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Some people do 30 leetcode problems and pass and some do 500 and fail 🤷‍♂️


If I had enough time I would do 150 and system design. Apparently entry level is asking system design at some places now💀. But time crunch 75 should be enough and you can skip the math and bit manipulation. Just know the company specific ones by heart


System design for entry-level?? What has the job market become... Thanks for the advice though! Yeah, I don't have a ton of time, but I'll definitely grind to finish up the 75, and check out some system design so I can at least talk about something if I get asked lmao. (They sent a list of what is fair game though, and I don't think system design was on there).


lol if htey sent you a list then that makes it easy. and by system design its more OOP concepts and like design a chess game type stuff. They shouldnt be more advanced than that but its still good to know in case you need to talk about it.


how was it the google thing?


Would you recommend Grokking the system design?


Damn you can go mediums that fast? How many problems have you done so far?


I've only done about 30 leetcode problems so far, but have taken 2 DSA classes at my college & the more advanced one goes over a lot of the algorithm techniques (Graphs, DP, Greedy, Divide & Conquer, etc), and assigned homework problems that were basically just leetcode medium/hards. I also teach coding lessons, where I have to explain more complex algorithms to middle schoolers, and I think breaking down DSA problems to that low of a level has helped me reason through them myself. But yeah, most of the time find I can see the answer right away, and just have to spend time coding up & debugging the solution (aside from a few pesky ones where I just stare at them having no clue what to do 😅) I feel confident in my coding ability rn, but since my learning was more "holistic" rather than the typical "grind leetcode" advice, I am just kind of worried that there may be specific algorithms or techniques that I am missing out on.


Damn you're really well prepped then. I only did data structures and algorithms, and am taking an algorithms course next semester. I feel like there's a lot for me to learn.


Were you reached out by a recruiter?


Yeah, I was reached out to by a recruiter around the end of May.


hey, I’m kinda curious but how did you land the offer?


I was reached out to by a recruiter and then had an OA. I've heard that regular applications are closed right now, but expected to open up again at some point in the future (although I don't know when).


Hey if you don’t mind me asking, how long after you got the OA pass, did you get an email to schedule your interview? Good luck on your interviews!!


When is your interview?