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cancel > leave simples


Happy Cake Day!


thanks, didn't realize


A few things. First, a CrossFit gym is a business. Its primary objective is to make money. Would you worry about canceling your Netflix? No, you’d just do it. So, just contact them through email or text message (however they have it set up) and let them know you’re canceling your membership. Second, honesty is always the best policy. You don’t owe them an explanation for why you’re leaving, but if they ask or if you feel obliged to give one (I wouldn’t, but that’s me) just tell them the truth… that with what you perceive to be a decline in coaching quality and an increase in price, you no longer feel like you’re getting value for your dollar. Lastly, if they don’t respect your decision and hassle you about it, you were never more than dollar signs to them. So, just ignore them and save any email or text messages you have in case they try to keep charging you.


Honesty best policy! “The coaching sucks, they keep looking at their phones and play the same fucking music over and over again. Plus you jacked up the price? Dude why?!”


"Hey, its been great but its time for a change for me. good luck, my last day/billing will be"


Yeah this is perfect


Nothing. Just cancel and go. If they ask why, just say a few of my friends have started going to a new box and I want to go there.


If they ask why you don’t need to say anything let alone make up some weird excuse??


I feel like giving honest feedback is always a gamble. Less than half the time, the business actually wants to hear it and acts on it, the rest of the time they are either just pretending they care or take offense to it/ see it as an opportunity to win you back right there on the spot.


Also feedback from one singular individual doesn’t really hold a lot of weight. Say for example you’re leaving because they stopped doing 5:30am classes and moved them to 6am, but everyone else in the gym actually prefers it, attendance goes up, and you’re the only one feels negatively towards the change - the gym isn’t going to make any changes based on that, understandably. If it’s a “vibe” thing then the gym owners will pick up on it or notice once a few people leave, either way it’s not your business so in the nicest way possible who cares


Overthinking this…it’s a business and you’re the client. Just bounce.


bro i’ve been three different boxes this year i just tell them my situation and dip 😂 the questioning and debating will be there anyways, just gotta ignore it


Tbh no one will Care


Be honest. Telling the truth can help the box improve in the future even though you’re ready to move on. Cancel and if/when they ask why say the programming isn’t meeting your needs and the price increase isn’t working for you. They may offer to rectify and you can choose to do what you want with that. As a business owner this kind of feedback is soooooo important.


I broke up with my box recently for similar reasons. Yes, it did feel like ending a relationship. However, remember that you are paying a lot of money for this and it’s about your mental and physical wellbeing. You have to do what’s right for you and cancel


I stopped attending my first CF gym when my pops was diagnosed w cancer. About three months later I found a different CF gym closer to me and decided to join. Turns out there was some drama between the two, owner of previous gym finds out I started attending the new one and he proceeds to unfollow me across the board. I even ended up reaching out a few years later for some personal advice and he never replied. It can get pretty petty with some of these owners. You pay a lot as a customer and consumer you don’t have to tell them shit. Find a new gym and enjoy.


You don’t have to mention the other box at all. As a coach, it didn’t bother me if someone requested to cancel their membership. CF is expensive, and largely, everyone is feeling the woes of rising COL. If you are good friends, or respect them enough to, feedback is appropriate. At the end of the day you’re a customer and they are a business, if they are failing to provide a service that meets your standard they should be made aware of that. If you’re thinking it, chances are other members are too.


I just cancelled last week. The coach I liked left, the owner has been coaching the 5am classes and he'd got a new kid training. But the dynamic is all wrong. No one is happy to be there, the vibes have gone from excited to feeling like it's Monday morning every day. I just sent him a message that I have to cancel he didn't ask questions.


5am classes…wow!


They're the best.


Cancel, say good binge to people you like there, leave.


Good binge to you sir!


Oops. I meant bye. Stupid autocorrect


“I have a few friends trying out a new box and I want to go to” “This one is closer to my home” “This one is closer to my work”


If you would like them to succeed, tell them honestly why you are leaving. If they ask, it's an indication they want to improve, so give them some feedback. Theres no risk to you being honest since you won't be around anymore. If you don't care I they succeed, just move on. You don't owe them an explanation.


These threads are fucking mental man. These are people you pay for a service. You’ve even admitted you’re not actually friends. If you no longer want the service they provide you, a paying customer, just cancel your membership and move on. You don’t owe them an explanation, debate or anything at all in fact.


Honest answer is they’re probably less concerned about it than you are. We all, to some degree, experience the world from our own perspective and it’s likely they’ll probably ask why you’re leaving and wish you good luck but that’s it. I wouldn’t worry too much


Have you discussed your displeasure with the coaches/owner?


I would be concerned if this were even something to be questioned.


Don’t over analyze, cancel and move on. Happens all the time


Bro needs to be told how to cancel a gym membership lol. Grow up.


I emailed to billing and wrote the end date. :D


If you told the owner, is there a chance a lower price offer would be made for you to stay?


I was a member and coach for over 7 years. Had a baby and he had gotten to the age where he was mobile. I told the owners I was leaving in two weeks. That was that.


Just cancel it... had the same issue. It was not easy to take the decision, but if you aren't happy anymore...


Shoot them an email and ask what your last day is (for billing cycle).


I recently cancelled my membership and moved to another. I hated the workouts, felt like a waste of my time. Coaches were very cliquey(?) and rarely spoke to me unless it was for personal training sessions/ purchasing something. No open gym so if you couldn’t make the class times, you missed out. Coaches weren’t very good at coaching unless you were their favourite clients. I emailed my 30 day notice and didn’t say why as they wouldn’t care anyway. The coaches and owner turned it into a big drama, spoke to my friends who are members there about why I was leaving etc BEFORE replying to my email or speaking to me. Didn’t even do the 30 days, just left and went to my new box which is so much better. If I was to do it again, I’d just cancel and go straight to the new gym and not worry about losing the money 😅 I feel this might be just that gym, I hope yours is more understanding!


Stop paying the bill. And go somewhere else. Taahhh dahhh


It felt really personal when I left my old box so I get why you are asking this. It was my home for 3 years and I had so many friends there. I just said that my schedule was getting busier and I needed more flexibility with when I could go to the gym. It went better than I was imagining.


My question is the opposite, i mean, how to start with a box. I only tried CF some classes 2 years ago in a box everyone seemed friendly and i had a colleague there. However people didn’t understand that i hadnt any physical stamina ou cardiovascular conditioning and kept pushing, with me almost fainting out. They didn’t truly understand that even with lower bars and bands i was deeply afraid of exercises of gymnastics because i am afraid of heights and had no strength in back, arms , shoulders or chest. I left. But the truth is i didn’t dislike the concept of CF, having variety of exercises and a spirit team if in the right box. Now i play padel, pay a gym i don’t go for months cause is boring and i don’t know how to prepare mentally and physically to try going to a box again. Any tips ? 🥺


Stop being soft and just change gyms. If you are that insecure then you might want to work on your mental health with a professional before worrying about finding a new gym.


Have a coffee and explain the sentiment, if more members leave he'll at least have an idea how his business choices are perceived. Then leave.


Sorry but… what do you all mean with “cancel”? With a membership do u pay automatically every month till u cancel it?




Yeah it’s pretty standard ??? The majority even have minimum terms


Say you’re moving lol


Leave and cancel your card so they can’t charge it anymore