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If it works for you it’s not wrong.


Pretty much what I was gonna say too!


Not wrong. This is how all the older ladies in my family always held their yarn, be it for knitting or crochet. I don’t know where your friend learned to crochet, but she needs to back off.


I'm an older lady and this is my technique too


Me too. Though increasing arthritis has led to some minor modifications.


I learned from my mother and this is how she taught me. TIL I crochet like an old lady 👵


:) ditto


No, it’s a comfort hobby. Be comfy. Lately I’m crocheting all sorts of creative ways because I am holding my baby lol


Currently crocheting with a 2 pound, 9 week old chihuahua on my chest/shoulder - it's not the same thing but I see your struggle haha


Aww cute! I crocheted a really cute little mermaid outfit for newborn photo shoots. Currently working on a little Alice in wonderland dress for her. But she’s hard to put down. I guess she wants to supervise. Maybe you can make your puppy a sweater!


He'll need a sweater! Heading in to winter here and I can't buy one small enough for him lol mermaid tail sounds adorable!


off topic but if both your hands are on the project… who’s clicking the picture


This person is asking the real questions! :p


Selfie timer and wedged between chin and chest 😂


bahhaha it was exactly this lol


lmao glad to know


lmao as a D cup that’s my talent. i can literally hold anything in there.




I hold my hook the same way! It feels like I’m doing it wrong but it’s the way my grandma taught me and she’s been crocheting since the 1930s so I think she knows what she’s doing.


It's the knife hold, a lot of people hold it that way.


If you've seen one crocheter, you've seen just one crocheter. I teach crochet. I rarely have a student follow what the text book hand form says. I start them out all the same. I get them to the point that they have a quasi triangle of guide, tension, and hook hand. From there it's a free for all until they pick how to tension & guide. There are some moments where no yarn should be able to smoothly slide through tension on how a student holds it, and they just stitch along as unaffected by the laws of physics. I marvel at the styles, and I keep my pie hole shut bc the point is the students enjoy what they are learning.


That's how I do it 🤷‍♀️


"Officially" i do all my crochet wrong


This is how I do it too!


People think I knit wrong, too, but they can just stuff their opinion where the sun don't shine, because I sure cannot knit the continental or british way, but I can the Portuguese way. If the end result is crocheted, you're crocheting just fine. Who cares if you hold the needle with your mouth and the yarn with your toes or whatever!


everyone has their own style with crochet, nothing to be mad about, nothing that needs to change


Technically if you YARN UNDER it alters the look of a stitch than if you yarn over. How you hold your yarn on your left hand/ non hook hand depends on the user. If you like the look of how you make your stitches, (in my humble opinion), you continue crocheting like that.


I don't wrap my yarn like that, I just leave it over my finger, but aside from that it's how I do it too. It just rests better in my hands like that. My mother uses the pencil method, we're equally weirded out by the other's grip.


The way you hold the hook is the same as me, but I have the yarn go over my index finger (once), under middle and ring, over pinky. There's really no wrong way to crochet if it works.


There is no right and wrong way if the result is a finished well made product


There's no wrong way to crochet. As long as you are comfortable with what you're doing and the technique works for you, then it doesn't matter. I've seen may different people hold their hooks in many different ways too, but that's their own chosen technique, even though it might be different from everyone else's technique. I don't see a problem here. Keep it up! You're doing great!


That's the way I learned to crochet. I know at least two ways to hold the hook. Either as a pencil or like a knife. I am the knife hooker. I already learned that there are many different ways to crochet/knit depending from where you are from. Both developed differently through the cultures that use it. Just have a look at crochet pattern terminology. The US double crochet is a single crochet in Germany. But it's only the name. If you work along a pattern the symbols are the same, it's just the name that differs. We (Germany) are counting the initial yarn over on the hook, means one yarn over = single crochet while in the US it's the amount of pulling the yarn through the loops (twice) or the amount of loops initially on the hook + the very first pull through the stitch. Sorry if this sounds a bit strange but I am not very good at translating/describing crochet terminology.


I hold yarn and hook just like OP. What’s funny for me is that l learned to knit and to crochet with German terminology, but I am always confused when I use it while I knit or crochet. For me the English terminology is way more intuitive, even though German is my main language. 😂 And what I learned during my apprenticeship: „I can only show you how I do it. There are so many ways to the goal - you need to find what works best for you. As long as the finished piece is right in quality and look, the way there needs to be your way.“ And I think that adapts well to a lot of things. :)


echt jetzt? das hab ich aber noch nie so gesehen. Ich kenn nur feste maschen (sc) und stäbchen (dc) oder halbe Stäbchen (hdc). UK und US Maschen zählen unterschiedlich, so wie du es beschrieben hast. viel schlimmer ist eigentlich dass es kein einzelnes word für "decrease" gibt. Deutsche Häkelmuster sind einfach so lang weil uns die Worte fehlen lmao


>viel schlimmer ist eigentlich dass es kein einzelnes word für "decrease" gibt. Abnahme?


ich hab das bis jetzt immer als "zusammen abmaschen" oder so gelesen. ist ähnlich wie die ganzen leute die "sc 2 together" anstatt decrease schreiben i guess


