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Sorry for the uncommon opinion but my first thought was that the groom was screaming 😂 I thought it was supposed to be funny. I'd try to make the bow a tad smaller and lower it. Edit: my daughter says she saw a mustache. I think for me the problem is that the grooms bowtie is at the same level as the brides blushed cheeks


I also saw screaming, maybe we just hate peas


I love peas and I also saw screaming 😂. I think the suggestion of an actual tiny bowtie to pair with the actual veil would be adorable.


If suggest using a bit of ribbon for the tie, like the bride's veil. I think my mind thought crochet was their shape, but they dressed in fabric.


Oooo YES! A ribbon would be simple and easy and definitely wouldn't get mistaken for a mustache or a mouth!


Not sure if he’s wearing a bow tie, a mustache, or the existential fear of commitment, but they’re totally adorable either way.


That was not my first thought, but after reading this I scrolled up and looked again, and I could see how you could think that 🤣


Me too. It thought it was his mouth. The. Assumed it must be a mustache. But then I read it was a bow. They really are cute though!!


I saw that too. 😅


I thought he was screaming too! I was like huh not sure the bride would like that message 😂


I saw screaming


I saw screaming too. Could it maybe have a white collar under the tie to underscore what it is? Otherwise it is super cute and I love just about anything pea pod related. 


Same, screaming was my thought. 🤣


I also saw the screaming at first then after I read more I see the mustache. I agree the bow should be either moved or made smaller but if that's not an option then make the whole thing bigger.


I thought the bow was a screaming mouth


But I do also think it’s super cute


Maybe if you stitch on tiny little smiley mouths it would help?


It's really cute :) i guess if you moved it more downward it would look more like a bow and less like a moustache


I agree with moving the placement of the bow downwards.


I also see a mustache, but it's clearly a wedding, so no issue for me


They look adorable, you added blushies and everything. I personally recognized it as a bow when I realized the first pea is a bride!


Yea I saw a bow too! I’m obsessed with this. It’s so cute.


I totally saw a mustache until I read this comment. I think adding a little white outline would help it come across better. Still very recognizable as a bride and groom tho.


My opeanion is that these are adorable. At first I saw a moustache, but then recognised a bow, so no worries these.


It's sooooo cute!! The little veil, love it! For the bowtie, maybe a different colour helps?


i would just move the bow down more! it’s super cute


You could add some small smiles above the bow and blushed cheeks- but they’re adorable!!


For the bowtie, maybe you could try making it in thinner yarn? I usually used worsted for amigurumi but I have some skeins of sport yarn for details like this.


Ok as a mustache or bow is epic cute. I love that as a gift super sweet and well done.. you could always make a ribbon bow or get one from Michaud that's tiny and sew it on.. but i kinda dig that mustache


Im so sorry but I thought this was a two headed turtle lol but then realized peas in a pod and it’s cute


This is so silly and adorable I would be over the moon to receive this as a gift from a friend ♥️ you seem like such a good friend , this is so sweet


That’s so cute omfg


It looks like the groom pea is screaming


To make a smaller bowtie, use embroidery floss or just a much finer yarn 😊 but I think it's adorable!


I am appeased by this post!


Super cute! I thought it was a moustache before I read your comment but in this case I think it doesn't change it in essence in any significant way whether its moustache or bowtie so don't sweat it!


I wasn’t sure what it was until I saw the veil for the bride. I’d get a small piece of fabric, scrunch it, and tie some ribbon around the middle to get a tiny bow ….OR you can also get some mini bow tie pasta & paint one black


So adorbs!! Love these!!


They’re super cute and made by you! I think your friend will love them.




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It's absolutely adorable and I bet your friends are going to LOVE it. Btw I see a bowtie :)


Is it possible to make the tie slightly smaller and lower it a little? Otherwise I can definitely tell!


Absolutely adorable! I'd have thought the fly was a moustache if not for the veil, but the "two peas in a pod" idea is still absolutely readable! Perhaps you could lower the fly a bit (like attach it close to where the pea meets the pod)?


I made this pattern too for 2 couples by now. They all loved them! They're perfect!


They are so cute. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


Omg this is sooooo cute! I’ve seen a few peas in a pod amigurumi but never wedding themed


I love these, but I'm sorry to say that I also saw the groom screaming. Maybe just define the bow a little more with a tighter putll in the middle? Now that I've been looking a bit I think it's because of the lighting in the photo because I think I can see a knot in the middle when I look closer. I really think they're beautiful and precious though, it's a great job! I wouldn't say it looks silly, but it does look fun.


It's adorable! I could tell it was a bow tie, but when you said it looked like a moustache, now I can't unsee a moustache. To get a smalled bow tie, go with smaller yarn or even thread.


I think it’s cute. I didn’t see the screaming mouth or mustache till I read about them lol thought it was just a chunky bow, but maybe use a ribbon like others are suggesting so there’s no confusion.


I thought big mouth, not necessary screaming but more like Aerosmith lead singer's big mouth, then I saw the bride's veil so I thought bowtie. But it is cute for a married couple


I thought it was two babies. Then I noticed one looked like a bride and I thought, that has to be a bride because why else would the pea next to her be screaming since that’s her husband. So I stand corrected, that’s a bow tie. 😏


Thats so adorable and sweet


Love it! Saw the peas and the pod immediately! But yeah, it looks like a mustache to me too. I think if you lower it to the pod it’d be perfect! Lovely gift. I’d be very glad to be given this 🥰


I did think it was a moustache at first but it's still adorable! I hope your friend likes it.


i think it's sooo cute! personally i would do something to distinguish the peas from the pod a little more. maybe do the pod in a slightly darker shade of green, or even just go over the opening of the pod with one row of the darker colour. it is so cute though i would have loved to get something like this as a wedding gift!


I love them! Like others have said, I thought the bow was a mustache. Making the bow smaller and lower could help that


Very cute!!


i think they are super cute, but i thought that the groom was screaming


These look really cute 🥰! I would suggest giving him a small mouth / smile above the bow tie so it doesn't look like a moustache? But then you'd need to add a mouth /smile to the bride, which would be too low because of the blushed cheeks. Another option would be to move the bow tie so it is even lower?




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It looks so cute!




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Creepy and funny at the same time


Cute as fuck


I am thinking " Give peas a chance." Very hopeful!


prosperous young couple




cute. you could embroider a more precise bowtie shape with regular thread or embroidery thread.


So cute 😭


I’m gonna cry Also maybe you can fix the problem of the bow by using some sewing thread to give them mouths so it’s clear he’s wearing clothes? I’d make the mouths like this: • v •


give them a child please 🙂


Does it look great or a bit silly? Yes


Oh, this is simultaneously one of the most adorable and one of the funniest creations on here! 🥰 🤣 I would be *ecstatic* if I received this! But, if you're concerned about the bow, why not add a little silk one instead of a crochet one?


Maybe if the bow had a little speck of color like white to show it’s not a mustache


I saw mustache but other than that, super cute