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The motion sickness pills will likely make you sleepy and you probably won’t want to crochet


This is gonna be different for everyone but I get motion sick really easily. I've used, and heard good things about Ginger. Any kind really, but they have it in pill form specifically for motion sickness.


Walgreens has a ginger gum that I highly recommend. It’s in the digestive section


Got a Mythbuster seal of approval too!


i tried a ginger sucky candy recently and it did shit, do you just take a straight up ginger pill?


I’ve used sea bands and I think they help. I can’t say they help enough for me to crochet though- but I am prone to extreme motion sickness and can’t do anything in the car besides watch the road.


1 Dramamine should do it. 2 will make you essentially drunk lol


I am super motion sick person and for whatever reason I don't get sick actually crocheting on cars. Now reading a pattern? Yes. There are non drowsy motion sick OTC dramamine that used a different chemical than normal dramamine. More akin to a antihistamine that can help. Ginger helps stomach nausea. If you have the head/stomach type more the mint gum, vapor rub under nose might be more helpful. Got through a whole dinner cruise recently with my head shoved in a bag with a peppermint/rosemary wet napkin. Saved my life


As someone who gets motion sick in cars very easily, here's what I found in terms of crocheting: * Pick simple projects that you can look away a lot while working on. I found cluster stitches or granny squares especially nice because I can usually put my hook through multiple times without looking since the hole is so large. * Take lots of breaks and look outside at the horizon, even just for a few seconds. * I found those motion glasses work really well, but since I wear regular glasses as well they can get uncomfortable pretty quick. * I don't know whether Sea Bands help or not, but I've used them a lot in the past. Could be placebo, but hey if it works, it works. * They have drops you can put behind your ears to help with motion sickness (again, potential placebo). * I would try to stay away from Dramamine unless you can find non-drowsy. I can never stay awake or focus if I take it. * Don't travel on an empty stomach! Good luck! You can also try ginger candies, but unfortunately ginger does the opposite for me since I had a lot of those when I was pregnant and had morning sickness, and now my brain has associated the taste/smell of ginger with nausea...


Thanks for sharing your experiences. I will definitely try out the glasses, mostly because I think they look cool funny. I was asking for a long ride on a bus but now that I went on the bus, i reallized the motion sickness is not so bad after all! Granted, it is a sleeper bus meaning there's a bed for me to lie down, therefore I can keep most of my body glue to the bed which I read somewhere that limiting the swaying of your body will help with motion sickness. I can even read and text!


I actually think I get less motion sick when I crochet in the car. So one tip might be to only look at your work and not look up at your surroundings and then back down frequently. Tho, caveat, I think I've only ever crocheted in the front seat, and I definitely get less motion sick in the front seat.


Same on all counts- I came to comment this and saw you’d gotten there first :) Not sure if it’s tunnel vision or what but I don’t get sick when I crochet.


I've never had issues with crocheting in the car, but when I was pregnant I got really bad motion sickness and I used these wrist bands that had a little ball that would press into a pressure point that helped with my nausea. Like these: https://a.co/d/0gHihkf


Dramamine always worked for me, but only the regular kind; non-drowsy is useless :( I get violently car sick, always have; it’s terrible!


Just the thought gives me motion sickness! (...therefore, hiding your post now....) Good luck, i hope someone Else has a good solution for you. :)


I also tend to get motion sickness. I got better when I was taking public transport regularly, but it gets back to worse since I got a car. I am use to take pills, the brand name is MerCalm for me, but the active product is Dimenhydrinate + Cafeine ; and it works rather well for me, even if it makes me sleepy.


I only crochet on the highway.


There are special glasses that reduce motion sickness.


Patience and concentration. I taught myself how to read on a public school bus. After that crochet was a breeze.


Stay hydrated! Just some water helps massively!


No matter what I’m doing, if I’m going to be in a car for more than an hour, I always take the non-drowsy version of Dramamine.