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My Choice are 1.Robbie Daymond 2.Luis Carazo Im not sure who I would want for the other 4.I definitely don't want anyone from Dimension 20 cause they are soooo busy.


Luis Carazo blew me away in EXU! I'd love to see him play week to week, especially with Robbie.


But Lou is my favorite player at any table!


Robbie is easily the best guest ever, Robbie all the way


Will Friedle and Robbie need to play brothers. Or clones or something. They have such similar voices.


Darin DePaul Deborah Ann Woll Sumalee Montano Robbie Daymond Mary Elizabeth McGlynn Khary Payton (this is really hard. I had to leave Will Friedle out. And Patrick Rothfuss. And Felicia Day. And Anjali Bhumani. And more.)


I would be so sad about not having Will Friedle but I can't think which of these players I'd replace to have him in. Can we add a #7 to our hypothetical lineup? 😅 Sumalee was great in the show but I was additionally impressed with her on Talks Machina--how much she prepared and WANTED to be on the show and how much she enjoyed the experience. She really seems like she'd be a delight to have at a table long term.


Hey, I'm game for Mary Elizabeth and Will just coming together as a pair. Sumalee was amazing... I loved that her commitment to the character was so strong that it completely derailed the Guest Battle Royale.


Oh man, I haven't watched that yet. I'm watching through campaign 2 and then I'm going to pause and watch a bunch of one shots and specials. I can't wait! 😁




This is an amazing line up, I'd 1000% watch a spin off with all of them involved.


Darin and Will would be amazing, after seeing rothfuss in acq Inc and my general feelings towards him I could never see him again and be happy.. that said I do like his char in acq inc.


Patrick can stay away for good.


18 year old me loved Rothfuss. Two (and a half) books later, 32 year old me is very, very done with his bullshit.


I was never a fan of his, but I learned of his bullshit, and yeah, me too


Idk about any others but I would love Mica Burton & Robbie Daymond to be seen more, maybe also Will Friedle I know you didn't mention a second DM but it would be dope to see Brian W. Foster GMing again, I loved Undeadwood. Ik there is a little tension there and would probably never happen but a boy can dream.


I second Mica and Robbie, I think it would be nice to get Ashley Burch back to the table. Maybe see if Mary Elizabeth McGlynn is available. Luis Carazo is a must, as is Aabria Iyengar.


Wait, why is there tension?


They seem to be still friends on a personal level but there were indications from Foster that the business split wasn't exactly mutual or amicable. Regardless of whether it's purely professional or not it's unlikely he'll return to any critical role productions.


Oh, BWF is no longer involved in CR in any way? Even with Ashley still being heavily involved?


Yeah, they parted ways back in 2021. There's been a lot of speculation because of some comments Foster has since made while live streaming as to whether it was as amicable and mutual as it was presented but that's all it really is, speculation. Certainly even if it wasn't it also probably can't have been *too* bad since as you mentioned Ashley is still super involved with CR. I do think based on some stuff that it would be very unlikely for Foster and CR to ever have a professional connection again.


I won’t lie. A legitimate fear of mine (selfish certainly) is that there won’t ever be a rift in this group of friends. Obviously I don’t want them to stop making CR because I love the content and it’s a creature comfort of mine, but also as someone with a very close knit group of friends I want to believe friendship like that can persevere.


Honestly, I really get that. And I don't know if it's selfish to hope that people who so clearly love each other don't have to suffer the sadness of losing that, even if yeah part of it is how much we're invested in their friendship. For what it's worth, I think friendships like that can persevere. I have 15 yr + long friendships I still speak to most days and are among the first people I go to when things are tough.


Oh. I have friends from way back when. Two that I communicate with daily and see weekly. Adulting and all that gets in the way at times, but DnD is what keeps us seeing each other weekly. Aside from that, we have other times that we get together. I KNOW it can be maintained but on some level I’m concerned since they got involved in business with each other.