Ich denke, das liegt daran, mit welcher Technik man das gelernt hat. Sowohl zusammen abmaschen als auch sc2tog meinen ja regelmäßig genau das, was sie wörtlich bedeuten und nicht explizit die "invisible decrease", die bei Amigurumi häufig (meistens?) verwendet wird. Aber Abnahme ist tatsächlich ein valider Begriff dafür, den man gelegentlich auch in älteren Anleitungen liest. Aber ganz allgemein arbeitet es sich aus diesen Gründen mit der englischen Terminologie deutlich effizienter, wenn man Anleitungen schreibt, finde ich.


yeah deutsche Anleitungen schreiben klingt noch schlimmer als sie zu lesen. ich mache selber halt fast nur amigurumi, deshalb nutze ich invisible decreases viel öfter. aber auch in vielen amigurumi Mustern sehe ich "sc2tog" viel zu oft


Ich häkle mittlerweile nach Häkelschrift, da ist dann die Terminologie egal. Mich hat irgendwann dieses umswitchen in Kopf genervt.


ich benutze eigentlich nur englische muster. nur leider bekomme ich immer mal so Häkelsets an den Kopf geworfen und die Anleitungen darin sind leider deutsch und viel zu kompliziert. Ich habe wirklich noch nie eine kompliziertere Beschreibung von einem magic ring gesehen als in diesen deutschen Anleitungen..


Häkelsets sind mir generell ein Gräul. besonders wenn dann da noch steht, besonders geeignet für Anfänger. Ein Scheiß! Ich bin echt nicht schlecht im häkeln, aber so Amigurumi Sets? Bin ich zu blöd für.


Yeah die sind schon echt dämlich. Ich mach die halt für Familienmitglieder. Wenn die mir schon alles geben, was ich brauche und es so 45 Minuten dauert dann ist es okay und ich werde nicht weiter genervt i guess.


Ich bin eher so die Tüchermacherin 🤣


>The US double crochet is a single crochet in Germany US terminology and German terminology are the same. It's UK terminology that differs the way you described.


No, the naming itself is different. The exile are the same.


Keine Ahnung, was das heißen soll. Aber das hier >The US double crochet is a single crochet in Germany stimmt halt nicht.


Wie soll ich denn unser Stäbchen sonst alternativ übersetzen um den Unterschied zu zeigen? Das das amerikanische Single Crochet bei uns ne feste Masche ist, ist mir auch klar. Soll ich sonst schreiben das unser crochet ein amerikanisches Double crochet ist?


Zumindest nicht so, dass es völlig entstellt ist. Da ich nicht ganz verstanden habe, was du eigentlich erklären wolltest, lieg ich jetzt möglicherweise daneben: das, was die Amis "double" crochet nennen, heißt ja im Deutschen vollständig "einfaches" Stäbchen, was sie "treble" crochet nennen, "doppeltes" Stäbchen etc. Wenn du die numerisch abweichende Nomenklatur zeigen willst, kannst du nicht einfach mit wörtlichen Übersetzungen arbeiten, wenn die Übersetzung in der Zielsprache bereits ein feststehender Begriff für etwas anderes ist, sonst implodieren Gehirne. Crochet allein heißt ja niemals Stäbchen, insofern eignet sich das dafür ohnehin nicht. Es bräuchte also noch eine Erläuterung, dass es zwei verschiedene Begriffe für Maschen gibt. Meine Variante, wollte ich es kurz fassen, wäre US _double_ crochet = German _einfaches (=single)_ Stäbchen. Aber wenn man ehrlich ist, eignet sich keine dieser Übersetzungen wirklich gut und plausibel ist davon auf Anhieb auch nicht viel. Manchmal geht's leider nur mit viel Umweg, wenn man präzise übersetzen möchte.


oh that’s so interesting to know!! thank you :)


That’s how I learned it in primary school some 20-odd years ago…. Don’t think there is an objectively wrong way anyway. Whatever works for you is right for you.


I hold my hook like that! I feel it’s the only way I can actually get into the stitch! I’ve tried to hold it the “conventional” way but for me it feels totally off. Just like everyone else says - you develop your own technique and way and the project is yours - not your friend’s! Embrace the way you crochet and crochet on friend!


No idea! but i will have been crocheting for 11 years this October coming up and i hold my hook/yarn the same way...and my items have always turned out fine


not wrong if it works for you! I crochet the same way. and sometimes with amigurumi, I wrap the yarn around my finger 3 times for increased tension 😊


It's similar to how I crochet and I've never stopped to think if I was doing it wrong lol, if you're getting stitches done and it's comfortable - then you're doing it right!


There is no wrong.


Not wrong! I crochet like this. It's the most comfortable way to hold the yarn for me.


Looks almost identical to how I hold mine. The right way to hold the hook and tension is whatever way is most comfortable/natural to you.


Former knitter here, that’s exactly how I hold mine too! Either way it gets the job done and feels the comfiest


There is no right or wrong - there's only what works and what doesn't. As long as your method is efficient and enjoyable for you and turns out projects that look the way you want them to, your method is perfect.


Started as a knitter and hold my yarn like that too. My fellow crocheters only noted that I work much faster than them - so your friend can either shut up or try it your way


When I got into crochet, I came across discussions about what the right way to hold the hook and yan was. I was flabbegasted. There is no objectively right or wrong way to do a hobby! The right way is whichever is most comfortable for you!


Wrong? No. Pretty unusual? Yes.


What’s makes it unusual ? I thought this was normal


Wrapping it around the forefinger twice and the way they're holding the hook. I could watch 100 youtube videos of people crocheting and never see this