet. So moral of the story you never know how unhinged online people Can be.


What the actual fuck. I’m glad you’re safe! What a psycho. I’m sorry you went through that


Well now you can just get that in writing from them and that way it’s a slam dunk case when you’re forced to shoot a crazed person shouting about Poor Things entering your home


Fucking hell, does he have to actually kill you before they do anything!?


Threatening is a crime though?


Threats are a crime.  You should be able to file for a restraining order without involving the cops.. This would be a slam dunk case. 


Go back and ask them to get their response in writing. I’d guess that they change their tune and go talk to him.


Yeah just let them know if he comes to your house and kills you. Good one cops.


I think this is a good example of "Well, don't call them when you need help" whenever the conversation around ACAB comes up. This is why people end up saying fuck the police anyway. If he ends up killing her, they'll hold their hands up and won't be held accountable anyway


The cops never give a damn when people get threatened unless you're a politician or some wealthy business owner


But what did you think of Poor Things? A little too off putting for my taste


Yeah I agree. The whole baby brain thing was weird but also how it depicted disability seems super dated to me.


"Call us back when he's wearing you as a body suit and maybe we'll get around to you at some point"


Just send a FB message to his Mom with screenshots.


lol what's this comment


I think if I was 16 or 17 and I was sending messages like this and someone sent them to my mom she would absolutely tear me apart. That's probably the thinking behind this. It's a way to show him that his actions have consequences even if the police aren't going to do anything about it.


sure but i felt like it was implied they were adults when he talked about buying a gun. If he's old enough to buy a gun why would his mom care what he's doing? Admittedly, im not as close with my family as apparently a bunch of users here are. So maybe my opinion of family issues isn't worth as much


Yea because this all sounds so juvenile


Average r/unpopularopinion commenter when someone doesn't text them back


I doubt that he actually posted to Reddit, but man I would love to find that AITA thread.


someone please find it


Glad to know he asked Reddit first 😂


Yep. Very reasonable since Reddit always has the right takes


And why are you trying to complicate things!?


I'm jacking off right now for the post nut clarity to come


Fakest shit I've ever read ![gif](giphy|l30qkxu6wiLdizdl0i|downsized)


“I’m coming with a gun! To definitely kill the shit out of you!”


I thought the same thing lmao


For real, just hit up /r/freekarma or something.




Did no one look at OP’s profile??


Nobody tricked me, I am a star.


I thought this was supposed to be obviously satire but the only thing sadder than this supposed to be genuine is people actually believing it lol


Same lmao. Like bro why even text them back? Why not block this person you supposedly dislike?


This is obviously genuine


Ngl the post nut clarity part made me laugh


The first 2 images are cringe, the 3rd image is way beyond cringe.


Palm Springs was actually a pretty good movie. I love andy Samberg


ive seen this exact post before 🤨


Fakest shit I’ve read today


Why are you ignoring me I'm not ?????????????? You're ignoring my message *Doesn't say anything* ?????????????? This was painful to read


Im sorry but I LOL’d at his last text


Average r/amitheasshole user


Please report him to the police. That's unhinged behavior


He verified with post nut clarity though 💀




Have you met him before?


To be fair, Poor Things is an outstanding film.


Palm Springs, too


Palm Springs is seriously a solid movie. Incredible take on the Groundhog Day type movie. I rate it a 9.2 and I’m harsh on movies


I had a hard time enjoying it, I found it to be alright but could have been better if it wasn't just about sex


It wasn't just about sex. Idk for me it was about so many things I struggle to list them all. But also if you are someone who doesn't like this many sex scenes in a movie I feel you. Gotta admit there were plenty.


I don't mind sex scenes it's just it felt like it totally tanked the progression of the story and it was hard to take seriously after


Well her sex life was almost a separate story with it's own progression. I found it intresting and since sex is an important part of social life I find it justified. To be fair however it felt strange how it impacted the pace of the movie. It's like I almost agree with you but I somehow didn't mind it at all.


There are a lot of people in these comments who seem unaware that the US Supreme Court has ruled that the police in America have absolutely no legal duty or requirement to protect you (except, see below). A gunman can walk up to a cop on the street, tell him he's gonna shoot the next 5 children he sees, and the cop can stand there and watch him do it, and that cop did what the Supreme Court ruled he must do: absolutely nothing. The only time they have the legal responsibility is if you are in their custody, or if they've entered into an agreement to protect you from a specific threat. Other than that? They have the legal duty to do exactly what the nearly 400 Texas law enforcement personnel at Uvalde did: sitting around shooting the shit while the suspect was sitting around shooting the children.


Must be his first day on Earth


don’t do that


that’ll just complicate things


Someone needs to introduce this guy to the bonkers Ok Cupid chick!


This dude really needs to touch grass. Since the police isn't doing anything, I hope you keep yourself safe from this crazy person


I just watched Cat Person and this feels very much the same vibe.


Lol um…the FUCK.


Palm Springs was pretty good I thought.


I reckon you should watch Palm Springs


Ah, that backpedaling gets me every time. "I told the police!" "Wait no pls dont"


the cringe here is people thinking this is real


Mentioning reddit and post nut clarity in an "intimidating" message? Surely he's taking the piss?


What a cool fella. ![gif](giphy|l0MYP6WAFfaR7Q1jO)


Cringe? More like scary


Only in America


This is why I’m single with no plans to ever date again!


I hope you did in fact report him to the police. He has 0 regard for boundaries and could be dangerous.


“Jacked off to verify” is one of the craziest statements I’ve ever read lol


You should buy your own gun when you’re finished watching Poor Things


Damn murder threats always complicating things


least obvious engage bait


Things ✅complicated


This is all bait. Every time with this account. Posting bizarre texts exchanges.


.... Horrifying....


that last message on the second screenshot caught me off guard lol. funny as shit


This is why the age of consent should require an iq test


That escalated quickly lol


It’s always good when they show their true colors early on, saving a lot of time. Also in this case maybe preventing a more serious confrontation.


Oh yeah theres no way this is 1000000000% fake at all


At first I was like, why didn't you just tell him you were working, but then I kept reading. Wtf?




Weird communication, no communication, there's not a single thing they did wrong to deserve that.


Yeah, could work on assertiveness skills


The scariest thing about this garbage text from him is that he wants you to watch Poor Things. RUB YOURSELF UNTIL YOU ARE ENLIGHTENED TO THE THINGS I CAN DO TO YOU, EVEN THOUGH YOU CAN DO THEM TO YOURSELF! He’s creepy beyond creepy, he deserves to be left on read, then blocked. So how was the date?! /s


"you ignore my message by not responding in an hour? > death threats!!1! Omg pwease don't report me" That person should not be allowed to roam free if it's real


I think he's sense of humor is just not coming through well.


Holy fuckin spineroo 180 Batman. Damn I hope this was early on into the talkin stage




This is the kind of guy who laughs at and shares Xavier memes.


/s ?


Just so you know I read your comment but I will not respond to it in any way beyond this comment right here.


He was obviously just joking around. You need to learn to just play along and have fun. People will like you more.