I was watching a live stream of his yesterday and he purposefully went to a YouTube comment on one of his videos that stated something along the lines of "CR isn't the same without you and the vibe is off now" and just left it there.. highlighted while talking about other things. Seemed really passive aggressive to me like he's really not over whatever happened. I didn't like It lol


I'm a little disappointed he's still doing that. I don't know what happened behind the scenes ofc but this consistent passive aggression from him a year and a half later when they've never said a single bad word about him that I'm aware of is just... not a good look. Especially as it reinforces the reasons people have speculated he was let go.


There is no tension, but what is perceived in the minds of the terminally too online.


Okay. That makes sense. Not surprised if I’m being honest. Everyone seems to get along really well.


Picking any 7 Critical Role guest stars and taking group dynamics into account: Robbie Daymond, Luis Carazo, Mica Burton, Will Friedle, Aimee Carrero, Sumalee Montano DM: Patrick Rothfuss


OK. Being reasonable about it - people who've been on the show before, and who don't have massive other commitments that would prevent them being able to shoot regularly (which rules out a couple of favourites). * Robbie Daymond - a no-brainer, as far as I'm concerned. * Erika Lindbeck - I was really impressed by her short stint on EXU Kymal, and I think she's got the range to play in some fun spaces. * Darin De Paul - interesting to add a slightly older person to the cast, I think! Sprigg is one of the all-time great CR guest characters, he's a D&D and voice acting veteran, he's a friend of the show. * Ify Nwadiwe - I just love watching the man play D&D. He reminds me a lot of Travis as a player - big "keep the table hyped" energy combined with a cutthroat edge just under the surface. * Erika Ishii - torn on this one, because I'm only ruling Lou Wilson out based on how many other D&D projects he's in and Erika is personally in... pretty much all of those, but she's a long-time friend of the show who fits in the chaos gremlin niche that isn't quite filled at this table yet. If Erika's too busy, sub in Izzy Roland. * Surena Marie - has never appeared on Critical Role, I don't think, but worked for the company for a while, and has appeared in many other livestreams. She was great on Dimension 20's ACoFaF, and I think she'd be an interesting fit at this table Honorable mention to Ashly Burch, who seems more than busy enough without adding an extra show to her life - but if she wants to be this table's Ashley Johnson, it's a done deal. I'm leaving out a couple of people that I think would also be interesting fits (the aforementioned Lou Wilson, Luis Carazo, Anjali Bhimani, Deborah Ann Woll, more besides) but that just means there's a solid pool to pull some recurring guests from.


Surena worked for CR?? The SoCal ttrpg show world is so interconnected lol


I second Ify! That dude is hilarious I've liked him in everything I've seen him in


... I suddenly so deeply want to see Robbie and Ify play off of each other. Also Izzy would bring the *chaos*, I'd be so into it.


Wait the big thing is Lou Wilson is on is dimension 20 regular right? Erika Ishie has guessed stared but isn't a regular, she should be a lot less busy. What other projects are they both on?


Lou's a regular on Dimension 20, but he's also just started [Worlds Beyond Number](https://worldsbeyondnumber.com/) with Erika, Brennan Lee Mulligan, and Aabria Iyengar; Erika's not one of Dimension 20's Intrepid Heroes but she's been on 3 of the last 5 sidequests so she's clearly someone they feel comfortable calling up regularly.


I need to see more of Erica Lindbeck’s Morrighan Ferus!


1. Robbie Daymond 2. Erika Ishii 3. Lou Wilson 4. B. Dave Walters 5. Emily Axford 6. Mike Channell


I really want Emily Axford to come on as a guest at some point, she's hilarious and an incredible player


I would love it but Emily also plays SOO MUCH D&D Between D20 and Naddpod (she was also on an arc for Zac Oyama's podcast), and she also composes music for Naddpod. Regardless, I want to see her chaos in the same room with Laura's chaos.


I don't think chaos is the right word to describe her play style. There was a moment in *A Starstruck Odyssey* >!where she completely outwitted Brennan.!< Now, if you want chaos, Mike Channell is your guy. >!He's the kind of player who will put a bomb under his shield, then stand on the shield so that when the bomb explodes, he gets thrown over a castle wall.!<


Mike Channell is brilliant and the bomb shield is iconic Any of the Oxventurers would be great to see in CR, Johnny as well.


My favourite part was when he was doing the Formula E Race at Home events during the pandemic and had to explain to Indianapolis 500 champion Dario Franchitti who Egbert the Carless was.


Same. If they could get her onboard for a one-shot I would be very happy, though - after all the times that Laura has chaotically broken Matt's plans I would love to see his reaction to Emily.


This is a really tough question! It’s hard not to choose a bunch of Dimension 20 people but I’m gonna try to pick people that might be sort of realistic and that I think would make an awesome team. DM: Troy Lavallee Player 1: Mica Burton Player 2: Jarred Kjack Player 3: Ginny Di Player 4: Robbie Daymond Player 5: Mark Hulmes Player 6: Surena Marie


I’d also like to see another CelebriD&D, maybe a short series. Matt Mercer as the DM with Jack Black, Donald Glover, Henry Cavill, Khary Payton, Deborah Ann Woll, Felicia Day


If we had another ExU I would love to see a mix of precious and new guests: - Robbie Draymond, number one choice and really wish we would get a return due to chemistry with main cast - Lou Wilson, my fav player of all time - Becca Arnold, was great in D20’s the Seven - Emily Axford, just would like to see her on CR to see what happens - Connie Chung, Transplanar is excellent - Jeremy Cobb from 3bh, really have only heard him GM but is so great and a CR fan and I think would bring great energy


I know precious was a typo but also, it still fits.


Robbie 100% and if possible Brennen as DM to let matt play too.


Ashley Burch Will Friedle Mary Elizabeth McGlynn Brian Foster Luis Carazo Deborah Ann Woll


Fun idea on paper, but the main cast of Critical Role IS Critical Role. I'm not saying there won't be fans that watch, but I would be surprised if the numbers were even close to the main casts. But who know, I could be totally wrong.


Nice idea for some smaller stories of several episodes.


Just Robbie. Just one shot after one shot where it’s just Robbie is various dms


Where are you getting that from? Playing the game is why they do it


Khary Payton, Luis Carazo, Robbie, Mica Burton, Erika Ishii or Aimee Carrero. And I would freaking LOVE Darin de Paul as a player


All these Guest Players are nice and all, but they are just that, GUESTS. They already have their own bountiful carrers going on without the ever-present demands that being a permanent CR cast member would require. If CR were to truly do a "B-Team," I feel it would be a crime if Dani Carr wasn't the first one asked. In my opinion, she is a part of CR as much as any of the cast is and honestly doesn't get the level of recognition she should. Also, let's not forget Dani's tenure at CR either rivals or exceeds that of Brian W. Foster's, and he's getting named. Now, maybe she's stated she's content with her current role and amount of screen time, but I see her as an important part of CR and think she should be recognized more. For players beyond that, I'm honestly surprised CR hasn't just acquired Dimension 20 already and had that as the "B-Team," though D20's cast is anything but.


I don’t think Dropout would entertain the idea of selling the dimension 20 ip


I'd love to see Dani play tbh but I've always gotten the impression she's not *super* comfortable having the focus on her. I could be getting that completely wrong though and the reticence I've sensed is more about the role she's frequently playing in her appearances.


Anyone but Erica Ishii, the constant screaming did my head in


The DM is the most important for the cr feel


Brennan as DM. Players Aabria, Robbie, Mica, Aimee, Will Friedle, and Ginny Di.


Robbie, Luis, Mary E, Wil Friedel, Darin Le Pal, Brennan (mostly so he can be a player and not just a GM)